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单词 Confederate
1. The young woman was his confederate, of course.
2. The Confederate States perceive that they cannot carry all before them with a rush.
3. The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.
4. Confederate rose will mature into a large shrub or small tree.
5. Hancock and the Confederate General Armistead had been friends before the war.
6. The atmosphere on board the Confederate flagship, the ram Tennessee, was altogether different.
7. He was a gun-toting, pitchfork-brandishing, wall-building, Confederate flag-waving, black-hatted leader of an anti-establishment insurgency.
8. The Confederate soldiers joined the Federals in uncovering their heads during the ceremonies.
9. A Confederate flag waves in the breeze and a Rottweiler named Cocoa Puff stands guard on the front porch.
10. The Federals looking toward the Confederate lines got only a limited impression of pageantry.
11. Since last July, the Confederate battle flag no longer flies atop South Carolina's statehouse.
12. In early spring, 1861, the new Confederate government decided to force the issue.
13. The boy had evidently been sent over by Confederate officers anxious that we should see their heroism in print.
14. One family has a Confederate cavalryman among its forebears, the other is descended from slaves.
15. Other parts of the battlefield saw Confederate attacks nearly as fierce as this one.
16. Two more Confederate brigades came across the river, and the attempt was repeated.
17. Huge gaps were torn in the Confederate line at every discharge.
18. The Confederate flag means all these things to many whites in the South.
19. Both were his colleagues amongst the seven original confederate magnates.
20. Therefore, prohibiting the Confederate flag on the plates would not be a First Amendment infringement.
21. This hot work, however, had left the Confederate ranks badly fragmented.
22. At each round the Confederate artillerymen gave a shout, which seemed surprisingly near.
23. Reconditioned Royal Navy ships were turned into Confederate blockade runners by Clydeside arms dealers.
24. With many of their tents in Confederate hands, large numbers of Federal troops lay unprotected on the ground.
25. And this might have happened had success crowned an attempt to penetrate the Confederate works by means of a mine.
26. My general plan was now to concentrate all the force possible against the Confederate armies in the field.
27. The battle was now developing into a contest for possession of the plateau[], with Confederate reinforcements arriving and forming around Jackson.
28. This week Pat Buchanan must feel a lot like his great-grandfather, a Confederate soldier captured by Gen.
29. But McClellan was beginning to have nagging doubts about his ability to capture the Confederate capital.
30. Atlanta was a manufacturing center of vital importance to the Confederate war effort.
31. We know all we need to know about the Confederate battle flag.
32. He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
33. That night Confederate commander Pemberton called a council of war.
34. He led the Confederate army during the Civil War. 10.
35. The paper was found, wrapped around some cigars, on an abandoned Confederate campground.
36. At one spot the Federals succeeded in undermining the Confederate works in preparation to laying an explosive charge.
37. But history is against these reactionaries, and the South is gradually rising above Confederate nostalgia.
38. And thus the work went on, and many a Federal and Confederate bit the dust.
39. The concentration of the Confederate forces was now about complete, while the Federals still had substantial numbers on the way.
40. Men are more likely to be assessed on active behaviours like administration of electric shocks to an experimental confederate.
41. A smaller, lower battle flag will fly in front of the capitol, beside a monument to slain Confederate soldiers.
42. From this base, after suitable preparations, McClellan planned to renew his efforts against the Confederate capital.
43. I was wrong on the Confederate flag, abortion, the death penalty and Bill and Hillary no matter what I wrote.
44. Without apology, South Carolina still flies the Confederate flag from state buildings.
45. Earlier this year, Florida removed the Confederate flag from a display of several flags on the grounds of the state capitol.
46. From it, he drew a Confederate bill.
47. The great Confederate General, Stonewall Jackson, was dead.
48. They styled their nation'The Confederate States '.
49. Confederate army was a vast gray.
50. The defeated Confederate army lost 23, 231 soldiers.
51. Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces.
52. They were Confederate soldiers walking home.
53. So no confederate flag, no black jesus.
54. The thief was arrested, but his confederate escaped.
55. She would be unable to ask her confederate indoors.
56. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation emancipated slaves in the Confederate states.
57. This disk dates back to the Civil War[/confederate.html], when it was used by the Confederate side -- CSA stands for Confederate States of America.
58. The states that broke away were called The Confederate States of America. The states that remained were called the Union Forces.
59. D. The United States Confederate army came to settle in Canada.
60. According to her 1866 account, on July 4, 1861, a band of Union army soldiers saw the Confederate flag hung outside her home.
61. Many Federal opponents joined the confederate army during the Civil War.
62. Twenty thousand Confederate soldiers were killed, wounded, or listed as missing in the battle of Gettysburg.
63. They were organized as the Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis.
64. In the fall of 1865, Bowser gave an address in Brooklyn alluding to her infiltration of the Confederate White House during the war.
65. The legal framework of slavery would still exist in the former Confederate states as well as in the Union slave states that had been exempted from the proclamation.
66. The Confederate dead and wounded at New Hope Church ran high.
67. After two years of trying to persuade the local Scout council to abandon its widespread use of the Confederate battle flag, my letter to the National Office paid off.
68. After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg.
69. 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Chattanooga begins - Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga, Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops.
70. Belle conveyed those secrets to Confederate officers via her slave, Eliza Hopewell, who carried the messages in a hollowed-out watch case.
71. In the early years of the war, Confederate forces had moved through the valley to strike northern territory. They had invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania, and had threatened Washington, from there.
72. Robert E . Lee surrenders the Confederate forces Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.
73. Toward the end of the Civil War, the North established terms under which Confederate states would be readmitted to the Union.
74. The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual safety.
75. 1861 - The "Stars and Bars" is adopted as the flag of the Confederate States of America.
76. Is he bring the confederate flag, and a lst of the the 10000 teachers he fired with him.
77. Lincoln was actually excited at the possibility that the Confederate Army was invading Pennsylvania.
78. So they decided to lay a few stems for those men too, in recognition not of a fallen Confederate or a fallen Union soldier, but a fallen American.
79. Late in June, McDowell received orders: "March against the Confederate Army of General Pierre Beauregard."
80. Confederate President Jefferson Davis was worried. He knew the Confederate army was smaller than the Union army.
81. Appointed a rear admiral, he helped command the Confederate Navy in Virginia's James River.
82. Convinced that a vast Confederate army lay in wait for him, McClellan hesitated to march on Richmond, Virginia, the rebel capital.
83. Two days before Confederate President Jefferson Davis left for Richmond, Union troops invaded Virginia.
84. Grant wasted no time. He quickly sent troops to fight the Confederate force blocking the Tennessee River.
85. The war's first major campaign began in February 1862, when Union troops under Ulysses S. Grant captured Confederate forts in western Tennessee.
86. Confederate President Jefferson Davis began to believe that General Johnston was afraid to fight. He replaced him with another general.
87. The firefighters of Town Line, New York are known as the "Last of the Rebels", and sporting a Confederate flag on their uniforms.
88. In eleven days of fighting, one-third of the Confederate Army in Georgia was destroyed. The remaining force was too weak to defend Atlanta.
89. The Confederate flag is a controversial symbol of the American South.
90. While performing in Louisville, Kentucky, she was dared by Confederate officers to interrupt a show to toast Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy.
91. The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual security.
92. The southern states named themselves the “Confederate States of America” which survived until 1865 when Union troops finally took the capital, Richmond.
93. There were dissensions within the Confederate cabinet, disagreements between President Davis and his generals.
94. Confederate President Jefferson Davis fled south after the fall of his government. He hoped to get across the Mississippi River.
95. It is illegal to display a confederate flag on a courthouse.
96. Soldiers of the new Confederate States of America shelled the Union base at Fort Sumter, built on an island in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. They captured Fort Sumter after two days.
97. In South Carolina, where the Confederate Flag still flies, we built a powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans.
98. Perhaps it's still true, provided the Confederate soldier has bullets for his gun and shoes on his feet and food in his stomach.
99. As President, Lincoln faced the nation's biggest crisis by defeating the Confederate States in the Civil War.
100. A town of south-central Virginia east of Lynchburg. Confederate general Robert E.
101. Confederate President Jefferson Davis ordered his commander in Charleston, General [Pierre] Beauregard, to destroy the fort before the food could arrive.
102. On the night of 17 February 1864, the Confederate vessel rammed the Housatonic, the largest ship in the Union Navy, with an explosive torpedo.
103. " The name is'Lines on the Back of a Confederate Note(),'" he said.
104. After the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, both Union and Confederate soldiers used the "minnie" bullet (as they called it) in their muzzle-loading rifles.
105. On June 3, advance troops of the Confederate army left their camps near Fredericksburg and marched west toward the Shenandoah Valley.
106. In eighteen sixty-three, Union forces defeated Confederate forces in the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War -- the Battle of Gettysburg.
107. On April ninth, eighteen sixty-five, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses Grant. Within weeks, the Civil War would be over.
108. " Well, honey, where did all our Confederate gold go to?
109. Explain why the United States was able to subdue the Confederate States during the Civil War.
110. Caption :Presidential Pardon:In 1868, President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional amnesty to all those who fought on the side of the south, like these Confederate soldiers, in the US Civil War.
111. Confederate leaders ordered the attack after President Abraham Lincoln refused to withdraw the small force of American soldiers at Sumter. Food supplies at the fort were very low.
112. In 1868, President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional amnesty to all those who fought on the side of the south, like these Confederate soldiers, in the US Civil War.
113. Many times his sightings of Confederate troop movements prevented heavy losses to the Union forces.
114. At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army.
115. When Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Jackson accepted a commission as a colonel in the Confederate army and went off to war, never to return to Lexington alive.
116. The Confederate army's high command had charged him with the task of defending western Virginia from an invasion by Union troops.
116. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
117. The Confederate flag was lowered. And the United States flag was raised over the city.
118. The only Confederate power that remained was the army of General Robert E. Lee.
119. The Battle of Chancellorsville, fought from April 30 to May 6, 1863, is widely considered to be Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's greatest victory.
120. Long before before U-Boats or Red October, the Confederate States of America were fighting bloody battles against the North on foot, on horseback, and with at least one hand-powered submarine.
121. Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
122. On April twelfth, eighteen sixty-one, Confederate soldiers fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
123. Some Southerners, concerned about a government with such strong confiscatory power, were especially resistant to the Confederate tax, but the necessity of collecting revenue prevailed.
124. She knew that she should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army.
125. He told the Confederate government that McDowell was on the way. He asked that Johnston's ten thousand-man force in the Shenandoah Valley join him for battle.
126. The Confederate army withdrew south into the state of Georgia. Tennessee was completely in Union hands.
127. General Robert E. Lee did not agree. He believed slaves could be made into good soldiers if they believed they had an interest in Confederate victory.
128. Confederate General Robert E. Lee saw it as a sign of weakness in the northern war effort. He also saw it as an opening for a military victory.
129. In the American Civil War the Confederate state took the offensive.
130. A war between the Southern or Confederate States of America and the Northern or Union States.
131. As a young Confederate soldier, Rooster had joined in the 1863 Lawrence, Kan. , massacre.
132. A total of eleven southern states left the Union. They formed the Confederate States of America. They wanted to continue their economic system based on agriculture and slavery.
133. The day after the battle of Gettysburg, Union forces defeated Confederate forces at Vicksburg, Mississippi. This victory gave them control of the Mississippi River.
134. Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army, led by General Robert E. Lee, to invade the North.
135. Thirty thousand Confederate soldiers were now out of the war. Sixty thousand guns and one hundred seventy cannon were now in Union hands.
136. Businessmen and rich landowners had put their money in Confederate bonds, now completely worthless. Confederate war debts would never be paid.
137. Robert E. Lee's Confederate army was much smaller than Joe Hooker's Union army.
138. American general who led the Confederate armies in the American Civil War ( 1807 - 1870 ) .
139. During one Civil War campaign, Burnside unveiled a wily plan to dynamite a trench along which his men could safely advance into the middle of the Confederate camp.
140. He shifted from Gloryland to The Bonnie Blue Flag, a Confederate war song, which created a big stir—foot stamping, hand clapping and a few rebel yells.
141. Inflamed by the reports, the North resorted to harsher treatment of Confederate prisoners and at no place were conditions worse than at Rock Island.
142. 'sir,'said Mrs. Meade indignantly. " There are no deserters in the Confederate army. "
143. A total of eleven southern states left the Union. They formed the Confederate States of America.
144. The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks , whalebone stays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear.
145. Atlanta was one of the few remaining industrial cities of the Confederacy. The other goal was to destroy the Confederate army led by General Joe Johnston.
146. The city tried nearly 20 years ago to ban the display of the Confederate flag during a parade honoring Jackson.
146. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
147. The state also provided resources valuable to the Confederate cause.
148. A city of extreme northwest Georgia south of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Confederate troops led by Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces here on September 9-20, 8'3. Population, 2,232.
149. A few of the members of the Confederate Army pause for a moment, letting their hats hang on their muskets.
150. I remember a rally in Anniston, the county seat, remember a band playing "Dixie", and an undulating canopy of Confederate battle flags, a whole auditorium of Stars and Bars and fluttering red.
151. In the Battle of Mobile Bay (August 1864) Adm. David Farragut defeated a major Confederate flotilla and secured Union control of the area.
152. Everyone knew there had never been a cowardly Confederate soldier and they found this statement peculiarly irritating .
153. A Confederate cannon ball hit the iron side of the Monitor and bounced away. Union sailors cheered.
154. The government of the Confederacy would have to go with him or be captured. Confederate President Jefferson Davis gave the order to go.
155. Robert E . Lee surrenders the Confederate forces at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.
156. In 1867, former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became the first Grand Wizard of a newly formed organization called the Ku Klux Klan.
157. During the American Civil War, Confederate general Thomas Jackson won a number of battles against the Union forces.
158. Following Second Manassas, General Robert E. Lee advanced into Maryland, believing that the potential strategic and political gains justified his defiance of the avowed Confederate defensive policy.
159. When three slaves who had worked on rebel fortifications escaped to Butler's lines in May 1861, he declared them contraband of war and refused to return them to their Confederate owner.
160. Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America, was captured by Union soldiers at the end of the Civil War and indicted for treason in 1866.
161. And she had embroidered half a dozen sofa - pillow cases with the Confederate flag on them.
162. American Confederate general in the Civil War who was defeated in the Chattanooga Campaign ( 1863 ).
163. Grant called in his supply officer and ordered him to feed the Confederate army.
164. She operated from her father's hotel in Front Royal,[] Virginia and provided valuable information to Confederate general Stonewall Jackson in 1862.
165. The Federals fought against the Confederate soldier during the Civil War.
166. Confederate money had dropped alarmingly and the price of food and clothing had risen accordingly.
167. In it, sharing one coffin, lie a fiddler and a retarded boy killed by Teague 's Confederate Home Guard.
168. The origins of the Fourteenth Amendment, as a blueprint for the reconstruction of the Confederate states after the Civil War, informed its interpretation in the courts for many years.
169. In the early months of the war, Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, did not even have guns enough for the men in his army.




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