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单词 satisfactory
释义 Word family  noun satisfaction ≠ dissatisfaction adjective satisfactory ≠ unsatisfactory satisfied ≠ dissatisfied ≠ unsatisfied satisfying verb satisfy adverb satisfactorily ≠ unsatisfactorily satisfyingly  sat·is·fac·to·ry /ˌsætəsˈfæktəri◂/ ●●○ adjective  GOOD ENOUGHsomething that is satisfactory seems good enough for you, or good enough for a particular situation or purpose 令人满意的,够好的,合适的 OPP unsatisfactory His progress this term has been satisfactory. 他这学期的进步令人满意。satisfactory to/for an arrangement that is satisfactory to both sides 令双方都感到满意的安排satisfactory explanation/answer There seems to be no satisfactory explanation. 似乎没有令人满意的解释。perfectly/entirely/wholly satisfactory None of the solutions was entirely satisfactory. 这些解决办法没有一个是让人完全满意的。satisfactory result/outcome/resolution 令人满意的结果/结局/解决方法 —satisfactorily adverb The question has not been satisfactorily answered. 这个问题并未得到令人满意的回答。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/highly/most satisfactoryAfter her initial difficulties she has made a very satisfactory recovery.perfectly/quite satisfactoryFor a small amount of cream, a wire whisk is perfectly satisfactory.not entirely/wholly/completelyFrege’s theory is not entirely satisfactory.far from satisfactoryThis system was far from satisfactory for a number of reasons. THESAURUSsatisfactory good enough – often used when something reaches a fairly good standard, but is not of a high standard 令人满意的,还算可以的Her grades are satisfactory. 她的成绩还算可以。For a beginner, this camera produces satisfactory results. 对于初学者来说,这款相机的拍摄效果还是不错的。all right/OK spoken not bad, but not very good 不错的,还行的The meal was all right, but rather expensive. 饭菜还可以,就是贵了点。‘How was the film?’ ‘It was OK.’ “电影怎么样?”“还行吧。”reasonable fairly good 还算好的,过得去的a reasonable standard of living 还算可以的生活水平The quality of the food was reasonable. 食物质量还算不错。acceptable if something is acceptable to you, you think it is good enough and you are willing to take it 可以接受的an acceptable offer 可接受的提议an acceptable level of risk 可接受的风险程度They can't find a solution that is acceptable to both sides. 他们找不到一个双方均可接受的解决办法。adequate enough in quantity, or of a good enough standard. Adequate sounds rather formal and is used especially in official contexts 数量充足的;足够好的〔此词较正式〕an adequate supply of drinking water 饮用水的充足供应 adequate standards of hygiene 合格的卫生水平decent especially spoken good enough in quality – used especially when something is as good as most other things 足够好的〔尤用于与大多数其他事物相比〕I want my kids to get a decent education. 我希望我的孩子能接受良好的教育。Where can I get a decent cup of coffee? 哪里能喝上一杯不错的咖啡呢?nThe food’s decent and the service is good.passable satisfactory, but not of the best quality – used especially about food and drink, or someone’s skill at doing something. Passable sounds rather formal 〔尤指食物、饮品或某人的技巧〕过得去的,尚可的〔此词较正式〕a passable French wine 尚可的法国葡萄酒His Japanese was passable. 他的日语还过得去。na passable imitation of Barack Obamabe up to scratch informal to be of a good enough standard 足够好的His work wasn’t up to scratch. 他的作品不够好。nNone of the hotels they suggested were up to scratch.will do informal to be good enough for a particular purpose 行,能胜任Any kind of paper will do. 什么纸都行。‘How about Ken?’ ‘I suppose he’ll do.’ “肯怎么样?”“我想他能行。”Examples from the Corpussatisfactory• They had to go through a long interrogation, and their answers were not found to be satisfactory.• You won't get paid unless your work is satisfactory.• However, to look only at the persons who were the actual depositors would not be satisfactory.• The general sanitary situation in Gorazde seemed reasonably satisfactory.• Nobody could give Donna a satisfactory answer to her question.• The position was satisfactory but the Society faced considerable expenditure in connection with the Museum and donations would be particularly welcome.• Lynne got satisfactory grades and was offered a place at university.• Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work while maintaining morale at a satisfactory level.• There was no satisfactory method of dealing with trivial complaints.• Particularly in terms of slippage the minutes are sometimes less than satisfactory, recording only the slippage since the last meeting.• How does the analyst decide what constitutes a satisfactory unit for analysis?satisfactory result/outcome/resolution• The smoothing recipe described below generally gives satisfactory results and involves only a limited amount of computational effort.• All three diabetic patients had a satisfactory outcome despite the fact that one of them has severe autonomic neuropathy.• Only 16 butterflies were seen but these are seasonal insects and this represents a very satisfactory result for one month's search.• The only satisfactory resolution is to plan future visits in order to complete a thorough sampling.• A suboptimal ultrasonographic localisation could explain less satisfactory results obtained in some other centres.• Final ratification can be reserved for a satisfactory outcome of the debate.• There is no satisfactory resolution of this problem, either conceptually or empirically.• He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached.sat·is·fac·to·ry adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is enough something seems that Corpus satisfactory good you, for




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