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单词 Grains
1. There were grains of sand in her hair.
2. He planted the grains of rice in the soft, wet soil.
3. The analysis showed a few grains of arsenic in the solution.
4. The coffee was good, but thick with grains.
5. Grains are sold by the bushel.
6. Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains.
7. Store grains and cereals in a cool, dry place.
8. The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain.
9. China imports a large amount of grains from overseas.
10. She paused as she pounded the maize grains.
11. A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grains and certain kinds of vegetables.
12. The best - known grains are wheat, barley, oats, rye and maize.
13. It is a statement with a few grains of truth.
14. There were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.
15. Farm produce, including fruits and grains, was their principal export.
16. Other beans and grains fall somewhere in between.
17. Each weighed about 54 grains of gold.
18. Grains the size of a pinhead are ideal.
19. Grains, pasta and pulses offer unlimited scope.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. They are no bigger than grains of rice.
21. What color are the grains of sand?
22. She worked with domestic chicks, feeding on rice grains.
23. The smallest ilmenite grains, which have the highest concentration of hydrogen, are the hardest to liberate from other minerals.
24. Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 
25. Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains.
26. The turbulence in the water film around the sand grains caused by your footfalls triggers the fluorescence.
27. The chickens are raised on a diet of corn and other grains.
28. In addition to studies using the modal composition of a sediment, other provenance determinations can be made from individual quartz grains.
29. It takes more than a strip at the edge of a field to stop pollen grains from spreading round the countryside.
30. Even knowing this, I still feel very chauvinistic about some of our native grains.
1. There were grains of sand in her hair.
2. He planted the grains of rice in the soft, wet soil.
3. The coffee was good, but thick with grains.
4. The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain.
5. The best - known grains are wheat, barley, oats, rye and maize.
6. It is a statement with a few grains of truth.
31. A few grains of the tablet are left at the bottom of the glass.
32. Kalchu held a bowl of rice grains to catch some drops of blood.
33. Sandstone, for example, can hold very large volumes of groundwater because spaces are formed between the rock's rounded quartz grains.
34. Their universe hangs on a brush of skin, a few grains of desert sand, a single candle flame.
35. However, riboflavin is bright yellow, so the treated rice grains could clearly be seen in the final mix.
36. Whole food Try eating sunflower seeds instead of using the oil, whole pineapple instead of juice, whole grains rather than flower.
37. Sand Particle-shaped quartz, often mixed with fine grains of calcareous origin in Champagne.
38. Thus it may be seen that the only grains actually suspended in the air are the very fine ones.
39. Tracings of fabrics and grains can be quickly and accurately made at a range of magnifications.
40. But the ejection of grains by bombardment will not be even on a surface such as that shown in Fig. 1 1.2.
41. Faster films need larger grains of silver to form an image in less light.
42. It catapults grains of sand at passing ants in an attempt to knock them down into the pit and eat them.
43. As with conventionally grown grains, millers will accept samples with a 2 % admixture and moisture content of 14 %.
44. Husky grains dangled from the rice plants, so fragile and awkward they almost looked bashful.
45. Hicks walked toward the surf with his head down, to keep the blown grains from his eyes.
46. He examined small grains on the surface of water through a microscope.
47. The 1987 champion berry, a woodpecker, weighed in at 28 drams 4 grains; not a record breaker this time.
48. But soon they came peeking out again, and resumed their flickering little rushes as they investigated small grains of food matter.
49. By convention the geologist plots coarse grains to the left of the abscissa and fine to the right.
50. Minerals giving very low intensity emission, such as quartz grains(http://), required many minutes or even hours of exposure with fast films.
51. An army of beggars and lepers had turned out, each crouched behind a cloth heaped with rice grains and coins.
52. Ask the selected students to spread a few grains of rice on the surface of the plastic. 4.
53. It had reinforced her awareness of time racing by, running like grains of sand through your fingers.
54. The residual stress so created enables the bond to release the grains at predetermined stress levels.
55. The grains most easily mobilized are small but not as fine as dust.
56. They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
57. Considerable solution compaction between grains indicates that cementation did not take place until relatively late in the diagenetic history of the sediment.
58. One might as well try to measure how many grains of sand will be moved by a tidal wave.
59. Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.
60. All soya sauces provide invaluable seasoning to strict vegetarian diets that are based mainly on relatively bland grains.
61. He's wearing a garland of marigolds and carrying a bowl of yellow rice grains.
62. Our gross domestic product was literally heavy, for it was dominated by coal, steel, iron, and grains.
63. Achieving efficient liberation of the smallest grains requires crushing them to a very small particle size.
64. The farmers sweated to make sure that each grain of the planted rice produced many grains more.
65. On a size frequency histogram the size class in which the greatest percentage of grains is represented provides the modal class.
66. True, most of these beliefs contain grains of truth, but their omnipotent power does not survive close scrutiny.
67. Soldiers reached Saidpur district late last week and have since distributed hundreds of tonnes of paraffin, shelter and food grains.
68. Standing dumb and immobilized in Doyle's hands, Jinny felt the last grains of fight trickle out of her.
69. Normally, larger grains mean thicker layers of emulsion and coarser images.
70. If she insists on buying grains and pulses rather than ready-cooked dishes, she will pay ludicrously high prices for them.
71. It also is a great boon to vegetarians who can cook grains and dried beans in 12 minutes or less.
72. How might whole grains help? Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.
73. Distillation liberated the spirits from fermented grains and fruit juices, and in time ethyl alcohol was purified.
74. Joyce's family is numbered with the grains of sand in a thousand egg-timers.
75. The mineral to be most wary of is calcium, which can toughen some grains when used during cooking.
76. The grass diet of buffalo is supplemented with natural grains and sun-cured hay.
77. In 1986, 1942 million tonnes of food grains were produced to feed a world population of nearly 5 billion.
78. Pore spaces are the voids not filled by grains or matrix within a sediment.
79. A bird pecking at food grains could have known without learning what food looks like, or it could have learnt it.
79. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
80. This new species lives below the surface of the rock in the interstices of its sand grains.
81. The pearls were fat rice grains you wanted to bite.
82. The plants grow wild along the banks of the rivers and inlets and the grains are harvested from a boat.
83. Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph showing the distribution of the angular grains of alumina in Inceram.
84. There are 27.34 grains in one dram, 16 drams to one ounce and 16 ounces to one avoirdupois pound.
85. Then he straightened and dusted invisible grains of dirt from the knees of his coveralls.
86. This phenomenon has been utilized for dating sedimentary deposits of quartz grains.
87. It is located throughout the grains of minerals that contain traces of uranium and thorium, not on grain surfaces.
88. Scanning electron micrograph showing the distribution of the angular grains of alumina in Inceram.
89. A 50t / hour cleaner removes all the small grains from milling and malting samples.
90. Cretans who like their salt to run smoothly add a few grains of rice to absorb moisture.
91. These plant grains are heated under pressure till their water-content has turned to high-pressure steam.
92. In practice natural sediments are rarely composed of spherical grains, and most contain assemblages of many shapes.
93. Little grains of dry sand stuck to it, so I brushed them off.
94. They are small grains with a little wing attached on each side, which helps them spread by the wind.
95. You always end up with grains of sand in your food when you eat at the beach.
96. Then, without a word, he picked up the plate and tossed a stream of rice grains into the air.
97. Some economists feel deep disquiet at the use of food grains to produce motor spirit.
98. Specimens from unconsolidated gravels are not difficult to clean, any adherent sand grains being easily removed using a stout pin.
99. He took a brief draw then fingered tobacco grains from his lips.
100. It is due to the collisions between liquid particles and the grains.
101. Other grains present are rye and barley malt, which also contribute flavour.
102. The supplements are sprayed on to the surface of the rice grains.
103. When the mixture is ready, there will be no separate grains of cornstarch.
104. You can not put uncooked grains of rice in a bread dough and expect them to absorb enough moisture to soften.
105. Cook's notes Cous cous is flour coated grains of semolina, and makes an interesting change from rice or pasta.
106. When barley is harvested it is taken to a maltings where the grains are soaked in water to encourage germination.
107. The chicks pecked the conspicuous rice grains, which proves that they were eager to eat rice.
108. Coming unstuck: when boiling rice, stop the grains from sticking by adding a squeeze of lemon juice to the water.
109. I add a small clump of Java Moss and a few grains of Aquazorb, which helps to keep the water sweet.
110. The grains then soften at their points of con-tact and fuse together, a process called sintering.
111. But preliminary investigation by infrared spectroscopy of the lipids in the sorghum grains suggest the possibility of some cultivation.
112. The grains take on simple polygonal.
113. The aleurone grains of ungerminated seeds contain hydrolases.
114. Feed Grains: corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats.
115. In the flour mill, wheat grains are powdered.
116. Some vitamin B3 is also found in whole grains.
117. Soybeans are handled differently from cereal grains.
118. The grains are quite plump.
119. Pollen grains are rich in mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum.
120. Macrobiotics adhere to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains and beans.
121. The conjugated grains in PET chips are formed of TiO 2 congeries particles.
122. Whole grains like oatmeal and whole wheat bread are a must as well.
123. The diameter of sand, content of plastic clastic and development of coal measures play a role in decreasing pore and development of protogenic pore between grains during diagenetic compaction.
124. In young roots, medullas are absent and starch grains scatter in cortex parenchyma.
125. He took a swig at the aspirin and the sour grains stuck in his throat.
126. Some fraction of memory cells or transistors in a vertical microcircuit will happen to straddle a boundary between polysilicon grains and will possibly fail as a result.
127. BREADS, GRAINS AND PASTA: Look for day-old breads or visit a bread outlet.
128. The formation of the two kinds of the largest impurity centres, of different sizes in emulsion grains was investigated by a method based on development kinetics on a pure silver bromide emulsion.
129. Methods: Through epidemiologic investigation, classified grains were collected according to different grain drying modes.
130. Miscellaneous grains series are: yellow beans, black beans, Bean, bean, broad bean, and so on.
131. Little drops of water, grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean , And the pleasant land.
132. The basal granule of father was colubrine and there were less starch grains.
133. A new kind of batcher drip nozzle used for casting metal grains and its manufacturing process have researched.
134. Aleurone layer The outermost proteinrich layer of the endosperm of grass fruits ( e . g . cereal grains ) .
135. From white rice to cake flour, Americans have a soft spot for highly processed cereal grains.
136. Graininess: The character of a photographic image when, under normal viewing conditions, it appears to be made up of distinguishable particles, or grains.
137. For another , the interstellar grains miniscule -- only a few microns in size.
138. I recommend a diet that is low in meat, chicken, diary products, eggs and other protein-rich foods that acidify the blood, and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other seeds.
139. Founded in 1960, the U. S. Grains Council (USGC) is a private, non-profit corporation for developing export markets for U. S. barley, corn, grain sorghum and related products.
139. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
140. Fruitarian eats lots of fruit, with some nuts and grains or the products thereof.
141. Several grains of tsumoite was found in Hongling deposit accrete with bismuthinite and bismuth, which is the first founding of this mineral in vein type tungsten deposit.
142. The machining salver groupware holds and heats grains of corn and cracks them.
143. Ce - rhabdophane grains less than 10 μ m in diameter were discovered in goethite in incipient weathering sample.
144. The new model modifies the shear condition of deformation grains in polycrystal, in which the shears are partially free, so that the simulation could further approach the real cases.
145. In the liquidus nearby , the grains size becomes coarse with increasing of casting temperature.
146. The results show that gas hydrate occupies the porosity among rock grains and enhances the cementation quality of sediment, which results in the acoustic velocity of gas hydrate increasing.
147. During the development of nectariferous tissue, both the vacuole and starch grains changed regularly.
148. The fatigue lives of the test bar of fine grains are longer than that of coarse ones at room temperature.
149. As far as a group of identical magnetic grains is concerned the laboratory unblocking temperature is not necessarily equal to the blocking temperature associated with the magnetisation.
150. The aquatic, wormlike larva of the caddis fly, enclosed in a cylindrical case covered with grains of sand, fragments of shell, and other debris.
151. After being trial-produced, a model machine is equipped and operated for checking in a farm cottage for sunning grains and in a building operation field, and is praised by probation people.
152. It can be considered that the main reason for this occurrence is the carbide precipitation at boundaries of recrystallized martensite and ferrite grains.
153. Now the particles that make up everything about us are much smaller than grains of sand.
154. The rice resistance to fissuring is controlled by the physical characteristics and chemical composition of the grains.
155. The centrifugal pressure has an impact on the cast structure mainly because jt lowers the critical nucleation energy, raised the diffusion activation energy, which made the grains refined.
156. Pollen grains of 20 species of 5 subgenera in the genus Rhododendron L. were observed by scanning electron microscope(SEM). Most of them(16 species)were examined for the first time.
157. Myo-inositol is also found in fruits, beans, grains and nuts, although Bild said the finding does not necessarily explain why people who eat more of these foods have a lower risk of cancer in general.
158. The cheapness proteins, brewers dried grains and cotton seed cake as well as rapeseed cake, were used as foodstuff for Ctenopharyngodon idellus. It was compared with fish meal and bean cake.
159. The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground.
160. These results indicted that space environment could induce the changes of pollen grains of offspring of sweet pepper.
161. The shape irregularity of sand grains leads to eccentric distances in grains, and their variant positions when they begin to move results in the diversity of eccentric angle.
162. Sample aluminum wheels of automobiles and special vehicles by counter pressure casting, have a compact microstructure inner, with fine grains, without air holes, and with no loosen.
163. The interface separating two adjoining grains having different crystallographic orientations.
164. These cells are filled with starch grains as well as mostly one and sometimes 2 to many rhomboidal or square shaped protein crystalloids, but lipid is seldom seen.
165. The resultant grains tend also to be elongated along the direction of deformation.
166. Wild flooding is used to irrigate forage crops and sometimes small grains on uneven topography.
167. "They had wild sheep, wild grains that could be domesticated—and the people with the potential to do it, " Schmidt says.
168. The wheat supply concerns are spurring price increases for other grains too.
169. The fogged internal latent image grains are protected by mercapto development antifoggants.
170. A rapid method was built for the determination of sodium fluoroacetate in grains by capillary electrophoresis with high frequency conductivity detection (contactless conductivity detection).
171. We'd better economize on water, land power, raw material, grains, and other resources.
172. A boy eats grains of rice with his hands in his bed during breakfast at the Wings of Hope, a home for abandoned children with severe disabilities in Fermate, Haiti on March 5th, 2010.
173. To economize on runing runing water , earth, power, raw materials, grains and otic resources.
174. The regular shape of diamond grains is selected as the example. Areas of diamond abrasive grains are equivalent to regular hexagon.
175. ADM could appeal to Buffett because it excels at transporting and storing food and grains, "a very difficult business to replicate," says Brian M. Barish, president of Cambiar Investors in Denver.
176. Food sources of B :Yeast powder, egg yolk, meat, milk, soy, whole grains.
177. The loess plateau region is the birthplace of Chinese national culture and was once the early production area of grains and herds and the political center in our history.
178. Raining makes mainly flowering rate and fertilizing rate drop in a great extent, shading causes degradation of glume and increase of unfilled grains.
179. Cereal grains growing in the field are contaminated with a large number of fungus.
180. These consist of small grains of monocrystalline silicon. The cells consist of many small, shiny elements.
181. Indian authorities acknowledge less than half the grains processed through the PDS actually make it to the intended recipients.
182. The results indicated that the best medium was maize grains for cultivating conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora in batches.
183. Some YBCO grains with micron size were kept by controlling the peritectic reaction, which acted as seed crystals of epitaxial growth.
184. The results show that the transverse elongation of the bars produced by the modified forge and upset technique reaches 5% because of the interpenetrate grains and the fiber structures.
185. The big , empty and abortive pollen grains are abserred at the stage of uninuclear microspore.
186. The change in the pancreatic acini of the chicks might be result of selenium deficiertcy in the KDarea grains , which lead to decrease in glutathione peroxidase activity in the tissues of the chicks.
187. However, one type of horse manure from the horse, who feed chiefly on the distiller's grains (Type 2 horse manure) proved a good material for A. bisporus cultivation.
188. Sprouted seeds and grains add textural and narrative accent with this dish, you experience the lamb and its diet.
189. Dissolution gave secondary porosity and increased porosity, and it occurred mainly in feldspathic grains and carbonate cementation.
190. Piezoelectric material consists of a large number of ferroelectric grains ( crystallites ), which contain both piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity.
191. In the fusion zone, the columnar grains range in the direction of heat dissipation on one side of the joint and fine equiaxed grains on the other side.
192. Calcite cementation seens a possibility where lime grains or calcareous organisms are abundant.
193. The feed box inflow pulp, after the increment of PenShuiGuan gives the ore under the action of water, mineral grains are loose state into the slot for mining area.
194. A self-made directional solidification furnace was used to fabricate high purity aluminum(HPA) ingots, and the morphology of grains was studied.
195. The granularity of sol grains synthesized by the method can be changed from 5 nanometers to 500 nanometers through the parameter of ultrasound timing sequence.
196. We must screen the sand grains out of the silver sand.
197. From white rice cake flour, Americans have a soft spot for highly processed cereal grains.
198. The rapid and accurate nondestructive moisture test of a small amount of samples is a key technique to be solved in grains industries.
199. Crystal grains of castings by aluminum mold are less than that of castings by iron permanent mold, and mechanical properties are obviously improved.
200. Seven years ago, Anna Quigg was surprised to learn that she has celiac disease. She says gluten-free products are much easier to find these days. She buys teff and other whole grains.
201. Then, scalable grain tasks are hierarchically scheduled to generate various parallelization plans of different grains by successive refinement.
202. Whole grains are rich in fiber, thiamin, nicacin, riboflavin, folate, iron, magnesium, and selenium.
203. Ultra - fine grains of 1060 commercially pure aluminums were fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding ( ARB ) technique.
204. As whole wheat and whole grain flours are made from the intact grains, we digest whole grain breads more slowly and feel full longer, and don't experience a blood-sugar freakout.
205. The cardium sandstone is lithic, being composed of grains of chert, quartz, quartzite, silicified argillite , and other rock fragments.
206. When abrasive grains impacted on the work piece surface, the top layer atomics are removed, plastic deformation appears at the same time.
207. Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.
208. Phenylalanine from beets, almonds, eggs, meat, and grains goes into making the neurotransmitter dopamine.
209. Dilatancy and volume expansive force are caused by the breaking of rock grains.
210. Both simple and compound starch grains were discovered in the corm.
211. The granular carbon carrier for catalyst through the said modifying process can reduce the diameter of the supported noble metal grains from 4.8 nm to 2.5 nm and raise the catalyst activity greatly.
212. They also contain a lot of cosmic crud, mostly in the form of dust-sized grains.
213. Brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, and barley are other examples of whole grains that are eaten on their own.
214. They have a physiological role in the root cap and elsewhere, where the starch grains act as statoliths.
215. "We propose that rice expressing the enzyme will volatilize arsenic, producing rice grains with reduced arsenic content, " Rosen says.
216. The composition of diet of two Hylobates leucogenys was measured with 52.63% of it being cereal grains.
217. She swept up the grains of wheat that had spilled on the ground.
218. when restaurants, families and markets travel to the far south of Beijing to get their supplies from what appears to be a self-sustained city filled with produce, fruit(), meats and grains.
219. Good sources of protein are fish, lean meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains, egg whites, low-fat milk, low-fat cheese and some vegetables.
220. A macrobiotic diet consists of organically grown grains and vegetables.
221. The bulge-toothed mill can coarsely mill the corn grains into 4-6 segments to dissociate the plumule of the corn.
222. The optical transmittance decreases with the grain and single grain mean specific area enhancing and mean free distance of grains adding.
223. A unit of apothecary weight, equal to 480 grains ( 31.10 grams ).
224. To economize on water, land power, raw materials, grains and other resources.
225. Grains containing detectable amounts of aflatoxin should therefore not be used for food or feed.
226. The diamond, SiC and graphite grains with isotopic anomaly of noble gas are separated from original residue of chondrites.
227. She says gluten-free products are much easier to find these days. She buys teff and other whole grains.
228. One will find that potatoes, pasta, rice and grains such as breads and cakes or polenta are good antidotes to an overly acidic system of the wrong kind of acid to support life.
229. The other micrographs have revealed the distribution of photolytic silver in the interior of the grains and in the undeformed solarization region.
230. We can imagine a seismic detector being bombarded by myriads of grains of sand.
231. Despite all of the quackery surrounding the diet, it's actually a very simple method of eating nutritious foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains,(/grains.html) combined with portion control and exercise.
232. Consumption of grains or seeds contaminated with the fruiting structure of this fungus, the ergot sclerotium, can cause ergotism in humans and other mammals.
233. There were grains of sand in the corners of his eye.
234. Most prepackaged alternative grains cook in 20 minutes or less and can be swapped for rice or noodles in pilafs, salads, and soups.
235. Also, look in your grain isle for new grains like orzo, quinoa, couscous, barley, alfalfa and others.
236. Grains must be aired in the sun before it can be stored.
237. The bouncing grains strike the ground, either bouncing into the air again or dislodge other grains.
238. It is thus more supersaturated precipitation carbides can happen in mostly of ferrite grains.
239. Transgranular fracture. Fracture of polycrystalline materials by crack propagation through the grains.
240. With the method of metal electroplating, a special coat that evenly mixes one or several infusible solid grains to the electroplating coating is called composite coating.
241. A lot of starch grains were accumulated in the chloroplasts of parenchymatous cells when the proto corms grew up and the starch grains were decomposed during the process of morphogenesis.
242. NIAMEY, Niger — Outside the state food warehouses here, womensift in the dirt for spilled grains of rice.
243. But for the most part, she saved money by eating lots of whole grains, beans, lentils,(sentence dictionary) peanut butter and fresh vegetables from the food co-op.
244. A certain risk is involved when cereal grains are maturing in the field on the stalk.
245. Statolith One of a number of large starch grains found in the statocytes, plant cells that are thought to be gravity sensitive.
246. Exotic grains such as amaranth, quinoa, teff, millet, and Kamut are going mainstream.
247. The crystal structure including phases, boundaries of grains and domains wasinvestigated by using high - resolution transmission electron microscope ( HRTEM ).
248. Instead every successful grain produces a stalk and a sheaf containing many more grains.
249. The blue color is caused not only by Rigel 's blue color but because the dust grains reflect blue light more efficiently than red.
250. The study deals with the determination of trace arsenic in the grains of zinc and tin by the iodimetry methods.




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