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单词 Cynical
1 With that cynical outlook, he doesn't trust anyone.
2 I hope I don't sound unduly cynical.
3 Do you have to be so cynical about everything?
4 I think she takes a rather cynical view of men.
5 Don't be so grumpy and cynical about it.
6 There was a droll,[] cynical expression on his face.
7 The story depicts the hero as a cynical opportunist.
8 He is cynical about love.
9 He has a reputation for being a cynical nihilist.
10 He smiled, a slow cynical twist of his lips.
11 He left the room with a cynical laugh.
12 Tonight,Tim Goodman casts a cynical eye on TV ads.
13 The public is cynical about election promises.
14 I've always been deeply cynical about politicians.
15 I'm a little cynical about her motives.
16 It's hard not to be cynical about reform.
17 Politics is clubby, careerist, and cynical.
18 The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.
19 He praises my cooking but it's just a cynical ploy to get me to make his meals.
20 She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.
21 The older, cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent William.
22 Many people have become cynical about the stage-managed debates between politicians which regularly appear on television.
23 He was so cynical that he sneered at everything that made life worth living.
24 He was cynical that any good could come of democracy.
25 She works in that most cynical of industries - advertising.
26 He called it particularly cynical to begin releasing the hostages on Christmas Day.
27 Advertising like this is a cynical manipulation of the elderly.
28 It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.
29 Fifteen years in the teaching profession had left him world-weary and cynical.
30 Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy.
1 With that cynical outlook, he doesn't trust anyone.
2 I hope I don't sound unduly cynical.
3 Do you have to be so cynical about everything?
4 It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.
5 I think she takes a rather cynical view of men.
6 Fifteen years in the teaching profession had left him world-weary and cynical.
7 Don't be so grumpy and cynical about it.
8 He is cynical about love.
9 The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.
10 He was cynical that any good could come of democracy.
11 The footballer brought down his opponent with a cynical foul.
31 The footballer brought down his opponent with a cynical foul.
32 This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain.
33 The whole consultation process was just a cynical political exercise.
34 He had been brutalized in prison and become cynical.
34 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
35 The fire sale was cynical stuff, all right.
36 Fairness was a cynical exercise at its inception.
37 It encourages a cynical, destructive decadence.
38 We think we have been more realistic than cynical.
39 It may be overly cynical to suggest two things.
40 Since her divorce, she's become very cynical about men.
41 Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. George Carlin 
42 Reporters are generally a cynical bunch.
43 I had developed into a cynical snob.
44 The fact that they were now civilians did not cramp their cynical teaching style.
45 Coarse and shy and cynical and vain and rude and insecure to the point of self-hatred.
46 One cynical answer is that they are there be-cause viewers take comfort in the realization that they have escaped disaster.
47 The most cynical of his detractors did not doubt that; the President had got carried away.
48 But the scruples would spawn in his head, giving a cynical taint to his image of himself.
49 This is a clear indication of the effectiveness of the cynical propaganda used by political and military leaders.
50 The region is prey to drug and crime syndicates, and a cynical political class that accepts corruption as normal.
51 Most of those words are cynical, humorous and often subversive to the established order.
52 Does one have to be a Scrooge to by cynical about pleasures which are derived from escaping reality rather than embracing it?
53 That sums up the cynical hypocrisy and political opportunism of Labour.
54 Then he takes on his two roles, the 60-Second Novelist and the On-line Host, a more cynical character.
55 And in truth, it wasn't difficult to cite examples of short-sightedness, bloody-mindedness, and cynical manipulation of memberships.
56 You have lost a little of your zest for life and have become quite disillusioned or cynical.
57 With domestic politics figured in, the cutoff seems cynical in the extreme.
58 It was pleasant enough: a bit too lowbrow for my cynical taste, but no matter.
59 A cynical view would be that the West can act when it is in its interests.
60 I think movie stars just do charity work to get publicity - but maybe I'm too cynical.
61 A cocky, selfish veteran who loves nothing but his AK-47, Sacha is at home in the cynical ambience of combat.
62 Did Mr Djindjic truly believe that Mr Karadzic deserved his support, or was the gesture utterly cynical?
63 Victory tomorrow would be a sweet first to savour, crushing any doubts among City's sometimes cynical following.
64 Once a happy, handsome country boy, Inman has become hardened, cynical, burned out.
65 Others again, such as Christopher Hitchens, have been yet more cynical and critical when analysing the post-1945 era of co-operation.
66 I do not mean to appear fatalistic, self-pitying, cynical, or maudlin....
67 The notion that the Social Security system is facing a severe crisis is a vast and cynical overstatement.
68 The religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy.
69 But here this talent has degenerated into a cynical showbiz charlatanism.
70 What you should know is that the politicians have now become just as cynical about the press, because cynicism breeds cynicism.
71 I wave a fluttery wave of inconsequential cheerfulness and close the door, having reached new heights of cynical disinterest.
72 Nor did a demagogue emerge to match Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose cynical witch-hunts in the l950s put a generation on trial.
73 We were also all cynical, embittered by the process of pop music.
74 Charlie Francis's cynical opinion that most of the world's top athletes are on drugs.
75 It's an event which can not fail to impress even the most cynical Cruella de Vil.
76 He was also cynical enough to believe that any other woman might be as unpleasant to live with.
77 A more cynical assessment would be that the Interception of Communications Act 1985 is a crude example of political management.
78 The most cynical of men could not repudiate what had physically happened in front of thousands.
79 The Guitarist staff are as cynical and critical as anyone else and a favourable review reflects how well an amplifier actually performs.
80 Many of those calls would have seemed harmless enough, even to the most cynical eavesdropper.
81 The ruling class, by contrast, was ruthless and cynical in its resort to violence.
82 Even if Robbie had been in the mood for laughter, it would have been a cynical mirth.
83 Maybe not even cynical, maybe just female practicality which can stoop with clearest conscience below the level of the lowest stratagem.
84 The first day of the offensive broke with cynical summer loveliness on a scene shortly to be one of unmitigated horror.
85 Labour's agnostic compromise was too clumsy and seemed more like cynical calculation to voters.
86 Matt Salmon illustrate perfectly why voters today are so cynical about politics.
87 But even the most cynical agree that good fortune is the mark of every top-flight politician.
88 People in West Belfast are very cynical about the claims made on job creation in the area.
89 Some, used to a more old-fashioned top down managerial style are cynical about such an approach.
90 A cynical smile crossed his face, hidden behind the lip of the beer glass.
91 She also felt shock that he should actually be capable of such an utterly cynical act.
92 There's enough drive and bite here to satisfy even the most cynical that Carter haven't worn themselves thin just yet.
93 Indeed, without specific performance consequences, most of us quickly grow cynical.
94 It is easy and almost certainly wrong to be cynical about in-service training.
95 He probably worked hard at that tough, cynical look,[/cynical.html] she decided irritably.
96 Her outwardly cynical manner concealed a warm heart, and she was devoted to those she loved.
97 They're using sex in a cynical attempt to sell more books.
98 In this day and age people are rightly cynical about propositions concerning the power of ideas.
99 No wonder we are personally repulsed and cynical about public life and those who inhabit it.
100 A lot of reports said we were very negative and cynical against the scum.
101 Murdoch's motivation was simply profit, and his cynical attitude had already led to a mass exodus of high-minded journalists.
102 The result is a cynical, lightly amusing movie, one pleased smile from start to finish.
103 Voters have become cynical about the influence of interest groups on politicians.
104 I think in those days all private eye and detective shows were very cynical and hard-boiled.
105 As a result, the aging princess becomes bitter and cynical about men.
106 If this sounds cynical, it is not difficult to set up a simple experiment.
107 As the promises fill the political atmosphere, it is easy to become cynical about the candidates and the process.
108 On a more cynical level, business-wise it really helps to be popular.
109 It was political posturing - at which parliament has excelled - at its cynical worst.
110 The trouble is that the problem is proving to be more intractable than even the most cynical Democrats had feared.
111 BAshley, cynical beyond her 10 years, is resigned to more disappointment.
112 Indeed from the standpoint of a cynical manipulator we could even invert his logic.
113 She spoke in a metallic tone of almost cynical exasperation, fixing Ludens with her intense dark stare.
114 Too many of us don't have them anymore, either because we're too self-centered or too cynical.
115 Nevertheless, the move of 1290 was not quite as cynical as all this may suggest.
116 As a cynical attempt to manipulate the electorate and the media, it was unsurpassed.
117 And yet to pretend that Nathaniel is our sole salvation is too cynical.
118 Those who proclaimed it may have done so for cynical reasons, but I doubt that they genuinely believed it.
119 But his actions were perhaps not entirely a matter of cynical expediency.
120 In fact, he was brutally cynical, ruthlessly efficient and hardened to every sob story under the sun.
121 We may well feel cynical about the type of best-selling adventure which assumes heroism without accounting for it.
122 Jensen's experience in prison left him hard-bitten, cynical, and ruthless.
123 The electoral framework makes the operation particularly cynical: a pounding of people who in no way deserved it.
124 I have a cynical notion that all religious revivals spawn from times of extreme economic disparity.
124 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
125 Realities were not so simple, men neither so cynical, nor so naive.
126 The press, in its callous, cynical way, was suspicious of the pro-gram at first and called it pure symbolism.
127 He was now presenting himself as a cynical hard-nosed East End wheeler-dealer.
128 She wondered what experience had moulded him into the cynical man that he now was.
129 Finally, these books are less constrained and more cynical in their criticism of science than those written by nonscientists.
130 He was a man of course, accustomed to hard knocks, not exactly cynical, but not dreamy-eyed.
131 The narration alternates personal observation and historical facts to cynical effect.
132 Within a year or two, the persona of the disaffected hipster would prove too cynical, too alienated to last.
133 With what Mattie interpreted to be a cynical smile, the woman repeated in a most deliberately explicit manner her question.
134 They bearded me with cynical questions.
135 The cynical Eurocrat has seemingly been proved right.
136 Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.
137 Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.
138 Older, more cynical hands may find this disturbingly familiar.
139 People who chronically cynical a pain to work with.
140 Pop records can be crass and cynical.
141 The Devil’s Dictionary, as I’ve mentioned before, was written more than 100 years ago by Ambrose Bierce, a rather cynical guy. And so I think one I can only love from this safe distance.
142 What a cynical Mr Putin really wants is a Russian sphere of influence in Europe.
143 All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.
144 It can be cynical, manipulative, and egotistic, or it can be joyous and guileless.
145 Article 142 The lawyers of both parties shall respect each other in the court trial or negotiation, no one may use sharp-fanged , cynical or insulting languages.
146 C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that the number of subordinates in an organization will increase linearly regardless of the amount of work to be done.
147 Most women are bored with, and cynical about, the well-trodden path of romantic fiction. They do not like happy endings and would rather read a thriller or crime novel.
148 Forget the romantic novel. Most women are bored with, and cynical about, the well-trodden path of romantic fiction.
149 The formal exchange of tributes may seem like nostalgic gestures from a more genteel, less cynical era, but the participants re-enact a classical political dramaturgy.
150 I have seen much inhumanity, cheating, corruption, sordidness and selfishness but I have not become cynical.
151 All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a athetic, sniveling victim.
152 We know how high-flying words can be deployed in the service of cynical aims, and how the noblest sentiments can be subverted in the name of power, expedience, greed, or intolerance.
153 McGregor is the journo, never named: cynical, boozy and miserable in the classical manner.
154 Over two-thirds of medical schools nowhave courses in complementary medicine, although the relationship between thetwo approaches remains as uneasy (and even cynical) as it ever was.
154 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
155 This is perhaps the saddest aspect of his reign: his democracy is a democracy of those who win by default, who rule through cynical demoralisation.
156 In such employment dilemma, College Students created anxiety irritability, low self-esteem and other psychological world-weary and cynical, seriously affected the physical and mental health.
157 The impasse was made worse by Jobert's passionate nature, which masqueraded as cynical nonchalance.
158 Goldman was still acid , cynical and biting about Judaism.
159 Film director Woody Allen could see French President Nicolas Sarkozy playing a role like those of Humphrey Bogart, who was famous for his cynical and hardboiled anti-heroes.
160 Arab rulers hold on to power through a cynical combination of coercion, intimidation and co-option.
161 Lewis cynical defiance of federal authority was more than Congress would tolerate.
162 On the turn of a moment, Gemini can become cynical, biting, moody and quickly angered.
163 In the 1942 original, Bergman starred opposite Humphrey Bogart, who played Rick Blaine, a cynical bar owner in the Moroccan city of Casablanca in the early days of the Second World War.
164 All the while becoming crusty and cynical a pathetic , sniveling victim.
165 With a cynical outlook the young people today are to go to extremes.
166 The eyes of her image , cynical and sad, wandered from Pamela's face to the garish room.
167 Mouthy, opinionated and cynical they may be, but it's hard not to love the Young Knives.
168 It might seem flippant and cynical but one questions the relevance of the product in itself.
169 An editor with an evangelical enthusiasm for a project, and me, a perennially single and somewhat cynical relationship flunky with a lust for newsprint column inches.
170 Normally they are a cynical , cocksure breed who thumb their noses at trouble.
171 She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical.
172 For a minute he literally hated this earthy , cynical world to which one belonged, willy - nilly.
173 Dusty: Early 20's. The "everyman" type of character. A farm boy with many innocent delusions about war. We follow his progress from raw recruit to cynical veteran.
174 He described the Foreign Office's decision as sickening and cynical.
175 Saddam's showy return to the faith was perhaps not entirely cynical.
176 If anything, when I see a natural label, it makes me all the more skeptical of the product, as it more often tends to be a sign of cynical marketing than any certifiable purity.
177 He is too earnest in a political culture that is pervasively cynical.
178 Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
179 If you are an energetic man with which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical.
180 Credit where it's due, despite the result they cameandtriedtoplay football without cynical fouls or player histrionics.
181 An organization is often the existence of a bad habit, which is its highest for the people to be cynical, nit-picking. criticized the habit of complaining.
182 Potential Bust-Up: The cynical masses could view this as Gibson believing that money can fix everything.
183 My friends were confused about me, but I'd throw them off my trail by embracing the persona of a cynical, slightly neurotic fatalist.
184 I suspect that under that cynical shell you're at heart a sentimentalist.
185 But it’s terrifying to realize that this kind of cynical careerism — for that’s what it is — has probably ensured that we won’t do anything about climate change until catastrophe is already upon us.
186 He maintained a cynical attitude, well grounded on numerous experiences.
187 This is Max as we've never seen him before, a few years older, more world-weary and cynical than ever.
188 Perhaps naively, I have inclined towards a less cynical view of human nature than Ivan Karamazov.
189 Nor, any longer, do I except the young, who are often now as glassy-eyed, disengaged and filled with anomie as their cynical and exhausted seniors.
190 Quit. If you find yourself so afraid, so burned-out, so cynical that you can't believe a big idea is about to happen, it is time to move on to the next challenge.
191 All the while becoming crusty and cynical, or a pathetic and sniveling victim.
192 Thereupon the boy starts laughing at changing , becoming that angulus oris that the girl is fond of to be concerned about a dirty trick , be cynical or humorous.
193 Terry Jones, co-director of Monty Python's interpretation of the myth, and a keen historian, says he was always cynical about the Arthurian legend and its supposed virtues for this reason.
194 In fact, the whole offer for sale could be seen as a cynical, if necessary, charade.
195 GALE: Your name will be synonymous with cynical opportunism and blackmail. You won't get a cent.
196 Humphrey Bogart 's determination and the indifference of the speech Lectra character in the cynical sense of honor and the temperament to the perfect balance.
196 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
197 A cynical grin lit up the face of his youthful opponent.
198 My father is Li Gang!” — quickly became a cynical catchphrase to describe various forms of corruption in China and a symbol of the growing divide between the elite and the underprivileged.




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