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单词 Traveled
(1) She has traveled in most northern countries.
(2) Have you ever traveled abroad?
(3) George traveled all over Europe last summer.
(4) Have you traveled in Europe?
(5) His eyes traveled over the enemy's positions.
(6) We traveled day and night without stopping.
(7) They traveled far from home.
(8) He traveled at his company's expense.
(9) Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris.
(10) Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.
(11) He traveled over land and water before he found what he was looking for.
(12) We once traveled inland.
(13) His eyes traveled over the scene.
(14) He has traveled in southern cities.
(15) His mind traveled over past events.
(16) He traveled the southern states(Sentencedict), preaching the gospel .
(17) The road can be traveled only on horseback.
(18) I have traveled throughout Europe.
(19) The salesman traveled abroad for his company.
(20) He traveled Scotland last year.
(21) To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore.
(22) Her eye traveled over the pupils.
(23) The president traveled by rail to his home town.
(24) As we traveled together, we started to grow apart.
(25) We're very tired, having traveled from London in a day.
(26) In her late sixties she traveled over Europe with a crony of equal years.
(27) He traveled the city for a firm which makes furniture.
(28) He traveled the length and breadth of the country raising funds for the party.
(29) If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.
(30) Life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.
(1) She has traveled in most northern countries.
(2) Have you ever traveled abroad?
(3) George traveled all over Europe last summer.
(4) Have you traveled in Europe?
(5) His eyes traveled over the enemy's positions.
(6) We traveled day and night without stopping.
(7) They traveled far from home.
(8) He traveled at his company's expense.
(9) If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.
(10) Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris.
(11) He traveled over land and water before he found what he was looking for.
(12) We once traveled inland.
(31) While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.
(32) In the evening of his life he traveled from place to place.
(33) After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly.
(34) The number of the people who traveled by air soared to millions.
(35) Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister.
(36) When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak.
(37) News of his work traveled all the way to Asia.
(38) The gooks would booby-trap heavily traveled areas.
(39) He's traveled a great deal.
(40) We traveled 2251 miles in 11 days.
(41) He founded two monasteries in Wearmouth(Sentencedict), then traveled extensively.
(42) Several state senators traveled to Asia at taxpayers' expense.
(43) We traveled across a broad expanse of desert.
(44) Kim traveled alone through Europe.
(45) They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths.
(46) We traveled through treeless wastes.
(47) He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography(), intellectual property and cognitive theory.
(48) Since the crow believed that this was Kay, the crow and Gerda traveled to the castle.
(49) I hitchhiked, I traveled on foot, I rode the rails.
(50) Studying drama as a winner of a Commonwealth Fellowship, Cooke traveled throughout the country in the summer of 1933.
(51) As the designers hustled to finish the machine, those charged with the encouragement of a third-parry software base traveled the country.
(52) Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Denis Waitley 
(53) Anyone who has traveled in Third World countries is aware that the favors of public officials are customarily and blatantly for sale.
(54) From this they could determine the average speeds the waves traveled at different depths.
(55) Access to the region is restricted, and journalists who have traveled there have been closely followed and monitored.
(56) It was a seemingly happy time for Edwin, too, who kept writing letters as he traveled about the country.
(57) His tongue traveled gently over her lips until gradually her mouth opened slightly, just wide enough for his tongue to enter.
(58) Everywhere we went, every town we traveled to, I kept expecting Slim to pop up again.
(59) We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started. Henry Ward Beecher 
(60) Even had my grandparents wanted to, they could not have traveled because of their frail health.
(61) We traveled in thick fog and through whorls of brown blowing mist, which made the woods ghostly.
(62) For centuries, the Spanish traveled to the four corners of the Earth in search of new lands.
(63) That many trips around the clock means each minute hand has traveled the equivalent of 10, 677 miles.
(64) We spent a two weeks in Mexico and traveled all over.
(65) He had traveled with a group of Rajput grazers into Haryana, later writing a thesis about them.
(66) He had traveled with them during their arduous political journeys through the presidential primaries the previous wInter.
(67) When I finished college, I traveled around for a while before I got my first job.
(68) Wherever she went, she was mobbed; whenever she traveled, she was treated like royalty.
(69) In her capacity as war correspondent for ABC News, she has traveled all over the world.
(70) Returning brought back the pain, but it also brought home to her how far she had traveled.
(71) Whaling, Reiniger said from his Palo Alto hotel room, radicalized the black sailors(http://), who traveled the world hunting whales.
(72) About 40 were scheduled to have traveled there between November and late January.
(73) We traveled from church to church, drifting toward the tip of the peninsula until we reached the port of Pusan.
(74) The Bruins set up a play for Johnson in the low post, but Dollar traveled while trying to make the pass.
(75) Peter had left yesterday evening and must have traveled overnight.
(76) I've traveled over most of Europe but my favorite place was Austria.
(77) I traveled down the single line of dark hair below his navel into his belt.
(78) The planes traveled 30 feet off the ground, flying in formation.
(79) This was the bondage that Langford was free of, having gone over to stills work: he traveled very light.
(80) Shaw took Mountain Valley spring water along whenever he traveled.
(81) But if taking the road less traveled is your idea of fun, these devices are worth checking out.
(82) A man like him traveled a good deal and he might be away at a conference or even abroad.
(83) Louis in Conestoga wagons and traveled across the vast, perilous country in search of a better life in the West.
(84) Males often traveled in packs, fought, tried to mount everything in sight and gnawed each others' tails.
(85) Back and forth I traveled, sometimes within minutes of each other.
(86) The seawater flowed up through the cracks between the bamboo poles, and the wave crest traveled right over the raft.
(87) What act of forgiveness was not diluted by the endless range of cause and effect through which it traveled?
(88) Although widely traveled in the company, he seemed to have formed few relationships with either his subordinates or superiors.
(89) Only society's upper crust would have traveled in the car, known as the limousine of its day.
(90) The heat from the water in the ceramic cup traveled through the material of the cup, making the cup hotter.
(91) The vibrations you heard traveled through the metal coat hanger, then through the string and the pencils to your ear drum.
(92) She explained that she wore furs and her jewelry only when she traveled abroad with her husband on state visits.
(93) One early spring morning when the snow had finally melted, our client traveled to the ranch to check his horses.
(94) Her fa-ther finally traveled to an oracle of Apollo to ask his advice on how to get her a good husband.
(95) He has seen World Series and traveled to witness Opening Day in a handful of major-league cities.
(96) Normally housed in a museum beneath the Kremlin Armory, they have never before traveled to the United States.
(97) Like Noah in his ark, they had traveled across the vast oceanic flood to carry out their holy mission.
(98) In societies where women are not secluded, services have been provided along routes regularly traveled by the women.
(99) We traveled to Cape Town, and thence to India via Madagascar.
(100) We must have traveled two miles before either one of us found the courage to speak.
(101) My dad was a minister(/traveled.html), and we traveled a lot on weekends in a mobile home.
(102) He traveled to Athens, sent there by Apollo to plead his case before Athena.
(103) Thomas's colorful history began years before with the tent shows that traveled the South bringing entertainment to rural areas.
(104) As Bryant rode toward San Juan, he traveled through late November rains.
(105) But the route she took to Washington in many ways resembles the one traveled by first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.
(106) He owned one of the biggest houses in the best neighborhood, traveled all around the world, had a summer home.
(107) He knew McDonald had traveled on one expedition with Peary.
(108) I, who had traveled all that long day on that train without so much as a cheese in my pocket?
(109) He traveled to many lands and did many other great deeds.
(110) They also want to take statements from other troopers who traveled with Clinton while he was governor.
(111) The impostors allegedly traveled to different testing site to take the exams, showing fake drivers' licenses or military identifications.
(112) We traveled 2, 251 miles in 11 days, cutting across nine states from the deep South to the industrial Midwest.
(113) She traveled to Mississippi to help unskilled workers get jobs at shipyards in Pascagoula, the hometown of Lott.
(114) Others sculpted new statues or built temples or traveled to caves or ruins to revive ancient rituals.
(115) Joe was, as always, resplendent when he traveled to the two political parties' summer nominating conventions.
(116) During much of that time he lived and traveled incognito under perhaps as many as 50 assumed names.
(117) They traveled secretly under the umbrella of dark ness.
(118) Thor traveled in a chariot drawn by male goats.
(119) They traveled to Shanghai in third class.
(120) The impostor traveled on a false passport.
(121) Marco Polo traveled all around the Silk Road.
(122) They traveled like a blue streak through Spain.
(123) During this time, Robin Hood had traveled to Nottingham.
(124) Man traveled to the moon scores of years ago.
(125) The two boys traveled through Europe on a shoestring.
(126) They traveled to Europe in high season.
(127) Marathon Runner: Longest total distance traveled in the match.
(128) Slowpoke: Shortest total distance traveled in the match.
(129) When young, he traveled to Palestine and Egypt.
(130) The crash occurred around 5 p.m. on a heavily traveled Metro route, known as the Red Line, that shuttles thousands of commuters every day from the suburbs into the city.
(131) India, where Herakles and Dionysus traveled...all these men who went East, Theseus...Jason, Achilles, were victorious.
(132) Invitations went through third parties and some of the visitors traveled circuitous routes to attend.
(133) This possible relationship has led some researchers to speculate that the earliest cheetahs may have originated in North America and traveled across the Bering Strait from Alaska to Siberia .
(134) Rather than meet Bucks officials after the draft in New York, the 7-foot (2.13-metre) Yi traveled to Dallas where he joined the Chinese national team for an exhibition game on Sunday.
(135) In transacting business for O'Hara Brothers, he had visited Augusta, a hundred miles up the Savannah River, and he had traveled inland far enough to visit the old towns westward from that city.
(136) She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930.
(137) During World War II you traveled thousands of miles, often at great personal risk, to entertain the troops.
(138) Several days later five of us traveled stern - wheel riverboat, to another railhead.
(139) Country by country, Borken-Kleefeld and colleagues began by tallying the myriad ways that people traveled in 2000.
(140) When Obama traveled to Copenhagen in 2009 to seal a climate pact, Chinese leaders abjectly humiliated him before sinking the deal.
(141) So the two of them traveled until they came to Bethlehem.
(142) The herpes simplex virus, cause of the common cold sore, had traveled to his brain, wiping out his entire memory center, including the hippocampus and areas that control emotion and behavior.
(143) Other people quickly traveled to the area of the great Klondike River where the three had made the discovery. Some also found huge amounts of gold, enough to make them extremely rich.
(144) Flip over without thinking anything,don't think anything, Acts 11:19, "Now those who were scattered because of the persecutions that took place over Stephen traveled as far as."
(145) I traveled nine hours by ship from the world's northernmost settlement to reach polar ice rim.
(146) Ducks traveled over the river idyllically. Most trees started to be ready to welcome the coming of fall.
(147) After the war, Jung traveled widely , visiting, for example, tribal people in Africa, America, and India.
(148) A high-level U.S. delegation recently traveled to China to argue for increased domestic consumption and exchange rate flexibility there.
(149) When William Randolph Hearst was a little kid, he traveled around the countries in Europe with his mom.
(150) Soong Mei-ling's two older sisters traveled to the United States to attend Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Ga.
(151) Far and wide the Dervishes (the monks of the Mohammedan world) traveled through the realm of the Prophet.
(152) The border between the countries is heavily traveled, as both nations do a lot of business together.
(153) The distances traveled translate not only to lost productive time but also with the current price of gasoline into lost economic opportunities.
(154) "Of course it's worth it, " said Shuhena Begum, 21, who traveled from the central English city of Birmingham to see Jackson.
(155) But we worked hard, we traveled across the state to big cities and small towns, to factories and VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Halls.
(156) He said the family has traveled six times from their home in Tabriz to Tehran to speak with Iranian officials, but in vain.
(157) Still, after years of fruitless diplomatic engagement with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear ambitions, targeted financial sanctions and divestment offer a road not yet traveled.
(158) It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith.
(159) Everyone traveled during the last holiday season except for Tim.
(160) Passport files usually contain personal identity information and may include information about countries the traveled to.
(161) Upon other dimensions of life humans traveled in space craft to mine and deforest Terra for the gain upon their planet of origin.
(161) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(162) Extensive travelers also had higher diastolic blood pressure and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (the 'good cholesterol') than people who traveled less frequently, the study found.
(163) By the year eighteen thirty , he had traveled to Saint Louis , Missouri.
(164) King of Great Britain and Ireland (1901-1910) who traveled much of Europe to improve Britain's international relations and was known for his elegant, sporting style.
(165) On Friday, I traveled to Annapolis, where I spoke at the Commencement of the United States Naval Academy.
(166) PopinJay IF I HAVE any insight into this movement toward a deepening religious commitment , perhaps its because its a road I have traveled .
(167) Cyclometer:an instrument that records the revolutions of a wheel to indicate distance traveled .
(168) In the past, traveled between the departure point and destination point mostly by air, so the views collected were only about the two points but had no any idea about the scenes between.
(169) These two men traveled for three days, and found people and houses without number.
(170) We had what we hoped would be enough money to sustain us for about a year if we traveled backpacker-style on a tight budget.
(171) He had traveled widely and knew a thing or two about the Far East.
(172) Former Nebraska quarterback Sam Keller traveled to Tampa Thursday to participate in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers ' rookie mini-camp.
(173) Within less than 1 millisecond the steep- fronted shock wave has traveled some distance ahead of the isothermal region.
(174) He often traveled long distances to small towns in the southeastern United States.
(175) Whether we examine distances traveled, altitudes reached, or minerals mined, the same accelerative trend is obvious.
(176) He had traveled in this way for some time , when he came to a more thickly settled country.
(177) “It’s a genuine urban culture of watching your neighbors go by, ” said Bruce Grant, a New York University anthropologist who has traveled to Baku regularly in the last decade.
(178) When John Grogan and his wife traveled to Ireland, they left behind the third member of the family: Marley, their Labrador retriever.
(179) Back haul is the distance traveled from the delivery destination point back to the departure point.
(180) In November eighteen sixty-three, President Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He spoke at the opening of a military cemetery.
(181) After studying at University College London, Brandy traveled to Scotland to do research on the natterjack toad for her dissertation, earning herself a Masters degree in Conservation.
(182) I traveled most of the mountains and virgin forest alone.
(183) One news article at the time warned that trains would "blight crops with their smoke, terrorize livestock ...and people could asphyxiate" if they traveled on them.
(184) The distance traveled by a machine screw in a single revolution.
(185) He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration.
(186) He traveled across the country with other well - known performers, including the Marx Brothers.
(187) One Atlanta reader wrote about taking along his seven-year-old Basset hound when he traveled to a wedding.
(188) From Mount Ararat , Shem traveled west. Genetic data reflects a clear picture of this journey.
(189) Last September , about 40 families traveled to capital call attention to the plight of abducted children.
(190) Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting. He had traveled in much of Europe before.
(191) Vowed Charnel, who traveled everyplace With her slippered foot in a velvet case.
(191) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(192) We saw the billowy ocean when we traveled from England to America by ship.
(193) Following the uproar caused by this work, Wollstonecraft traveled to Paris, where she observed the French Revolution and wrote a justification on its behalf.
(194) Oh, I forgot to mention, the road from Kunming to Dali which we traveled at night had a deep trench on either side.
(195) Born in Lansing , Michigan on April 10,1951, Seagal traveled to Japan at the age of seventeen.
(196) Homo sapiens had probably already traveled from its African homeland through most of Europe and Asia.
(197) business for O'Hara Brothers, he had visited Augusta, a hundred miles up the Savannah River, and he had traveled inland far enough to visit the old towns westward from that city.
(198) I am the person who likes to traveled very much, though I important money.
(199) Sima Qian ( 145 ~86 BC ) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian.
(200) Last May, Defense Secretary Robert Gates traveled to the Eisenhower library in Abilene, Kans., and praised the 34th president for keeping the lid on defense spending during the 1950s.
(201) On which mission did Charlie Brown and Snoopy accompany the astronauts as they traveled into space?
(202) He had traveled too often with the Judge not to know the sensation of riding in a baggage car.
(203) This is just one of the heartbreaking sights captured on film by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) as they traveled around North Korea last month delivering aid to the most needy.
(204) Murrow traveled to Vienna to report on Nazi forces entering the Austrian capital. The broadcast also included reports from London, Berlin, Paris, France and Rome, Italy. It was a huge success.
(205) The team observed the phenanthrene as it traveled through the blood, and watched as it destroyed DNA and caused mutations that lead to cancer.
(206) Shown in a NASA illustration, the full annular eclipse of January 15, 2010, cast a dark lunar shadow along a 190-mile-wide (300-kilometer-wide) path that traveled across nearly half Earth's surface.
(207) He intentionally became struck in the ice and traveled with it across the Arctic Ocean!
(208) As the scarab traveled throughout Europe and Asia by trade, war and politics, its purpose changed.
(209) This time-lag depends on the distance the signal has traveled through the interstellar medium: the longer the distance, the greater the time lag.
(210) I traveled to France in 1993 to tour the beaches and write about the 50th anniversary of the D-day invasion.
(211) E . g . We had traveled a fair way by lunch time.
(212) My knowledge of French stood me in good stead when I traveled in France.
(213) After the battle at Issus, Alexander traveled five hundred miles along the coast through Palestine across the desert and is now poised to take Egypt.
(214) (Laughter.) Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently traveled to Shanghai for the Pavilion's groundbreaking ceremony.
(215) What is Old Faithful and why have millions of people traveled to Wyoming to see it?
(216) She traveled the countryside, staying just ahead of the builders and wrecking balls, painting outdoors with a pallette of just nine colors.
(217) Astronomers used to believe in something called "the music of the spheres" — they thought that planets and stars created harmonies as they traveled through the skies.
(218) On March fourth, eighteen sixty-nine, Ulysses Grant traveled to Washington for his inauguration as the eighteenth president of the United States.
(219) His name is "Courage," and he traveled here from Goldsboro, North Carolina, where he was raised under Walter's own precious care.
(220) Once filled with enough energy, Count Dooku traveled to the moon of the distant planet of Thule.
(221) The native whites rode dusty horses,(http:///traveled.html) and the Norther tourists traveled down the sandy village road in automobiles.
(222) In June, mother and daughter left their home in Birmingham, Ala., and traveled to Camp Shane, a weight-loss camp for kids age 7 and older in New York's Catskill Mountains.
(223) The total mileage traveled by American motorists in one year is about one million million miles.
(224) The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.
(225) You may drive along a straight, heavily traveled road not far from a busy city.
(226) Two teachers of Gnostic, heterodox repute, traveled abroad at different times during the middle of the second century AD.
(227) Storage should be away from heavily traveled areas and emergency exits.
(228) President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D.C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches.
(229) The new Santa also acquired a host of Nordic elves to replace the small dark-skinned boy called Black Peter, who in Christian tradition so loved St. Nicholas that he traveled with him everywhere.
(230) Soon other residents from Grise Fiord, a remote Inuit hamlet in the Canadian High Arctic, traveled 50 miles by snowmobile to break holes in the ice so the whales could breathe.
(231) We own five trucks equipped with infrared technology, which we use to restore asphalt surfaces, mostly on heavily traveled roads.
(232) Americans depend on automobile like no other people. The total mileage traveled by American motorists in one year is about one million million miles.
(233) It is some 3500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they traveled in narrow boats.
(234) Bly traveled by ship, train, jinrikisha (a seat on wheels pulled by a man), sampan, horse, and donkey to make it.
(235) Liana was the main media and connection through which hoolock gibbon traveled between arbor forests and shrubs.
(236) Once a signal has traveled over the telephone line, a second modem is required at the other end of the line to reconvert the transmitted signals from analog to digital.
(237) Space Invader has traveled to places like Dhaka , Bangladesh; Mombasa , Kenya, and Istanbul, Turkey.
(238) As Segovia traveled the world, he and the guitar became more and more popular.
(239) With his uncle and father, he traveled across Turkey, Armenia, the Middle East, the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, and the hot Taklimakan Desert before finally reaching China in 1275.
(240) The ship traveled up and down in the rough sea.
(241) For centuries, scientists thought comets traveled in the Earth's atmosphere, but in 1577, observations made by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed they actually traveled far beyond the moon.
(242) The real discoverers of Antarctic were the hunters who traveled far south to catch seals.
(243) They traveled back in the rush hour and were all packed like sardines in train.
(244) On February 23, the Kosovar Albanians, including Thaci, accepted the agreement in principle, returned home to sell it to their people, and in mid-March traveled to Paris to sign the finished document.
(245) As part of the reciprocal exchange with Arranged Countries, 30,000 young Australians traveled overseas under working holiday arrangements.
(246) They had traveled more than one hundred twenty-five kilometers from their home in the mountains of Virginia.
(247) For 17 days we traveled from Leningrad to Moscow to the Volga River.
(248) The Celts believed that the ghosts of the dead were able to mix with the living, because during Samhain, the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld.
(249) Jacob traveled to Egypt in a cart with all his family.
(250) So the 22-year-old television reporter recently traveled from a coastal province to a private hospital in downtown Beijing to have it reshaped — for about $6, 000.
(251) Last summer I traveled from New York to San Francisco by Greyhound.
(252) Currently the American record-holder for the 1,500 meters, Lagat has traveled a long road to reach this point in his life and athletic career.
(253) For this, he earned income and traveled the globe, making two dozen business trips a year.
(254) The bottom image shows the dust storm on March 4, 2011 after the dust has traveled toward the east-southeast. On this day, skies are clear northwest of Baghdad.
(255) For months they traveled through the sands of the Gobi.
(256) Huebner said it was the first time an " air-breathing " jet had ever traveled so fast.
(257) The wings of a Confuciusornis (above) and a modern cock of the rock (next photo) convey the evolutionary distance traveled since the origin of flight.
(258) From Acre they traveled overland on horseback to Jerusalem to collect the oil for Kublai Khan.
(259) Word by word, I traveled through the Library of Jorge Luis Borges.
(260) My soul whirled with Rumi, read Aristotle with Averroes, traveled through Central Asia with Nasir Khusrow.
(261) 12From there we traveled to Philippi, a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia.
(262) Information will include: name of salesperson, name of account, distance traveled, date and purpose of call.
(263) I had traveled here to Henson's last home -- now a historic site that Carter formerly directed -- to learn more about a man who was, in many ways(), an African-American Moses.
(264) White House officials have called Biden’s trip to Mongolia a “truly historic visit, ” as it marks the first time a U.S. vice president has traveled to the Northeast Asian nation in more than 60 years.
(265) “Enough to feed a family of eight, ” said Frank Puleo, a caterer from Staten Island who has traveled to China to handle food-related issues.
(266) Myself, and Reuters TV cameraman Anil Ekmecic, had never been to Korea before, and what must be a fairly unusual experience, we could now say we traveled to Korea via the reclusive North first.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 10:21:55