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单词 Eye
1. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 
2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 
3. Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 
4. Beauty is in the eye of the gazer. 
5. Please one’s eye and plague one’s heart. 
6. Far from eye far from heart. 
7. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder [gazer]. 
8. What the eye sees not, the heart craves not. 
9. Beauty is in the beholder’s eye
10. The eye is blind if the mind is absent. 
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Better eye sore than all blind. 
12. Music is the eye of the ear. 
13. A good surgeon must have an eagle’s eye, a lion’s heart, and a lady’s hand. 
14. What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. 
15. If the eye do no admire, the heart will not desire. 
16. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. 
17. The eye that sees all things else sees not itself. 
18. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. 
19. The eye is the organ of sight.
20. I don't see eye to eye with my wife.
21. A sudden movement caught my eye.
22. A bit of grit had got into my eye.
23. You are the apple of my eye.
24. She looked at me squarely in the eye.
25. His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.
26. The job requires skill and an eye for detail.
27. A wife is not to be chosen by the eye only. 
28. There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
29. Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. Thomas Fuller 
30. Never look down to test the ground before taking your step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road. 
1. I don't see eye to eye with my wife.
2. She looked at me squarely in the eye.
3. His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.
4. The job requires skill and an eye for detail.
5. He has very little sight in his right eye.
6. He has no sight in his left eye.
7. Our eye react s to light.
8. He is blind in one eye.
9. Bacteria is something invisible to the eye.
10. The eye test shows she has perfect vision.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Most stars are not visible to the naked eye.
12. Those stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.
13. Bacteria are too small for the naked eye.
14. She has very little vision in her left eye.
15. He pretended profundity by eye - beamings at people.
16. I have a good eye for character.
17. Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
18. I have something in my eye.
19. She had a burning pain in one eye.
20. I had a piece of grit in my eye.
21. She looked me straight in the eye.
22. She's almost blind in her right eye.
23. He's very shy and never makes eye contact.
24. The window display caught her eye.
25. I've got a piece of grit in my eye.
26. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .
27. Will you keep an eye on my daughter for a while?
28. He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.
29. There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye.
30. The magnificent scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.
31. In are the eye tears, what pain dazzling?
32. He has very little sight in his right eye.
33. She has a blemish above her right eye.
34. That can be seen with half an eye.
35. My eye alighted on an old book.
36. He has no sight in his left eye.
37. He blacked her eye with that one punch.
38. The bulb of the eye is important for us.
39. Our eye react s to light.
40. She has very little sight in her left eye.
41. He is blind in one eye.
42. Bacteria is something invisible to the eye.
43. The eye test shows she has perfect vision.
44. Most stars are not visible to the naked eye.
45. Those stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.
46. Bacteria are too small for the naked eye.
47. She has very little vision in her left eye.
48. Learning is the eye of the mind.
49. The orange skin squirted in my eye.
50. The scientist's observant eye noticed the slightest details.
51. An eye finds more truth than two ears.
52. He pretended profundity by eye - beamings at people.
53. I have a good eye for character.
54. He had a bruise just below his right eye.
55. Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
56. I have something in my eye.
57. She had a burning pain in one eye.
58. I had a piece of grit in my eye.
59. Rogers always has an eye for a good bargain.
60. She looked me straight in the eye.
31. The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
32. The animal is easily distinguishable by the black stripes above its eye.
33. You need good hand - eye coordination to play racket sports.
34. His only injuries were some minor scratches above his eye.
35. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.
36. Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins.
37. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.
38. It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.
39. The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
40. She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman's eye.
41. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
42. Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .
43. I find it very off-putting when people don't look me in the eye.
44. My eye fell upon an interesting advertisement in the newspaper.
45. When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye.
46. She has the job most of us would give our eye teeth for.
47. You'll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if you're not careful!
48. Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy.
49. He did the work under the eagle eye of his teacher.
50. This organism is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
51. He dotted me in the eye.
52. A vivid picture is present to our eye.
53. Her flared her scarf to catch my eye.
54. Many stars overhead are invisible to the naked eye.
55. A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.
56. The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.
57. The film on police Methods : Was a real eye - opener for me.
58. Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.
59. I'm afraid I can't give you a general overview of the situation. I can only offer you a worm's - eye view that is based on.
60. The children played under the watchful eye of their father.
61. She's almost blind in her right eye.
62. He's very shy and never makes eye contact.
63. I can't see out of this eye.
64. His daughter is the apple of his eye.
65. The window display caught her eye.
66. I've got a piece of grit in my eye.
67. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .
68. Will you keep an eye on my daughter for a while?
69. Uncle Geooge got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub.
70. He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.http:///eye.html
71. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
72. There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye.
73. The magnificent scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.
74. The store detective was keeping a close eye on a suspected shoplifter.
75. The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
76. From the plane we had a bird's eye view of London.
77. The animal is easily distinguishable by the black stripes above its eye.
78. You need good hand - eye coordination to play racket sports.
79. I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.
80. If you were a teardrop,In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Kee.
81. We sat down and started the exam under the eagle eye of the teacher.
82. His only injuries were some minor scratches above his eye.
83. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.
84. Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins.
85. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.
86. It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.
87. A soldier would rather face a firing squad a thousand times over than just once have to look his own colleagues in the eye knowing he had failed them.
88. The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
89. She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman's eye.
90. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
91. If you were a teardrop in my eye, I would never cry.
92. Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .
93. Society largely turns a blind eye to recreational drug use.
94. I find it very off-putting when people don't look me in the eye.
95. My eye fell upon an interesting advertisement in the newspaper.
96. When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye.
97. Be careful not to poke someone in the eye with your umbrella.
98. The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye.
99. She has the job most of us would give our eye teeth for.
100. The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.
100. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101. How can you say to your brother, ——Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye.
102. You'll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if you're not careful!
103. A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
104. Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.
105. Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy.
106. He did the work under the eagle eye of his teacher.
107. This organism is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
108. These types of dog often have eye problems.
109. Don't poke her eye out with that stick!
110. The nerve runs from the eye to the brain.
111. His left eye was heavily bandaged.
112. She only has a little sight in one eye.
113. She has an eye for beauty.
114. I've never had much of an eye for fashion.
115. He winked an eye at his companion.
116. Rinse the eye with sterile water.
117. There's more to this than meets the eye, methinks.
118. A vivid picture is present to our eye.
119. He socked the policeman on the jaw/in the eye.
120. She paused, imagining the scene in her mind's eye.
121. Soft colours are easy on the eye.
122. Tonight,Tim Goodman casts a cynical eye on TV ads.
123. A movement in the reeds caught my eye .
124. He received a black eye in the tussle.
125. Can you catch the waiter's eye?
126. Penny's only son was the apple of her eye.
127. The harsh colours jarred the eye.
128. The surgeon is performing an eye operation.
129. His eye had swollen and closed up.
130. They look like stars to the naked eye.
130. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131. His mother kept a watchful eye on him.
132. The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.
133. She has a cast in one eye.
134. Holy cow! How did you get that black eye?
135. He was accidentally blinded in the left eye.
136. They removed a foreign body from her eye.
137. Eye witnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.
138. Look him square in the eye and say no.
139. Don't you ever wear eye make-up ?
140. A determined glint appeared in her eye.
141. An insect flew into my eye.
142. He has a good eye for beauty.
143. He cast his expert eye on the gardener's work.
144. To her expert eye(), the painting was terrible.
145. She has a sharp eye for a bargain.
146. Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.
147. Mr. Ball has an eye for paintings.
148. The explosion blinded him in the right eye.
149. Mr Eyer may lose the sight in one eye.
150. She has a keen eye for spotting talent.
151. He had a nasty look in his eye.
152. Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his eye.
153. Ann wiped a tear from her eye.
154. He cast his eye down the contents page .
155. His left eye squints a little.
156. The film has a painterly eye.
157. To the untrained eye, the children were behaving ordinarily.
158. He keeps a fatherly eye on his players.
159. He had a wicked glint in his eye.
160. The chairman keeps a beady eye on things.
161. In the blink of an eye,[] he was gone.
162. "It's an antique.""An antique, my eye!
163. Nothing escaped our teacher's eagle eye.
164. His hair flopped over his left eye.
165. I tried to avoid meeting his eye.
166. Her eye traveled over the pupils.
167. She is the apple of her father's eye.
168. In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.
169. Ernest has an eye for detail.
170. He is almost blind in one eye.
171. He pictured the scene in his mind's eye.
172. Computer screens should be at eye level.
173. He seemed unwilling to meet my eye.
174. Keep a watchful eye on elderly residents.
175. Owen didn't dare look his father in the eye.
176. He has a twitch in his right eye.
177. He was plagued by eye troubles.
178. She viewed the findings with a critical eye.
179. The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye.
180. To the untutored eye, all these butterflies look the same.
181. I like to have him next to me where I can keep an eye on him.
182. The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see.
183. Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion, who nodded in reply.
184. The mood of the crowd can change in the twinkling of an eye.
185. An eye for an eye is no way to run a civilised justice system.
186. During his talk, most of the delegates had one eye on the clock.
187. The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.
188. I'd like to know how she came by that black eye.
189. It was the unusual colour of his jacket that caught my eye.
190. Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago.
191. He claimed to have the power of the evil eye.
192. She looked round the room with a critical eye .
193. In the world of high finance,[] you have to keep an eye on the barracudas.
194. The tide was out, leaving nothing but mud as far as the eye could see.
195. Tulips were blooming as far as the eye could see.
196. I don't always see eye to eye with my father.
197. He was holding the phone with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
198. The police found traces of blood on his jacket that were invisible to the naked eye.
199. Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
200. The plains stretched for as far as the eye could see .
201. This latest judgement will definitely be one in the eye for the fast food corporations.
202. A sudden gleam came into her eye as she remembered that tomorrow was her day off.
203. He blushed when the pretty girl gave him the eye.
204. You see(), to my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes and yet it's a very valuable painting.
205. Jack looked like someone had given him a black eye .
206. Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment?
207. The old lady can still see in her mind's eye every piece of furniture in the house where she lived as a child.
208. Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?
209. The manager turned a blind eye when his staff were late.
210. He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.
211. They advocate a justice system that works on the principle of an eye for an eye.
212. Following the futuristic The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood's seventh novel, Cat's Eye, returns to more familiar territory.
213. He certainly did his classmates in the eye when he got the teacher's approval.
214. She keeps a watchful eye on her husband to see that he behaves himself.
215. To our surprise, the headmaster turned a blind eye to the bad behaviour of his pupils.
216. I went for a run there, keeping an eye on the children the whole time.
217. I caught Chrissie's eye, but she only smiled back at me innocently.
218. He is suffering from eye ulcers, brought on by the intense light in Australia.
219. She cast her eye over the front page of the paper.
220. It's a comfort to know there's someone to keep an eye on the kids.
221. A thin trickle of blood ran down from a cut above her eye.
222. I had never punched anybody in my life but I hit out and gave him a black eye.
223. If you can hit him on his eye he will strike out wildly,which would exhaust his strength.
224. I try to play regularly to keep my eye in.
225. He scored a bull's - eye in their argument with that witty retort.
226. Fashion models are completely comfortable with the eye of the camera.
227. This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.
228. There was a sparkle in her eye that could not be hidden.
229. The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.
230. Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand.
231. The doctor gave me eye drops to put in three times a day.
232. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
233. His promotion was one in the eye for his rivals.
234. The authorities were either unaware of the problem or turned a blind eye to it.
235. He first learnt to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother.
236. The film on police Methods : Was a real eye - opener for me.
237. Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace.
238. A drop of sweat ran down her forehead and into her eye.
239. Their chief negotiator turned his critical eye on the United States.
240. Long hours working at a computer can cause eye strain.
241. Can I have a copy of the article to run my eye over, before it's printed?
242. Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just grinned at her.
243. You look like you've been in the wars-who gave you that black eye?
244. As she passed the shop, her eye was got by a blue dress displayed in the window.
245. 'Not at all,' she said in a brittle voice, avoiding his eye.
246. Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye view of Paris.
247. Thick forest stretched as far as the eye could see.
248. Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic .
249. As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.
250. Her skill at working with wood is coupled to a keen eye for design.
251. I knew he was lying because he wouldn't make eye contact with me.
252. Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on the kids.
253. Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.
254. He received hospital treatment for a cut over his eye.
255. The lettering on the poster is very eye - catching.
256. Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye.
257. He's got his eye on the new girl in your class.
258. The teacher kept half an eye on them all through the lesson.
259. She doesn't want her children growing up in the public eye.
260. He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight - I told him the prosaic truth that I'd banged my head on a door.
261. The refugee camps stretch as far as the eye can see.
262. He punched her in the face at least once giving her a black eye.
263. It's just about possible to see the planet with the naked eye on a clear night.
264. If you want to hold someone's attention, look them directly in the eye but don't stare.
265. Mind you don't poke her eye out with that stick!
266. The room was painted in soft pastels that were easy on the eye.
267. If she wins the case, it'll be one in the eye for George.
268. His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid.
269. Janice would give her eye teeth for a house like that.




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