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单词 Anselm
(1) Anselm: it was his arms, in a cane roller.
(2) Probably Anselm would have been well advised to comply.
(3) Sub-prefect Anselm received the cheers with the complaisant indifference of a soldier and a nobleman.
(4) Anselm made no objection either to the person appointed or to the manner of his appointment.
(5) But Anselm never stopped trying to get an explicit recognition of Canterbury's claim from the pope.
(6) In 1095, Anselm had not yet given up hope of working amicably with the king.
(7) Certainly Anselm was not troubled by doubts about Rufus's motives.
(8) For Anselm, the voice of a local church, especially of a local monastic community, sufficed in most matters.
(9) Anselm was made to appear to have been too rigid in his interpretation of the decree of 1099.
(10) It was this that gave Anselm the hint that peace would not bring him freedom to exercise his episcopal functions.
(11) Anselm supported Henry, and he did not make his support conditional on Henry's acceptance of the new papal decrees.
(12) Anselm can scarcely have digested the lessons of this failure when he once more found himself unexpectedly in exile.
(13) As abbot of Bec, Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric.
(14) Anselm carried into politics his search for an eternal order of truth and justice, unshakeable and subject to no alteration.
(15) This was the man whom Anselm chose as his closest companion on the strength of a meeting thirteen years earlier.
(16) Thomas Becket modelled himself on Anselm - in his exile, his inflexibility, his austerities.
(17) Two other letters of Anselm during Osbern's disciplinary exile at Bec complete the story of their first meeting.
(18) All that Anselm demanded was that the essential basis for carrying out his duties as archbishop should remain inviolate.
(19) She had lived among Genoese merchants in Bruges: Anselm Adorne had her respect and affection.
(20) After his mother’s death, Anselm took to travelling.
(21) Given that even the non-believer or, as Anselm calls him, the Fool, accepts that this is what the concept of God entails, the existence of God would seem to follow necessarily from the definition.
(22) Versions of Anselm’s ontological argument were later used by both St. Thomas Aquinas and Rene Descartes and were, much later still, heavily criticised by Immanuel Kant.
(23) All these matters are indeed of a lower order of magnitude than those which had been fought for under Lanfranc and Anselm.
(24) The next crisis followed almost immediately, and once more Anselm took a similarly personal view of his responsibilities.
(25) It was this last, clearly tyrannical, action which stirred Anselm to take the only countervailing measure open to him.
(26) Nothing could define more clearly the limits of what Anselm regarded as his personal responsibility than this agreement.
(27) He sent him to Bec to learn obedience from Anselm.
(28) The limits of Lanfranc's success became apparent as soon as Anselm became archbishop.
(29) The bishop of St Davids quickly made peace with Anselm and was restored.
(30) Works by German artists fared extremely well. Among them, a superb example of the work of symbolist painter Anselm Feuerbach attracted interest from institutions and private collectors alike.
(31) In the fourth Way, Aquinas offers a version of the Ontological Argument (see Anselm).
(32) At 10 past 8 Monday evening, Michele Bachmann decided to separate herself from the six guys next to her on the stage by telling John King of CNN why she had come to St. Anselm College.
(33) This identity, abstract as it thus appears, between the two categories may be at once met and opposed by their diversity; and this was the very answer given to Anselm long ago.
(34) Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.
(35) Anselm, for instance, and others centuries later, such as Descartes, reckoned if you could think of God, then there must be a God to think of.
(36) The"irony and esteem"presented two sides of researching the art of Anselm Kiefer .
(37) There was also a letter that Anselm the clerk carried, which Much, having searched the clerk, handed to friar Tuck to read.
(38) And then there were the neo - classical portraits of women by painters like Anselm Feuerbach.
(39) Anselm there is only one thing whose essence includes existence, and that is God.
(40) In this thesis, the contemporary German artist Anselm Kiefer painting ? performance of the study.
(41) Anselm presented a ontological proof, which was re-emphasized by Descartes who, starting from first principles, proved the existence of God in a philosophical way.
(42) Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the Being greater than whom nothing can be conceived,[] " then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
(43) Only three years later, when Lanfranc was appointed Abbot of Caen, the young Anselm succeeded him as Prior much to the chagrin of older and more established candidates.
(44) This dissertation is intended to select Anselm Kiefer, an outstanding contemporary German artist, as the subject of study.
(45) St. Anselm founded Scholasticism, integrated Aristotelian logic into theology, and believed that reason and revelation are compatible.




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