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单词 creature comforts
释义  ˌcreature ˈcomforts noun [plural]  COMFORTABLEall the things that make life more comfortable and enjoyable, such as good food, a warm house, and comfortable furniture 物质享受 → mod consExamples from the Corpuscreature comforts• Oh no, not when he starts to miss his creature comforts.• Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.• The crews made on-the-spot modifications to increase protection, firepower, or creature comforts.• His attitude towards creature comforts was demonstrated by his regimen in Downing Street.ˌcreature ˈcomforts nounChineseSyllable  more that things Corpus and all make life enjoyable, such the comfortable




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