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单词 violence
释义 Word family  noun violence ≠ non-violence violator violation adjective violent ≠ non-violent verb violate adverb violently  vi·o·lence /ˈvaɪələns/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [uncountable]  1  VIOLENTbehaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically 〔指伤害他人身体的〕暴力行为,暴力 There is too much sex and violence on TV these days. 如今电视上性爱和暴力场面太多。violence against violence against women 对妇女的暴力2  VIOLENTextreme force 极大的力量 the tremendous violence of a tornado 龙卷风极其强大的威力3. do violence to something formal to spoil something 破坏某事物,对某事物造成损害4  ANGRY literary an angry way of speaking or reacting 〔言语或反应的〕愤怒,激烈 She spoke with a violence that surprised them both. 她言辞激烈,令他们俩都很惊讶。 COLLOCATIONSadjectivesphysical violence 身体暴力They were threatened with physical violence. 他们受到身体暴力的威胁。domestic violence (=violence between a couple in their home) 家庭暴力Police said she was a victim of domestic violence. 警方称她是家庭暴力的受害者。racial/ethnic violence (=between people of different racial/ethnic groups) 种族暴力There were outbreaks of racial violence in some cities. 一些城市爆发了种族暴力事件。nterrorist violenceThe nation has suffered terrorist violence for many years.gratuitous violence (=violence that there is no reason for) 无谓的暴力行为These films are full of gratuitous violence. 这些影片中充斥着无谓的暴力场面。mindless violence (=stupid and without any purpose) 愚蠢的暴力行为nMany have been victims of mindless violence.nescalating/growing violence (=violence that is becoming worse)There have been reports of escalating violence in the region.verbsresort to/use violence 诉诸/使用暴力They were willing to resort to violence to achieve their ends. 他们为了达到目的,情愿诉诸暴力。nincite/provoke violence (=do or say something that makes people become violent)The opposition leader was accused of inciting violence against the president.nquell violence (=stop violent behaviour)The National Guard was brought in to quell the violence.violence erupts/breaks out/flares (=suddenly starts) 突发暴力行为Violence erupted during the demonstration. 示威游行中突然发生暴力冲突。the violence escalates (=becomes worse) 暴力加剧nThe violence escalated as youths turned over a bus and began smashing shop windows.phrasesan act of violence 暴力行为Police warned that acts of violence would not be tolerated. 警方警告称不会容忍暴力行为。an outbreak of violence 暴力活动的爆发nThere was a fresh outbreak of violence on March 24.nthe use of violenceA police spokesman said that the use of violence, while regrettable, was necessary.Examples from the Corpusviolence• But there was also an exhilaration in the atmosphere of conspiracy and violence which characterised the last years of his childhood.• complaints about sex and violence on TV• Such federally-funded research into gun violence could be ended by a bill the House is expected to consider this week.• The statistics show that male violence against women is widespread.• A second possibility is that the use of violence itself amounts to threatening behaviour.• It was a march against racist policing and racist violence.• Police said violence in the city was continuing into the night.• "Leave me alone, " she hissed with sudden violence.• The courts served as a safety-valve, acting as an alternative to violence when emotions ran high.• In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with violence in the·o·lence noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is to Corpus intended that behaviour other hurt




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