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单词 Disappearing
(1) The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity.
(2) The ozone layer is disappearing over northern Europe.
(3) Staple goods are disappearing from the shops.
(4) Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
(5) These beautiful birds are fast disappearing.
(6) The old class system is slowly disappearing.
(7) She pondered the mystery of the disappearing thief.
(8) The rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.
(9) Those beautiful birds are fast disappearing.
(10) The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing.
(11) The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate.
(12) Wildlife is fast disappearing from our countryside.
(13) We saw the tail of the procession disappearing round the corner.
(14) Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.
(15) The world's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.
(16) Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.
(17) It's typical of Bob to do a disappearing act just when there's work to be done!
(18) Litchfield squatted down, disappearing behind his desk.
(19) At the same time, small operators have been disappearing.
(20) Mowry is rapidly disappearing into the hillsides.
(21) Banking is another area where jobs are disappearing.
(22) The Amazonian rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.
(23) Hold on to the farmland fast disappearing under subdivisions.
(24) Thousands of miles of rainforest are disappearing every year.
(25) These historic opportunities are fast disappearing for our community.
(26) Things have a habit of disappearing there.
(27) The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
(28) They ran all the way to the corner just in time to see the bus disappearing up the street.
(29) This is a way of life that is fast disappearing.
(30) Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the examinations, but such blatant discrimination is now disappearing.
(1) The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity.
(2) The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
(31) Happiness is your competitors disappearing in your rearview mirror.
(32) Agricultural open space is disappearing at an alarming rate.
(33) In fact he was in danger of disappearing completely.
(34) Boundaries and standards seem to be disappearing.
(35) Jobs are now disappearing at an alarming rate.
(36) But then she would recover her form, and off they went, disappearing into the distance and the dirt.
(37) A woman walked down the hall and into the sitting room, disappearing round the door towards the front of the house.
(38) All have some money, though in the case of Glamorgan it is disappearing fast.
(39) Travellers stripped of their possessions and disappearing into castle dungeons, never to be heard of again.
(40) A figure in black was just disappearing into the wood.
(41) Even those who oppose choice in principle are fast disappearing.
(42) The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming.
(43) Travis gave her appearance one long look before disappearing upstream the way she had come.
(44) She had seen Alfred disappearing with Beatrice Throgmorton and walked quickly back along the promenade.
(45) Jaq noted how wistfully Grimm regarded what he rated as gourmet ambrosia disappearing into the monster's maw remorselessly.
(46) He took one step, then another step,[] and began disappearing into the shadows of the warehouse.
(47) How do we solve the riddle of the disappearing marriage?
(48) So, since he is disappearing from sight, he has dyed his hair black, eyebrows, too.
(49) There is a theme running through the magazine of crushes on gorgeous men, and mysterious romances with strange disappearing boys.
(50) They are carrying out research to establish exactly why so many species of songbird are disappearing.
(51) Meanwhile, the blanket of winter snow was disappearing about a week earlier in 1991 than it was in the early 1980s.
(52) They were not as obliging as she was about disappearing before the weekly workshop.
(53) Maybe the DOS-based Personal Finance Planner will help us keep a closer eye on those disappearing thousands.
(54) BThe writer Stephen Dobyns once wrote a poem about Death disappearing for a time.
(55) The old pattern of family life, where everyone existed and acted under the family umbrella, is fast disappearing.
(56) James was found dead beside a railway line in Liverpool after disappearing from a shopping precinct in Bootle last month.
(57) Why do we need an All- Star Game now, when all the stars seem to be disappearing?
(58) I've pursued him down the disappearing paths of my own psyche.
(59) Today, though trapping still goes on, it is disappearing because there are not enough wild elephants to justify it.
(60) Half a dozen parrots cut a brilliant green streak across our bonnet before disappearing into the looming darkness ahead.
(61) Nigel of the clammy hands and Peter of the bow legs and disappearing chin?
(62) Anyway, he's taken to disappearing every morning at dawn and not returning until he's exhausted.
(63) Here there is a sheepfold with a stream disappearing into a fissure alongside its northern end.
(64) Eventually we came across a rope of animal tracks dropped across the pan, its wavy parallels disappearing into shimmer.
(65) They moved on, down the cathedral-like space, soaring columns that dwarfed them disappearing into the swirling mist.
(66) During the three winter months, almost the entire squadron changed - well-known faces gradually disappearing and being replaced by new ones.
(67) And when they weren't threatening her, they were silently disappearing into the trees.
(68) Without even waiting to see her fall he turned and ran, disappearing into the mist.
(69) Incidentally, it is a good idea to take photographs where possible as sites are still disappearing at a rapid rate.
(70) Many more settlements, houses and trailers, side roads disappearing into the dark, than there were years ago.
(71) Moran stayed in bed until late that day, disappearing silently into the fields after eating.
(72) These are itchy and painful and eventually crust over before disappearing after a further week or two.
(73) They show an intense awareness of a fast disappearing way of life.
(74) The dark-haired schoolgirl, who split with her boyfriend two days before disappearing, left home last Wednesday evening to meet friends.
(75) But this collaboration of culture and nature also meant that females were on the verge of disappearing altogether.
(76) I get the impression the indigenous locals know the travelling people keep disappearing to have some blow,[/disappearing.html] and resent it.
(77) Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave.
(78) It's getting very lonely in the dusk and the river is fast disappearing, massive mudflats and a Lego landscape.
(79) With tyres shrieking under acceleration the driver went after the disappearing car.
(80) Grover leaned back, disappearing from view as the gay yellow cab puttered away, its muffler clattering forlornly after it.
(81) The Ciskei thus appeared on the point of disappearing as a separate state, amid speculation that other homelands might follow suit.
(82) It is a rich heritage gradually disappearing as Aborigines become urbanized, Europeanized and victimized.
(83) Their bonds might as well have been written with disappearing ink.
(84) Swallowing the last of the scone he ran over the drive and into the house to see Martin disappearing into the study.
(85) Smaller abattoirs are closing and jobs are disappearing because of massively escalating meat inspection charges.
(86) Also my plants seem to be disappearing in large chunks - am I underfeeding my fish?
(87) Even the open space that remains in Cairo is fast disappearing.
(88) If income inequalities were gradually disappearing this would be strong evidence that class divisions were weakening.
(89) In fact, the chemicals are gradually disappearing, making it harder to pinpoint the extent of the catastrophe.
(90) The stream is fascinating, disappearing from view from time to time, to re-emerge from beneath road or path in an ever delightful manner.
(91) He started coming in late, leaving early, even disappearing for chunks of the day without articulating why.
(92) Tabitha looked up at the colossal walls of seamless pink stone rising hundreds of metres overhead, disappearing up into the dark.
(93) Nobody knows why, any more than anyone knows why amphibians are disappearing, dolphins are dying or coral is turning white.
(94) Prices are spiralling, the economy is contracting and jobs are disappearing even faster than the emigrants are leaving.
(95) Well-paying jobs for unskilled labor are disappearing at an alarming rate.
(96) Today, as activism becomes more and more specialized, the danger is of connections disappearing.
(97) Within seconds of the Wheel disappearing from sight the red glow was extinguished.
(98) I looked down; the hooves seemed to be disappearing into a little mist which rose up everywhere around us.
(99) But his subjects refused to sit still[], disappearing into cellars and doorways.
(100) The baby boom generation lined up for their Sabin sugar cubes and hardly noticed that the Salk vaccine was disappearing.
(101) Peter Scott provides the geese tastefully disappearing into a background of midnight green.
(102) They could see their carefully calculated plans disappearing in a wave of public protest.
(103) The fast disappearing figures of the two girls waved back then disappeared as the bike took a left hand bend.
(104) For what better way to sever an unwanted tie than by disappearing off on business for a couple of weeks?
(105) Proportionately, white-collar jobs are disappearing even faster, and still more of them are at risk.
(106) He heard a burst of gunfire and saw a car disappearing down the Glen Road.
(106) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(107) I tried to focus on my interior but there was nothing to focus on: just space, disappearing into further emptiness.
(108) In its report titled the Lost Land published today, it claims our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
(109) Slugs turn to the potato crop in late summer, when other food sources are disappearing.
(110) She got up waveringly, disappearing in the nebulous direction in which the cowgirl had gone.
(111) Read in studio An autistic teenage boy has been sexually assaulted after disappearing from his home.
(112) But this can just mean patchy regrowth, with bald patches, not the whole leg of hair disappearing.
(113) Everything - from alcohol to sheep - has been disappearing, recalling the early plunder-happy days of Soviet occupation in 1945.
(114) His approach to the Celts was deliberate; he intended to preserve the physiognomy of a world in danger of disappearing.
(115) Over the weekend I heard of the case of the disappearing Times Atlas, the one in five volumes.
(116) Yet sedimentation and disappearing marshes alone can not explain the thickening of the bay's waters and its desultory humours.
(117) Your game is disappearing from the radar screen of national interest at an alarming rate.
(118) I think that it is, and only our identification with the world that is disappearing keeps us from recognizing that fact.
(119) And the mining communities, for decades the only real counterweight to a coup-prone army, are disappearing.
(120) Just as material rewards are disappearing, job security is barely a memory and company loyalty a psychic fossil.
(121) But, like the ancient infrastructure, the tanya are gradually disappearing.
(122) For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work. Doug Larson 
(123) She mounted the bike and wobbled precariously for several yards before attaining a kind of equilibrium along Small's Wynd and disappearing.
(124) Ancient habitats such as grasslands, bogs, and wetlands are rapidly disappearing.
(125) Disappearing Through the Skylight abounds in his excitement over these effects.
(126) He did a remarkably accurate imitation of the soft, low drag of a rapidly disappearing device.
(127) Stephanie followed the Hip and Thigh low fat diet and very soon the pounds began disappearing.
(128) Much of the data on disappearing species is based upon studies of species that have disappeared from islands.
(129) Big species such as tuna and cod are disappearing, fished to virtual extinction in many places.
(130) This familiarity, this friendliness of science is fast disappearing under the banner of standardisation.
(131) The old - fashioned general store is fast disappearing.
(132) This old tradition is irreversibly disappearing.
(133) More than five decades after the Indian constitution promises a casteless society, there is no sign that the castes (jatis) are disappearing.
(134) Cabell had all but isolated himself, disappearing for long walks from which he would return with samples of native rock or flora.
(135) So gird yourself for such strange effects as savage wildfires, disappearing lakes, and freak allergies.
(136) Even in the field of business operation and administration, traditional skills in letters are not disappearing.
(136) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(137) Because Ganymede's orbit is tilted nearly edge-on to Earth, it routinely can be seen passing in front of and disappearing behind its giant host, only to reemerge later.
(138) In reply to a bell and a disappearing hall - boy , Olsen, the head porter, appeared.
(139) Glaciers in the Southern Patagonia Ice Field, in the Chilean and Argentine Andes, are disappearing at much faster rates than scientists had anticipated, the Santiago Times reported.
(140) The metals learns a house to make the magnetic iron and the loadstone disappearing the magnetic temperature to be called "reside an inside temperature" completely.
(141) The Great Barrier Reef is disappearing at an increased rate because of climate damage.
(142) As production time increases, the impact of skin effect becomes disappearing.
(143) As I explored last month, land lines are disappearing, yet there no white pages for cellphones.
(144) But the Egypt in which he had grown up, the milieu of the country's multi-ethnic urban elite, was fast disappearing; the summer of 1959 was the last Moreno would see of it.
(145) Our parks are overcrowded, our seashores overburdened. Green fields and dense forests are disappearing.
(146) Gradually disappearing in the deep of the night bell, the moon through the trees, where sleeping in the rain disappeared.
(147) Bugs fixed in the new version include: fix paste destination partition smaller than source, prevent visual disk display area from disappearing and fix minor cylinder alignment rounding error.
(148) A water bird, startled into flight , rose up wildly before disappearing into the shadows.
(149) The wage differentials are disappearing, and hopes for access to Chinese markets are fading.
(150) Larry Crowder of Duke University told the meeting that leatherbacks are quickly disappearing.
(151) Because so many different types of manufacturing jobs are disappearing, it will not be easy to simply get another manufacturing job.
(152) With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldn't it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity?
(153) Chances of earth being detected by alien life forms are disappearing because of the digital revolution, a leading space scientist has claimed.
(154) Wild grazing animals in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve are steadily disappearing, a study has found.
(155) Today, 40 years after Cultural Revolution, we bring up this disappearing history and anthologize all the reminiscences into a book.
(156) Bajie is a Bouyei village with a history of hundred years. Its disappearing in the modernization drive can be regarded as an example of the forfeits of village resources.
(157) The once-peaceful left bank of the Garonne is slowly and inexorably disappearing.
(158) It's one lust expansion process for one's growing besides the process of happiness disappearing.
(159) The disappearing of the centriolar adjunct and proximal centriole in succession might be considered as a sign of being mature completely of the spermatid.
(160) Learn about the disappearing magic card trick in this free magic lesson video.
(161) Hardly had she come into the room when he saw someone disappearing through the French window.
(162) Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.
(163) With the elimination of twiddling hempen threads by hand, Masidun is disappearing gradually because of aging and being destroyed.
(164) You can only burn away those precis writers , let all memory become the trail disappearing away.
(165) After the second-world war, especially with the cold war disappearing and desalting, a war without gunpowder has proceeded to the stage of incandesce within the world range.
(166) The last Sioux were disappearing in the south, along the banks of Republican River.
(166) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(167) That's why word of Britain's disappearing pearl-bordered fritillary, red-backed shrike and lost ghost orchid should be as riveting as any news bulletin.
(168) The participants from Trondheim are also documenting the architecture of the 20th century on the site, to preserve the memories of daily life of the residential neighbourhood that is disappearing.
(169) In a cunning 1971 experiment dubbed The Disappearing Hypnotist, Frederick Evans and Martin T.
(170) Idiopathic pituitary hypofunction manifested pituitary shrinking in size and disappearing of infundibulum.
(171) Conclusion The sign of asymmetrical narrowing or disappearing of NRS highly suggests the involvement of prevertebral muscle.
(172) In the photo, Watson's right leg appears to take a mysterious turn before disappearing altogether, perhaps the result of a post-photo shoot editing session gone terribly awry.
(173) By constructing micro - universal model, the process and disappearing of Cyanobacteria bloom has Been simulated.
(174) The effects of the salvinorin A were remarkably strong, consistent and fast-acting, peaking about two minutes after inhalation, and nearly disappearing by 20 minutes.
(175) If you wait for the reason of depressed mood disappearing and the mind a sitting duck.
(176) I find the days have already sild away from me, like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean.
(177) So, have you heard of any other cuban immigrants disappearing?
(178) Their piratical raids strike without warning, smashing defences quickly and then disappearing before reinforcements arrive.
(179) During rainstorms the froth is scattered by inflowing water and landslides, though some of it may be disappearing altogether.
(180) This all sounds marvellous: an experienced, competent manager, with no complicated baggage or political agenda, dropping in to fix something at a reasonable day rate, and then disappearing again.
(181) "I mislike the feel of this forest, " the elder of the two hunters grumbled. "Creatures that live in a unicorn's wood learn a little magic of their own in time, mainly concerned with disappearing.
(182) They served him passively and if obedience consisted in disappearing, they disappeared.
(183) "This film is so chock full of Bahamian beauty, I am a hair away from packing a bag and disappearing to the island myself. "-South Florida Times.
(184) DNA studies, for example, suggest that our ancient human ancestors interbred, with Neanderthals possibly being absorbed into our gene pool and disappearing as their own distinct hominid species.
(185) Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, traceless.
(186) With bank finance disappearing, company profits under grave threat and a slump apparently on the way, investors feared that a wide range of firms would be forced to renege on their debts.
(187) The Arctic fox is disappearing from the southern edge of the tundra as larger, more dominant red foxes move northward and lemming prey grow less abundant as temperatures warm.
(188) The disappearing common species mainly belonged to Arancuda, Hymenoptera , Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera.
(188) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(189) Air injection was commonly use on early diesel engines but with the development of solid-injection systems the air-injection engine is rapidly disappearing.
(190) Not to worry: you're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.
(191) Be caught in pyramid selling disappearing being able to report a case or not?
(192) To investigate Penthorum Chinese Pursh for dispelling effects of alcohol in mice, the disappearing status of righting reflex was recorded and the concentration of ethanol in blood was measured.
(193) Starting from the Long Depression (1873 – 1896), Lyonnais silk production had become totally industrialized, and hand looms were rapidly disappearing.
(194) Bruce Shapiro got me to design and build the UBW (USB Bit Whacker) project to solve his problem of disappearing parallel ports on computers.




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