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单词 Nurture
1 Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
2 She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
3 Nurture passes nature.
4 It's important to nurture a good working relationship.
5 These plants will need careful nurture.
6 The tree grows well in his nurture.
7 The study seems to show that nurture is more important than nature in shaping a child's character and future prospects.
8 We want to nurture the new project,[] not destroy it.
9 She is creative of life and ongoing nurture.
10 It is important to nurture potential in your employees.
11 But it takes real talent to nurture them.
12 This is known as the nature nurture controversy.
13 The antagonism between Nature and nurture controls their fate.
14 Schools should nurture a child's intellect.
15 That nurture is more important than nature seems to be borne out by a study published in Nature in 1989.
16 The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.
17 Which do you believe has the strongest influence on how children develop - nature or nurture?
18 As a record company director, his job is to nurture young talent.
19 It is up to politicians in a democracy to nurture faith in it, not devalue that faith.
20 So we see him skating through standard arguments about the inadequacies of IQ tests and the difficulties of separating nature and nurture.
21 The womb is the ultimate safe haven and the ultimate symbol of care and nurture.
22 The women gather and prepare food, as well as bear, nurture, and raise children.
23 We also believe that certain settings and certain kinds of support can help parents form these bonds and nurture their children successfully.
24 Money is arguing for a continual interaction between nature and nurture.
25 What of gay and lesbian adults who want to love and nurture a child?
26 A place far, far away in the magical north country, whence I got my nature but not my nurture.
27 Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow. Brene Brown 
28 I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death. Nelson Mandela 
29 We can not save the world's biological diversity unless we nurture the human diversity that protects and develops it.
30 But males retreating to the backwoods to beat their chests and nurture each other is not a healthy solution.
1 Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
2 She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
31 Nurture that dream, or even the tiny fragment of a dream that excites you and gives you hope for the future.
32 I do, however, believe we must recognize the enormous psychological resistance to the idea that fathers can nurture their children.
33 Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Mitch Albom 
34 However, such a development would need nurturing, and there are few people with adequate expertise to nurture it.
35 The managers now appreciated the need to build and nurture relationships with subordinates.
36 So our crying level may reflect more nature than nurture.
37 Encouragement and real results are the essential ingredients required to nurture adequate supplies of willpower and to keep it growing.
38 Park provided cheap loans and tax benefits to nurture Daewoo and a few other businesses into conglomerates that mass-produced for export markets.
39 Empirical social science has yet to provide clear answers to these questions about nature versus nurture and politics.
40 The caf lounge area has cushy chairs and plenty of caffeinated and herbal remedies to nurture patrons of the arts.
41 An alert pediatrician has an excellent opportunity to nurture this.
42 In the name of Freudian nurture theories[/nurture.html], gays were once treated with aversion therapy-electric shocks and emetics accompanied by homoerotic images.
43 And at each of these junctures, nature and nurture can discover a new partnership.
44 The goal of the economic policies is to create jobs and nurture new industries.
45 The sweet murmur of their water can provide balm for troubled spirits and their banks offer sweet shelter to nurture true love.
46 With time, you can learn how to influence favorably this interplay of nature and nurture in your child.
47 The formal procedure is seen as a substitute for a more spontaneous flow and nurture of ideas.
48 Thirdly(), I hope to indicate ways in which spiritual direction might be developed as a means of nurture within the church.
49 He is part-aboriginal by nurture and white by nature; and the mixture shakes the white settlers to their roots.
50 So far, neither nature nor nurture has provided a completely satisfactory explanation.
51 His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness; he was fashioned for finer things.
52 I have never been sure if it was nature or nurture.
53 What could be done to bring the metanormal dimensions of athletes into the open and nurture them more fully?
54 The company that provides adequate opportunities for new learning will nurture employability security and loyalty.
55 Some hamsters nurse and nurture large litters while also eating one or two to recoup strength.
56 Schools also need to nurture good citizens and people who can understand and appreciate the world around them.
57 The music biz would rather manufacture acts than nurture artists.
58 The college should have as its prime concern the nurture of ethics and integrity; they are the core of any professions.
59 Timotei Moisturiser is able to nurture the softness of your skin by working in perfect harmony with it.
60 There are no guarantees, no matter how much you nurture your children.
61 In other words, it is no longer nature versus nurture.
62 New beaches were formed as were backwaters to nurture native fish.
63 Nature is the length of the rectangle, nurture the width.
64 A delicate plant, the Pinot Noir is difficult to nurture through the freezing cold winters of Champagne.
65 The task for parents is to nurture their children toward this academic self-sufficiency.
66 Even then he is dependent on the woman to love and nurture his child.
67 Nurture Researchers probing the environmental side of the alcoholism coin begin with the obvious question: Why do people drink?
68 They feel nurture is of infinitely greater importance than nature.
68 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
69 Why should we force men to nurture if nurturing is so difficult for sheen?
70 What kind of family environment to nurture her mettle?
71 Is psychopathy due to nature or nurture?
72 The lofty Kunlun Mountains nurture China's 3 major rivers.
73 For example, the Banpo people cultivate millet , is from the north common ancestor Setaria nurture formed.
74 The first special product of nurturing bone in China, from Xining to globe, let earthman nurture bone crazily.
75 Children should nurture the habit of using courteous formulae since their youth.
76 Test of water nurture indicaded that Zn, Mn promoting action showed raising root activity, chlorophyll content and cotton plant enzyme activity and thus promoted nutrient abso...
77 EPH 6:4 bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
78 Does purpose -- mine, yours, anyone's-- require someone to nurture it, or is it inherent in all of us?
79 The federal government should nurture infant industries through overt subsidies and protective tariffs.
80 Good habits nurture good characters; good characters mold good fates.
81 The economic wealth that South Korea created at home helped nurture a thriving middle class that eventually demanded free elections and a democratic government that would be accountable to the people.
82 Why did gorgeous usurer nurture these fronds for your pleasure?
83 PLANT TYCOONPlant Tycoon is a gardening simulation game where you nurture plants and experiment with increasingly rare and valuable species.
84 In the era of global dialogue, multicultural education must shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching student to be conversable and nurture the inter-cultural dialogue talents.
85 So nature and nurture combine to make us avoid self-indulgence.
86 In the new situation the emotion to nurture people work should endow braw-new constant and method, while university, educator and student should keep well.
87 From an ocean of possibilities the PSL find, nurture and refine the work of creators that they believe fans will connect with.
88 Many praised the protests as a space to nurture the exchange of new, progressive political ideas entirely outside of the two-party system.
89 In many ways cloning could offer enormous benefits, " said Simon Fishel, embryologist of the Nurture fertility clinic in Nottingham."
90 The naked infant might end up as a biker or a choirboy. Americans nurture their differences and these days conflicts.
91 In other words, the quintessential 20 th century dystopia owes nothing to nature and everything to nurture.
92 This will enable us to separate the aspects of brain function that are maturational and less influenced by the environment from those that respond most readily to nurture and learning.
93 To explore the method of education on mothers ability to nurture children in mountainous areas, the investigation has been made to 0-3 ages children's mother in Ningqiang experimental station.
94 In the rich volcanic soils of Kona at the Gold Coffee Plantation, we nurture each third generation coffee tree.
95 Samoyed "dogs are fox dog part of a family, the original is Siberian aboriginal samoyed" family nurture breed.
96 " In other words, Chinese schools are copying Western ones that consider applicants in a more holistic way as they try to nurture well-rounded individuals instead of ace test takers.
97 Just think of who in the world will nurture you from babyhood to adulthood.
98 Horace Bushnell introduced the idea of Christian nurture, whereby children would be brought to religion without revivals.
98 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
99 The course will be taught bilingually. It is expected to nurture students to think about Botany-related issues in an English-Chinese atmosphere and communicate with others in English.
100 Good coaches provide athletes with positive experiences in sports participation and help nurture sportsmanship.
101 The plan is to hire 100-150 smart young Chinese engineers, help nurture their ideas, then spin off 50-75 of them a year, with seed funding from Innovation Works.
102 For at least one major studio, shorts can be a way to develop new moviemaking techniques and nurture talent while keeping employees on the payroll.
103 Royal jelly is a well-known high-effective nurture that can strengthen body resistance, delay caducity, and adjust internal secretion.
104 And Peng changes food to be caused easily full bilge feeling, the influence dines normally, meet what cloggy body pledges to nurture absorb.
105 The study, which was published in the journal Nature, is a giant leap in geneticists' quest to better understand the strange witches' brew of nature and nurture that makes us who we are.
106 Western Sahara – Pray that God would nurture those who have chosen to follow Him, draw them into fellowship with one another, and provide them with discipleship training.
107 The researchers used the gold standard for such nature - nurture studies: twins.
108 Such active way of family nurture as warm and love is beneficial to the cultivation of their children's self-confidence, while passive way as penalty, rejection and disaffirmation goes against it.
109 Moreover, only 4% of that 1% was invested in equity — precisely the kind of risk capital than can nurture businesses aimed at creating social good.
110 Understanding the growing process of a tree from a seeding could encourage deeper appreciation of life. Later, animals will feed, rest and breed in and around the new forest you have helped nurture.
111 When you nurture yourself, you accrue tremendous spin - off benefits.
112 Nipple Nurture Butter is the perfect lanolin - free alternative to other breastfeeding creams.
113 They can also create "incubators" where students nurture ideas and rub shoulders on a day-to-day basis with the external business world, receiving both advice and hard cash in the form of investment.
114 Deloitte and other consultancies have noticed that as the economy begins to recover, companies are trying harder to nurture raw talent, or to poach it from their rivals.
115 Man's ethical behavior should be effectively grounded on compassion, nurture and social bonds.




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