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单词 Blackbeard
(1) The eighth, a black-bearded, brown-faced man named Tagan was the tracker.
(2) Then seven or eight black-bearded fellows entered with daggers held between their teeth.
(3) It occurred to him now that Blackbeard had got on his tracks in the fog.
(4) Which was why Blackbeard accepted directives from him, even if he felt that he did not need them.
(5) Maynard eventually prevailed, but Blackbeard didn't go down easy.
(6) Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.
(7) Nicknamed "Blackbeard" because he always wore a long thick black beard on his chin.
(8) When I was a kid, Blackbeard was one of my heros, villain that he was.
(9) As the legend of Blackbeard grew and he continued to capture ships in the Caribbean, so did Blackbeard's wealth.
(10) Blackbeard collapsed and died because he bled to death when an artery was cut open.
(11) After years of harassing British colonies, Blackbeard (Edward Teach) achieves career highlight: blockading city of Charleston, South Carolina, for one week.
(12) Even in retirement, however, Blackbeard couldn't give up being a pirate and soon fell, once again, into the habit of plundering ships.
(13) Eventually Blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning his crew and settling in the American colonies.
(14) From Blackbeard to Jack Sparrow, pirates and sailors of old are often depicted wearing earrings.
(15) All his classmates referred to him as " Blackbeard. "
(16) Blackbeard, born Edward Teach, is not only the principle antagonist in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides." He's also one of the most legendary pirates ever to fly the Jolly Roger.
(17) Jack Sparrow co-exists with Blackbeard and Captain Hook of " Peter Pan" seems as real as Captain Morgan, but can you really say who really existed?
(18) The name Blackbeard came from Teach's trademark long, black beard, within which he would tie several ribbons of different colors.
(19) But despite his impressive and creative arsenal(http://), Blackbeard and his crew did not want to sink their opponents' ships.
(20) Since Blackbeard had lost his flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge, prior to the battle, the pirate was short on firepower and men.
(21) A tower in the capital city of the Virgin Islands, Charlotte Amalie, still is there. It is believed that Blackbeard used it as a lookout tower.
(22) From his long, black hair to his Tricorn hat, braided beard and bandolier packing six pistols, Blackbeard the pirate was certainly inventive with his image.
(23) Many famous pirates came from this era, including Captain Kidd, and Blackbeard.
(24) Eventually, the then-Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, commissioned Lieutenant Robert Maynard, an experienced naval commander, to capture or kill Blackbeard.
(25) The merchant's got tired of paying the toll and of the other mean things that Blackbeard did to them, so they asked the lieutenant governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood to help get rid of him.
(26) Tufts of grass dot the shores of Ocracoke Island, site of an early European settlement and still home to descendants of the pirate Blackbeard.
(27) Offered a pardon by King George I when Captain Woodes Rogers came to the Bahamas to make the offer. Some pirates accepted this offer, but not Blackbeard.
(28) Blackbeard was given a new ship after he made a deal to split his loot and booty with the Eden, governor of North Carolina . The governor agreed not to try to capture Blackbeard.




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