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单词 Bitterly
1 She bitterly resented her father's new wife.
2 She bitterly repented what she had done.
3 Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.
4 He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.
5 He spoke most bitterly of his experiences in prison.
6 I bitterly resent your criticism.
7 He complained bitterly about his exam grades.
8 The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
9 She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad.
10 Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair.
11 Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.
12 It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
13 They will bitterly regret what they have done for ever more.
14 Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.
15 She complained bitterly about the lack of help she received.
16 The day was bitterly cold .
17 Oliver, alone, began to cry bitterly .
18 This issue has bitterly divided the community.
19 "And he sure didn't help us," Grant said bitterly.
20 It is bitterly cold today.
21 We are bitterly upset at what has happened.
22 Some of them bitterly attacked their former friends.
23 She bitterly resented his mother's influence over him.
24 The march was bitterly opposed by local residents.
25 It was bitterly cold that day.
26 It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow.
27 He was bitterly disappointed not to get the job.
28 His parents were bitterly disappointed in/with him.
29 It's bitterly cold out, today.
30 The two brothers set to and fought bitterly.
1 She bitterly resented her father's new wife.
2 She bitterly repented what she had done.
3 Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.
4 He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.
5 He spoke most bitterly of his experiences in prison.
6 He complained bitterly about his exam grades.
7 The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
8 She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad.
9 Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.
10 It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
11 They will bitterly regret what they have done for ever more.
12 Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.
13 She complained bitterly about the lack of help she received.
14 It is bitterly cold today.
15 Some of them bitterly attacked their former friends.
16 The two brothers set to and fought bitterly.
17 Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.
18 A bitterly cold winter damaged industrial output and trade.
19 He realized how he had been fooled, and laughed bitterly.
20 She cried bitterly tears.
31 She wept bitterly at the news.
32 He bitterly resents being treated like a child.
33 Employees complained bitterly about working conditions.
33 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34 The election was bitterly contested.
35 He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated.
36 The weather turned bitterly cold.
37 Tamara would sally out on bitterly cold nights.
38 She cried bitterly, rending her hair with her hands.
39 Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.
40 He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated.
41 The development was bitterly opposed by the local community.
42 He bitterly repented his folly.
43 He bitterly regretted his rashness.
44 The government was bitterly denounced for the emergency measures.
45 A bitterly cold winter damaged industrial output and trade.
46 Hardly had she spoken than she regretted it bitterly.
47 I was bitterly disappointed .
48 I was bitterly disappointed to have lost yet another race so near the finish.
49 Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was holding her throat.
50 She came so close to the finals she must have been bitterly disappointed to go out now.
51 The girl's parents were bitterly disappointed at the jury's verdict.
52 Michael bitterly regretted those angry words, spoken in the heat of the moment.
53 I was bitterly disappointed when I didn't get into university.
54 He wept bitterly when it was time for us to leave.
55 It's bitterly cold outside.
56 She bitterly resented the fact that her husband had been so successful.
57 This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.
58 He put his head on his arms and cried bitterly.
59 It was bitterly cold.
60 They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded bitterly.
61 They were bitterly resentful of the fact that they had to work such long hours.
62 Taylor was bitterly disappointed to be dropped from the England side.
63 They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.
64 They protested bitterly to their employers(), but to no avail.
65 He realized how he had been fooled, and laughed bitterly.
66 His mouth twisted bitterly.
67 It was a stupid thing to do and I bitterly regret it.
68 She cried bitterly tears.
69 Some employees have complained bitterly about the layoffs.
70 They had to bring together bitterly opposed forces.
71 The local residents were bitterly disappointed with the decision.
72 Bathsheba sat and cried bitterly over this letter.
73 Ross did hold all the cards, she acknowledged bitterly.
74 At the time I was bitterly disappointed.
75 I gazed quickly around the room and sighed bitterly.
76 But look how bitterly you remember every angry word!
77 It was a Friday and bitterly cold.
78 The law was bitterly opposed by environmentalists.
79 Ordered, they said bitterly, and never collected.
80 Just like all the rest, she thought bitterly.
81 What was he, she thought bitterly, an Olympic athlete?
82 It was bitterly cold, and Killion wore Dickinson's tunic.
83 If so, they must have been bitterly disappointed.
84 If you find it, Corbett added bitterly to himself.
85 It was bitterly cold and it was raining.
86 It was winter, bitterly cold outside.
87 I was weeping bitterly for most of the time.
88 Henman will be bitterly disappointed but scarcely surprised.
89 The court heard both men bitterly regretted what happened.
90 It was bitterly cold inside the aluminium hemisphere.
91 Denise complained bitterly after he died.
92 Easy for them to say, she thought bitterly.
93 It was a change Rory regretted bitterly.
94 Charles bitterly regretted having allowed the cameras in.
95 In this he was bitterly disappointed.
96 These often reviled one another bitterly and openly attacked the government beyond the bounds of reason.
97 It was December and a bitterly cold east wind was blowing.
98 Although the victor of a battle at sea,(http:///bitterly.html) Edward returned home a bitterly disappointed man.
99 The air was bitterly cold and still, with the peculiar lifelessness that pervaded closed-off places.
100 According to Leopold, young Thomas wept bitterly when the time came to part.
101 Brearley was bitterly disappointed in Firths' reaction to his innovation.
102 Almost as many again would be returned to local authorities bitterly opposed to opting out.
103 With her erstwhile host's kind permission, she reminded herself bitterly.
104 That was left to a Commission on Admissions, which spent the summer and fall wrangling bitterly over the details.
105 Ada Gaily complained, had always complained, loud and long and bitterly, against the tenor of her life.
106 We fight bitterly over the remaining pieces of the old world.
107 He ignored me, jerked up and down and wailed bitterly as he clung to her.
108 I no longer felt strong or calm, and I began to cry bitterly.
109 Everything about him assailed her senses in a way she resented bitterly yet seemed unable to do anything about.
110 But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference.
111 It is true that it was a dreadful blow, and that we were bitterly disappointed, but we offer no excuses.
112 They had rushed into it too quickly, and lived to bitterly regret their impulsiveness.
113 The blacks bitterly resented being searched and insisted on their innocence.
114 Republicans reacted bitterly to arrogance, real or imagined, by Democrats and their environmentalists.
115 Most now face a bitterly cold winter in Badakshan, living under plastic sheeting, praying for food handouts from aid agencies.
116 Nathan thought bitterly about how it was only his abnormality that made him suitable for Leila's purposes.
117 So much for his promised imitation of a Catholic priest, she reflected bitterly.
118 Denney created an atmosphere of strict discipline that was resented and bitterly contested by patients for years.
119 The accused had been sexually abused himself as a child and now bitterly regretted the harm he had caused his daughters.
120 It was a decision that she bitterly regretted later in her life.
121 Ana had wept bitterly and Mitch had stated quite categorically that he would be back.
122 I wasn't annoyed except that it was bitterly cold, freezing.
123 We all complained bitterly when it looked as though Adobe was restricting the development of PostScript and keeping the market to itself.
124 On the bitterly cold morning of Sunday 13 November 1715 the two armies were woken respectively by bagpipes and trumpets.
125 Still, I thought bitterly, Frank would find truth in what I had written.
126 Rumours have been circulating that experts are bitterly divided over what to do.
127 Other Republicans say the failure of their first package has left them bitterly divided over what strategy to follow now.
128 Lewis-Ann sat under a huge umbrella, fully clothed, complaining bitterly about being too hot.
129 The boys gasped, wheezed and giggled; the plumper ones complained bitterly.
130 Backley was bitterly disappointed when an injury prevented him from competing in the Olympic Games.
131 She felt bitterly ashamed of the way she'd fallen into Rohan's arms.
132 Leroy bitterly opposed the plan for being cumbersome and costly.
133 It was difficult working at central office among people who had bitterly opposed our plan.
134 She only knew she was bitterly disappointed that she and Seb would not be living under the same roof.
135 Our younger child was bitterly disappointed when shown the discreet little warning notices.
136 Even if he cared, he probably wouldn't believe her anyway, she thought bitterly.
137 He wrote that it was not as he had pictured it as the weather was bitterly cold and wet with some snow.
138 She bitterly resented her husband's domination by his younger brother.
139 We all know how bitterly cold it is now outside; it is not very cold here, of course.
140 Ross complained bitterly that the state didn't care about the homeless.
141 Republicans bitterly oppose sampling, saying it invents people for Democratic benefit.
142 The knowledge that I had caused him to lose his job made me bitterly ashamed.
143 Ruth jumped to her feet, bitterly disappointed that he dismissed her so suddenly, but determined not to show it.
144 When morning came, bitterly cold and still dark, she had made up her mind.
145 The issue has bitterly divided the community surrounding the common ever since the complex was first mooted.
146 Once at her new work place she complained bitterly of how her style had been cramped.
147 Black was bitterly disappointed after a disastrous batting collapse threatened to ruin the old boys' Schweppes debut.
148 Instead, I thought bitterly, I sewed on, with my skin whole and I sewed for strangers.
149 All the other literary women he knew were old bags of whom he would be bitterly ashamed.
150 Ray Doyle thought bitterly as the telephone began to ring, jarringly loud, across the room.
151 During the king's absence on his romantic mission, a bitterly familiar name was involved in strange moves against his person.
152 Maybe it was because the season began with players bitterly divided over a new collective bargaining agreement.
153 She knelt down by the low window, put her head on her arms and cried bitterly.
154 All the people of Sligo feel bitterly ashamed for what happened.
155 Mrs Newley was bitterly opposed to the idea, for financial and emotional reasons.
156 She was amazed by her own behaviour and between episodes was bitterly ashamed of what was happening to her.
157 He complained bitterly of the small attention that was paid to his ideas in his own country.
158 This renewed severity was bitterly resented by the king's subjects.
159 Consequently it was bitterly opposed by some of the bishops.
160 It was a bitterly cold winter with thick snow; both sides were bogged down in the Apennines from December to April.
161 In government, it is a control function-and managers bitterly resent it.
162 In 1987, when an interim report was issued, scientists and environmentalists bitterly attacked its conclusions as misrepresenting the facts.
163 The middle-aged woman rolled over and buried her face in her blanket, crying so bitterly her shoulders heaved.
164 It is bitterly cold outside today, but probably not cold enough to trigger the payments.
165 Many who have left the Association already bitterly regret it.
166 His strategy of seeking an accommodation with Labour was bitterly opposed by many Liberals.
167 Workers who had lost their jobs complained bitterly about the way they had been treated.
168 Lincoln's role in determining the future of the Barnes is bound to be contested bitterly.
169 The union reacted bitterly to a toughly worded edict from Darlington area delivery services manager Spencer Hindmarsh to keep costs down.
170 He pulled his cap down over his eyes but the wind whistled bitterly through his ears.
171 Henry trudged home through a cold drizzle feeling lonely, let-down, and bitterly disappointed.
172 It was bitterly cold in the open jeep, but Taylor had brought an army greatcoat for me to wear.
173 Their lives lay with the capitalist world he had hated so bitterly in his own youth.
174 Indeed, he regretted bitterly that his attempts to establish a sixth form in the school had been so abortive.
175 In June 1969 a proposed Connolly commemoration parade through Belfast city centre was bitterly opposed by loyalists.
176 When we put this strategy into place. it was bitterly opposed by many people.
177 The closing decades of the twentieth century tell a story that would bitterly disappoint those early preachers.
178 It was an agreement that Lear was to regret bitterly in later years.
179 Its members have been responsible for some of the worst atrocities during the Troubles and bitterly oppose any decommissioning.
180 And Robbo, fresh at Sale from league outfit Wigan, injected his own style on a bitterly cold afternoon.
181 And he complains bitterly that exhaustive health tests were not done years ago.
182 How bitterly I thought that night of the happiness I had left that morning!
183 She thought bitterly of the spots she of ten got at the comers of her mouth or across her forehead.
184 Norah complained bitterly that her style had brought the company free publicity worth far more than it cost.
185 He complained bitterly after being surprised by Pat Buchanan in an early primary about a pollster whose predictions had been too optimistic.
186 Now that I was alone I thought bitterly of the people I lived with.
187 Frank was convinced of his arguments and fought bitterly with Tom, another academic, when he mocked the whole system.
188 Student B immediately slams it shut, complaining bitterly of hay fever.
189 It hadn't been her imagination, and she bitterly resented the hypocrisy of his charge.
189 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
190 The social worker complained bitterly about the fact that Mrs X had left the home, and told her off.
191 The government was bitterly denounced for the emergency measures it was taking to enforce order.
192 I'll be bitterly merry, and ironically gay , and I'll laught in derision!
193 His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources.
194 Though Sybbis complained bitterly, Mama would not let up on her.




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