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单词 satisfaction
释义 Word family  noun satisfaction ≠ dissatisfaction adjective satisfactory ≠ unsatisfactory satisfied ≠ dissatisfied ≠ unsatisfied satisfying verb satisfy adverb satisfactorily ≠ unsatisfactorily satisfyingly  sat·is·fac·tion /ˌsætəsˈfækʃən/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SATISFIED a feeling of happiness or pleasure because you have achieved something or got what you wanted 满足,满意;称心 OPP dissatisfaction She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn. 她在帮助人们学习的过程中得到很大的满足。 ‘I’ve passed all my exams, ’ he announced with satisfaction. “我通过了所有的考试。”他满意地宣布。satisfaction with Finance officials expressed satisfaction with the recovery of the dollar. 财政官员对美元价格的回升表示满意。the satisfaction of knowing/seeing/having etc I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was jealous. 我不想让他知道我嫉妒他而得意。for your own satisfaction (=because you want to be sure about something) 为了放心 For her own satisfaction, she checked through the figures again. 为了放心,她把数字再检查了一遍。2  to somebody’s satisfaction if something is done to someone’s satisfaction, it is done as well or as completely as they want, so they are pleased 使某人满意 The question could not be resolved, at least not to my satisfaction. 这难题无法解决,至少达不到让我满意的地步。3  [uncountable]ANSWER/REPLY when you get money or an apology from someone who has treated you badly or unfairly 妥善处理,解决 I got no satisfaction from the customer complaints department. 顾客投诉部的答复没有让我满意。4  [uncountable] formalSATISFIED when someone gets something that they want, need, or have demanded 满足,实现satisfaction of the satisfaction of basic human needs 人类基本需求的满足 sexual satisfaction 性满足 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + satisfactiongreat/deep satisfaction 极大的/深深的满足It was hard work, but it gave her great satisfaction. 工作很辛苦,但是给了她极大的满足。nimmense/enormous satisfaction (=very great)The victory gave him immense satisfaction.real satisfaction (=great satisfaction) 极大的满足There is real satisfaction in helping other people to overcome their problems. 帮助别人克服困难能够得到极大的满足。complete satisfaction 完全满意They expressed complete satisfaction with the agreement. 他们对协议表示完全满意。personal satisfaction (=happiness with your own life or achievements) 个人的满足感nThe job offered William little personal satisfaction.quiet satisfaction (=satisfaction that you express in a quiet, not very obvious way) 暗自得意nHe announced with quiet satisfaction that they had achieved their target.ngrim satisfaction (=when you succeed or are proved right, but do not really feel happy about it)‘That’s exactly what I expected, ’ he said with grim satisfaction.job satisfaction (=enjoyment of your job) 工作满意度nIn general, job satisfaction among farm workers is extraordinarily high.customer/patient/voter etc satisfaction (=among customers/patients/voters etc) 顾客/病人/选民等的满意度nStaff work as a team to achieve customer satisfaction.verbsget satisfaction from something (also gain/derive satisfaction from something formal) 从某事中得到满足I get a lot of satisfaction from teaching. 教书给了我很大的满足感。nHe derived great satisfaction from knowing his son had followed in his footsteps.find satisfaction in something 在某事中找到满足They found satisfaction in helping others achieve their goals. 他们在帮助别人实现目标的过程中找到了满足。take satisfaction in/from something 从某事中获得满足He took great satisfaction in doing his job well. 他做好本职工作,从中获得极大的满足。have the satisfaction of doing something 因为做某事而得到满足They have the satisfaction of knowing that the company needs them. 他们知道公司需要他们,心中十分满足。something gives/brings somebody satisfaction 某事带给某人满足To have won both awards in the same year gives us great satisfaction. 一年里两个奖项全都拿下给了我们极大的满足。nYet children also bring immense rewards and satisfaction.feel satisfaction 感到满足As she looked at what she had created, she felt a quiet satisfaction. 她看着自己的作品,暗自得意。express satisfaction 表示满意nThose taking part expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the talks.phrasesa sense/feeling of satisfaction 满足感Performing such a difficult piece gave her a deep sense of satisfaction. 演奏如此高难度的曲子给了她深深的满足感。a smile/sigh/look of satisfaction 满足的笑容/叹息/神情He allowed himself a little smile of satisfaction. 他露出了一丝满足的笑容。the level of satisfaction (=the number of people who feel satisfied) 满意度Research shows a high level of satisfaction with the system. 研究表明,人们对这个系统的满意度很高。a source of satisfaction (=something that gives you a feeling of satisfaction) 让人有满足感的事情nIt is a source of deep satisfaction to him that he was eventually proved to be right.n THESAURUSsatisfaction a feeling of happiness or pleasure, especially because you have achieved something good or usefulMost teachers take great pride and satisfaction in their work.pride a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get when you or someone connected with you has achieved something goodHer father’s pride in her accomplishments was clear.I was blushing with pride because I had been chosen to be on the team. contentment the feeling of being happy and satisfied because you have what you want or need. Contentment is rather a formal useOnly when you truly know yourself can you find contentment.He sat back with a look of deep contentment on his face.fulfilment British English, fulfillment American English a feeling of being satisfied and happy with your life. Fulfilment is rather a formal useSome women find fulfillment in being a mother, but this is not true for all women.Examples from the Corpussatisfaction• Most teachers take great pride and satisfaction in their work, and enjoy working with young people.• Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.• Numerous downsized banks, insurers and retail chains have seen their customers' satisfaction plummet.• The writer gains satisfaction from knowing that the reader is satisfied, and viceversa.• It was something I had never done before and never would again, and it gave me great satisfaction.• Miguel stood there smoking and grunting and nodding to himself with the grim satisfaction that comes when your suspicions are proved correct.• The pay is pretty good, but you don't get much job satisfaction.• Neighbourhood satisfaction was the lowest of all North Side neighbourhoods.• He enjoys coaching the hockey team, and gets a lot of satisfaction from it.• Warner's pay increase reflected his boss's satisfaction with his work.• Patricia sensed, with some satisfaction, that she was an object of curiosity to the cinema attendants.• Hoomey, for a moment, felt a strange satisfaction at making his old Bones happy.• The Algiers agreement failed to work out to the satisfaction of either side.• Infants are concerned only with the satisfaction of their physical needs.• She finished her letter, and read it through with satisfaction.From Longman Business Dictionarysatisfactionsat‧is‧fac‧tion /ˌsætəsˈfækʃən/ noun1[countable, uncountable] the feeling that you are pleased with something you have done, bought, achieved etcOur staff work as a team to achieve customer satisfaction.Financial rewards are important, but so is job satisfaction.2[uncountable] the act of providing what is needed, demanded, or desiredA society should be based on the satisfaction of the needs of everyone.sat·is·fac·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  have Business achieved or feeling because you a Corpus of pleasure happiness




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