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单词 Contained
1. The editorial contained several factual errors.
2. Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies.
3. Jansen's review contained several inaccuracies.
4. The ultimatum contained the threat of military force.
5. The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement.
6. The protein contained a mutation.
7. The speech contained some interesting ideas.
8. The areas under occupation contained major industrial areas.
9. Her words contained an implicit threat.
10. The jar contained assorted hard candies.
11. The blackbird's nest contained four eggs.
12. The bowl contained a variety of fruit.
13. The report contained some glaring errors.
14. The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
15. His speech contained many contradictions.
16. The bag contained a Christmas card.
17. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
18. Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
19. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
20. That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions.
21. Unless the oil spill is contained, irreparable damage will be done to the coastline.
22. The shelf contained a pell - mell assortment of English novels.
23. The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.
24. You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
25. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
26. The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
27. The lawn contained a mixture of grasses.
28. The cholera outbreak has been contained.
29. She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.
30. In my heart there is a secret. It is contained in only four words-l miss you sorely.
1. The editorial contained several factual errors.
2. Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies.
3. Jansen's review contained several inaccuracies.
4. The ultimatum contained the threat of military force.
5. The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement.
6. The protein contained a mutation.
7. The speech contained some interesting ideas.
8. The areas under occupation contained major industrial areas.
9. Her words contained an implicit threat.
10. The jar contained assorted hard candies.
11. The blackbird's nest contained four eggs.
12. The bowl contained a variety of fruit.
13. The report contained some glaring errors.
14. The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
15. His speech contained many contradictions.
16. The bag contained a Christmas card.
17. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
18. Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
19. She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.
20. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
21. That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions.
22. Unless the oil spill is contained, irreparable damage will be done to the coastline.
23. The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.
24. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
25. The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
26. The cholera outbreak has been contained.
27. Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers.
28. I couldn't run the program because it contained a computer bug I could neither identify nor cure.
31. The allegations contained in this report are very serious.
32. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life.
33. The calculations that you did/made contained a few inaccuracies.
34. The play contained all kinds of theatrical set pieces.
35. The film contained some old newsreel footage.
36. The tape contained damning evidence.
37. The document contained a lot of typing errors.
38. The proposed changes are contained in a policy statement.
39. Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers.
40. The letter contained information about Boulestin's legal affairs.
41. What is contained in this drawer?
42. The cupboard contained all kinds of strange things.
43. Has the revolt been contained?
44. Samples of the water contained pesticide.
45. The cream contained extracts of/from several plants.
46. The pianist's performance contained no shortage of felicities.
47. The speech contained many errors of fact.
48. The report contained a number of factual errors .
49. Her statement contained several inaccuracies.
50. The box contained a taper to light each firework.
51. Smallpox can be contained by vaccination.
52. It was found that her blood contained poison.
53. The lorry contained thousands of pounds worth of contraband.
54. With an effort she contained her irritation.
55. The meteorites contained only inorganic material.
56. The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods .
57. His soft words contained an undertone of warning.
58. The report contained a plethora of detail.
59. The second house that Grossman had a snoop around contained "strong simple furniture".
60. Jane wrote a letter to a newspaper. This letter contained some startling allegations.
61. Analysis of the wine showed that it contained dangerous additives.
62. She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.
63. The device, which contained 400lbs of explosive, was made safe by army bomb disposal experts.
64. Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
65. I am writing to correct factual inaccuracies contained in your article of June 3rd.
66. Her letter contained several outrageous slurs against/on her former colleagues.
67. The cell contained an iron bedframe bolted to the floor.
68. The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.
69. Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.
70. The letter contained information that only the killer could know.
71. The stolen car contained military documents described as very sensitive.
72. Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food.
73. Act II contained one of the funniest scenes I have ever witnessed.
74. The chemist analyzed the new tonic and found it contained poison.
75. How big is the angle contained by these two sides?
76. The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.
77. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.
78. How big is the angle contained by these 2 sides?
79. The fire burnt for three days before it was finally contained.
80. He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold.
81. The insurance policy covers the building and any fixtures contained therein.
82. She has great power in her shoulders. Power in a physical sense is more likely to relate to the energy contained in a machine, an explosion or something natural such as the wind:The power of the wind can be harnessed to produce electricity.
83. This sheet contained a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor.
84. He contained his fear.
85. The diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in China.
86. The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.
87. The applications were carefully screened in case any of them contained false information.
88. The government tried to suppress the book because of the information it contained about the security services.
89. The public has / have a right to know what is contained in the report.
90. Their conversation contained a number of derogatory racial remarks .
91. When a plane arrived at the airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.
92. I couldn't run the program because it contained a computer bug I could neither identify nor cure.
93. Her article contained one or two verbal felicities which will stay in my mind for years.
94. Small businesses would be wise to take heed of the warnings contained in the Chancellor's speech.
95. The information contained in the memo got lost in the shuffle once it reached headquarters.
96. One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.
97. The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.
98. The bomb contained a timing device set to make it go off at rush hour.
99. His news was too important to be contained for a single instant longer.
100. The room contained little more than a table and chair.
101. Her speech was full of grandiloquent language, but it contained no new ideas.
102. His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.
103. The police could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the commanding Officer of the station!
104. The proposals are contained in a European directive on wild birds.
105. It contained at that time 23 houses.
106. The establishment contained no department of foreign affairs.
107. These were the only words it contained.
108. They need not be contained within square brackets.
109. Her report contained some interesting suggestions.
110. Some contained a single bed, others were twin-bedded.
111. He said it contained engine components.
112. A clue is contained in the exit polls.
113. The briefcase-sized black box contained a keyword selection computer.
114. The letters contained unsupported allegations.
115. The drawer contained various odds and ends.
115. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
116. It was a cupboard used by the cleaners that contained a number of other odds and ends.
117. Juices left in bags that contained raw meat can contaminate the cooked leftovers.
118. He said it contained his own private cargo and that he wanted to unload it himself.
119. We noted above that the major legislation affecting insurance companies is contained in the Insurance Companies Act 1982.
120. Inside the window is a list of files contained inside the compressed file.
121. More fundamental were his experiments with hawks, in which he fed them meat contained in small cages.
122. Reagan's testimony was released on Feb. 22 after the Justice Department ruled that it contained no classified information.
123. The royal palace was splendid and reputedly contained a large wine cellar.
124. Even now, although the latest rebellion has been contained, military leaders say another coup attempt is possible.
125. By contrast, 1 percent of Channel 4 programmes contained violence, with an average frequency of one violent act per hour.
126. The triple computer system contained confidential clinical data including details of how long patients had to live.
127. Some rivers contained masses of broken bridges, black knots of steel bunched grotesquely at the level of the water.
128. Most produced only animal bone, whereas the five sunken buildings contained bone, pottery and other small artefacts.
129. He gave the impression that he was constantly looking over his shoulder at his executive which contained some hard and prickly characters.
130. Don't forget, Master, there are other mysteries which may be contained in the documents in that casket.
131. The old Roman calendar of festivals contained a cycle of urban celebrations reaching back to the city's legendary foundation.
132. Tumour extracts also contained higher concentrations of immunoreactivity compared with normal tissue, in assays using antibodies L289 and 109-21.
133. Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our authority to comply with this requirement.
134. His radio broadcast on the same day contained no hint of criticism of the Allies.
135. A site is a hub if you would go there regularly for news or information contained within the site.
136. In consequence, the message contained within a going concern qualification may merely confuse users of financial statements.
137. The tetrahedron is contained within the diagonals of its six faces.
138. Joy is to fun what the deep sea is to a puddle. It’s a feeling inside that can hardly be contained. Terry Pratchett 
139. Hollowed out mid-way was a small chamber which contained seven standing stones, now clamped to the walls with metal hoops.
140. This is contained in the large warts that cover the upper surface of the toad's skin.
141. A number of such dramatic reversals are contained in this book.
142. The film was banned because it contained a number of extremely violent scenes.
143. The four zones are contained within a single reinforced concrete structure made both with concrete cast in-situ and precast concrete.
144. Other analyses of soda-rich plant ashes contained considerably higher magnesia levels accompanying the soda.
145. However, it was possible to tell that the library contained the complete works of Epicurus.
146. It contained representatives of the three Armed Forces and of all the political currents supporting the Nationalist cause.
147. The balky elevator has delivered the jumpers to a tiny platform contained within the tower.
148. Neurotransmitter molecules are contained in tiny bags called vesicles inside the axon tip.
149. The youths ran off towards the town centre with the bag which contained about £80.
150. The tray contained buttons, collar studs and various other bits and pieces.
151. A litter of truly wild rabbits taken into captivity and contained in a hutch can not be expected to live very long.
152. Slightly spicy and redolent with cilantro, the velvety soup also contained chopped tomatoes, corn, carrots, celery and onion.
153. Dole voted against the bill on the ground that it contained $ 5 billion in wasteful social spending.
154. The conference centre contained one of the main entrances to the bunker.
155. Some chips contained a bug that caused computers to crash frequently.
156. Two people sat at her bedside in the little cubicle contained by the screens.
157. The 16-page glossy brochure based on commercial women's weeklies contained articles on Labour's policy to help working and stay-at-home mums.
158. It was a genuine Empire product from Santanni, though the cigars it now contained were home-grown.
159. West Belfast contained an enormous amount of interest in culture, music and the arts.
160. He explained to me that it must be stronger because it contained stronger bonds and more of them than any previous material.
161. Analysis was confined to those crypts whose entire lengths could be completely visualised and which contained a single layer of cells only.
162. It does not have to destroy love, but can be contained within it.
163. Heating these materials to about a thousand degrees Celsius is sufficient to decompose these minerals and release the water contained in them.
164. The carrousel therefore contained the kitchen, dining, washing, and toilet facilities.
165. The Herald file on Hugh Puddephat contained only two more cuttings, both considerably older than those connected with the inquest.
166. It was crucial for successful demand management that central government generated or contained investment to an appropriate level.
167. The owners of the dredger required it to complete a contract which contained an onerous penalty clause.
168. The detailed evidence is contained in Figures 6.2 to 6.4 and Table 6.6.
169. Ingeniously designed, the main cabin contained a stove, a curtained bed and cupboards whose painted doors let down into tables.
170. The frigidarium was presumed to be open to the sky and contained a large open-air swimming bath.
171. One-quarter of this extracellular fluid is contained within blood vessels as the plasma space.
172. This publication contained detailed descriptions of persons who failed to appear at court to answer a criminal charge.
173. All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope. Alexandre Dumas 
174. It contained a note from Dermot Kinane, an ex-jockey who had been a close friend of the family in Ireland.
175. The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude.
175. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
176. That book contained a proposal for electrical propulsion of spacecraft, a technique we would now call ion propulsion.
177. The surrounding carved stonework contained the date, and in the middle were metal panels displaying a dolphin with bulrushes.
178. His first budget, in 1991, contained a $ 7 billion tax increase.
179. She had dark hair dressed in a chignon, contained in a net of black chenille beneath her pork-pie hat.
180. All of these areas have contained the right blend of idiosyncratic factors of production.
181. In 1860 £2-10-0 was voted for the purchase of Gaelic books; the catalogue of 1865 contained 25 titles.
182. The other bulky envelope contained the invitation to the formal Sunday banquet in the City Hall.
183. It is begun from a seed and all the characteristics that it can evolve are predetermined and contained within the seed.
184. These may be entirely contained within the borders of a single country even though their effects are transnational.
185. These results are, of course, implicitly contained in the general approach to colinear solutions described in Section 10.1.
186. Brown rushed several fraternities but decided on Sigma Phi Epsilon, whose national charter contained a whites-only provision.
187. Even the luggage racks contained their quota of sailors, soldiers, or airmen.
188. In general, the classical perspective contained a peculiarly narrow view of what it actually is that controls human behaviour.
189. It is believed that the temple once contained a bronze statue of Venus, which was later moved to the banqueting House.
190. The prosecution sought to adduce in evidence documents which contained statements made by the defendant in the earlier bankruptcy proceedings.
191. Similar consent provisions may be contained in the financing arrangements of the vendor's shareholders and ultimate holding company.
192. Yesterday's newspapers contained the usual number of advertisements for abortions in private clinics.
193. They discovered almost 1,000 chains, suggesting that the entire meteorite contained millions of bacteria, says Friedmann.
194. The heater unit is safely contained inside, clear of aggressive fish - use both the brackets supplied. 3.
195. The latest twist in a deteriorating relationship between police and loyalist activists was contained in a statement issued to Sunday Life yesterday.
196. It contained a registration card for the Republican party and a membership card to the National Rifle Association.
197. And much of the liquid used to simulate nerve gas at the test site was contained by the wooden crates.
198. The thicket still contained remnants of the raspberry and blackberry patches that always come in right after a clearcut.
199. More details of all these skills are contained in Table 2.1.
200. The discovery that Diodorvs V contained a paraphrase of the same basic text gave an altogether different dimension to Posidonius' work.
201. It contained two narrow iron bedsteads furnished with dingy bed-linen and grey army blankets.
202. It contained a comprehensive survey of the world's countries and their populations and referred to earlier missionary endeavours.
203. Cuttings that should come to everybody's attention quickly can be pinned to the library noticeboard or contained in a monthly newsletter.
204. Yet throughout this period the Bund contained two tendencies which clashed on major issues but had the means to promote their perspectives.
205. Beneath each machine a wrought-iron pan was installed to collect the water, which contained carbonate of soda to prevent rust.
206. It contained a substantial amount of combustible materials, said a fire officer.
207. This photograph, this swipe of grain, so briefly glimpsed: I could tell it contained extraordinary information.
208. In view of the threat of expulsions contained in these circulars, Labour supporters of Unity had to reconsider their position.
209. The small brown bottle contained 28 Carbemazapine tablets, described as small and white.
210. Further information about admissions to individual faculties as well as general course descriptions are contained in the later faculty sections.
211. The day before, the newspaper El Mundo contained eight announcements from the Crusade about the march, including four full-page spreads.
212. He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap, and a towel.
213. Not withstanding this limitation, the powers contained in the section do not restrict any other express or implied rights of action.
214. Type 2 - Automatic or man-rider stacker-cranes contained in a conventional building structure - back-to-back racking.
215. Specific debates about the character of class, class boundaries and changes in the class structure are contained within this framework.
216. However, for the present, these characteristics are largely contained within the stifling constraints of the music industry's commodity forms.
217. As well as medical preparations, it contained a great deal of comparative anatomy, including fossils.
218. Just before dawn Sikes entered the room, carrying a bundle which contained the results of his night's work.
219. The hull contained a mass of dissimilar metals: steel, cast and malleable iron, brass. bronze and lead.
220. The top right-hand drawer of the desk contained the traditional little tin box and a pistol.
221. Any partial parse that is rejected will be removed - thereby removing any parse that would have contained this component.
222. He argued that the international monetary system, based largely on the dollar, contained certain inherent contradictions.
223. She opened a small round leather box to find that it contained tiny gold collar studs and several pairs of cuff links.
224. It also contained a clause which effectively provided for its continued validity should the Soviet Union be dissolved or reconstituted.
225. Marx believed that the basic contradictions contained in a capitalist economic system would lead to its eventual destruction.
226. Disagreements would no longer have to be contained within fractious coalitions.
227. A satisfactory surplus has been achieved and the effect of the decline in membership and examination entries has been contained.
228. It was printed on a raisin package about 1954 and contained brown sugar and orange juice.
229. It contained a comprehensive study of the causes[], prevention and treatment of crime.
230. His leather briefcase contained scores and a baton, but no sun block.
231. The move implements cancellation provisions contained in the second and third life assurance directive.
232. These are contained within section 1, the Introduction to the Supplement.
233. One contained business matters of the sort that households - even households in the depression years tend to accumulate over the years.
234. To cap it off, the last but one trap contained a ten pounder.
235. Early prisons were built in castles or large houses and the former contained state prisoners.
236. His contract of employment contained a restraint of trade clause.
237. References to relevant articles can be contained within your newsletter if you have one.
238. He made a complaint that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions.
239. The oldest Tertiary rocks contained archaic mammals that bore no resemblance to the living families within the class.
240. But it also contained information previously unknown to either Tanimizu or Sakaida.
241. Last week's Ha'aretz newspaper contained an extraordinary essay, all the more remarkable for being published in the current climate.
242. This makes a change from the 1989/90 accounts which contained a full page of audit qualifications.
243. The Senate version of the bill contained a time bomb, however.
244. It emerged yesterday that all three letter bombs were contained in Jiffy bags and were of similar construction.
245. These will include: Does the scheme comply with the policies contained in its local plan?
246. The texts still contained an important difference on the issue of maximum overall foreign troop deployments allowed to the two military blocs.
247. Sera from all patients contained IgG antibodies that recognised Giardia heat shock antigen.
248. Here the element of change is contained within a repetition of the original phrase idea.
249. But every drop that fell contained the promise of another leaf, another blossom, another blade of grass in the spring.
250. I got my answer by writing a letter that contained only the numbers I thought counted.
251. That information is calculated from data contained in the signals broadcast by each of the satellites.
252. Behind the harpsichord and under the window there was a low glass cabinet which contained two or three classical pieces.
253. I think the box contained a few newspapers and the top of a wig.
254. Matthew was, carrying a black grip with him and said it contained a change of clothing.
255. The very behaviors that gay activists had spent years promoting seemed to have contained the seeds of disaster.
256. It contained a great hall but was considerably altered following afire in 1871.
257. In fact, some people would not sign the claim form, which contained a general release of Harvester.
258. The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
259. Here, too, metal reinforcements set in the concrete have rusted because the concrete contained too much calcium chloride.
260. Each one was labelled with a box number and contained a large brown envelope.
261. They used either aluminium or steel foil, contained in a stainless steel cassette, as a recording medium.
262. Germain in Argentan. In the casket was found a small reliquary which contained the heart of the Saint.
263. The Manual Revival Sequencer was contained in a small cabinet at the head of the coffin-shaped hibernaculum.
264. Legislative acts that levied taxes and defined benefits have never contained any provisions for investing in assets to provide future benefits.
265. A spokesman for Morgan Grenfell in London declined any comment on the allegations contained in the Codelco suit, citing client confidentiality.http://
266. It contained words and phrases likely to cause offence-this time to blacks.
267. Even bilateral treaties impinge upon non-parties: the distribution of values between two parties can rarely be contained within neatly drawn lines.
268. All of them contained agendas and minutes of council committee meetings.
269. There were counties in California that contained more acreage than that, and the figure included much of the easily irrigable land.
270. Clinton already has vetoed one farm bill contained in omnibus balanced-budget legislation.
271. No one has claimed responsibility for the devices, which were contained in musical holiday cards.
272. The house was called Lilac Villa, a name no one used, though the front garden contained several ancient gnarled lilac bushes.
273. All these complicated arrangements of status and privilege contained plenty of combustible material.
274. Heat, light and power should be revised and contained at 3%, and administrative costs reduced to 10%.
275. In practice this may not be onerous as very limited factual information is contained in the typical advertisement.
276. The files contained a single document, his lob application, filled out in block letters and unsigned.
277. I wholeheartedly welcome and endorse the proposals contained in the Gracious Speech, with only one minor caveat.
278. The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it.
279. The two Davises were seated in a carriage pulling their cart, which contained photographic equipment.
280. The lodge contained a large hall below and a banqueting room above, connected by a grand wooden stair.
281. They contained fresh and astonishing details of underground movements and midnight rendezvous.
281. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
282. The manual contained an explanation of these codes, an example of which is given below.
283. It would be wrong if I did not correct the inaccuracies that are contained within the letter.
284. Door after door, each bearing an unintelligible abbreviation for what each room behind it contained.
285. And he happily agreed to donate the pumpkin for a charity event in which contestants would guess how many seeds it contained.
286. The tower was attached with bolts that contained small explosive charges.
287. Along with the books, a portfolio contained sketches and photographs of ancient coins and banknotes.
288. Controls are manipulable, self - contained screen objects through which people interact with digital products.
289. The university is like a self - contained city with shops and all amenities.
290. The envelope contained a typed, unsigned letter demanding £75,000 in cash.
291. The whole projection into the lake contained about two acres of land.
292. In artistic terms, an artist still has to present a self - contained artwork.
293. The three boxes each contained a camera with a lens attached.
294. These materials contained asbestos, a known cause of cancer when inhaled.
295. Self - contained system incorporates sensor, controller and controlled device in a single package.
296. It contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.
297. The angle is contained by the lines AB and AC.




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