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单词 wildly
释义 Word family  noun wild wildness adjective wild adverb wildly wild  wild·ly /ˈwaɪldli/ ●●○ adverb  1  in a very uncontrolled or excited way 失控地;激动地 The audience cheered wildly. 观众热烈欢呼。2  extremely 非常,极其 The band is wildly popular in Cuba. 这支乐队在古巴深受欢迎。 wildly inaccurate statements 离谱的说法Examples from the Corpuswildly• His body began to thrash wildly.• Her lips quivered wildly and she gestured behind her at nothing.• And now that they were alone, Matilda all of a sudden became wildly animated.• Estimates of the total cost vary wildly from $ 200 billion to $ 500 billion per year.• Tuition has not risen wildly, nor have student grades.• This is generally held to be wildly optimistic, and in some quarters, an impossible timescale.• Or maybe she was wildly wrong about both of them.wild·ly adverbChineseSyllable  in or Corpus a excited very way uncontrolled




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