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单词 Rousing
1, The players were greeted by rousing cheers.
2, The audience gave the band a rousing welcome.
3, The service began with a rousing hymn.
4, The music builds up to a rousing climax.
5, The returning soldiers enjoyed a rousing reception.
6, The music worked up to a rousing finale.
7, The concert concluded with a rousing chorus.
8, We sang a last rousing chorus of the national anthem.
9, In a rousing speech the minister hit out at racism in the armed forces.
10, The party leader's rousing speech fired the members into action.
11, The Governor of New York delivered a rousing speech to the national convention.
12, In a rousing speech, the President hit out against the trade union.
13, The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel".
14, He went all over the country, rousing the workers and peasants for the struggle against oppression.
15, He gave a rousing speech to a room full of party faithfuls.
16, She delivered a rousing speech full of anger and passion.
17, The team was given a rousing reception by the fans.
18, President Clinton's rousing speech united the Democrats.
19, Rousing organ music was coming from the church.
20, His rousing speeches soon created a massive following.
21, He received a rousing reception from a partisan audience of about 90 at the public meeting held at Hummersknott School.
22, A rousing exchange of views ensued until death, who had been waiting quite patiently,[http:///rousing.html] gave one of those little coughs.
23, Ferranti International, the troubled electronics group, had another rousing session with Seaq volume put at 38 million shares.
24, They began to howl and bark, rousing the villagers from their beds, and starting babies crying.
25, All the people in the buildings came to give me a rousing send-off.
26, The Radetsky March of the elder Johann Strauss gave a rousing finish.
27, Despite the slight delay the audience gave the band a rousing welcome and were rewarded with two superb sets.
28, But, with a few exceptions, they are not exactly rousing.
29, Now she did not even wish to try, for fear of rousing up something terrible.
30, There were beautiful paintings, musical tributes to the island, a rousing half-hour of drumming.
1, The players were greeted by rousing cheers.
2, The audience gave the band a rousing welcome.
31, The backbenchers' unrest was underlined by the rousing ovation they gave to Chancellor Nor-man Lamont at a private meeting yesterday.
32, One More Angel in Heaven and the rousing finale with its two-part harmony were musical highlights.
33, Five-ton Sahib turned from frigid to frisky during a specially-staged concert of rousing tunes.
34, But after February, which got off to a rousing start this weekend, the playoffs may be mathematically impossible.
35, Hot on his heels were folk duo Tascam, whose rousing medley had the crowd roaring in appreciation.
36, It was a rousing speech-the kind of speech that Roosevelt liked to hear.
37, My heart vibrated to the rousing music.
38, the rousing finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
39, President Jiang Zemin Gets a Rousing Welcome in The United States.
40, In the film's climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.
41, Nolan's strange wizardry has given rise to a psychic Rube Goldberg contraption that plays like a rousing "Star Wars" episode for smart people of all ages.
42, They even published works by Will Vesper, who had given a rousing speech at the book-burning in 1933.
43, ' whispered the little wretch, rousing a half-bred bulldog from its lair in a corner.
44, Your rousing tales of the Second Age dishearten nearby foes and lighten the footsteps of your allies .
45, The sow, the mouse and the cow sounded a rousing song.
46, A guy named John Skelton was so thrilled about a victory in 1513 of England over the invading Scots under Scottish King James IV that he wrote a poem about it which was used as a rousing victory song.
47, The demand was aimed at Field-Marshal Muhammad Hussein Tantawi, Egypt's 76-year-old minister of defence and effective head of state,[sentence dictionary] in a rousing echo of the chants that sealed Mr Mubarak's doom.
48, He was greeted with a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday.
49, The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale.
50, London (CNN) -- Rousing speeches by gifted orators such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were crucial to the struggle for civil rights in America.
51, The president gave a rousing and passionate speech at the meeting.
52, Usually a rousing piece, on this recording, never really takes life.
53, She made a rousing speech about patriotism and the need to sacrifice.
54, Lalit Pandit is guest composer and lyricist of Munni Badnaam, a rousing item number aimed at raising the rafters.
55, That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."
56, An audience of North Korea's communist elite gave America's oldest orchestra a standing ovation after a rousing set that took in Dvorak, Gershwin and a Korean folk song.
57, Mrs. Thatcher appeared , looking radiant in a smart turquoise outfit, and gave a rousing speech.
58, About two dozen athletes joined Bush in the Rose Garden and he gave them a rousing White House send-off to next month's Olympic Games in China.
59, His rousing success in New York led to offers for more appearances in America and Europe, and a trip to the Orient in 1929. Segovia and the classical guitar had arrived.
60, The Reading-based singer's vocals are stunning on Old Stone a shiveringly affecting, dignified and rousing track.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:33:08