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单词 uphold
释义  Related topics: Lawup·hold /ʌpˈhəʊld $ -ˈhoʊld/ ●○○ verb (past tense and past participle upheld /-ˈheld/) [transitive]  1  OBEYto defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist 支持,维护〔法规、制度或原则〕 a committee that aims to uphold educational standards 旨在保持教育水准的委员会2  SCTSCLif a court upholds a decision made by another court, it states that the decision was correct 〔法庭〕维持〔原判〕 OPP overrule The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal. 上诉法庭维持原判。 —upholder noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusuphold• The rule of unanimity on most decisions was upheld.• In a surprisingly lopsided Senate vote in March, the bill was upheld.• On serious analysis, very few of these claims are upheld.• The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.• The decision was upheld by the US Supreme Court late last year.• A federal court has upheld legislative term limits in Maine.• Now, he is an avenger, dedicated to upholding Olympic values.• He said the suit will be amended to reflect the ruling upholding Proposition 209.• The court's decision upheld state laws prohibiting doctor-assisted suicide.• The Lords had initially upheld the interlocutory injunctions although the House subsequently refused to make the injunctions permanent.• I uphold the law of this realm - and the law states quite clearly that vagrants are rogues and vagabonds.• They want to uphold traditional family values.up·hold verbChineseSyllable  or a system, law, defend to Corpus support




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