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单词 Replicate
1 If the virus cannot replicate itself, it cannot cause illness.
2 Nothing has the capacity to replicate itself except DNA.
3 Chromosomes replicate before cells divide and multiply.
4 Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.
5 Computer viruses are small programs, they replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another program.
6 There is a need for further research to replicate these findings.
7 Other scientists were unable to replicate the experiment.
8 Do ideas replicate because of psychological needs?
9 The DNA must replicate completely, once and only once.
10 The study tried to replicate real-life situations.
11 Tropic Marin Tropic Marin's philosophy is to replicate sea water as closely as is technically possible.
12 What genes do is not simply replicate their nucleotide sequences exactly.
13 It can replicate because the specificity of base pairing ensures that the daughter molecules are identical to the original one.
14 Soon it will be like trying to replicate the Yellow Pages.
15 Can he replicate elaborate shapes or does he tend to make a mishmash?
16 This led them to replicate policies and strategies that were either outmoded or unworkable, and to achieve predictably unimpressive results.
17 Plasmid: circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms.
18 Why does it replicate just once, during the S phase, and only once?
19 The ability of DNA to replicate itself is a consequence of its unique structure.
20 These social relations are specifically class relations that replicate the domination of nature in the domination of one class by another.
21 Both of the new studies replicate the previously reported association between renal cancer and hypertension.
22 He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment.
23 Systems theory suggests that a closed loop of activity, left undisturbed, will replicate itself over and over.
24 So many of us on Earth desperately try to replicate the feelings without knowing the source.
25 But if licensing factors are present in the cytoplasm, why doesn't DNA replicate all the time?
26 Data are expressed as mean percentage of T cells binding from three replicate wells; lines represent standard errors.
27 I begin here, therefore,[] with a discussion of the relatively few reports of attempts to replicate and extend his findings.
28 This attracted a great deal of attention, although attempts to replicate the study have had mixed results.
29 Barclays has specialists on computer security, hacking and computer viruses - programmes which replicate themselves and can cause enormous damage.
30 However, activity is likely to increase elsewhere as developers with positive experiences in London seek to replicate them in other cities.
1 If the virus cannot replicate itself, it cannot cause illness.
31 Of course, there is no way that the United States could replicate the forced draft economy of those war years.
32 And because organisms replicate themselves, they could be far less expensive than chemical or mechanical methods.
33 Even failures to replicate are not very interesting to the journals; experiments with negative results therefore rarely get reported.
34 We have heat treatment facilities here that nobody else can replicate.
35 Turbulence is an essential catalyst in ecology, but it was not cheap to replicate in a man-made environment like Bio2.
36 Quantitative studies of many countries help in building general theories of politics since they allow other scholars to replicate their findings.
37 It is unwise for parents to replicate at home what does not work at school.
38 The owner of a sterile racehorse named Cigar said he would apply for permission to replicate the beast.
39 These are ideas that replicate because of psychological needs, not because of rational discussions.
40 The man the media call the Cavalier intends to replicate the tactics that won him regional election in April.
41 Some of these complexes form immensely complicated sequences of nucleic acids which begin to replicate themselves.
42 The ability to replicate represents both the greatest danger and the greatest potential benefit.
43 Cells can reproduce but only molecules can replicate.
44 The film director couldn't replicate his earlier success.
45 Subsequent experiments failed to replicate these findings.
46 The DNA of chromatin must replicate before cell division.
47 Sabin believed that live vaccines, which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease, best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection.
48 Our planetary methadone, Schneider said, may be geoengineering — or the attempt to replicate the effect Mount Pinatubo had on the climate in 1991.
49 KONE Lantern elevator: The KONE Lantern elevator was designed to replicate the effects of a Chinese lantern but with a Finnish twist.
50 The genes of viroid or defect-virus get into the animal cells together with virus and then replicate and function in the cell.
51 A domain controller cannot replicate information with itself. Select a different domain controller.
52 But be careful with this tactic; you do not want to replicate a table in an index by including all of the table's columns in the index key.
53 Researchers in Europe, such as Wouter Duyck, a professor at the University of Ghent in Belgium, are also working on similar studies to replicate the effect in other bilingual populations.
54 As the bugs, named Herminiimonas glaciei, awakened and began to replicate, colonies of very small purple-brown bacteria started to appear.
55 They do not replicate distributable Web applications to other nodes in the cluster.
56 John experiments with a designer drug being developed that hopes to replicate all the benefits of alcohol without the dangers.
57 After you run a consistency check, a check and repair, or a synchronization task on a replicate set,[Sentencedict] the status of the task and the results are displayed and updated on the Task Status page.
58 He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick.
59 The non-transactions sites are trying to replicate the unique product set without the costs.
60 Buck's black buffalo horn for example has been carved to replicate the natural grooves of Impala horn.
61 Basically, intrasite replication is designed to replicate changes quickly to DCs within the same site and is performed using change notification.
62 This is for a very simple "replicator" that has been shown in the lab not to replicate at all.
63 Teams at two experiments known as T2K in Japan and MINOS near Chicago in the US will now attempt to replicate the finding.
64 California redwood dwarfs members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, who are working to replicate the biggest and best of the species, the tallest living things. More Photos ?
65 But with DTR, you can also replicate sources between repositories in different locations.
66 HBV need a viral-coded reverse transcriptase to replicate because the virion DNA is synthesized from an RNA template, and have their DNA integrated into cellular DNA during replication.
67 In 2005, Apple introduced electronic receipts at its stylish retail stores. More mainstream retailers found the checkout system difficult to replicate.
68 Using the cdr swap command, swap the newly-created shadow replicate definition and the original master replicate definition.
69 A program or code segment written in the internal macro language of an application. Some macros replicate, while others infect documents.
70 ADM could appeal to Buffett because it excels at transporting and storing food and grains, "a very difficult business to replicate," says Brian M. Barish, president of Cambiar Investors in Denver.
71 The following problems are solved mostly:repeatedly spreading overlapping data, spreading unamended data, and how to spread and replicate MICR in parallel link.
72 Replicate information on more than one nonvolatile storage media with independent failure modes.
73 For example, if the base table is DPF partitioned, the design of the MQT should consider whether to replicate the MQT across the data partitions.
74 In this scenario, the master replicate definition needs to be created with the column name verification attribute turned off.
75 After you run a consistency check, a check and repair, or a synchronization task on a replicate, the status of the task and the results are displayed and updated on the Task Status page.
76 In comparison, oncolytic viruses can replicate and spread and theoretically can efficiently reach more tumor cells.
77 It is also easy to replicate, as the next subsection explains.
78 The operation is sent to replicate using store-and-forward techniques triggered from a database log file or database triggers.
79 When the lytic pathway is selected, the virus utilizes bacterial resources to replicate and then destroys the host cell, releasing new viruses that can infect other cells.
80 These primary mystics recruit disciples and attempt to teach them how to replicate their theophany.
81 This is because the smooth plates replicate the mirror-like echo reflection exhibited by bodies of water.
82 The experimenters tested whether they could replicate the slime gradient in other kinds of bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli.
83 Scientifically, asexuality has mostly been discussed in relation to plants, worms and other creatures that don’t need to have sex to replicate themselves.
84 They think they can replicate their performance using garden-variety financial products.
85 Adenoviruses engineered to contain the promoter for the enzyme that makes melanin, for instance, can also replicate in normal melanocytes, so on their own they might cause spots of depigmentation.
86 According to a statement,[sentencedict .com] the new neutron beam line will replicate the cosmic radiation affecting microchips from 100 years of flying time in the space of an hour.
87 The nail art party isn't ending any time soon and with all the DIY nail art products out there, it's even easier for at-home manicurists to replicate intricate designs.
88 If you place one of the assemblies that make up an application into the global assembly cache, you can no longer replicate or install the application by using XCOPY to copy the application directory.
89 So do you faithfully replicate the same work, or do you unfaithfully let the garden look after itself?
90 MOO seeks to replicate the price and yield performance of global agricultural business.
91 All domain controllers need to be able to replicate at least once during this period or they become worse than useless; they create an opportunity for USN rollback.
92 For most films, this would be achieved by using machine-controlled cameras, which can replicate the exact same movement for multiple takes.
93 Grace believes that if we could somehow replicate the extremely sensitive infrared sensors of the pit viper, it might be possible to detect very small temperature changes in parts of the human body.
94 In any case, it should be noted that epigraphy is an inexact science and that clever forgers have been able to replicate just about any style imaginable.
95 Normal human cells have a finite capacity to replicate and eventually enter a state of irreversible growth arrest. Immortalization may have a major impact in the future of medicine.
96 All they want to talk about is the next quarterly earnings statement or how to replicate some business model from the U. S.
97 More mainstream retailers found the checkout system difficult to replicate and, Ms. Miles said, worried that most shoppers were not quite ready for such a technological leap.
98 Conservationists hope to replicate the walking-wetlands concept throughout the flyway and around the world to help arrest declining shorebird populations.
99 A process by which chromosomes replicate without the division of the cell nucleus.
100 A process by which chromosomes replicate the division of the cell nucleus.
101 Varieties that did not replicate, or that did so inaccurately, would have become relatively less numerous.
102 However, you can now replicate the functionality of many popular macros with these new Macro Options.
103 Other AFS-type file systems are available, like the GPLed InterMezzo, but they do not replicate AFS command-line semantics or its architecture.
104 The idea behind the matching algorithms, Chris Coyne told me, is to replicate the experience you have off-line.
105 A disk subsystem that can capture a snapshot of your data in your primary data center and replicate it to your disaster data center.
106 Replicate when Notes ends: "Prompt to replicate when Notes shuts down" and "If outbox is not empty"
107 Samples from three independent groups of patients with neuroblastoma (a total of 720 patients) and 2128 control subjects were then genotyped to replicate significant associations.
108 Divergent results from replicate data entries may signify a program bug.
109 Provides automatic table generation on participants that do not already contain the table specified in the master replicate.
110 Adopting the riblet structure of sharkskin as a templet, two ways of micro-replication, replicated moulding and electroforming, were used to replicate the microstructure on the surface of a polymer.
111 In that sense anagrams replicate that experience because it's easier to solve them, or solve them more rapidly, lying down.
112 Provide automatic table generation on participants that do not already contain the table specified in the master replicate.
113 What's more, it seems that mucus could be trapping the virus, which is then expelled before it can replicate, says Thijs Kuiken of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands.
114 A California redwood dwarfs members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, who are working to replicate the biggest and best of the species, the tallest living things.
115 Syndicator objects are used as transport layers for the LWWCM engine to replicate data between servers.
116 I walk across the middle of the floor, trying to replicate the view of the doors,and then I seat myself near the coat room, so as to enter stage left.
117 His scientific results were published in the Himalayan Journal of Sciences and he is now in the Cordillera Blanca mountains in Peru where he will replicate Schneider's 1930 photos of glaciers.
118 "If I could replicate the ICE model from the old international petroleum exchange, I would do it tomorrow, today, or now," Arculli said.
119 The retail industry is eager to see if Wal-Mart, which has specialized in running stores three times the size of a U.S. football field, can replicate that success on a small scale.
120 Moreover, in order to enter a cell and replicate, a virus must bind to a receptor on its surface, and a plant virus would be highly unlikely to recognise a receptor on a human cell, says Garry.
121 Prof Eccles theorizes that the sick students had asymptomatic viruses that turned symptomatic when the chill constricted blood vessels in their nose, allowing the viruses to replicate.




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