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单词 Disappointment
1. Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. 
2. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 
3. He could see the disappointment in her eyes.
4. He made no effort to hide his disappointment.
5. Her sense of disappointment was profound.
6. He was aware of sharp disappointment and betrayal.
7. She tried to dissemble her disappointment with a joke.
8. For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.
9. She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.
10. Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.
11. He felt a sharp stab of disappointment.
12. To our great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic.
13. Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.
14. To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.
15. You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
16. He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive.
17. In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.
18. There was disappointment for our trio of 200 metre runners, all of whom failed to reach the final.
19. Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.
20. Then disappointment sets in as they see the magic is no longer there.
21. He feigned disappointment. Secretly(), he was mightily relieved.
22. The movie was kind of a disappointment.
23. A terrible disappointment awaited them.
24. She was unable to hide her bitter disappointment .
25. She couldn't quite conceal the deep disappointment she felt.
26. She tried not to let her disappointment show.
27. To his disappointment, his plan has been killed off.
28. The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.
29. Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.
30. Everything happens for the best, my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you carry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment.
1. He could see the disappointment in her eyes.
2. He made no effort to hide his disappointment.
3. Her sense of disappointment was profound.
4. He was aware of sharp disappointment and betrayal.
5. She tried to dissemble her disappointment with a joke.
6. For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.
7. She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.
8. Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.
9. He felt a sharp stab of disappointment.
10. Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.
11. Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.
12. To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.
13. You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
14. He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive.
15. In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.
16. There was disappointment for our trio of 200 metre runners, all of whom failed to reach the final.
17. Then disappointment sets in as they see the magic is no longer there.
31. The party turned out to be a huge disappointment.
32. This is the first time she has experienced disappointment.
33. Losing the election was a sore disappointment.
34. The city proved to be something of a disappointment.
35. After months of disappointment, his perseverance was finally rewarded.
36. She struggled to bite back the tears of disappointment.
37. Book early to avoid disappointment.
38. It was an enormous disappointment.
39. As she waited, she steeled herself for disappointment.
40. For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.
41. She struggled to hide her disappointment.
42. She was too well bred to show her disappointment.
43. His voice betrayed his disappointment.
44. She wept bitter tears of disappointment.
45. At every turn I met with disappointment.
46. Her expression showed her disappointment.
47. She was still gloating over her rival's disappointment.
48. That new restaurant was a big disappointment.
49. The loss was a bitter disappointment.
50. Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.
51. The scheme was doomed to disappointment.
52. He took his disappointment like a trouper.
53. Their son has been a deep disappointment to them.
54. She bore the disappointment nobly.
55. He bit back his disappointment.
56. Disappointment hit her like a ton of bricks.
57. Campaigners have voiced disappointment over the government's decision.
58. He let his disappointment show.
59. His children are a disappointment to him.
60. His face clouded over in disappointment.
61. I was left with a sharp sense of disappointment.
62. Several people expressed disappointment at the delay.
63. Not getting the job was a terrible disappointment.
64. Failing the exam was a bitter disappointment to him.
65. This comes as a bit of a disappointment.
66. Her laugh covered her disappointment.
67. To my disappointment the bank bounced the cheque.
68. Her spirits remained up in spite of her disappointment.
69. I need to harden myself against disappointment.
70. I couldn't disguise my disappointment.
71. She felt she was a disappointment to her family.
72. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.
73. Failing the final exams was a bitter disappointment for me.
74. I'm afraid he's in for a bit of a disappointment.
75. He tried to alleviate their disappointment by inviting them in for tea and sympathy.
76. The statement was greeted with bitter disappointment by many of the other delegates.
77. His disappointment in the World Championships provided the necessary impetus to give everything for this final race.
78. If he failed, it would be a bitter disappointment to his parents.
79. I went to his talk with great interest, but to my disappointment, nothing very new came forth.
80. It was a big disappointment to us when she left.
81. I always felt I was a disappointment to my father.
82. To her disappointment, they didn't go through Oxford but skirted round it.
83. This news has come as a disappointment to local business leaders.
84. I'm afraid I've been rather a disappointment to my parents.
85. He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.
86. The disappointment was cruel.
87. The cancellation of the tour was a great disappointment for the many fans of the band.
88. Paul couldn't hide his disappointment at not being asked to the party.
89. The modern opera was a bit of a disappointment; we expected it to be much better.
90. I know you will share our disappointment at the lack of progress on this issue.
91. The non-appearance of the band at the concert was a big disappointment.
92. I'm afraid I was a sad disappointment to my mother.
93. His second disappointment came last year when he failed to get selected for the first team.
94. The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO.
95. The match ended in disappointment for the retiring captain, Viv Richards.
96. To avoid disappointment, we recommend you book your holiday early.
97. After every disappointment I just dust myself down and start again.
98. To Edward's disappointment, Gina never turned up at the party.
99. The team's performance has been a disappointment for the fans.
100. The year began so full of promise, and ended in disappointment.
101. 'So he won't come ...' her voice trailed off in disappointment.
102. She put her disappointment to the back of her mind and concentrated on Dana.
103. She tried to hide her disappointment at not getting the promotion.
104. He accepted disappointment and defeat with dignity.
105. Usually behind these is disillusionment and disappointment with oneself.
106. I could be a big disappointment to you.
107. The prompter the refusal, the less the disappointment. Publilius Syrus 
108. It took an effort to conceal her disappointment.
109. This thrust reflected his deepening disappointment with Western civilization.
110. It also it has brought disappointment and confusion.
111. Opportunity is a favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment. Ambrose Bierce 
112. I was a big disappointment to her all round.
113. The Giants have been a disappointment all season.
114. Tales of disappointment form the bedrock of Sage's story.
115. She'd had a big disappointment,(http:///disappointment.html) she told me.
116. It was a great disappointment to me.
117. Disposal of the birds would cause great disappointment.
118. Honderich's book is a great disappointment.
119. The news was a bitter disappointment to NASA employees.
120. The disappointment of manhood succeeds the delusion of youth. Benjamin Disraeli 
121. She gave a stifled cry of disappointment.
122. Much to my disappointment, the show has been canceled.
123. At this point he was overcome with bitter disappointment.
124. A sense of deep and profound disappointment.
125. But perhaps the biggest disappointment has been Jim Thome.
126. There was disappointment for Coronation Street fans.
127. Julie tried to smile, but her disappointment showed through.
128. The headmistress looked at the envelope in her hand with interested disappointment.
129. By the second year there was considerable disappointment that they had not developed the purchasing role as far as they had hoped.
130. I hoped the simplicity of our living accommodation was not going to be a horrible disappointment to him.
131. Industry observers say this came as a disappointment to Mr Chalayan, who had hoped to clinch a deal with Gucci himself.
132. Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. Ansel Adams 
133. There is no doubt that the outcome of that long campaign, the Act itself, was a bitter disappointment to working-class radicals.
134. So she wrote to the box number and suggested a date for a preliminary viewing to avoid disappointment or misunderstandings.
135. There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure.
136. However, many worrying concerns remain, and there will be disappointment that tougher and more imaginative measures were not adopted.
137. But to my disappointment Edward never turned up for me.
138. Fifthly, the disappointment at not returning home becomes another loss.
139. Several delegations, including that from Britain, expressed disappointment at the slowness of the progress.
140. Disappointment turned to disbelief among the 18,000 crowd packed into Edgbaston when they were told they would not get a refund.
141. Disappointment means that things haven't worked out the way you wanted! And now what to do? Very simple: Stand up and walk! Cut the tragedy because our limited time must always be used for the forward movements! Mehmet Murat ildan 
142. Record £9.5million striker Juan Pablo Angel only arrived after Christmas and has been a massive disappointment.
143. Advocates on both sides of the debate voiced some disappointment over the ruling.
144. But as if to allay our disappointment, teams of curious sea lions kept popping up near our kayaks.
145. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. Jim Rohn 
145. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
146. She is adamant about what she really really wants, and finds Selvon a limp and impotent disappointment.
147. It would have been a great disappointment if some one hadn't taken Don's place.
148. Except, of course, for the bitter disappointment of his day lilies.
149. Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. Kurt Vonnegut 
150. He expressed disappointment in the Clinton presidency, saying Bill Clinton had undercut minorities by backing off strong affirmative-action programs.
151. They circulated a joke that reflected both their disappointment with Soviet stinginess and their own destitution.
152. There would be sighs of disappointment at suppertime, and a chorus of polite regrets.
153. His disappointment at missing out added to the way the illness was making him feel.
154. That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition, contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere.
155. Their bitter disappointment with Netanyahu and his government was not primarily political.
156. They expressed strong disappointment at not being included but offered numerous suggestions for Rice to consider.
157. Then we were allowed to go, to the disappointment of the crowd.
158. Their biggest disappointment was the re-election of North Carolina Republican Sen.
159. Even in pure mathematics, he met with one bitter disappointment.
160. He seemed to be genuinely horrified at the prospect of causing embarrassment or disappointment or inconvenience to another person.
161. The news came as a deep disappointment to us all.
162. Self-pity is a totally contemptible vice and I have throughout many vicissitudes and much unmerited disappointment avoided it as a plague.
163. The 36-year-old blonde beauty was unable to hide her bitter disappointment at failing to win her libel action against the People.
164. The reality is often a disappointment that can not be discussed.
165. Yet the expedition was a complete disappointment for its organizers, who had hoped to conquer a fabulous El Dorado.
166. These efforts are mixed successes at best, but the experience is not disappointment for the reader.
167. McGee expressed disappointment at not being chosen for the job.
168. Those protests reflected popular desires for democracy, but Mr Gbagbo has proved a disappointment to those awaiting a new era.
169. The Secretary of State mentioned in his statement the disappointment that others might feel.
170. Both companies expressed disappointment at Cheney's decision and said that they would contest the cancellation.
171. The result was a bitter disappointment for Wimbledon who could have scored on three occasions in the first half.
172. He also cited his disappointment over a number of recent appointments made by the Prime Minister.
173. The pro-democracy rallies and protests at the rigged elections have led to government disappointment with the behaviour of the students.
174. But the sky, to the disappointment of the crews(), did not show first light as expected.
175. Among more radical monetarists and free marketeers there remains disappointment that the government had not done more to shift the middle ground.
175. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176. That decision, announced on 3 October, was a bitter disappointment.
177. But despite enthusiasm and hard work, disappointment and disillusion are the main reward.
178. It must have been a terrible disappointment to Rex Renfrow to think that he could never make it.
179. These commitments amount to considerable progress, which should offset some of the disappointment felt over debt relief.
180. This was a bitter disappointment to Oliver, but his new friends were still as kind to him as ever.
181. There was still the bitter disappointment of his failure to win the recognition he deserved.
182. In many cases this is due to great disappointment: if you can not enjoy yourself at Christmas when can you enjoy yourself?
183. He also expressed his disappointment at the lack of support from his colleagues in academic circles.
184. To his disappointment, Bessie and Edgebone were already sitting there enjoying the night air.
185. The result is that, when relationships break down, women's disappointment is often accompanied by extraordinary, uncomprehending bitterness.
186. Help had been so close - and the disappointment was all the greater for it.
187. Composites, which have attracted takeover speculation, were inclined to ease on disappointment that Pearl had been targeted.
188. I knew it would be a disappointment to Papa, and to Mama, too, and the heck with Uncle Haywood!
189. At first Jack Mulcahey had been a disappointment to the villagers.
190. My disappointment with the voting was that not one woman was elected to the National Assembly.
191. But they expressed disappointment that sales decisions failed to match the Government's rhetoric.
192. A low-performing organization that continues to devote scarce time and energy to the pursuit of remote goals is courting disappointment.
193. A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.
194. I felt a sharp stab of disappointment and was surprised and angry at myself.
195. The biggest disappointment so far is shooting guard Dion Cross(), who has been anything but.
196. This may involve dealing with depression, disappointment and many other feelings that have arisen since retirement.
197. Disappointment and frustration began to accumulate in criticism of Buxton as parliamentary leader of the cause.
198. The one single disappointment to Stanley during his recovery was his inability to read.
199. Jess felt such a deep sense of disappointment that she was startled by it.
200. A big disappointment for me was the fact that Ron wasn't there.
201. There had been deep disappointment in the Conservative Party with the results of their own reform of local government.
202. Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. Eric Hoffer 
203. The resuscitated patients often speak of a great sense of disappointment and loss on waking.
204. For much of the way he talked about his disappointment, going over the details of his discussions with Gorbachev.
205. I've been left out of previous games, so I just took the disappointment with me.
205. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
206. The proof of the pudding was in the eating: the modusvivendi turned out to be a great disappointment.
207. Home-baked pizza is often a disappointment because of one simple error: too much sauce.
208. Undoubtedly to the disappointment of the leakers, Inman came through the whole affair like a breath of fresh air.
209. There was universal enthusiasm among ministers and environmental groups in Bonn, tinged with slight disappointment at the reduced targets.
210. The continued process is often accentuated by disappointment in the other because of an earlier idealization.
211. Tom Anderson, however, used extreme disappointment to point out our mistakes.
212. Oh, it brings plenty of its own unique disappointment and despair, but nothing to solve the dilemma of today.
213. They still resent the deep disappointment that has followed attempts to imitate the West.
214. Atkinson believed that in order to avoid a similar disappointment with his new creation, he would have to leave the company.
215. Some of them were unable to hide their disappointment at being cheated out of the chance of facing the enemy.
216. Though Jackson was the first to congratulate the Olympic champion, the disappointment was written all over his face.
217. He is certainly a bitter disappointment to people in this country.
218. If Lee falls, it will be a personal disappointment for a talented and dedicated lawyer.
219. If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it, the more of life I shall have to wear it off. Thomas Jefferson 
220. After the drama of Pye's water wall, this is all a bitter disappointment and something of a disgrace.
221. She was surprised at the intensity of her disappointment at the prospect of missing Rob's party.
222. Suppression of feelings such as anger, disappointment, grief, anxiety, or even excitement, can lead them to binge.
223. The Kurd made a long noise in his throat which she presumed to indicate disappointment.
224. Inevitably, the result is disappointment and loss of confidence by those being served.
225. To your bitter disappointment your request to go to a meeting in another town is turned down. 7.
226. They were not prepared to use their disappointment as a stick with which to beat a fine athlete.
227. Bishop carefully watched as first bitter disappointment and then professional concern chased startled horror from the woman's face.
228. A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment. Douglas Adams 
229. Shares in both firms fell, reflecting disappointment that savings will not be higher.
230. The feeling of anger and hurt now gets added to the disappointment and frustration. 3.
231. A groan of disappointment came up from below.
232. A smile masked his disappointment.
233. They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment.
234. I wish you would stop crowing over his disappointment.
235. Disappointment raged in Flora Manhood.
236. Why must I suffer disappointment, sorrow,(http:///disappointment.html) and tribulation?
237. Suspense is irksome, disappointment , bitter, all the world has, some time or other.
238. To the disappointment of hardened punters, depravity was lacking . No gambling, as such, was allowed.
239. Perhaps this all change if they have an early playoff disappointment again.
240. What did hardship matter , privation, and disappointment , if he arrived at last?
241. He was never elated by applause , nor by censure or disappointment.
242. The timid and the fainthearted , and people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment.
243. You should go into a holding pattern until he gets over his disappointment.
244. He found himself completely unable to suppress a sense of disappointment, of letdown.
245. Disappointment, grief and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter.
246. However, despite the disappointment, Kuyt maintains the Reds players can justifiably be proud of their efforts.
247. I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection.
248. Her face grew momently darker , more dissatisfied and more sourly expressive of disappointment.
249. Disappointment queerly stirring her, she opened her eyes a trifle and ventured a peep at him.
250. But as investors digested the details, the disappointment was palpable.
251. The lack of enthusiasm for unification among most West Germans fills him with disappointment.
252. A puerile tear dimmed my eye while I looked a tear of disappointment and impatience.
253. The disappointment was as bitter as though he had really expected to find the cartridge.
254. An irresistible disappointment took possession of her, and she wept broken - heartedly.
255. Meanwhile , I've never heard such universal frustration and disappointment with Bryant permeating the Laker organization.
256. Andy's face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.
257. However, when I first psychologically from time to time, to my disappointment is irrefutable.




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