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单词 local paper
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingˌlocal ˈpaper noun [countable]  1. TCNa newspaper that contains mainly local news 〔以刊载当地新闻为主的〕地方报纸 → national2. American EnglishTCN a newspaper that contains local, national, and international news 〔刊载本地、全国和国际新闻的〕地方报纸Examples from the Corpuslocal paper• It was a reporter from the local paper, inquiring why Jones had hung a pillowcase out her window.• They had done so well that the convent put photographs of the two girls in the local paper.• Wait till you see your picture with Petey in the local paper.• Down the block the neighborhood dead-ended in abandoned farmland that Mami read in the local paper the developers were negotiating to buy.• Perhaps the local paper will take photographs for a story and make copies available to you afterwards.ˌlocal ˈpaper nounChineseSyllable  a that contains newspaper Corpus mainly news local




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