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单词 Sedimentary
1 The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water.
2 Limestone Any sedimentary rock consisting essentially of carbonates.
3 It has been added to by sedimentary deposits.
4 The deposits eventually become pressed under sedimentary weight into stone.
5 Sedimentary rocks show stratification and form by settling of erosional debris and chemical precipitates.
6 So does Sedimentary Petrology,[] whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.
7 It therefore follows that all sedimentary bodies, other than deep sea oozes and volcanic ash deposits, are likely to be diachronous.
8 The uplift of a sedimentary pile undergoing maturation is likely to have the effect of leading to a cessation of hydrocarbon generation.
9 The deposits are compacted, cemented, and ultimately become sedimentary rocks.
10 Sandstone, a sedimentary rock and quartzite, a metamorphic rock, both contain a high proportion of quartz.
11 The area also contains important sedimentary sequences, and the metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian Super-Group at the Highland Boundary.
12 We are acutely sensitive to sedimentary layering, perhaps because of our origins in prehistory?
13 On Earth, the deposit of sedimentary rock at the bottom of the ocean is part of larger geological cycles.
14 As the microcontinents collided, they piled up the sedimentary rock along their shores into mountain belts.
15 The sedimentary rocks, with their coal seams, have been folded and faulted.
16 This phenomenon has been utilized for dating sedimentary deposits of quartz grains.
17 Sedimentary rocks are identified as such mainly by their stratification, but also by their mineralogy and texture.
18 Wager and co-workers were struck by the strong resemblance of layered igneous rocks in the Skaergaard intrusion to clastic sedimentary rocks.
19 With the aid of a zoom binocular microscope, small-scale sedimentary structures, such as graded bedding, can be viewed.
20 There is already evidence that mining corporations are interested in probing beneath the sedimentary rocks to find new deposits.
21 It was formed by the heating and crushing of shale, a sedimentary rock which has hardened from mud.
22 This is largely because of its enormous potential for dating geological processes and sedimentary sequences.
23 The most suitable places for fossilisation are in seas and lakes where sedimentary deposits like sandstones and limestones are slowly accumulating.
24 Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
25 Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
26 There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
27 They did not find oil and gas, merely thick sedimentary areas that could indicate their presence.
28 But they did not connect their ideas to the much earlier extinctions recorded in sedimentary rocks.
29 Oil, gas, and coal, composed of organic carbon compounds, are found as economic deposits in sedimentary rocks.
30 In its upright form it represents the vertical thrust of life across sedimentary layers of earthly matter.
1 The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water.
31 Smaller-scale inset maps will provide information on metamorphic grade of orogenic terrains and the structure of Phanerozoic sedimentary basins.
32 The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
33 This picture is based on evidence derived from studying the shape of the landscape, sedimentary deposits and biological remains.
34 The sedimentary rocks are graywacke, siltstone, tuff andpellitie, etc.
35 Delta system was the domination sedimentary system on investigation.
36 An anisotropic model of sedimentary rocks is presented.
36 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37 The geological componets are mostly sedimentary rock.
38 The sedimentary rocks did not dome.
39 Texture of sedimentary rock: clastic texture and nonclastic texture.
40 Based on field research and laboratory analysis, a conclusion was reached that sedimentary faces of external strata at Yantai archeological site are hydrostatic and limnetic.
41 Because of Yizheng orogeny in Late Cretaceous, braided delta system of Anfeng was formed by rifting in Subei Basin and rising of sedimentary base level.
42 The sedimentary environment can be divided into intertidal zone and subtidal zone where the mud flat, mixed flat, sand flat and channel facies developed on the low ramp.
43 Above all, should collect uric fluid to do make water sedimentary smear, germiculture and antibiotic are sensitive experiment.
44 In the study, area, the Triassic systems can be divided into 3 sedimentary isochronic planes, 4 depositional systems and 10 sedimentary facies.
45 The physical property and planar spreading of reservoirs are controlled obviously by sedimentary microfacies.
46 Organic - inorganic interactions are ubiquitous and unalterable in sedimentary basins.
47 Clay minerals distribute extensively in various slopes made of sedimentary rock, weathering profiles of igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock and colluvial deposits.
48 A sedimentary basin is an area of the earth's crust that is underlain by a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks.
49 The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins.
50 The undissolved potassium mineral deposits is mainly classified to the sedimentary rock and the igneous rock.
51 The deposit was produced by superimposition of the hot-water sedimentary mineralization and magmatic hydatogenesis.
52 The extremely poor mineralization occurred in the late clastic sedimentary stage, and corresponds to the sedimentation process of the terrigenous clastics.
53 The gold mineralization is controlled by lower carboniferous volcanic and pyroclastic sedimentary rocks, regional faults and secondary structure.
54 The triphibian chipping-rock sedimentary formation in Early Cenozoic in Adatan basin in western segment of east Kunlun Mt. was formerly considered to belong to "Low Tertiary".
55 The basalts were intruded by numerous silica dykes, some of which terminate in the sedimentary layers.
56 Based on the analysis of the palaeocurrent direction of cross-bedding in contourites and connecting with palaeogeographic setting, a sedimentary model of contourites in the study area is established.
57 Potassium-rich brines resources can be classified into sedimentary metamorphic type and lixiviation sylvine. These two kinds are also new ways of looking for sylvine in Sichuan.
58 The black graptolite shale facies indicate a deep - water, half enclosed and anoxic sedimentary environment.
59 Qiangtang Basin is the largest and most prospective sedimentary basin of exploring for oil and gas in China Tethys structural domain, being a low exploration degree.
60 And the sedimentary environment of HN1 changed in different depths with active bacteria and fungi.
61 It is mainly transformed from kaolinite and seldom from sedimentary illites. Some autogenetic ammonium illites were found in the cracks.
62 The climatical wedges are V-shape sedimentary bodies formed by climatical cause, which are remained in strata.
63 It is shown that cycle of sedimentary wave is response to each order sequence and the character of high frequency wave is correlated with oil source, reservoir and cap rock.
64 The Jurassi reservoir in Wu-Xia area is dominated by lithic sandstone and feldspathic litharenite under alluvial fan, fan delta and braided river sedimentary environments.
65 Sedimentary basin forming dynamics system is the macroevolution and correlation of the sedimentary basin, the mantle, the asthenosphere, the lithosphere, and Moho discontinuity.
66 But, low sedimentary rate in many profiles, especially in S1, and following strong pedogenesis and eluviation would have effect on those climate records.
66 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
67 Here we use an expanded marine sedimentary section from Spitsbergen to reconstruct the carbon isotope excursion as recorded in marine organic matter.
68 According to the distribution of velocity field, it is inferred that the gas hydrate is mainly distributed in the overlying sedimentary strata near BSR in the study area.
69 Analysis of many samples and study on sedimentary system show that the lake basin was in an under-filling condition. A deep water evaporite formation model was established.
70 By contrasting the plane distribution of oxidation fronts and sedimentary facies, it can be found that oxidation fronts are obviously controlled by interchannel fine-grained sediments.
71 Stable isotopic composition of fossil ostracode is used as an ideal proxy for paleo- lake sedimentary environments.
72 Marlite is transitional type of sedimentary rock, so marlite reservoir is highly anisotropic and heterogeneous. It is difficult to fulfill geologic tasks only by using of conventional logging data.
73 The results indicate that the composition of post _ Archaean sedimentary rocks of NCC is not uniform.
74 With the rise and fall of datum plane, sedimentary centre of sand stone moved towards sediments source or basin.
75 In many sedimentary basins the salinity of the formation water increases with depth or compaction.
76 Stocks , dykes etc. can be placed in simple sequence with the sedimentary rocks.
77 Exploration markers includes hot - water sedimentary rocks, gossan wall - rock alteration, and geophysical and geochemical anomalies.
78 On the basis of 1989-1990 field and indoor investigations, glacial lakes are classified and their sedimentary types in tLe Halasi River catchment of the Altay Mountains, Xinjiang, are discussed.
79 The ore-forming materials are mainly originated from the upper mantle, could not be provided by mobilization during albitization of diorite and surrounding sedimentary rocks of Trissic age.
80 The data from trench and core disclose the sedimentary characteristic and evolutional process.
81 These subfacies are considered to represent respectively the neritic basin, the littoral tidal flat and the nearshore fluviolacustrine sedimentary environments.
82 The well logging data from more than ten wells of an anonymous oilfield are processed using the software, and the plane graph of sedimentary microfacies is drawn.
83 Dating of the hidden granite porphyry confines the age of Neozoic sedimentary stratum and also provides a basis for timing of intracontinental extension in northern Tibet.
84 Subaerial volcanic rocks mainly comprise lavas, clastic lava, pyroclastic rocks and sedimentary pyroclastic rocks.
85 The sedimentary kaolin is a unique kaolin source in China.
86 Sedimentary facies have experienced the evolutionary stages from the basin facies through platform facies to evaporite facies.
87 A very large proportion of the world's sedimentary cover is composed of ancient deltaic deposits.
88 The Upper Permian System Longtan coal measure in the Changguang coal deposit is a complete sedimentary cycle, consisting of a regressive and a transgressive series.
89 The grains distribution and sedimentary structures show by tractive current and gravity flow synchronously.
90 Therefore , to discompose these signals by filtering can help to understand possible sedimentary dynamic procedures.
91 Sedimentary bauxite bonanza was formed in stable sedimentary environment with unsolvable medium of sediments under condition.
92 Abstract: The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins.
93 According to space distribution of the sedimentary facies, Longhuo ancient platform was an isolated one, surrounded with troughs in the Carboniferous period.
94 The free radicals in kerogen of sedimentary organic matter can be easily determined by using the electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) technique.
95 According to conodont , coral and foraminifera fossils discovered, the geological age of this sequence of sedimentary strata is Early Carboniferous.
96 As time goes by, these pebbles will consolidate with and will eventually turn into sedimentary rock.
97 The environments for the formation of organic material include neritic shelf open water environment and semi-enclosed lagoonal sedimentary environment.
98 It is considered that Guangyi graphite carbon derived from organiccarbon, the genetic type belongs to sedimentary metamorphic ore deposit.
99 The main sedimentary system includes fluvial, delta, alluvial fan and lake facies.
100 Then use antitone structural analysis method to recognize and reconstruct the primary tectonic structure and sedimentary feature of a basin in certain geological history.
101 Paleocene - Eocene terrigenous deposits, deposited in grabens and half-grabens, constituted the lower tectonic layer of the sedimentary basins of South China Sea.
102 Structures, sedimentary reservoirs , and source rock control petroleum accumulation process.
103 The reservoir physical property were primarily dominated by sedimentary facies 、 corrosion and dolomization.
104 Through the work of 1/50000 regional geological survey and the research of the sedimentary facies in the area, the author systematically sets up sedimentary sequence of Carboniferous period stratum.
105 The primary rocks were sparry oolitic limestone and micrite oolitic limestone, but dolomitization destroyed the original sedimentary textures.
106 The dielectric constants of sedimentary rock specimen measured with coaxial slotted line unit are given in this paper. The measurement results of rock specimens from Shengli oilfield are analyzed.
107 The original rock of the "Lucky Red" Sandstone is sedimentary quartzitic sandstone, which can be traced back to the Silurian period 0.438 billion years ago.
108 A method of gravity inversion for calculating basement of sedimentary basin using the data of seismic velocity spectrum, gravity anomalies, and water depth was built up.
109 The application of waveform classification technique to the study of sedimentary microfacies in the south of the Binhai fault nose is a success.
110 This paper made a research on the sedimentary characters of sand reservoir of Es3 sub-section of Shahejie Formation, making use of data of seismic, well logging, core analysis and so on.
111 Yunnan Province is rich in aluminium mineral resources. Main minerals products can be divided into two types. That is, sedimentary bauxite and nepheline syenite.
112 The overpressure states of sedimentary basin are multiform, and their evolutions are systematic.
113 Before these sediments become sedimentary rock, it is called beach rock.
114 Conglomerate is aof sedimentary rock characteristically composed of rounded pebbles cemented by sand and mud.
115 It is the first time to apply this method to study sedimentary facies of the Paleocene-Miocene in the Qaidam Basin.
116 Due to the difference of sedimentary microfacies and denudation sequencescomplex reservoir types in the area.
117 The Jurassic of Junggar basin is a river delta sedimentary system, with subaqueous distributary channel and mouth bar sand body developed in the hinterland of Junggar basin.
118 Chuck them out with Chinese Chalk: Chinese chalk is made of Diatomaceous Earth, a naturally occurring chalk-like sedimentary rock.
119 The sedimentary environments of the Devonian carbonate formations in southern Hunan, China can be divided into four types: platform, open marine shelf, bioherm, and platformbasin facies.
120 The understandings for sedimentary environment of Paleogene Huangxian Formation in Huangxian basin are different, or suggesting it as inland fresh water lacus, or considering it as coastal lagoon.
121 The research shows that the versatile occurrence of organic sulfur are determined by the pre coal material, sedimentary environment, and catagenesis.
122 Therefore, it is a marine sedimentary - metamorphic iron ore deposit.
123 The main sedimentary facies in this area include lacustrine facies and gravity flow facies.
124 Sedimentary rock is formed by the accumulation and consolidation of sediments.
125 At last, according to the palaeogeography characteristic and sedimentary evolution model, the general sedimentary facies model of Jurassic in Qiangtang basin was founded.
126 Compared with international Sedimentological great powers,[http:///sedimentary.html] it is indicated that both conjuncture and opportunity coexist in the sedimentary development in China.
127 Provenance analysis mainly includes comparison of debris compositions, heavy mineral assemblages, sedimentary facies, geochemical analysis, cathodoluminescence image of quartz and so on.
128 Sand control technology may be determined according to the classified log sedimentary facies and has got initial results.
129 Cambrian stratigraphy well developed in Luxi ( west of Shandong ), and their sedimentary records possesses cyclicity.
130 The sedimentary basin of Devonian in Southern Guizhou , South China is euxinic.
131 Sedimentary loading with consequent thermal blanketing will become major factors.
132 The Qintong depression is a Neozoic sedimentary one which have been explorated for many years with very high exploration degree on petroleum and relatively lower exploration degree on gas.
133 Type II reservoir is potential productive reservoir distributed in braided channel and inter channel of middle sublacustrine fan or sedimentary microfacies area of overhand lake sand flat.
134 The upper crust is mainly composed of slates, phyllites, schists, granulite of greenschist facies (partly low-amphibolite facies) and granite intrusions, and sedimentary rocks at the top.
135 On the basis of granulometric analysis of samples from colluvial wedge sediments caused by normal fault, the sedimentary environment is discussed.
136 Sedimentary system and distribution features of early Tertiary in Liaohe tidal zone are studied by using seismic stratigraphy , sequence stratigraphy , and logging sedimentology.
137 Delt-front acclivity and shallow lake are a major type of sedimentary sub-facies of the Suining formation of Upper Jurassic, and the provenance is uplifted area of Longmenshan.
138 The sedimentary boundaries and deposition centers moved northward or northeastward.
139 The Hongtoushan copper - zinc deposit was formed in submarine volcanic eruptions - sedimentary environment in Archean intracratonic rift trough.
140 According to basin's evolutional history and structural features, the sedimentary basins in China can be divided into monotype and superimposed type basins.
141 The sedimentary structure mainly includes unidirectional and bidirectional cross bedding, interference and curved ripple mark, and wavy, flaser and lenticular bedding.
142 Therefore , the author considers the deposit to be a sedimentary - transform type of celestine.
143 The radiogenic heat production rate in the upper crust decreased with the increasing depth. However, they were distributed uniformly within the depth scale of sedimentary basin.
144 Simple disconformities between adjacent sedimentary strata ( 4 ) record time breaks in the succession.
145 During the deposition of the Benxi Formation of Carboniferous, four cycles of relative sea level changes could be identified based on the study of sedimentary facies and community palaeoecology .
146 Aryl isoprenoid compounds in the aromatic fraction of sedimentary organic matter have been regarded as a biomarker that indicates a saline and strongly reducing sedimentary environment.
147 Gacun argentiferous polymetallic ore deposit is a volcanic exhalation - sedimentary deposit.
148 A sedimentary rock consisting predominantly of apatite and other phosphates.
149 Sedimentary facies research is one of the fundamental works in the integrated study on petroleum geology.
150 Aim To study the Sedimentary characteristics and provenance region of indo-chinese epoch sandstone in Huianbu-Majiatan area, southwest edge of Ordos Basin.
151 The first result indicates that the sedimentary veins of Tamarix cone in Lop Nur region can reveal more environmental information.
152 The model is used to classify the parent population of modern sediment samples from different areas and different sedimentary environments, resulting fine effects.
153 Benxi formation belongs to barrier island-tidal flat sedimentology system of terrigenous clasts coast. Reservoir sedimentary facies is mainly barrier island sedimentary.
154 The correlative relationship between increment of subaquatic accommodation space and synchronous sedimentary volume controlled the evolution of sequence and the formation of system tracts.
155 Eskers are very long ridges apparently formed when sub - glacial streams or rivers deposited sedimentary materials.
156 The Beibu Gulf basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary basin[/sedimentary.html], doni - inated by Cenozoic sediments.
157 This paper, in terms of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics dynamic evolution of Xichang Compound Basin.
158 Early and middle delta was leaflike delta, at this sedimentary period, lake shoreline was comparatively steady-going, the lake and the river both had some energy.
159 Anthropologists of future centuries can be spared digging through layers of sedimentary rock.
160 Foreland thrust belts are developed extensively margin of Meso Cenozoic sedimentary basins in northwestern China.
161 Primary halo overprinting is also applied in the gold deposits with sedimentary stone.
162 The hydrofracturing breccia is formed by deep rich- sodic and gold-hosted fluid hydrofracturing in a set of Devonian system hot-water sedimentary rich- sodic rocks.
163 Coverage ability: in particular conditions bath groove or deep holes in the ability of the sedimentary metal. Also called deep plating capability.
164 According to analysis of sedimentary characters and geochemistry characters of Luanchuan Group of New Proterozoic Era.
165 Since this sedimentary facies model consists of points in the vector space, zonation can be made according to the principle of "shortest distance" between vector points.
166 Three types of slope breaks developed during the depression period from the Qingshankou to Nenjiang Formations based on the present research: erodent, sedimentary and structural.
167 Quantitative simulation of stratigraphy in a basin is an important component of sedimentary basins modelling.
168 Uranium has been redistributed by biological processes as well as in the sedimentary cycle.
169 Two structural strata of the marine basins are developed in Caledonian movement and Hercynian-early Indo-China movement for Chi -na's old land sedimentary and tectonic evolutions.
170 Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of organic carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals.
171 The results indicate that there mainly develop a set of shallow marine shelf clastic sedimentary rocks and platform carbonate rocks during the Sinian-Lower Paleozoic(Lower Assemblage) period.
172 The generation mechanism of orientating sedimentary structure is very important to the recognition of the internal-waves sediments.
173 The Hongtaiping polymetallic deposit lies in the Permian marine volcanic rocks, Palaeozoic geosyncline and the transitional belt of the clastic sedimentary rocks in the Yanbian area.
174 For instance, when hurricane Bebe hit Tuvalu in 1972 it deposited 140 hectares of sedimentary debris onto the eastern reef, increasing the area of the main island by 10 per cent.
175 The geological characters of deposit indicate that it is a sedimentary reconstructive deposit.
176 At this sedimentary period, the water in Lake Basin began to recede fleetly, the base level of erosion grew down, the schlep ability of river grew up, and the supply of source was abundant.
177 In vertical, the evolution of sedimentary facies of Yi-ma Group is alluvial fan system. lake delta system, lake system from the bottom of the Group to the top.
178 The free radical concentration (Ng) of kerogen is a valid index to study thermal maturation of organic matter and paleotemperature of sedimentary basin.
179 Moreover, episodic activities of the growth faults changed the sedimentary environment and resulted in the interbedding of witherite and barite ores.
180 The completeness of a section plays an important role in interpretation of sedimentary facies, pattern analysis of organic evolution and studies of event or episodic sedimentation.
181 Five sedimentary microfacies including underground river distributary, debouch bar, frontal sheet sand, sand-shale alternating layer, front fan-delta-deep water lake deposits are identified.
182 Their development influences and remakes the sedimentary views of the point bar and channel bar.
183 Biogas in commercial size existed in sedimentary basin which has high deposition velocity and low geothermal gradient and shale, coalbed or compacted sandstone in unconventional environments.
184 Classification, sedimentary and structural features of foreland basin are discussed.
185 Wendong oil field have been divided into a super-structure sequence and eight third-order sedimentary sequences.
186 We use the dip logger to determine the direction of flow, sand body extension,[http:///sedimentary.html] stratification structure and sedimentary characteristics.
187 Sedimentary thickness isoline graph, litho facies paleogeography graph and paleocurrent rose graph were plotted.
188 And karst diaspore bauxite deposits belong to bioorganic sedimentary deposits.
189 Syngenetic clast in sedimentary rock is a structural phenomenon representing a turbulent sedimentary environment.
190 Discovery of volcanic breccias and volcanic shatter breccias at southeast of the Main and East Orebodies suggests volcanic sedimentary formation of the dolomitic rock.
191 Subjected to actual measure method and technical level, it is difficult to predict the distribution of sedimentary facies of underground strata by rule and line .
192 Sedimentary structures of scoured bases, slumps, and convolute beddings can be observed in these deposits.
193 The cyclicity of the sea-level changes are corresponded with the cyclicity of the basin sedimentation, and are represented by the sedimentary facies evolutions .
194 The stable period and after it the decreasing period of solar activities which correspond the two main periods of Lake Sugan sedimentary records.
195 The sedimentary features of infralittoral turbidite oil reservoir were studied, and the sedimentary models were reconstructed.
196 Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems.
197 The lower sedimentary of Yixian Formation show form basin margin to centre three facies coexistence paleogeography characteristics of planar, linear and relatively quiescence water mass depositions .
198 Of, relating to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the second period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by the appearance of primitive fishes.
199 The results indicate that the jade mainly consists of illite and a small quantity of feldspar, quartz, hematite, siderite and rutile, which is argillaceous sedimentary rock.
200 Hence, important information on the crustal deformation is recorded in the internal litho- facies change, characteristics of sedimentary formations and strata contact relations in basin.
201 This paper deals with the relation between tectonic evolution and geochemical facies by a new method of measuring redox potential of sedimentary rocks.
202 We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
203 With the limnological characteristics of water and sediment, the influencing factors on isotopic composition in sedimentary organic matter and carbonate were discussed.
204 Based on an analysis of the conodont biofacies, it is inferred that there was probably a deep-sea basin facies sedimentary environment in the Wenguer area during the early Middle Permian.
205 A Palaeozoic low - grade metamorphosed sedimentary clastic sequence occurs in Vinson Massif , Antarctica.
206 The Middle Silurian stratabound uranium deposits in Western Qinling were formed due to hydrothermal modification of ground water and reconcentration of uranium from the sedimentary source rocks.
207 The evolutionary tendance reflected by the above sedimentary record probably signifies an important tectonic turn in the history of the residual Paleotethys ocean.
208 Gold deposit's prospecting criteria include sedimentary facies, silication, pyritization and structural fracture belt.
209 Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals.
210 The physical properties of lithology exist explicit regular pattern , illustrating the control action of sedimentary facies.
211 The characters of marine geology, including sedimentary velocity, content of the TOC, granularity of sediment, hydrodynamic condition and ocean productivity were illustrated.
212 The second stage includes:intense , stably fault depressed filling substage and dormant rift filling substage its their sedimentary rate were decreases progressively.
213 In a word, to study the fractal feature of sandstone grain distribution is directive for analysis in the complexity of sedimentary environment and sedimentary background.
214 Aim To analyze Tertiary period sedimentary environment of Qaidamu saline lake.
215 China is abundant with sedimentary diaspore and kaolinite mineral resources. Their reserves are both the first in the world.
216 Granite greenstone - hosted , meta - clastics - hosted , volcanics - subvolcanics hosted and sedimentary rock - hosted micro - disseminated gold deposits are of industrial value.
216 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
217 Rocks underwent strongly shearing deformation. The mineral deposit type belongs to the sedimentary and transform one.
218 The results indicate how and when the East Shetland Fault linked and controlled sedimentary facies distributions and petroleum system in the Beryl Embayment.
219 The direct cause of fluviolacustrine sedimentary system growth is the change of base level, where there exist differences of influence factors of base level changes at different positions.
220 It is helpful to confirm the sedimentary environment by analyzing glauconite formation.
221 The reasons of such high organic sulphur content was related to less active iron ion in sedimentary basin.
222 In continuously running thickener, the sedimentary specificities of thickeningarea are different from those in precipitating column.
223 The overthrust belt on western border of Orduosi basin is a transition zone between North China platform and Qilian geosyncline and is special both in tec- tonic and. sedimentary conditions.
224 As the results of eustatic changes, the deep-water sedimentary systems with unique seismic face architecture were developed in the low-stand stages corresponding to the third order sequence.
225 They separated the forearc basin into several sub-basins, which imbricate in the background of a forearc basin with sedimentary characteristics of the piggyback basin.
226 In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong.
227 According to its macroscopic geological characteristics such as the host rocks and stratabound sedimentary character, it is tentatively termed the " bauxitic mudstone-hosted copper deposit".
228 Aim To study the sedimentary microfacies of Chang 6 oil-bearing formation and understand the relationship between sedimentary microfacies and oil-bearing possibility in the area of Nanniwan.
229 The changes in tectonic - sedimentary framework record the transition process.
230 Based on analyses of sedimentary characteristics, the paper is lonsidered that fan delta is a typical set of retrograding ingression lacustrine sequence.
231 The sedimentary water medium with higher salinity, alkalinity and deoxidizing degree could be propitious to the relative accumulation of the gallium.
232 Such kind of clay can be used as high mobility material in paper industry. And karst diaspore bauxite deposits belong to bioorganic sedimentary deposits.
233 Metamorphic basement of the jiangnan Proterozoic Paleo - island arc mainly consists of low - grade metamorphic volcanic sedimentary rocks.
234 Laminated siliceous rocks in country rocks might represent the nature of the Devonian hydrothermal sedimentary rocks.
235 The sedimentary facies of 4th-order sequence have been characterized by combining seismic data with lithologic log data.
236 Second - order sequence is a sedimentary - facies succession of upward - shallowing.
237 Nodular limestones of Hanguletag formation in the Kuruktag are part of a type of warty sedimentary sequence.
238 The complex of sand bodies developed in a cyclical sequence of off - lapping sedimentary beds.
239 The geochemical characteristics of dark gray mudstone and shale in evaporite layers record the sedimentary environment of salt lake.
240 It is suggested that exploration direction of China marine sedimentary rock should be based on the paleo- uplifts and the reservoirs overlapping on effective source rocks.
241 Sedimentary type deposits usually formed during late Sinian to Cambrian period.
242 Its margins are delineated to the northeast, northwest and west by faults and Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary basins.
243 Secondary hydrocarbon generation exists in many sedimentary basins in the east of china.
244 It may be concluded that the sedimentary facies, tectogenetic movement, the formation water and geothermic gradient are all important factors to form the oil-bearing sandstone.
245 The Songliao Basin is a largescale petroliferous extensional sedimentary basin in Late Mesozoic.
246 The deposit is located in clastic-carbonate sedimentary formation of neritic facies, the Middle Devonian Xihanshui Group Anjiacha Formation.
247 Using SP log curve treated with mathematical transformation, the sedimentary cyclicity curve and spectral curve can be obtained to find out characterictics of dominant cyclicity.
248 The paper describes the sedimentary environment, basin framework and tectonic paleogeography in different regions in the joint of Qinling, Qilian and eastern Kunlun, Northwest China.
249 Of, belonging to, or being the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the sixth period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by the development of coal-bearing rock formations.
250 Perhaps the future role of the sedimentary petrologist will be as an interpreter and an arbiter of cases too complex for the machine to decide unaided .
251 Bedding is the most important structural feature of sedimentary rock.
252 Fortunately, in some special areas of China, there are some thick loess profiles with higher resolution and sedimentary rate[/sedimentary.html], which were formed in the last interglacial.
253 In the part of cells, the sedimentary hepatin granules were observed and only the myeloid body could be seen in small part of cells.
254 Sedimentary facies modeling use the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method based on geostatistics.
255 The mantle convection is the primary driving force for the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins, and manifested in the position of the asthenosphere, Moho discontinuity and mantle plume.
256 A rounded mass of mineral matter found in sedimentary rock.
257 A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
258 Its stratigraphic sequence, lithology and sedimentary facies can be correlated to the Sinian System in Xiangtan manganese mine area.
259 Xidashan Formation is a upward shallowing sedimentary sequence, whose sedimentary environment changed from bathyal environment to fore-platform slope.
260 The influence reservoir factors in this area are mainly terrigenous clastic components, sedimentary facies and diagenesis.
261 The outward growth is tectonically characterized by north northeastward convergence thrust faulting, folding, strike-slip faulting, and associated mountain uplift and sedimentary basin extinction.
262 A comprehensive study of Hanwang BIF shows that its ferruginous material was associated with volcanic hydrothermal solution and was formed in a marine chemical sedimentary environment.
263 It resembled sedimentary rock with the occasional fossil of a long - lost feature or inadvertent vulnerability.
264 There are various types of primary sedimentary structures and secondary deformational structures in Dakeng Formation.
265 In this paper, various types of structure and the relationship between sedimentary dynamic process and strata response of the short cycle sequences is discussed.
266 In the case of high frequencies, the sound reflection coefficient at sedimentary layer surface is simplified.




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