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单词 peaky
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitypea·ky /ˈpiːki/ adjective British English informal  MIDCBlooking pale and ill 苍白的,有病容的 SYN American English peaked He’s looking a bit peaky today. 他今天看起来有点不舒服。Examples from the Corpuspeaky• For a Health Secretary he looked pale and peaky.• Lesley-Jane looked strained and peaky and her performance was once again subdued.• You look awfully peaky and you've hardly eaten a thing.• So, we're feeling a bit peaky are we?• My familiar, peaky little face.• You have a sit down, love, you look peaky to me.pea·ky adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus ill pale looking and




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