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单词 Null and void
1. Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2. This contract is null and void.
3. The election was declared null and void.
4. The contract was declared null and void.
5. They declared the agreement null and void.
6. The agreement will be considered null and void.
7. The court ruled that the claim was null and void.
8. A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void.
9. The elections were declared null and void.
10. He decided that the marriage was null and void.
11. Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business.
12. An endorsement by the deawee is null and void.
13. Exceed insured value of, overage null and void.
14. This check is null and void.
15. The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.
16. Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own.
17. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
18. On Oct. 28 the Council declared this clause unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
19. Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress(), and was therefore null and void.
20. If the contract has not been signed by witnesses, it is considered null and void.
21. My effective vote could be my first preference vote, in which case all my other preferences are null and void.
22. Went in there, saw the judge, and he say the deed was null and void.
23. As far as he was concerned(/null and void.html), all of the points of agreement that had already been reached were null and void.
24. Yet it was Shirley Place who kept the interview firmly null and void.
25. Any provision in supplementary documents in discrepancy, ambiguity or inconsistency with that in the text and appendices of the contract shall be null and void and shall have no effect.
26. The trustee brings an action based on the revocatory right, after trial, if the disposition is revoked, it will be null and void from the beginning.
27. Article 329 A technology contract which monopolizes the technology or impedes the technological progress, or which infringes upon the technological achievement of others shall be null and void.
28. Any alteration of this Agreement without duly authorized signature shall be null and void.
29. Adecision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is null and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.
30. Proxy Forms received after the deadline of 72 hours will be null and void.
1. Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2. The election was declared null and void.
3. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
31. Administrative punishments shall be null and void, if they are inflicted without legal basis or without the observation of the legal procedure.
32. Any endorsements purporting to transfer a part of the amount payable, or to transfer the bill to two or more people separately, shall be null and void.
33. Rescinded civil acts shall be null and void from the very beginning.
34. Be careful not to sign a null and void contract.
35. Any such purported assignment or transfer shisl be deemed a go against of this Agreement and shisl be null and void.
36. After reviewing your work in the past year, we consider your employment contract here to be null and void.
37. If no such supplementary agreement can be reached, the arbitration agreement shall be null and void.
38. Connivance plague spread all cure medicine will return null and void.
39. Court of first instance verdict in favor of Jinbei Automobile, confirmed the agreement null and void.
40. Contracts, agreements and other documents signed by taxpayers that contravene tax laws, tax administrative rules or regulations shall be null and void.
41. Hemostatic, vitamins are null and void and can not simply Xiya radical.
42. This document shall be null and void if not officially signed by the authorized personnel of the Company.
43. ACTS shall be null and void from the very beginning.
44. If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance, the insurance contract will be null and void.
45. In fact, the Secretary will provide guidance for the next round in the defense budget process by the beginning of July, thereby rendering the QDR essentially null and void.
46. Such consequences would norm ally be that the contract is declared null and void and the contractor forfeits his tender security.
47. Article 61 After a civil act has been determined to be null and void or has been rescinded,[http:///null and void.html] the party who acquired property as a result of the act shall return it to the party who suffered a loss.
48. The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.
49. When the principal claim-debt contract is null and void, the guarantee contract shall be null and void accordingly, unless otherwise provided for by law.
50. Seller may not assign this order without Buyer's prior written consent, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be null and void.
51. Then this obligation shall be null and void, but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect.




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