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单词 Algae
(1) Algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.
(2) Most algae live in water.
(3) Algae and man lasted a whole day.
(4) The algae were cultivated under artificial light.
(5) Now it's choking with thick green algae.
(6) But that very nitrate is sustaining the algae.
(7) The algae photosynthesise food for themselves and in the process absorb carbon dioxide from the water.
(8) They graze on the algae that grow on the coral.
(9) If the algae do not return, the reefs will stop growing and eventually die.
(10) Filamentous green algae are seldom a nuisance unless they are allowed to reproduce excessively.
(11) These rocks are covered in algae after being in a small tank under an ordinary 60 watt bulb and not containing fish.
(12) Algae can be fought by removing the causes of development of the specific groups.
(13) Sunlight feeds the algae which feed the animals which feed the corals, sponges, clams, and fish.
(14) The tank has green hairy algae all over the rocks, heaterstat, gravel and glass.
(15) Current cryptogamic research areas include: diatoms, algae, fungi, lichens, bryophytes and ferns.
(16) The nutrients cause the growth of algae in rivers and lakes, kill some fish species and deprive the water of oxygen.
(17) Both love algae and probably browse it away before it can get a foothold.
(18) Man and algae sealed in the capsule divorced themselves from the wide net woven by the rest of life.
(19) The recommendation is to avoid attempting to remove algae by adding chemicals to the aquarium water.
(20) The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.
(21) The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut and marine algae.
(22) Yves Rocher Dynamic Corp Bio-Vegetal range includes gel, tonics and creams all with a high proportion of sea algae.
(23) We expect to find the missing information in the largely unexplored group of algae and protozoans.
(24) Inside a stunning 30-inch-diameter glass globe, shrimp paddle between fronds of algae.
(25) Apple Snails will enjoy a holiday in any tank over-run with algae, or unwanted plants.
(26) And the old fountain, now green with moss and algae, made a sweet, pattering sound.
(27) For the most part the tangs are herbivorous and constantly graze algae.
(28) This may contain phosphates, sulphates and nitrates in abundance - enough to start a green algae plague.
(29) Lakes and reservoirs may have to be shut during the summer as increasing pollution causes toxic algae blooms.
(30) Wild specimens are known to feed predominantly on insect larvae but will also take algae and detritus.
(1) The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.
(2) Most algae live in water.
(31) These algae are very dangerous in large quantities and could eventually destroy all other life in the aquarium if not controlled.
(32) That, in turn, has spurred algae growth, which clouds the lake.
(33) Like the yellow tang, this fish should be provided with plenty of algae.
(34) The sequence adjacent to the insertion site is very well conserved over large evolutionary distances such as between fungi, algae and bacteria.
(35) Growth of Algae Phosphates are used in detergents, fertilisers and many other manufactured products.
(36) The diagram shows the special features of the Algae Buster.
(37) In particular(), both corals and giant clams harbour unicellular algae which live within their body cells.
(38) Algae stained plastic plants can be bleached and rinsed cleaned.
(39) If kept under control by regular mechanical cleaning of excess algae, they are often a positive addition to the tank.
(40) To remove algae from your aquarium, drain off the water and wash the tank thoroughly.
(41) There are grazing species which feed mainly on food animal organisms but ingest large amounts of algae in the process.
(42) The biological agents that can play a part in breaking down rocks include bacteria, algae and too tIers.
(43) Raw sewage was feeding an already rapid growth of algae, raising weed growth to critical levels.
(44) This humble mollusc can be unreservedly recommended as it is hardy and lives exclusively on algae.
(45) Grazing herbivores can often be supplied with all their needs from the growths of various algae present in the aquarium.
(46) The problem had hit Britain now because we were feeding the algae with phosphates and nitrates and causing blooms.
(47) He put tiny brine shrimp and brine algae in an everlasting cosmos.
(48) Complete removal of green algae from the aquarium is very difficult unless chemicals are used.
(49) For about 24 hours,[http:///algae.html] man breathed into algae and algae breathed into man.
(50) Unfortunately it get direct sunlight, and is afflicted with algae.
(51) The colour, as with the Scarlet Ibis, originates from blue-green algae at the lower end of the food chain.
(52) He knows that most of his bottles will become encrusted with algae and settle to the sea floor.
(53) So the algae hang on as debilitating parasites rather than evolving towards benign cooperation.
(54) Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
(55) Clamp it between the two parts of an algae magnet and sink it to the bottom of the tank.
(56) The critical point is the effect of depth on illumination, which affects the photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae.
(57) Rocks Wash well in tap water, removing any deposits or growths of algae, lichens etc.
(58) However, after dark the plants and algae stop producing oxygen and instead use it to respire.
(59) At this extreme duration the researchers noticed that the respirations of man and algae were not exactly matched.
(60) As the water becomes overloaded with nutrients, the algae spreads and oxygen levels fall.
(61) In order to prevent them from becoming overgrown by algae, a few snails may be added.
(62) There are changes in the number and species of protozoans, algae, and bacteria.
(63) Many gastropods are grazers: they use their radula to rasp away at algae.
(64) Changes in sea temperature or salinity can cause the algae to leave, causing white blotches to form.
(65) Soon the fishless river was clogged with dense mats and braids of algae bloom.
(66) It works along the same lines as an algae magnet where the two magnets attract each other through the aquarium glass.
(67) Since they probably feed on algae, a method of control would be to restrict the growth of algae.
(68) Even in a Koi pool, the Koi will find sufficient algae and other aquatic life to survive without any adverse effects.
(69) She undertook the first serious application of photography to science by making photograms of her extensive collection of algae.
(70) Summer often brings a green coloration caused by dense growths of unicellular green algae stimulated by excess light.
(71) A level of three million algae to a litre of water is fatal to marine life.
(72) Brown algae is generally an indication of quite low lighting levels and increasing the amount of light will overcome this problem.
(73) I wish to eventually add invertebrates to this tank. Green filamentous algae can be a big problem in some tanks.
(74) As a general rule, algae are considered weeds in the aquarium as their growth can not be easily regulated.
(75) It creeps over the boulders on the beds of the mountain streams, grazing on algae.
(76) He is one of 35 local people who is considering suing the authority for loss of business because of the algae.
(77) Nutrients are extremely limited, and the lakes support only thin populations of algae and bacteria.
(78) Often the algae accumulate in a thin layer on the underside of the ice sheet[/algae.html], dispersing when the ice melts.
(79) The growth of certain species of algae can become quite think if uncontrolled.
(80) White fluorescent light increases the rate of growth of this plant while apparently not encouraging unwanted algae formation.
(81) One week the algae could be clear of toxins and the next week very toxic but no one yet know why.
(82) Some success has been reported in algae control by adding a very dilute copper sulphate or copper citrate solution to the water.
(83) More light is refracted below the surface, and algae, especially diatoms. rapidly become plentiful.
(84) If the algae faltered, the brilliant Shepelev would follow; or, if he succumbed, the algae would do likewise.
(85) Toxic algae has previously been confined to lowland shallow lakes surrounded either by an increasing population or intensively farmed land.
(86) There was algae and seaweed growing on the top layer of bamboos, which was certainly not there before.
(87) There have also been unconfirmed reports of algae blooms coincident with the dolphin deaths.
(88) The algae feeds on nitrogen and phosphates which come into the water from agriculture and sewage.
(89) Other marine life expected to suffer included coral reefs, algae and sea grass.
(90) The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
(91) They peered at the saline darkness: a world of algae and sea sounds.
(92) Algae should be provided to supplement the diet of Tangs and Angelfish.
(93) If allowed to grow unchecked, the algae would smother the reefs.
(94) Please could you tell me the best form of algae to keep in a fish-only aquarium?
(95) In a planted pond the fish will find plenty of algae and insect larvae on which they can feed in order to survive.
(96) Specific ways of checking individual groups of algae are discussed below.
(97) Lettuce trapped in an algae scraper will feed vegetarian fish.
(98) Cyaniding a reef, on the other hand, kills the reef, by allowing bacteria and algae to set in.
(99) Algae can block light and deplete oxygen from the water.
(100) The algae tanks were stacked so they took less than 8 square metres floor space.
(101) Instead they have to consume foods such as shrimps, snails, algae and insect larvae.
(102) This species is quite attractive with a pink and gold shell and feeds upon algae and diatom detritus.
(103) Agar is complex polysaccharide, extracted from red algae.
(104) Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake.
(105) Red tide creatures are mainly algae.
(106) The caustic waters breed a blue-green algae called Spirulina.
(107) You may also keep catfish and algae eaters.
(108) SPA beauty business, care products, fragrances, bath salts, mineral mud, seaweed, sea algae, sea salt, education and training, cultural publications,[] etc.
(109) And then there is algae. Its oil can be used for fuel.
(110) This brown algae and its cousins love coastal waters that are cool or cold.
(111) That history began with the origin of the primitive, unicellular aquatic algae of the Precambrian Eon.
(112) The blue-green algae that form the stromatolites helped create our present atmosphere by breaking down carbon dioxide and excreting oxygen.
(113) Rich oyster, mussel, clam, snail, seaweed, laver and other shellfish, algae.
(114) Chitosan is material from deacetylation of chitin, which from arthropod, coelenterate, annelids, protozoans, part of algae and fungi.
(115) Millions of sad people trudging around on an overpopulated world, munching on green biscuits made of algae.
(116) Heterothallism A condition found in algae and fungi in which sexual reproduction occurs only between genetically different self-incompatible mating types (strains) of the same species.
(117) Few species, low biomass and lack of blue green algae, Gastropoda, Lamellibranchia and Crustacea are most notable characteristics distinguished from general neutral and alkaline lakes.
(118) Aim: To research the distribution of algae and establish prediction model of cyanophyta cell density(CCD) in some surface water source of Zhengzhou.
(119) The results show that during the prechlorination the algae is destroyed and TON is increased.
(120) Although there is 34,500 tons of gaseous nitrogen in the air column above each acre of the earth's surface, this cannot be used by plants until it has been fixed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and algae.
(121) High algae - laden water was treated respectively by single - recycle and step - recycle counter current flotation.
(122) Seaweeds are any of numerous marine algae, such as a kelp, rock weed , or gulfweed.
(123) The first U.S. facility for converting algae into fuel is expected to open soon in Rio Hondo, Texas, but it will take decades to achieve significant production.
(124) Planktonic algae are at the bottom of the food chain. If more of them are around, the rest of that chain will be affected.
(125) In this study, expressed sequence tags analysis on Griffithsia japonica and algae were performed.
(126) Blue-green algae earlier this year in China Kenneth Bruland is an ocean sciences professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
(127) The airge algae take much of the oxygen from the water, fish.
(128) All water plants and animals, including algae, are constantly removing dissolved oxygen from the water and excreting carbon dioxide during normal respiration.
(129) Blue Marble is a start-up company with private investors. It also has a contract with Washington State to collect the algae called ulva, or sea lettuce, in parts of Seattle's Puget Sound waterway.
(130) Any of a group of water - soluble proteinaceous pigments that occur in red algae and cyanobacteria.
(131) Futuristic Factoid: This creature slurps algae and breathes through long, brightly colored gills.
(132) The results showed that symbiotic algae were found predominantly in the endoderm of the tentacles and were located within vacuoles in host cells.
(133) Antherozoid ( spermatozoid ) The male gamete of algae, some gymnosperms , and the non - seed - bearing plants.
(134) The coagulation aid of prechlorination is dependent on raw water quality, and its coagulation aid is more obvious in the algae development period.
(135) With Algae and Aquatic extracts to thicken and texturize. For volume or sexy, loose tousled styles.
(136) The only plants to be found in Antarctica are algae, mosses, and lichens.
(137) Extracted from a type of red algae (of the Gelidium and Gracilaria genera), AGAR is a gelling agent used in Japan since the 15th century.
(138) A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
(138) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(139) The stipe of the mushroom and the thallus of red algae (e. g. Porphyra) are pseudoparenchymatous tissues.
(140) The results indicate that the predominant organism groups were a complicated ecosystem including bacteria, protozoa and algae in the biotrickling filter while it was only fungi in the biofilter.
(141) The main way that carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean is through photosynthesis by planktonic algae.
(142) Then around 3.7 billion years ago, early forms of blue-green algae began to use sunlight to make food.
(143) The clownish grin of a bridled parrotfish reveals its power tools: grinding teeth used to scrape algae from rock.
(144) They included the algae, fungi, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, ferns, clubmosees, and horsetails , the vascular plant group often being termed vascular cryptogams.
(145) It also has a contract with Washington state to collect the algae called ulva, or sea lettuce, in parts of Seattle's Puget Sound waterway.
(146) According to a small-scale test, iron-enriched waters favor the growth of Pseudonitzschia, an algae that pumps out brain-damaging domoic acid.
(147) Porphyra is one of the most important marine algae, which has a global distribution and an important economic value.
(148) Prior experiments by another team found algae, fungi and amoebae about 656 feet beneath the U.S. surface.
(149) Chrysomonada A phylum of golden-brown algae, formerly called the Chrysophyta, common in fresh temperate waters, with a few species in marine waters.
(150) "The surrounding salamander cells that contain the algae often have several mitochrondria bordering the algal symbiont, " Kerney says, pointing to a TEM image.
(151) So, with the help of a Department of Energy grant, Bayless came up with a scalable box packed with photosynthesizing cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).
(152) Jonathan Franks of the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, used autofluorescence to observe this algae biofilm.
(153) Damselfish use the resulting gardens of algae for feeding and producing young.
(154) Severe pollution over recent years resulted in frequent blue-green algae outbreaks in Chaohu Lake, China's 5th largest body of fresh water and the only drinking water source for Chaohu City.
(155) Oil and duckweed algae coat Lake Maracaibo, a 13, 000-square-kilometer salt lake.
(156) A large bloom of blue - green algae in Taihu Lake caused water quality to deteriorate severely.
(157) Red tide creatures are mainly planktonic algae, such as pyrrhophyta, bacillariophyta, flagellates and noctiluca scintillans, etc.
(158) Mollusks, crustaceans, and even coralline algae are among theliving things that use calcium in their structures, a process that could beimpeded by higher acidity levels in seawater.
(159) Stipe 1. In the more highly differentiated Phaeophyta (brown algae), such as wracks and kelps, the stalk between the holdfast and the blade.
(160) Wild plants in the seed plants, ferns, moss and algae.
(161) Ulva pertusa, a kind of marine macroalgae, is a preponderant algae in Chinese sea area.
(162) Algae — microscopic plant-like organisms that feed on carbon and produce oil that can be used to make fuel — don't have that problem, and that could make them the perfect biofuel.
(163) Algae microorganisms in the water over populate because of the surplus nitrogen.
(164) To isolate and purify the lectin from red algae Eucheuma gelatinae and to investigate its bioactivities.
(165) Fucoidan is a water soluble heteroglycan which contains sulphates , and it is a special constituent of brown algae.
(166) Ingredients List: Deep ocean algae, sea salt, beautify - body essence and almond oil.
(167) Outage Algae microorganisms in the water over populate over populate because of the surpluses surplus nitrogen.
(168) Results Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Euglenophyta were main algae, and cyanobacteria was the dominant algae in summer and autumn.
(168) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(169) As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.
(170) The Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and soil bacteria such as Azotobacter, which carry out BNF without plant involvement, are examples of free - living nitrogen fixing organisms.
(171) Rhizoid A unicellular root like structure found in certain algae and in the gametophyte generation of the bryophytes and some ferns.
(172) The bears are normally white of course, but had a change of color after swimming in a pool overgrown with algae.
(173) The algae take much of the oxygen from the water.
(174) Among the blue - green algae are many species of nitrogen fixation.
(175) The site also provides links to related Academy of Natural Sciences resources such as an algae image data database, algae water quality indicator page, and freshwater autecology data.
(176) Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil.
(177) The growth of aquatic plants like algae is hastened, and fish reproduction may be disrupted.
(178) Iodine at the same time, algae companies, refined iodine, potassium iodide, potassium iodate, silver nitrate.
(179) Aerogen Micro Organizations Algae microorganisms in the water also populate over populate because the surplus Nitrogennitrogen.
(180) These relatives of corals have similar tissues and are also home to symbiotic photosynthetic algae.
(181) We will be trying out these different approaches ... using newly-discovered natural algae to test the best approaches we can come up with to go into a scale-up mode.
(182) Corresponding source materials were algae, desMonollinite related to terrigenous plant, the soluble asphaltene and non-hydrocarbon organic matter preserved in gypSolyte environment.
(183) A method of extracting several pigments in blue-green algae of Taihu Lake including Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Phycocyain, Oscillaxanthin and Myxoxanthophyll is introduced.
(184) We research water pollution by determine adherent algae, and provide basis to control water pollution.
(185) Ingredients: Be from natural plant essence and combine Australia wild yam, soybean essence , pacific ocean brown algae and barley essence.
(186) Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.
(187) The light quantum yield of algae particles is one of the important parameters characterizing the algae response to the environmental factors.
(188) Fertilizer-laden runoff triggers explosive planktonic algae growth in coastal areas.
(189) The chiton's pinkbackground camouflages it from predators as it feeds on coralline algae.
(190) Any of the Brown algae that make up the genus Sargassum.
(191) Sterilization is the anti-fouling out algae and silt filtering the ideal equipment, the effect significantly.
(192) Therefore, it is essential to adopt scientific approaches to remove planktonic algae, which mainly include physical removal, chemical removal and biological removal.
(193) Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
(194) Scientists are experimenting with photosynthetic microbes such as algae and cyanobacteria (sometimes referred to as blue-green algae).
(195) Now we will create an algae and amoeba in the ocean that will do the same.
(196) This paper puts forward another new approach of algae classifying and counting based on digital microimage processing and analysis. As a result, it is proved to be effective.
(197) The effects of frequency and magnetic strength on the cell viability and growth of blue-green algae Anabaena flos- aquae by pulsed electric magnetic field were studied.
(198) Antarctic krill, such as this specimen in the Weddell Sea with a stomach full of yellow algae, are a critical link in the ocean food web.
(199) Chinese state media say blue-green algae has appeared in another eastern Chinese lake, one week after a similar situation in a neighboring province.
(200) The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae.
(201) The removal of algae in eutrophic water body by OH was studied.
(202) This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis.
(203) Algae range in size from single-celled organisms to giant kelp plants. Some live near the surface of the ocean, and these algae need nitrogen to grow.
(204) Part of its appeal is the buffet of blue-green algae, diatoms, insects and small fish in the surrounding artificial lake and wetlands.
(205) Chlorophyll, Milk Protein, Algae Extract, Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, Yarrow Flowers Extract, Orange Peel Extract.
(206) Heroic efforts to remove toxic algae blooms rowing course do not amount to a new environmentalism.
(207) Analysis of the fossil associations of dasycladalean algae in the Middle and Upper Triassic of Croatia is given with the emphasis on the stratigraphical ranges of particular species and associations.
(208) Methods Selective isolation of algicolous fungi from algae was done, and antitumor activity corresponds to their lethiferous effect on brine shrimp and cytotoxicity against K562 cell was determined.
(209) Any of about 30 genera of large seaweeds that make up the order Laminariales (brown algae), found in colder seas.
(210) Under the same experiment conditions, the algae removal rate of Phosphonium salt modified montmorillonite is better than quaternary modified montmorillonite.
(211) In this article, the phenol-sulfuric acid method combined with caramelization - grating photometer method is used to determine and monitor the content of sugar in algae solution.
(212) Aplanospore A nonmotile spore , characteristic of the pin molds and certain green algae of the phyla Clorophyta and Chrysomonada.
(213) Or they may be algae which colour the sea green, like the carpet of weed in Qingdao that nearly brought the sailing to a halt in last year's Olympic games.
(214) The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, for instance—the largest biological structure in the world—is simply the accumulation of generation after generation of coral and coralline algae.
(215) Pollution and algae blooms caused by runoff have poisoned China's lakes.
(216) Any of about 30 genera of large seaweeds that make up the order Laminariales (Brown algae), found in colder seas.
(217) Recently, blue algae become more and more important in fishery, biological azotification, environmental protection and the research of classifying system.
(218) A U.S. company, Algae Systems of Carson City, Nev., has already licensed the NASA tech, and plans to deploy its own algae bioreactors somewhere off the coast of Tampa Bay, Florida.
(219) A large scale of green algae hit the sea area of Rizhao over a week ago.
(220) Lichen is a sort of complex life that living in symbiotic relationship with fungi and algae, named by the mycobiont lichen-forming fungi taxonomically.
(221) Air-inlet grille: is made by adopting corrosion resistance PVC, and the double channel design can prevent and reduce a part of the algae forming within the machine set.
(222) Blue-green algae is a form of aquatic plant that occurs naturally in rivers and lakes.
(223) The characterization of photobiological hydrogen production for four marine green algae by sulfur-deprived and treated with uncoupler after dark anaerobic incubation was investigated.
(224) These are single-celled algae which seem to absorb almost all of the extra carbon dioxide captured when the ocean is fertilised with iron.
(225) Microcystins are common hepatotoxic cyclic toxins released from blue and green algae and they may have hazards on animal and human health.
(226) These materials cause an overgrowth of algae and further deterioration, including oxygen depletion.
(227) The bear pauses on a patch of rockweed algae to sniff the air.
(228) They can eat weeds and small organisms,[Sentencedict] like plankton and algae.
(229) Algae microorganisms in the water, over populate because the surplus nitrogen.
(230) Chemists can take these TAGs and readily convert them into transportation fuels. Better yet, the fat-extracted algae can be dried down and fed to chickens.
(231) The stock assessment of the Algae and the evaluation of water quality of Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve are presented.
(232) These larger parrotfish are fantastic grazers , making the algae cover fourfold less inside the park than outside the reserve.
(233) Colored deep red by algae adapted to survive in its hypersaline waters, this lake in the Ubari Sand Sea is fed by springs from an underground aquifer created by ancient rains.
(234) Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel - forming properties of brown algae.
(235) It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants.
(236) Any of the numerous algae of the division Chlorophyta, such as spirogyra and sea lettuce, that have chlorophyll unmasked by other pigments.
(237) During summer control of slime and algae may be required.
(238) Among 25 detected algae genera, Syne-chococcus and Chlorella were the dominant algae genera, as well as Chlorococcum, Scenedesmus, Oscillatoria anacystis and Naicula were commonly detectable genera.
(239) As a result, the strong reproductive capacity of floating green tide algae Ulva prolifera might be the main reason of green tide occurrence.
(240) The scales also discourage barnacles and algae from glomming on – an inspiration for synthetic coatings that may soon be applied to Navy ship hulls to reduce such biofouling.
(241) Phycocyanin not only was the most important light-harvesting protein of algae, but had most potential to be explored to be healthy food and medicine for people.
(242) Holdfast ( hapteron ) In algae , the cell or organ attaches the plant to the substrate.
(243) It was observed that algae can decolorize most azo-dyes to some extent, and the decolorization is dependent on several factors such as the structure of dye and species of algae.
(244) A four-saddle grouper in the Kanton island lagoon passes over the candy-pink coralline algae on which new coral will grow.
(245) For the first time, the algae laminae with strong fluorescence are found out in the Cretaceous source rocks through the research of organic petrology.
(246) From March, 1986 to September, 1990, samples of mainly planktonic algae we. re collected from 3 salt pans and 4 saline lakes (salinity 61.0-320.0) in northern China.
(247) Thriving on sunlight and CO 2, algae can be grown in fresh or brackish water.
(248) A group of long-snouted seahorses sits among eelgrass and algae in the shallows off the French coast.
(249) But where Fijians spear lots of herbivores such as bird-beaked parrotfish, few fish remain to prune back the region's seaweeds, a blanket term for many types of big algae.
(250) "Fishing areas" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fishes and shrimps , and the mariculture waters of fishes, shrimps shellfishes and algae.
(251) Schroeder was apparently the first to offer some information about the benthic algae.
(252) An isocratic reversed-phase HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of carotenoids and chlorophylls in algae is presented.
(253) The growth condition of Polypedates megacephalus tadpoles were observed when fed respectively with algae, egg yolk, water flea and eel fodder.
(254) Chrysophyta are described as "golden-brown" with a "carotenoid" pigment thus orange is quite native to this marine algae.
(255) The scrubbers were table - wide shallow plastic trays filled with pool of algae.
(256) The red algae are overproducing, we must clear the reservoir as soon as possible.
(257) Such diplontic life cycles are found in some protoctists, such as the diatoms and certain Phaeophyta (brown algae), including the wracks.
(258) Endy gave an example of spirulina algae being grown in Thailand.
(259) Once the sea slug has eaten enough algae, and gained enough plastids,[/algae.html] it can live off just sunlight for up to nine months.
(260) The characteristic red-brown pigment of brown algae that masks the plant's CHLOROPHYLL.
(261) The experiment of algae removal from eutrophic water body by pre oxidation with a composite chemical containing permanganate was conducted in comparison to the pre chlorination process.
(262) By grazing on algae, these and other herbivores keep reefs free of seaweed, enabling pink coralline algae to take hold and form a substrate for new coral.
(263) Methods Forty six-month-old female Wistar rats were selected to duplicate the osteoporotic model induced by retinoic acid and performed with marine algae polysaccharide derivant.
(264) Because of its special cell wall structure, high capacity of heavy metal-enrichment, and easy to desorption, algae has been considered as an ideal biological adsorbent.
(265) The high relative abundance of the fossil planktonic algae indicates the high primary surface productivity of the palaeo-lake within the Oligocene.
(266) Disinfectant algae - perishing and inhibition of growth of variety bacteria, especially fungi, in industrial water treatment system.
(267) The pink coralline algae is an early sign of recovery: The algae form a substrate on which new coral can attach itself and grow.
(268) Discovered in 1911 by a member of Robert Scott's ill-fated expedition team, its rusty color was at first theorized to be caused by some sort of algae growth.
(269) Party of these organisms are plants, mostly algae, and contain chlorophyll.
(270) That means you can "drip feed" them with fertiliser without causing much visible change until, suddenly, the whole system crashes and a new stable state, dominated by lake algae, emerges.
(271) Traditional pre - chlorination process would lead to high yield of DBPs during high algae laden period.
(272) Trent's plan is to grow freshwater algae in nutrient - rich water inside semi - permeable plastic membranes. ".
(273) The process for extraction of marine algae oil by the ultrasonically aided technology was studied.
(274) A small[/algae.html], light - sensitive patch of pigment in certain algae and unicellular organisms.
(275) Work also is underway to make biofuels from more exotic raw materials: algae, castor oil, coffee grinds, microbes, feather meal, salmon oil, tobacco, and other various grasses, seeds and trees.
(276) In the last, it was predicted whether the artery and anabranch of the Three-Gorges reservoir will come forth algae blooms. Som.
(277) Holdfast ( hapteron ) In algae , the cell or organ that attaches the plant to the substrate.
(278) Main ingredient: Grapes, Ginseng, Green Tea, Witch Hazel, Algae, etc.
(279) The disadvantage is the unknown knock-on effects. Planktonic algae are at the bottom of the food chain.
(280) As the exploration and application of ocean resources rise up, the algae with rich nutrition and biological activity has aroused people interests.
(281) The precursor of dinosteranes were dinoflagellate algae developed in the saline and brackish water environments.
(282) Life strategies of red tide algae play the considerable roles in the occurrence of red tides.
(283) The snow turns pink because of microscopic algae known as Chamydomonas nivalis, leaves and pollen of the whitebark pine.
(284) There are undersea forest and a variety of algae, and some can be processed into a variety of foods, plenty of good medical and industrial raw materials.
(285) Objective To isolate algicolous fungi from algae and obtain antitumor strains.
(286) Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws scrape off incipient algae and plants.
(287) Using high-effective and universal biocide and algicide to control algae and slime is the main measure of industrial water treatment technology at present.
(288) This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy.
(289) Lichen is a form in which green or bluegreen algae and a fungus live together symbiotically.
(290) It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants.
(291) Nanji Island is known as "A Kingdom of Shellfish and Algae" and "Shennongjia on the Sea" with its abundant and various halobios, splendid island's scene.
(292) The buoyancy and buoyancy regulation are very important to the dominance of blue - green algae.
(293) The algae helped to oxygenate the bottom waters, and the mussels filtered the seawater, thereby maintaining good light conditions for photosynthesis .
(294) Unlike the skin of whales and manatees, shark skin doesn't pick up algae or barnacles. This seems to be due to little scales called "dermal denticles."
(295) Another company, Aurora Algae of Alameda, Calif., said Monday that it had developed an algae-based platform for production of fuel, pharmaceuticals and other valuable chemicals.
(296) The algae of concern is pseudo-nitschia, which produces a toxin called domoic acid.




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