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单词 Judgment
1 The judgment set a new precedent.
2 He was well-informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment.
3 I have absolute faith in her judgment.
4 The judgment went against him.
5 The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people.
6 In her judgment, we shouldn't change our plans.
7 It's too soon to make a judgment about what the outcome will be.
8 Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. Colin Powell 
9 It is the judgment of this court that you are guilty of murder.
10 How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?
11 Your decision reflects well upon your judgment.
12 The judgment passed against us.
13 His judgment was clouded by selfishness.
14 I depended on his companionship and on his judgment.
15 The judgment on pension rights has established/set a precedent.
16 It's a judgment on him.
17 The general manager's judgment is often biased by interest.
18 Success in management ultimately rests on good judgment.
19 The judgment will be given tomorrow.
20 I don't want to pass judgment on my colleagues.
21 In my judgment,[] we should accept his offer.
22 The minister showed a lack of political judgment.
23 I lent him the money, against my better judgment.
24 I'd advise you to reserve judgment .
25 He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.
26 The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 
27 At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit ; and at forty, the judgment
28 The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
29 The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .
30 I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.
1 The judgment set a new precedent.
2 He was well-informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment.
3 I have absolute faith in her judgment.
4 The judgment went against him.
5 The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people.
6 In her judgment, we shouldn't change our plans.
7 The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
8 It's too soon to make a judgment about what the outcome will be.
9 The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .
10 I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.
11 It is the judgment of this court that you are guilty of murder.
12 How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?
31 MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment.
32 Watch carefully and use your judgment .
33 Against my better judgment, I gave him the job.
34 Well, physicians make judgment calls every day.
35 Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.
36 A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime.
37 Not telling the staff before they read the news in the papers was an error of judgment.
38 The industry was awaiting a judgment from the European Court.
39 Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
40 Trust your own judgment and don't be guided by what anyone else thinks.
41 In my judgment,[Sentence dictionary] we should let the solicitor deal with this.
42 A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.
43 His judgment carries weight.
44 The higher people's court rendered a judgment of no guilty upon him.
45 My judgment is final.
46 Other papers have editorialized, criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual.
47 The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
48 He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
49 The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified, confidence in his own judgment.
50 It is not part of a novelist's job to make a moral judgment.
51 I don't know why he thinks he can sit in judgment over us like that.
52 The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment and set him free.
53 The company were fined £6 million, following a recent court judgment .
54 The minister's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.
55 Our aim is to help him, not to pass judgment on what he has done.
56 He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.
57 irremediable errors in judgment.
58 He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment.
59 She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.
60 Your judgment of the case is based on the presupposition that the witness is telling the truth.
61 The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.
62 I've known him for years and I trust his judgment.
63 I wouldn't dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.
64 It proved difficult to come to/form/make a judgment about how well the school was performing.
65 I should like to add a rider to the judgment of the court.
66 He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman.
67 As a convicted criminal, he's in no position to pass judgment .
68 The court has yet to pass judgment in this case.
69 He claimed Mr Brooke had been guilty of a "gross error of judgment"
70 So dismissive a judgment requires further explanation.
70 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
71 Few environmental activists would agree with that judgment.
72 It was a great error of judgment.
73 But bureaucrats have scant leeway to exercise judgment.
74 Three appeal court judges reserved judgment.
75 This is what clinical judgment is all about.
76 Good judgment was tugging on my apron.
77 They must concur in their judgment.
78 Sometimes the pressure we were under clouded our judgment.
79 College is a refuge from hasty judgment. Robert Frost 
80 Tax considerations should not dictate investment judgment.
81 They have little opportunity to use judgment or creativity.
82 It seemed friendly, but she detected in it some glint of appraisal or judgment.
83 The plumbing system and electrical system are, in my judgment, substandard.
84 Often these acts of kindness came from the same men who had grossly failed to exercise judgment on previous occasions.
85 Bellesiles's extensive research is undermined by errors of fact, omission and judgment.
86 In my judgment the judge was fully entitled to take into account the matters which she there expressed.
87 Like everyone else, they will be able to pass judgment by means of the ballot box.
88 Accordingly, in my judgment, her claim falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor, subject always to judicial review.
89 But Petrocelli decided instead to file a judgment on behalf of Goldman alone.
90 Joly also made what can only be described as an uncharacteristic error of judgment.
91 From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.
92 The hearing was in chambers and judgment was delivered in open court.
93 However, senior government figures say that Mr Mandelson's handling of the issue has damaged their faith in his political judgment.
94 The story of Britain's fighter development was more complex and was slowed by one fundamental error of scientific judgment.
95 They also need tact, good judgment, and the ability to establish effective personal relationships to oversee staff.
96 He also was criticized for failure to exercise good judgment and creating the appearance of partisanship.
97 For the reasons set out in the judgment of Staughton L.J. I would reject that contention.
98 A high proportion of trials which begin will end in settlement rather than judgment.
99 Nor does one surrender one's judgment if that means acting against one's judgment.
100 "It was a glaring example of bad judgment,[http:///judgment.html]" said one official who asked not to be named.
101 This is an express authority to guide our judgment in this case.
102 If a pub is closed, that is a commercial judgment by the publican and the brewer depending on the relationship between them.
103 A truly wise man has the ability to see and understand what many do not see and understand, and to arrive at the most appropriate and right judgment sensibly and farsightedly. Dr T.P.Chia 
104 How you conduct negotiations from there is largely a question of individual judgment supported by sound professional advice.
105 Glanton's current plans for the Barnes depend entirely on a favourable judgment from the Orphans Court.
106 This judgment has to be made before the executive act of securing the suitable accommodation for the applicant can be performed.
107 I entirely agree and would be content to adopt the judgment of Taylor L.J. as my own.
108 The judgment could lead to the release of dozens of mentally disturbed offenders from high-security hospitals.
109 A party entitled to enforce the judgment or order may apply on affidavit to issue the necessary process.
110 Discussion of Judgment Results Subjects appeared to make judgments which were remarkably consistent with those given when actually driving.
111 The judgment leaves a large grey area and much scope for argument.
112 For those reasons, in the exceptional circumstances of this case, in my judgment the judge was wrong.
113 If you have confidence in your ability and judgment, you want to gain some impact.
114 It is necessary in his judgment to relate the facts only in the barest outline.
115 Once made explicit in this way judgment policies can be used to help reach a consensus when unaided discussion fails.
116 Over 2,000 dock workers immediately walked out despite the judgment and despite the advice given by their leaders not to do so.
117 Though racked with pain she was still capable of balanced judgment.
118 As in all other areas of endeavor requiring judgment, successful financial management requires a fine balance of a number of factors.
119 The Northern Ireland Office would make no comment until the whole judgment had been studied in detail.
120 My sense of proportion left me; my judgment took on the grotesque exaggerations of a cruel cartoon.
121 What we are witnessing is a further confirmation of the judgment that capitalism is in its death agony.
122 New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment.
123 I have now had the opportunity to study that judgment and I have taken further legal advice.
124 The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs.
125 Faced with such a towering judgment, Simpson could declare bankruptcy.
126 In war people died more often from the little mistakes than the grand errors of judgment.
127 Nothing that has happened since has called that judgment into question.
128 About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment. Josh Billings 
129 Is it unreasonable that it should also be empowered to decide on the judgment of a state tribunal enforcing such unconstitutional law?
130 She had shown good judgment in consulting Lufkin about her professional career.
131 Value for money does not remove political judgment - it may well increase the emphasis on it.
132 Meader found that by any standard, even if one disagrees with their decisions, voters exercised informed judgment and rational choices.
133 If he does not, the successful plaintiff can enforce the judgment by causing a writ of execution to be issued.
134 It does not mention the sacrifice of Iphigenia, and makes only a dubious allusion to the Judgment of Paris.
135 Adjudication officers are employees in the relevant Department but exercise independent judgment on claims in making decisions within their province.
136 The judgment not being satisfied, the bank presented a bankruptcy petition against B alone for the whole debt.
137 However, I am bound to say that in my judgment Exparte Handscomb was wrongly decided on that issue.
138 After the judgment the Government was obliged to alter the law on the right to beat one's children.
139 It is therefore our duty to affirm the judgment ordering Bakke admitted to the University.
140 This mistake has led them at best into errors of judgment and distortion of fact and at worst into academic hucksterism.
141 Government lawyers have been encouraged by a 1997 Appeal Court judgment preventing the spy George Blake from receiving royalties on his autobiography.
142 Seventh, accountability and judgment are an integral part of economic life.
143 My judgment of the book today differs from my earlier response to it.
144 It is a finely tuned art that depends on the perceptive skills and sound judgment of the consultant.
145 For these reasons, and for the reasons set out in the judgment of Balcombe L.J., I would allow this appeal.
146 The jury would then enter a judgment against Simpson for the dollar amount to be paid in damages.
147 One should conceive that judgment on his book is to be passed by a conclave of wise and quiet spirits.
148 Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment. Tony Robbins 
149 One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
150 Every man has a right to have his opinion and pass judgment on others. I have absolutely nothing against all those who criticized me as an actor and firmly believed that I could not act and was only good in all the dancing and singing kind of roles. Jeetendra 
151 The judgment does not affect Pfizer's patent for sildenafil citrate, the main ingredient of the anti-impotence drug Viagra.
152 This judgment is to be made only by an experienced clinician.
153 This can easily deteriorate into prudential judgment, worldly planning and manipulation of voting procedures.
154 If they are left unaware of impending judgment they will not appreciate the significance of salvation.
155 A similarly high proportion end in a swift judgment because the defendant is in default or has no real defence.
156 When elicitation is complete, scores are allotted to each judgment as it correlates with each element.
157 The judgment reflected a refusal by the court to limit punitive damage awards.
158 I have already, before delivering this judgment, heard argument about the precise form of the order.
159 Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision. Erich Fromm 
160 One can easily become disenchanted with over-professionalized people who are undoubtedly unworthy when subjected to the judgment of more reflective scholars.
161 Apart from that situation the Secretary of State is not in my judgment bound to accept the advice of the judges.
162 Lord Reid's judgment significantly broadens the potential scope of review.
163 Catch him in Birmingham tonight and form your own judgment on the supposed heir to Bevan[/judgment.html], Foot and Kinnock.
164 Selfish- a judgment readily passed by those who have never tested their own power of sacrifice. George Eliot 
165 It reveals pathetic details about the Clintons' marriage, their personalities and their judgment.
166 Accordingly Mr. O'Brien's liability under the guarantee was established by the judgment below.
167 I am giving this judgment in open court at the request of all parties.
168 Dozens of court cases had been adjourned pending the judgment.
169 I am confident that those results will pass a crystal clear judgment that people are afraid of the Labour party in London.
170 Nor are dialects subject to judgment(), so long as they meet the basic requirement of having clearly defined rules.
171 It may not be errors of fact that matter to the general public as much as errors of judgment.
172 In my judgment this approach was wrong in law even if the dictum in Morris had been correct.
173 Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves. Nathaniel Branden 
174 The summons was heard in chambers but judgment was given in open court at the request of the parties.
175 For some one who appeared so gleefully wicked and amoral, Cleo seemed surprisingly dim when it came to character judgment.
176 It is up to the people considering the planning application to deliver a judgment on the assessment.
177 The people are being asked to give their own judgment before major governmental decisions are made.
178 Since then, it has made a number of startling errors of judgment.
179 Intuitive judgment must be recognised as a legitimate element in evaluating this work in schools.
180 Delegation truly involved interpersonal judgment, taking calculated risks on whom to trust.
181 The owner sued the insurers and obtained judgment in the county court for £5,199.30.
182 A certificate of judgement is still required, but see r 27 enabling judgment creditors to prepare documents for the court.
183 The same issues arise in all four appeals and it is therefore convenient to consider them in one judgment.
184 In Search of Excellence, in my judgment, deserves a place beside the two or three best management books ever written.
185 Yet he must make a tentative judgment on inadequate evidence, for such a matter is of fundamental importance.
186 So the parable envisages a situation that could arise in the early Church and advises that human judgment makes mistakes.
187 At best it was a snobbery which wholly overlooked his timing, eye and exactitude of judgment and imagery.
188 The judgment held that men and women were entitled to the same pension from the same age.
189 If the judgment was bad for Microsoft, surely it must be good for somebody.
190 Nevertheless if the judgment happens to be false, it does not automatically become meaningless.
191 If a judgment is paid in full within one month, it will not appear on your file.
192 In my judgment, however, this is not of any importance as touching the liability of the defendant under his covenants.
193 Factoring in the effects of ocean currents, fickle winds, and errors in judgment, he then determined his longitude.
194 The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.
195 This is undoubtedly correct but in our judgment it does not assist us in what we have to decide.
196 In my judgment, it is impossible to say that that decision is wrong and this appeal will be dismissed.
197 However, both the statutory construction of the company and the Caparo judgment embody a principle which should endure.
198 In my opinion, appointing his son as chief executive was a serious error of judgment.
199 Population is, of necessity, the starting point for consideration and the controlling criterion for judgment in legislative apportionment controversies.
200 Nevertheless, statistics is at most complementary to the breadth of knowledge and judgment that medical research demands.
201 Peter, denying the challenge to be held accountable because of the outlandish judgment of this woman.
202 She talked about the language for some time, seemingly against her better judgment, drawn by his earnest desire to learn.
203 A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive.
204 In fact, human workers still occupy the most critical jobs - those where judgment and evaluation are essential.
205 Such a crisis, in my judgment, is now approaching those parts of the financial services industry that market credit.
206 Panic seized him and he felt he was about to lose everything by a small error of judgment.
207 The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
208 In my judgment, the real failure is that the private sector is not active enough in urban development.
209 Knox J. in his judgment cited a passage from the speech of Lord Wilberforce starting at p. 1025D.
210 I would conclude by returning briefly to the Marleasing judgment.
211 The Court of Appeal sat on 28 October 1991 and gave judgment on 12 November.
212 Hope is a great falsifier. Let good judgment keep her in check. Baltasar Gracian 
213 The duration of such drug treatment is an individual judgment.
214 Ultimately it may well fall to the authorities of State B to enforce the judgment against Secundus and his assets.
215 He might proceed against the judgment debtor in person; or against his property.
216 Knowledge is the treasure, but judgment is the treasurer of a wise man. William Penn 
217 The various facets of the judgment were differentiated yet also interlinked in a way that balanced opposed judgments.
218 The senses, the imagination, and the judgment are the natural human powers concerned with external objects.
219 Relevant statutory provisions may be grouped together or scattered through the judgment.
220 Once again, it is left to the courts to draw the line according to their overall judgment of the facts.
220 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
221 His judgment was warped by his prejudice.
222 Don't be in such a hurry to pass judgment.
223 Uses sound judgment even in conditions of uncertainty.
224 Every paragraph is a distillation of sound judgment.
225 You can't pass judgment on people without proper consideration.
226 The nature of the appraisal is value judgment.
227 A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement.
228 Every paragraph a distillation of sound judgment.
229 The court must pass judgment on the accused man.
230 The court will pass judgment on Smith this afternoon.
231 A standard of measurement or judgment a criterion.
232 The job calls for nicety of judgment.
233 We can't pass judgment on that unfortunate race.
234 The appropriately dressed job applicant indicates his sound judgment.
235 We shouldn't pass judgment on other people.
236 Jennifer: Listen, I can't pass judgment, Oliver, I just think so.
237 It makes up of raising retrial process and judgment process of retrial case.
238 But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
239 He will bring forth your righteousness as the light And your judgment as the noonday.
240 That's why you need to have the discipline not to overrate your own judgment.
241 The functions include data maintenance, parameter definition , risk analysis, warning signal judgment, warning signal diagnosis, etc.
242 The curriculum assessment studies the process and the activity of the curriculum value judgment.
243 What student of American history could disagree with this judgment on the whole New Deal effort?
244 Needless to say, precise intelligence and sound judgment as important to military success as fancy kit.
245 What's more, we can also the outline thethe transformation of ideology and social value judgment.
246 This one incisive judgment of river secretary - general, it is wraparound to telling political height.
247 The fifth chapter mainly discusses the verification on value judgment and language logic.
248 Exhibited sound judgment on sensitive issues and work with confidential documents and information.
249 The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial.
250 You may have noticed, Mrs Jordan, that we are finally around to respecting your womanly judgment.
250 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
251 The average man's judgment is so poor, he run a risk every time he use it.
252 In light of value judgment, government's benefit is smaller than cost.
253 Don't pass judgment, or compare their situation to your own.
254 Direction transmits the order: Safflower both sides solidify the existing battlefield situation, accepts the judgment.
255 An analyst who demonstrates consistently sound judgment will be consider for a discretionary credit limit.
256 Yet it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
257 An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends ; he defies all sound judgment.
258 Thesis's core concept is negative value judgment of ideology politics lessons.
259 It is difficult pass judgment on the affair when I know so little about what happened.
260 Student's value judgment of ideology politics lessons is positive correlation to student's study - achievement.
261 The judgment shall be publicly announced , and the payee shall be notified of the judgment.
262 Judgment in Nature: drought, pestilence, famine, disease, wild animals, population loss.
263 You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one.
264 One must be very slow to pass judgment in these cases.
265 An antitrust judgment in 1954 forced the firm to release stranglehold on the shoe machinery market.
266 Provide and make sound judgment on color deviations, candid advice andachieve required colors in bulk production.
267 How to make a shape and value judgment of it?
268 The addressor educes its own value judgment through referring to anchoring value.
269 I cannot pass judgment until I know all the facts.
270 Our curriculum trains for the relinquishment of judgment as the necessary condition of salvation.
271 Stand any here that question God's judgment on a sinner!
272 Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause.
273 People have also started to criticize pass judgment on them.
274 Indeed so and Mr Starr wisely avoids making any premature judgment on their choice.
275 The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.
276 Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants.
277 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the Almighty pervert justice?
278 Proof # 10 : Angels do not resurrect people when they gather them for judgment.
279 The soundness of his judgment have yet to is test.
280 It integrates the system factor the value judgment and the cultural influence the economic analysis frame.
280 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
281 The thesis follows the basic patent infringement judgment theory to organize the whole contents.
282 Thereinto, student's negative value judgment of ideology and politics lesson is deep prime matter. "
283 Factual judgment and value judgment respectively involve two kinds of domains of educational research.
284 Have you anything to say for yourself before I pass judgment?
285 And the value judgment is not factual judgment, which is lack the sense and false.
286 An analyst who demonstrates consistently sound judgment will be considered for a discretionary credit limit.
287 Actions should be positive and controlled, portraying sound judgment and skill.
288 The radiologist is then in a better position to decide whether the computer's judgment is valid.
289 Assist line manager in problem solving and exercises considerable judgment.
290 Christ here gives no liberty for any man to pass judgment upon others.
291 It is not a scientific, neutral, descriptive term, but a positive religious value judgment.




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