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单词 Devaluation
1. There's been a further devaluation of the dollar.
2. Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.
3. The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands.
4. The devaluation of the pound will make British goods more competitive abroad.
5. The devaluation of the dollar had a strong effect on the financial markets.
6. Any devaluation of sterling would make it even more difficult to keep inflation low.
7. There has been a further small devaluation against the dollar.
8. It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies.
9. Devaluation would also help narrow our trade gap.
10. The effects of the devaluation are now petering out.
11. The billion-dollar question was whether a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre.
12. The dogma of parity ruled out devaluation to boost exports.
13. So far the devaluation has acted as a safety valve for the most immediate pressures.
14. Meanwhile, inflation spurred by the devaluation ate into workers' paychecks.
15. The devaluation of the lira did help restore some sense of stability to other parts of the financial system.
16. The Salinas government is adamant that a large devaluation would be both damaging and unnecessary.
17. The devaluation and the cuts in subsidies resulted in price rises of between 100 and 120 percent.
18. The Piaroa attitudes toward food reflect their devaluation of the status of the practical hunter.
19. The devaluation fuelled inflation, which reached an estimated annualized rate of 13,000 percent.
20. Prices rocketed to anticipate the devaluation and speculation was rife.
21. His dogged refusal to countenance devaluation ensures the economic failure of a future Labour government.
22. Only James Callaghan, reshuffled after devaluation in 1967, retained enough dignity to rise again to the top.
23. He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.
24. The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.
25. Although sales in its chemicals division fell, productivity improvements and the pound's devaluation enabled profits to remain virtually unchanged.
26. They also might enable companies to resume the building projects they abandoned in the wake of the December 1994 peso devaluation.
27. The rest of the budget, which reportedly provided for a partial devaluation, was denominated in rials.
28. Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.
29. Argos said it would be important over the coming 12 months to contain the additional cost pressures from the pound's devaluation.
30. Nor is there any salvation in the rake's progress of perpetual devaluation.
31. By Monday evening the devaluation was a reality; the president was back in the Kremlin.
32. The recent devaluation of the pound was noted as a helpful step in encouraging business.
33. The narrow band would reduce the scope for incidental devaluation.
34. Foot said that he could cut unemployment to under one million in five years by public spending, tax reduction and devaluation.
35. Industry has continually wanted devaluation to sell goods and because of this short-sighted attitude, what now do we make and sell?
36. The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.
37. Key figures, for instance, argued that devaluation would cripple Labour's chances of re-election.
38. Hence the optimists believe that it is difficult to visualise circumstances better suited to a successful devaluation than the ones currently offered.
39. Worn, secondhand clothes in a wealthy family were symbolic of a powerful devaluation.
40. Clearly food production and consumption have changed vastly since industrialization but the devaluation of women's contribution remains a constant.
41. Devaluation makes an enterprise more competitive by reducing its labour costs measured in foreign currency.
42. The firm blamed the Sterling devaluation for the price rise.
43. Devaluation will increase the local currency costs of servicing foreign currency-denominated debt.
44. He could have used exports to get the economy going with a substantial reduction in the exchange rate and greater devaluation.
45. But the speculators have tasted blood and could yet force a devaluation of the franc.
46. Devaluation has often been perceived as an appropriate measure for countries running high and persistent balance of payments current account deficits.
47. And where internal inflationary pressures were stronger than in the United States,() devaluation was used to push the constraint aside.
48. The nominal daily devaluation of the peso was halved from 40 to 20 pesos.
49. Then came the sudden peso devaluation that December, and Jimenez pulled out $ 70 million more.
50. The devaluation debate also needs careful examination before Labour or Livingstone set off down another dead end.
51. The 9.57 percent devaluation lowered the value of the yuan from US$1.00 to US$1.00 yuan.
52. And Mr Blunkett retreated from his devaluation demand, after an appeal from Mr Smith.
53. Some labelled this competitive devaluation.
54. Traditional schoolbook says inflation will cause devaluation.
55. Bondholders would suffer losses from devaluation.
56. After a 40% devaluation, the hryvnia has stabilised.
57. Initially currency devaluation helped finance the borrowing.
58. Further devaluation of pound will surely cause monetary crisis.
59. Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable.
60. France is also set against devaluation.
61. Keep main reserve currencies stable in the exchange rate, and avoid adopting competitive devaluation measures.
62. The author analyses how devaluation improves the balance of international payments of forest industrial product through Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-Curve Effect.
63. The depreciation of the dollar raises concerns among world leaders who agreed at the last meeting to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies.
64. Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called “devaluation.”
65. G20 summit communiqu_ Friday said it was agreed to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies and move towards market-determined exchange rates.
66. No one would accuse the euro zone of competitive devaluation.
67. The devaluation of any major currency today simply exports deflationary pressure to other currency currency.
68. This week, however, it announced $100 billion in short-term credit for countries that are basically sound, but have become victims of capital flight and currency devaluation. No strings attached.
69. In addition to the large extent of the devaluation of the ISK, 22.42 percent depreciation of the Australian dollar, Brazilian real, won, and so on, the Mexican peso in more than 15%.
70. Two other concepts related to the value of a currency are devaluation or revaluation.
71. The failure of banks in Iceland resulted in a devaluation of the Icelandic Krona and threatened the country with bankruptcy.
72. Leaders of the G20 group of major economies have agreed to avoid "competitive devaluation" of currencies after a second day of difficult talks in the South Korean capital, Seoul.
73. The reputation of the products gives the factory an everlasting guarantee against devaluation.
74. In addition, the short squeeze occurring in gold will provide substantial technical price expansion, even in the absence of dollar devaluation.
75. A devaluation causes the price of one currency to drop in relation to other currencies.
76. Beijing's intervention is a textbook example of the beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluation forbidden by the International Monetary Fund's charter.
77. But we must pay attention to the fact that in 2000 the house to today, the basic trend is devalued , and is a major devaluation!
78. So we have full assurance to destroy their credIt'so that their currency devaluation, inflation.
79. Dow Jones newswires reports that a draft communique prepared for the meeting calls for member countries to "refrain from competitive devaluation."
80. Capital Devaluation Preparation has two sides of its effect, which can either refrain profit control or leave space for profit control owing to the accountant system.
81. Indeed, another round of devaluation is not helpful to anybody.
82. If Spain still had its old currency, the peseta, it could remedy that problem quickly through devaluation — by, say, reducing the value of a peseta by 20 percent against other European currencies.
83. A devaluation aa national pay cut: it helps exporters but makes consumers of imports poorer.
84. Judging by gold backwardation (discussed later) and the bearish charts on the bubbly debt ETFs, I think the debt monetization and dollar devaluation will begin within the next six weeks.
85. The devaluation raised the value of the dollar - denominated debt in peso terms.
86. Started its Indian Chao machine, thus increasing the currency, currency devaluation, inflated, and the economic crisis.
87. There has been the biggest devaluation money and a huge fiscal deficit.
88. A series of mishaps followed, as countries lurched into default or devaluation.
89. The devaluation of the domestic currency, the Indonesian Rupiah, by more than 50 percent and the shutdown of many manufacturing shops had a tremendous impact on people's incomes.
90. While these critics agree that a devaluation was necessary, they argue that the way it was handled was politically incorrect (although economically coherent).
91. Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place.
92. Everybody, some more wittingly than others, is playing the game of competitive devaluation. Picking the winner could be a route to profits.
93. This paper focuses on the analysis of the discrepancy between the computation of permanent assets devaluation reserve and tax law, aiming at guiding enterprises to compute income tax correctly.
94. At present, the devaluation of the market is expected to expand the floating range is better opportunity, such as Japan will expand the fluctuation range to 1%.
95. The devaluation of any major currency today simply exports deflationary pressure to other currency areas where, say, a weaker dollar means a stronger local currency.
96. Share price readjusted quickly to the news of the devaluation.
97. Any devaluation would be in the hands of policymakers in Beijing.
98. World currencies at the "competitive devaluation" and the full range of trade friction, while increasing the possibility of these two are at the same time.
99. The devaluation of the pound should have been a warning sign.
100. In the long term , as every economist knows, inflation brings devaluation.
101. Normally, the latter would offer temporary liquidity support in return for a devaluation and fiscal stringency.
102. Earlier this month, the government also introduced devaluation of currency of about 2 %.
103. The audience will appreciate a clear statement of what is meant by "debt conversion," "currency devaluation," "privatization," and other economic terms.
104. Their declaration Friday also promised to avoid competitive devaluation of currencies.
105. A G20 summit communiqu_ Friday said it was agreed to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies and move towards market-determined exchange rates.
106. Rio Tinto Group and Xstrata Plc rallied with metal prices as the dollar tumbled even after the G-20 pledged to avoid "competitive devaluation" of their currencies.
107. Devaluation of the Renminbi and are able to bring direct positive.
108. But in 1993 a devaluation of the Irish punt brought an instant 10 percent reduction in Irish wages measured in German currency.
109. Like this we have fully grasp destroy their credit, causes their currency devaluation, the inflation.
110. Without the option of devaluation, their medium - term outlook looks less than rosy.
111. Compared with the U.S. dollar pound sterling, the devaluation of the trend has intensified.
112. The ministers did make the IMF a cop for bringing trade imbalances under control, and they promised to refrain from competitive devaluation.
113. The reserve currency countries should take up their due international responsibilities, keep their currency value stable and prevent exchange rate war incurred by competitive devaluation.
114. Share price plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation.
115. A new D-mark would be expected to rise against the now-abandoned euro; a new drachma or punt would trade at a big discount to its official changeover rate—a devaluation, in effect.
116. This loss of competitiveness can no longer be compensated for by currency devaluation.
116. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
117. Competitive devaluation of the major currencies appears to have started.
118. It is suggested that the nations of unfavorable balance take other more effective measures to improve the status of their BOP instead of such inferior pricing strategy as devaluation.
119. For all practical purposes, the notion that countries engaged in competitive devaluation during the 1930s is simply erroneous.
120. Residents seeking protection against inflation or a devaluation of the bolivar turn to currency traders.
121. Therefore, the currency devaluation to promote exports and played a dual role to restrict imports.
122. But the region's leaders seem to realise that a round of competitive devaluation will help no one.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 21:06:56