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单词 Mock
1 Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs. 
2 The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy.
3 He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief.
4 "Flatterer," she said giving him a mock reproving look.
5 It is wrong to mock cripples.
6 He went to church only to mock.
7 She raised her eyebrows in mock amazement.
8 It's rude to mock at a foreign student's mistakes in English.
9 You can mock, but at least I'm willing to have a try!
10 I did all right in my mock A levels and then failed the real exams.
11 I did badly in the mock exam but passed the real thing.
12 The students have done mock A levels at school.
13 What did you get in the mock?
14 She threw her hands up in mock horror.
15 His eyes rounded in mock amazement.
16 You shouldn't mock at other people's religious beliefs.
17 She handed him the envelope with mock solemnity.
18 "Oh, I despair sometimes," he says in mock sorrow.
19 He frowned with mock severity.
20 Violent attacks like this mock the peace process.
21 She wagged her finger with mock severity.
22 "It's tragic!" swoons Jeffrey in mock horror.
23 He raised his hands in mock surrender.
24 The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.
25 Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.
26 She wrinkled her nose in mock distaste.
27 The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror,[] hurried out praying and.
28 She raised her hands in mock horror when she saw my new haircut.
29 He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain.
30 It is a mark of depravity to make a mock of good advice and kind rebuke.
1 The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy.
2 He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief.
3 "Flatterer," she said giving him a mock reproving look.
4 He went to church only to mock.
5 She raised her eyebrows in mock amazement.
6 It's rude to mock at a foreign student's mistakes in English.
7 You can mock, but at least I'm willing to have a try!
8 I did all right in my mock A levels and then failed the real exams.
9 I did badly in the mock exam but passed the real thing.
10 The students have done mock A levels at school.
11 You shouldn't mock at other people's religious beliefs.
12 She wagged her finger with mock severity.
13 The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
14 It is a mark of depravity to make a mock of good advice and kind rebuke.
15 We can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on.
16 witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
31 We can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on.
32 witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
33 The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating "wicked" as he went.
34 It's easy for you to mock, but we put a lot of work into this play.
35 No wrong questions, no mock surprise.
36 Why should I support mock interviews?
37 Next day they provided a mock battle.
38 Vic inclined his head in a mock bow.
39 Alston videotaped the man in a mock sales presentation to show how he looked to other people when he refused to listen.
40 Those words of my New Hampshire neighbor seem to mock my trivial but obstinate frustration.
41 I quickly declined his offer by shaking my head and putting my hands above my head in mock surrender.
42 The mock load could be ammunition or supplies for ground troops ... or emergency aid for refugees.
43 Black, spider-like chips have turned the white porcelain sink into mock Dalmation.
44 She made touching things for the children called mock devil's-food-cakes, concocted out of cocoa, golden syrup, carrots and soya flour.
45 It is easy enough now to mock the film industry's seeming paranoia about the Film Society screenings.
46 At times I went almost mad, talking gibberish, pulling faces, and singing in mock Latin.
47 It was semi-detached and mock Tudor, in a quiet suburban street lined with acacia trees and unbroken street lamps.
48 We had our little mock boxing-matches, in my study, circling round the table as if it were a ring.
49 Sport wallows in black and charcoal, lots of mock aluminium trim and white instrument dials complete the picture.
50 Mock court sessions help people to understand the judicial process.
51 Our mock ad on page 67 shows you what to look for.
52 You mustn't mock -- it's not their fault they don't know much about art.
53 Anyone inclined to mock this suggestion should note that the armed services are perhaps the most respected institution in Britain today.
54 Voice over Nuclear Electric were making light of the delay and praised the way the mock emergency was being handled.
55 The train passes near Gate Manor, a fine Victorian mock Jacobean hall.
56 Fen's words about narrow boat life not being all glamour returned to mock her.
57 The years of being branded impulsive, scatterbrained,[sentence dictionary] too idealistic rushed back to mock her.
58 As he waited for Anthony, he strolled around looking at the streaked gilt mock Gothic with unforced affection.
59 Participants I spoke to afterwards found the lectures useful and interesting, but it was the mock trials that made the day.
60 About this time, there was a family funeral - with all the mock solemnity and grandeur of a cockney day out.
61 The grey eyes widened in mock surprise. "How unusual to meet you here,'' she said sarcastically.
62 Diana gave her cousin a look of mock horror and then disappeared through the door, smiling.
63 The weather, fickle over this western peninsula, makes mock of the forecasters.
64 Our mock ad on page 35 shows you what to look out for.
65 The actors also play the horse that pulls their cart and perform juggling, tumbling and let off mock cannon fire.
66 She threw up her hands in mock horror as the little pomeranian ran yapping among the guests.
67 By holding mock interviews you are offering students a valuable learning experience.
68 He rolled them on the floor, growling in mock fury, and they giggled.
69 The children howled as he conducted mock interviews with them.
70 One, with a tousled bundle of greasy hair, waved his arms about in mock anger.
71 Often they have been killed or tortured following mock trials.
72 The first thing I saw was Jahangir's Kalashnikov, so I held my arms up high in mock surrender.
73 Its programmes include work experience, careers lessons and mock interviews.
74 Dole did his first dry run Tuesday, in a mock debate with Sen.
75 With mock surprise, he settled into the love seat, draping his arms along its top.
76 Every Elf city was required to have a martial field where its soldiers could train and fight mock battles.
77 In a letter to Mrs Coutts he described the horror and the misery from which the mock election was a welcome diversion.
78 In the water, Navy SEALs conducted mock attacks near Broadway Pier, where dignitaries watched the ships steam past.
79 Each delegate prepares a bill or a resolution for the mock senate to vote on.
80 The only patterns available were for hand knitting and no one had mentioned mock rib or using waste yarn.
81 The man said something and they all laughed, the woman giving him a mock slap on the arm.
82 His statement was greeted with cries of mock astonishment and indignation by Tory back-benchers.
83 The children dressed up for mock scenarios which the police experience daily and learnt about legal phraseology.
84 Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.
85 Earlier in the day, warriors will engage in mock battle.
86 Pupils will cast their ballot papers in mock polling booths before school and at morning break on the day.
87 Irony is used here to mock an emotional response, identified as always female, always stupid.
88 Store detectives undergo extensive training routines which include role playing and watching videos of mock incidents.
89 Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold.
90 In class they engaged in mock trials and small-group work.
91 The ancients staged mock battles to parallel the tempests in nature and reduce their fear of gods who warred across the sky.
92 More than a dozen activists have locked themselves inside a mock prison cell they put up outside the federal Interior Ministry here.
93 Over 400 school children took part in the mock shopping experience.
94 Every two weeks or so we do a mock draft.
95 Blackbirds, wrens and some others will mock a ferret just as readily as they mock any other predator.
96 Mock orange and lilacs bloomed close to the house, I remember the fragrance.
97 It was not yet dusk, but the drive up to Kevin's mock Tudor house was lined with lit-up toadstools.
98 A smell that made him think of disinfectant drifted along the street to mock him.
99 She perched on the edge of the sofa, gazing into the mock flames from the gas fire.
100 It makes extensive use of mock trials, simulations, and role-playing to reconstruct historical events.
101 A mock up of OSX user interface using CSS3.
102 He touched his forelock in mock deference.
103 And the augurs mock their own presage.
104 Those who mock history will be mocked by history.
105 " I beg your pardon,'said Rhett with mock humility.
106 " Dost thou mock me now?' said the minister.
107 One of them was subjected to a mock execution.
108 HKCEE information , mock exam paper marking scheme download.
109 Leads tractability tests and mock recalls.
110 During this mock exercise, water is used instead of chemicals to decontaminate people who play the role of survivors.
111 There was a mock up on the computer to prevent large scale mistakes.
112 Please kindly refer to the attached mock up for your reference.
113 The steep growth in automobile traffic here, however, seems to mock the city's efforts.
114 The midfielder had been among the more vilified performers in United's abject loss to Lille last week, so much so that a bitter fan valued him at 1p in a mock auction on the internet.
115 If you don't create the real code (that is, if you mock up the problem in an artificial way), you haven't actually answered the question.
116 Most of them, however,[] mock the clich é s used to deride European business.
117 Some makers offer above mid-knee shorts or straight-legged trousers with waistband , belt carriers, front pleats, side pockets and mock fly zipper.
118 The Aeronautical Engineering department designed and succeeded in setting up the mock of airplane wind-hole lab, which was one of the most advanced equipment in China.
119 And the fourth and final change required is to bring the RMock mock object out of record state into ready state.
120 This favored stop in Homestead is one man's kitschy do-it-yourself testament to lost love: Latvian immigrant Ed Leedskalnin dug up over 2.2 million tons of coral rock to build this mock castle.
121 In any event, the mock implementation should definitely not try to handle every possible stock symbol or access a database with real-time data.
122 Two prominent economists, Markus Mobius of Harvard and Tanya Rosenblat of Wesleyan, proved this in a research study based on a mock labor market where students played employers and job seekers.
123 It decks me only to mock me, this jewelled chain of mine.
124 If I would speak, she would mock me into the air.
125 In fact, this myth keeps an immemorial memory of the ancient people, which is a kind of imaginary explanation of a nature phenomenon of "Mock Sun" in ancient times.
126 Today, I decided to mock a few stuck-up runners by effortlessly jumping over the track hurdles.
127 You can mock up an Apple store without too much effort, but taking apart and reverse engineering a designer seed isn't nearly as easy.
128 Beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.
129 After the news conference, the six crew disappeared, re-emerging an hour later by the entrance hatch to the mock spaceship, where they put on another high-spirited performance for the media.
130 Practice mock codes in the office quarterly or biannually, with inolement of as many staff members as possible and EMS when feasible.
131 Type interceptors, instead, just mock the type of the intercepted object and work on an instance of a derived type.
132 How dare a newspaper published in a country that invented the chip butty and the deep-fried Mars Bar mock the rich and varied cuisine of half a continent?
133 Any of several similar plants, such as the Osage orange and the mock orange.
134 East of Elliston Place and abutting the university, Centennial Park is the site of the mock.
135 No need to create an interface and stub out an entire mock object — you can strategically override that one method and return a simple mocked-out response.
136 As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.
137 "What's interesting, though, is how many different modalities there are for actually getting that information to you -- not to mention from you," the mock press release read.
138 We have been contributing comments and prototype implementations to the Refinements discussion, and will continue to mock up sample implementations as the specification progresses.
139 Making Samples and Mock up for BU Contractors and BU Distribution.
140 Question Time has devolved beyond the comedic into the embarrassing lately, including the donning of white cowboy hats partly to support and partly to mock MP Bob Katter.
141 I have included a mock up drawing of the areas of concern.
142 Have a friend or family member conduct a mock interview and tape record it so you can see how you sound over the phone.
143 Stop making a mock and a jeer out of other people's business.
144 "Hmmm alright, " he said with mock 47)gruffness, "how about two minute noodles?"
145 While many of the riffs in the mock documentary might be lost on the little tykes, everyone should enjoy the film's feel-good message of perseverance, friendship and finding your own wave.
146 EasyMock is an open source mock object library for the Java programming language that helps you quickly and easily create mock objects for all these purposes.
147 To feel strongly on accasion shows pasonality; birds soon mock at the scarecrow.
148 The mock Tudor mansion house has ten bedrooms and 13 bathrooms all with high ceilings and dark hardwood floors.
149 It proved to be a festive and productive time, a highlight being a splendid mock cricket game on the playing fields. We had no idea we had so many cricketing staff!
150 Europeans like to mock the vapidity of American politics, but they also acknowledge that it would be difficult to imagine a brown or black person leading France or Germany.
151 The British utopia literature undergoes the process of utopia, mock - utopia and dystopia.
152 Based on whatever is appropriate, create an early mock up of what you're trying to accomplish.
153 How long will the enemy mock you, O God? Will the foe revile your name forever?
154 A worker maneuvering a gurney clears her path and lifts his eyebrows in mock amazement.
155 Any words and deeds that underestimate netizen intelligence quotient can suffer only disgustful and mock.
156 Maecenas had become a sick man, aging rapidly, though in 17 he was still sufficiently buoyant to mock Agrippa because the latter lacked a pedigree.
157 Talk of revolution and mock gallows aside, the Republican street party was hardly a Cromwellian affair.
158 Please send a proposal graphical design mock up, and a list of the latest functionality you will be capable to integrating in the website along with your bid.
159 A full scale mock up of the Anglo-French supersonic passenger jet is prepared in Filton, England, for presentation to customer airlines.
160 For this article we will persist the information for an employee in a mock payroll system.
161 And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.
162 An extra capability of the mock object is a Controller Interface that enables the test framework to query whether it was invoked with the expected data values.
163 It makes mock of your sound senses, and lays them in thistledown like fragile vessels.
164 Languages with advanced metaprogramming capabilities, such as Ruby and Lisp, allow some testing tricks that other languages don't, such as easier access to mock objects.
165 Mock epic: A comic literary form that treats a trivial subject in the grand heroic style of the epic. A mock epic is also referred to as a mock-heroic poem.
166 The addition of a mock sun is a common sight in polar regions but very rare in other places.
167 The Meizu M8 was widely promoted in mock up form within weeks of Apple's January 2007 iPhone announcement.
168 I became the laughingstock of all my people; they mock me in song all day long.
169 You could unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer and then run your test, but it's a lot less labor-intensive to write a mock object that simulates a network failure.
170 The product is capable of capturing SOAP requests and responses to create test requests, test cases and mock up services. The tool can even create WSDLs for these mock up services.
171 A mock sun combined with a halo is seen in Changchun on Jan 8, 2011.
172 The special phenomenon, according to scientists, is a solar halo, or "mock sun", which results from the refraction of ice crystal particles contained in clouds.
173 The sun is alone, except in thick weather , when there sometimes appear to be two, but one is a mock sun.
174 Add a Java? snippet, "Send cancellation notice to auditor1" (Figure 3), to mock the compensation action.
175 PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.
176 I am looking for a designer to provide a mock up or a sample of some ideas on how to make this work.
176 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
177 Soon students may conduct mock physicals and be graded on bedside manner as part of medical licensing exams.
178 'It's the thing Mock Turtle Soup is made from, ' said the Queen.
179 These roles should be reinforced during regular training exercises, such as a mock code, quarterly or biannually.
180 Mock trial is a special law practice, consisting of preparation, mock trial and summarization.
181 Accordingly he held the toy jovially before him, and, coming out into the dining-room, where Jennie was working at the sideboard, he exclaimed in a mock solemn voice, "Where did this come from?"
182 First, I need to mock up a description of what I might want to say about the data in Listing 2.
183 In Listing 16 we see, that mock application context is created as well as the standard Wicket application instance.
184 I nodded in mock agreement, but he might as well have been speaking Swahili.
185 People in Africa sense in their hearts that Jesus did not mock their respect for the sacred, nor their claimer for an invincible savior.
186 Opel Design renamed it and exhibited its fiberglass mock - up as an eye - catcher at the show.
187 They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; They speak from on high.
188 Zimbardo transformed the Stanford Psychology Department's basement into a mock prison.
189 There is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation.
190 I do not mean to offend the Earth god, but I use its image as a metaphor to mock at the corrupting bureaucrat culture.
191 The floor was sometimes caulked and filled with water to a depth of about a meter for mock sea battles.
192 Students voted in the mock voting booth. They had a chance to be an American.
193 The project consists in creating a 8-page mock up and including a cover.
194 The client can have a full high-resolution mock up about two hours from receipt of the concept.
195 Every time I think of doing something! instould likely I can find a reason to mock inside myself and defeinside my purpose.
196 If we like the examples then we will ask you to provide a mock up of our homepage (details on PM).
197 Now that we have added the mock Service Controller interface to the MockCustomer component, you will see an error because we have no implementation of the required operations (Figure 25).
198 The extra String parameter supplied to jMock CGLIB's mock() method is used as an identifier for the mock object created.
199 The general story of why we can't in general is because there's no surprise, there's no mock aggression, and also there may be a general deadening of self-stimulation.
200 060-CheckNotification.tspec -- Verify that the Mock Customer Notification object received the expected data from the process.
201 As the systems evolve, there is the need for different forms of test harnesses, including the ability to mock or stub out parts that are not yet ready for prime time.
202 Standouts include King Kong Huo Fang (stewed mock pork), sweet-and-sour mock ribs and fish, lion's head (mock meatballs), preserved leafy vegetable steamed stuffed bun, godly mock duck, and much more.
203 In the level of brigade, mainly carried out mock share cooperative system, stripped rear-service department and simplified the administrative structure.
204 That's why we recommend testing mock up designs, existing websites and even competitor websites before the development phase of a project.
205 Description: the home screen will only display the KB widget and the Pipeline deal custom fields for that property, Please see mock up for fields to display.
206 Instead of connecting to a real server that provides up-to-the-minute exchange-rate information, the test connects to a mock server that always returns the same exchange rate.
207 Two Greenpeace protesters "keep an eye on" Japan on a mock pink whale in front of the Sydney Opera House to protest the Japanese whaling fleet's departure for Antarctica to harvest the Minke whale.
208 Please see attached document for complete specifications of the project. Included are mock ups of the admin interface.




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