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单词 Symbolically
1. It was a simple enough gesture, but symbolically important.
2. Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity.
3. And so it was the ladder which symbolically decorated the executioner's tunic as a sinister badge of his trade.
4. But, symbolically, he inaugurates three centuries of amazing progress in explaining how nature works and in harnessing these discoveries.
5. Within New Historical writing the anecdote which symbolically reveals some important facet of Renaissance culture is a familiar critical practice.
6. Lay investiture was symbolically objectionable as representing the quasi-sacerdotal position which had long been claimed by kings and emperors.
7. They also could be labeled symbolically with hearts, flowers, rising steam, etc.
8. Symbolically, he coughed to clear his throat.
9. He nodded symbolically at Xiao Gang's words.
10. By submitting to male values symbolically affirm male superiority.
11. The struggle toward the overman is often symbolically represented as climbing a mountain, and the light-hearted free spirit of the overman is often represented through laughter and dance.
12. This act symbolically and literally cut them off from the primal chord of their race.
13. By completing this task, the boys symbolically die as boys and are reborn as men.
14. Symbolically the deity confers the initiations and the mandala is where the initiations takes place.
15. He was attempting to convey symbolically the secret of nonresistance and nonreaction.
16. Symbolically, the leaders had to squeeze up to make space for American president around the table.
17. Thethe building symbolically ascends from the ground to enhance the display the southwestern sunshine.
18. By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.
19. The hawk was sacred to her, and was used to depict her symbolically in art.
20. Whether or not she was cooking, she regularly donned an apron as a symbolically matriarchal gesture that she was in charge of domestic arrangements.
21. Maryland should not follow in the footsteps of those states that symbolically got in bed with the Ku Klux Klan.
22. Geraldine, a 36-year-old Ecuadoran woman, came with her two daughters to symbolically say goodbye to her ex-husband.
23. In many places governmental agencies leave the authority to children symbolically for the day.
24. In later versions of burning at the stake, the criminal would be hanged until dead and then burnt symbolically.
25. Here, in the context of social relations, the concepts of weaving and woven become symbolically tied to visibility and the social component of artistic production.
26. Mr Godoy Toscano's desafuero may not mark an end to impunity in Mexican politics[http://], but it does symbolically put every miscreant politician in the country on notice.
27. wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.
28. It is a unique and complex psalm wherein there are passages which can be interpreted historically, theologically, symbolically, and prophetically .
29. Write the problem out on paper, and burn it to symbolically release the pain.
30. Indeed, the whole assault-rifle debate was over a problem that, however telegenic and symbolically potent, barely existed.
31. It is represented symbolically by t and numerically as a 1 in the high-order octal digit.
32. The eighty - eight symbolically represents all the Buddhas of the past, present and future.
33. it has symbolically suffered from the offerer's state of ritual impurity or sinfulness.
34. Children who can see a king's castle in a mound of sand or a delicious dinner in a mud pie are learning to think symbolically.
35. This rings are the symbol of long-lasting and pure love of lovers, and it will symbolically tie the relationship forever.




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