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单词 Primates
1. Other primates laugh by panting rapidly.
2. And the evidence from other primates is equally ambiguous.
3. The dominance hierarchies of primates are often more complex, overlapping networks, rather than the simple ladder of the hen hierarchy.
4. Sharing is rare in primates and the chimpanzee behaviour may indicate the sources of human mealtime ceremonials.
5. In primates it seems to be based on social rank.
6. Most primates, for example, use their canine teeth for fighting.
7. Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition; against united barons they were impotent.
8. Providing one sticks to primates there is much scope for successful extrapolation.
9. However, the hierarchies of hens and of various primates share many features in common.
10. Our main inference was that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal.
11. As with other primates, male chimpanzees have a clear hierarchy that controls access to females.
12. Like our own hands, those of most primates allow them to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.
13. Macaques and other less intelligent primates have not yet displayed the self-recognition abilities of apes and humans.
14. Until recently they were thought to be primitive primates but now science has put them firmly among the insectivores.
15. Fruit eating primates have relatively larger brains than those that eat leaves.
16. These advanced primates had large brains and eyes at the front of the face that gave them stereoscopic forward vision.
17. Superior intelligence and the use of lauguage distinguish man from the other primates.
18. Kohak points out that anthropologists use the evidence of worship as a key way to distinguish between humans and higher primates.
19. Humans contract the disease when bitten by mosquitoes that have been infected by primates.
20. What is true of the chimpanzee and the higher primates in general is even more true of man.
21. Nevertheless(), the plants are dispersed by a range of other agents including primates and even water.
22. When applied to the newly discovered cytochrome oxidase blobs in the visual cortex of primates the correlational approach is quite revealing.
23. In Sarawak, travelers will visit Bako National Park, known for its birds, primates and pitcher plants.
24. Here we show that the P3A exon is present only in primates and man and it is conserved through primate evolution.
25. In percentage terms the number of larger mammals, including primates, is very low.
26. Fidel would be seized by cramps, vomiting and fits of coughing, just like the long-tailed primates, and horribly die.
27. Culture in man depends on the development of psychological traits not found in other primates.
28. Age has little effect on dominance in hens, but in many primates older animals are often dominant to juveniles.
29. The major growth of cerebral cortex, as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.
30. These have a carcinogenic effect in 39 animal species, including primates.
31. What now of the claims that other primates can communicate with systems in all important respects as complicated as ours?
32. Far from being choosy, female primates seemed to be initiators of much promiscuity.
33. In the last few years remote places have revealed new deer, new primates and a whole host of rodents.
34. If you believe in evolution, you believe man is descended from primates, and primates are vegetarian.
35. Presumably, these relatively open habitats favored larger groups as they did for chimps and baboons, the two other open-country primates.
36. One of our fellow primates, the two-foot-long lemur is vegetarian, monogamous, and makes a noise like a saxaphone.
37. The primates attained their dominant positions through a combination of military skill, physical prowess, and personal magnetism.
38. Prudently taking cognisance of onlookers also turns out to be important in the social behaviour of other primates.
39. This feature usefully serves other primates, which consume considerable amounts of ripe fruit: rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre.
40. If the government decides against underwriting the venture, then the centre must decide the fate of hundreds of primates.
41. Gibbons belong to the higher primates, the Anthropoidea, the monkeys and apes.
42. Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
43. Some primates live in patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent groups.
44. You see it in nonhuman primates, where the new alpha male comes into the troop and mates.
45. Primates are alert, inquisitive animals.
46. Laughter may even have evolved long before primates.
47. Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates pygmy marmosets.
48. Autoeroticism in female mammals, as well as heterosexual and homosexual intercourse (especially in primates), often involves direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris [...].
49. Monkey is considered one of the world's most endangered primates.
50. Scientists had never before found S.I.V. in lemurs, which branched off from all other living primates some 50 million years ago.
51. White-naped mangabey monkeys, found in rainforests of central Africa, are some of the most endangered primates.
52. The pseudogene was also found in some primates and guinea pigs, as expected.
53. Some studies have demonstrated that the preference for laterality in primates is physically based on the asymmetry of their brain and the functional evolution process.
54. These high primates , gorilla and chimpanzee, are described as herbivores and opportunist carnivores, i . e.
55. Nonhuman primates phylogenetic closeness to human being and its ES lines are very similar to human.
56. Ethnologist Frans de Waal has offered several observations of apparent empathy among nonhuman primates in his 1996 book Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals.
57. The most important blood types are in the ABO group, which can be typed for all humans and many other primates.
58. Since it requires the use of opposable thumbs, it is a gesture used by higher primates.
59. Blastocystis hominis is an intestinal protozoan parasite restricted to humans and primates.
60. The answer is that our animal order, the primates, evolved in the trees.
61. Language, tool-making, and the regulation of sex are the chief defining features of man in contradistinction to other primates .
62. In primates, the neocortex appears to be responsible for an enhanced capacity to predict others' behaviour.
63. At least one of the devoured primates, an early ape called Proconsul, is thought to have been an ancestor to both modern humans and chimpanzees.
64. Previously, primates had exhibited right-hand preferences in captivity but no handedness in the wild, leading scientists to speculate that they became lateralized through interacting with humans.
65. Also known as snow monkeys Japanese macaques are the world's northernmost non - human primates.
66. It may be a self-protection strategy, as it seems to be among other primates that show signs of sadness.
67. In Africa, monkeypox infection has been found in many animal species: rope squirrels, tree squirrels, Gambian rats, striped mice, doormice and primates.
68. The Jane Goodall Institute is fighting very hard for legislation that will prohibit people from owning other primates as pets.
69. This is the first scientific study that finds envy in non - primates.
70. "When it comes to war-fighting, ant species are more similar to humans than most other animals, even primates, " ecologist and photojournalist Mark Moffett tells Danger Room.
71. In the current issue of Natural History, Yale Professor (of psychology) Frank A. Beach tells how lower primates can learn to love money; some even turn into subhuman capitalists.
72. Tarsiers look very much like other early primates, but their eyes are huge - each one weighs more than its brain.
73. They went straight to the primates. Hannah was thrilled. So many gorillas!
74. Stuart said the same approach could be applied to a variety of species in Asia, including the wild water buffalo, several types of primates and the gaur, the world's largest cattle.
75. Humans are classified into the domain Eukary, kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class-s Mammalia, order Primates, family Hominidae, genus Homo, and species sapiens.
76. Trichromacy in primates evolved in a context other than socio-sexual communication, and this context may have been foraging performance.
77. The human species: Homo Sapiens, was created by genetic mutation using the available primates and supplementing this base stock with their own genetic material.
78. He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality."
79. These tools set one group of African primates apart from their cousins.
80. Superior intelligence and the use of lauguage distinguish man the other primates.
81. PFOS can also lead to Convulsion of primates and lag the conditioned reflex formation of Rodents.
82. Many apes and monkeys carry their own strain of S.I.V,[http:///primates.html] but it's not clear how long the viruses have been infecting primates.
83. But many primates, including humans, have a third photopigment, encoded by a second gene on the X chromosome.
84. Females have displayed laterality of cradling and carrying their babies, while babies have also showed their nipple preference in primates.
85. The conventional theory is that primates evolved trichromatic color vision to assist them in foraging, specifically by allowing them to detect red/orange food items from green leaf backgrounds.
86. Red colobus monkeys would be among the primates most threatened by warming-induced leaf changes, a new study says.
87. Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb.
88. If more evidence piles up in favor of prosimian social learning, it's almost a given that the ability first emerged before prosimian and simian primates split about 63 million years ago, Santos said.
89. After all, other primates cooperate, said anthropologist Joan Silk of the University of California, Los Angeles, who specializes in reproductive strategies of old-world monkeys.
90. This is the fourth part of "A Guide to the Measurement of Mammal Skull" In this paper we provide the standard method and measurements for the skull of Primates and Scandentia.
91. The last of the grass - grazing primates, Ethiopia's gelada monkeys live in matriarchal societies.
92. An urban district of southern Northern Ireland. Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 2,700.
93. Superior intelligence and the use of language distinguish man from the other primates.
94. An urban district of southern Northern Ireland. Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 12, 700.
95. Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision.
96. As a result, we primates have overlapping fields of vision from each eye which give us excellent 3-D vision; without depth perception a tree-living animal is very quickly out of the gene pool.
97. That can be done very accurately for all primates, and DeSilva was able to analyze a dozen Australopithecus skulls.
98. Human beings, or man — Latin: "wise human", are bipedal primates in the family Hominidae.
99. Capuchin monkeys are famously shrewd and resourceful primates, the New World equivalent of chimpanzees.
100. In addition, the human is at the same time there are head lice pubis and the only primates.
101. The aye-aye is a species of lemur, a group of primates with large ears, long limbs and a long body.
102. Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs lorisesand tarsiers.
103. How would studies of other primates be useful in the understanding of this topic?
104. For example, primates rely more on vision than olfaction; for rats, the opposite is true.
105. Reloading might explain the behavior of bucks, bulls, and male primates, all of which tend to ejaculate at the end of an autoerotic episode.
106. Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan.
107. A solution for these primates, though , was present in the evolutionary toolbox.
108. It includes primates such as the extinct giant ape Gigantopithecus, as well as the ancestors of the living orangutan (Pongo) and gibbon (Hylobates).
109. The question you should be asking is why human women have different vaginas than primates.
110. After capture, the blood B12 levels of most primates drops rapidly when they are fed on a hygienically grown and prepared plant-based diet.
111. The white -headed langur, one of many endangered species of primates in Asia, is found only in Guangxi province in southern China.
112. Consciousness or cerebration has been said to have emerged in the evolution of higher primates.
113. Previous studies of primates had been confined to captive animals but Leakey believed, presciently, that much more could be learned by studying them in the wild.
114. Post - conflict behavior has been reported in most of non - human primates.
115. A mammal of the order Primates, which includes the anthropoids and prosimians, characterized by refined development of the hands and feet, a shortened snout, and a large brain.
116. But many primates , including humans, hae a third photopigment, encoded by a second gene on the X chromosome.
117. Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials(http://), a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
118. The red colobus could have been the first species of primates to disappear in 200 years.
119. Signalling by facial and vocal expression _ r is ubiquitous among primates.




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