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单词 Assigned
(1) The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.
(2) They have assigned me a small room.
(3) An experienced detective was assigned to the case.
(4) I was assigned to watch the road.
(5) We have been assigned the two large classrooms.
(6) The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals.
(7) Have you assigned a day for the interviews yet?
(8) A different policeman has been assigned to the case.
(9) He was assigned to the company's branch in Cairo.
(10) I've been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
(11) The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task.
(12) The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
(13) He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King's phone calls.
(14) The monitors were assigned to take notes for the meeting.
(15) The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.
(16) The teacher assigned each of the children a different task.
(17) He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.
(18) The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.
(19) Which police officer has been assigned to this case?
(20) He was assigned to straw-boss the night shift.
(21) The general assigned him to do the tough task.
(22) The painting cannot be assigned an exact date.
(23) Her property was assigned to her grandchildren.
(24) Jan's been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.
(25) A personal bodyguard had been assigned to her.
(26) Jealousy was assigned as motive for the crime.
(27) Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.
(28) I was assigned to B platoon.
(29) The boss assigned his car to his creditor.
(30) A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.
(1) The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.
(2) They have assigned me a small room.
(3) An experienced detective was assigned to the case.
(4) I was assigned to watch the road.
(5) We have been assigned the two large classrooms.
(6) The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals.
(7) Have you assigned a day for the interviews yet?
(8) A different policeman has been assigned to the case.
(9) He was assigned to the company's branch in Cairo.
(10) I've been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
(11) The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
(12) A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.
(13) He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King's phone calls.
(14) The monitors were assigned to take notes for the meeting.
(15) The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.
(16) The teacher assigned each of the children a different task.
(17) He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.
(18) The boss assigned his car to his creditor.
(19) She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization.
(20) The antique is assigned to the eleventh Century.
(21) The accident has been assigned to a faulty part in the engine of the bus.
(31) The teacher assigned a new lesson.
(32) He assigned the students a few books to read.
(33) Which room has been assigned for the committee meeting?
(34) Madison was assigned to investigate a balloon accident.
(35) They've assigned their best man to the job.
(36) She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization.
(37) They assigned me a small room.
(38) A code was assigned to each batch of work.
(39) He assigned her all his land in Ireland.
(40) She was assigned to the newspaper's Berlin office.
(41) British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.
(42) She has assigned the lease to her daughter.
(43) How much time have you assigned for the meeting?
(44) She has not been assigned for the task.
(45) The antique is assigned to the eleventh Century.
(46) I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry.
(47) The accident has been assigned to a faulty part in the engine of the bus.
(48) One of the members was assigned to take the minutes.
(48) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(49) He paid for and was assigned a cabin in first class.
(50) This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the U.S. assigned to duty in another country.
(51) Which judges are assigned to a case is always a bit of a lottery.
(52) The two governments assigned a day for the next negotiation.
(53) Those rooms have been assigned to the visitors from Japan.
(54) The report assigned the blame for the accident to inadequate safety regulations.
(55) The firm arranged that he should be assigned to the branch office.
(56) Each of us was assigned a minder, someone who looked after us.
(57) You stand at attention until assigned.
(58) Brown assigned most of his officers to neighborhood beats.
(59) Rooney, is assigned to the Hastings case.
(60) Other men assigned the task suffered similar fates.
(61) Babies were randomly assigned to one of two groups.
(62) Study participants were randomly assigned to two different groups.
(63) No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy.
(64) Thus, the speakers represented by tables 6.2 and 6.3 were assigned range scores of 5 and 0 respectively.
(65) A Part Number equal to the module name is automatically assigned for each module name reserved.
(66) I have continued to stay at the Abbey of Holy Rood involved in the matter assigned to me.
(67) A detective, more than a week after the incident is reported, is assigned to the case.
(68) The computer is not used as a genius assigned moronic tasks of accumulating data for the sheer electronic thrill of it.
(69) It could also be argued that the power to tax should be assigned a value in a governmental balance sheet.
(70) The proposal is assigned a project number and project officer.
(71) The plaintiff agreed to lease a property to Lunnis, who assigned this equitable lease by way of mortgage.
(72) When her calluses turned raw, she requested another work station and was assigned to inspecting tiny numbers on color-coated wires.
(73) Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
(74) After graduation she was assigned a job in her home town.
(75) Chapter 6 considers the question of how tasks can be assigned to levels within and between topics.
(76) In the Health Study, individual children were randomly assigned either vitamin A or placebo.
(77) Some are assigned different tasks, partly to prevent the work from becoming monotonous.
(78) You've assigned me the role of heartless villain financier, obsessed with money, wealth, and luxury./assigned.html
(79) The job of producing a development program was assigned to the junior minister.
(80) At different times Polanco, Garza, Santana and Marmalejo were assigned to these buses as drivers or chaperones.
(81) Instead, the probabilities would have to be assigned in some arbitrary way.
(82) The suit against Proposition 209 was randomly assigned to another judge, Vaughn Walker.
(83) The three Volunteers assigned to Huamanga had been carefully chosen by the Peace Corps staff.
(84) From this a distribution of the word scores assigned to the target words was derived.
(85) The island to which this vocationally heterogeneous unit was assigned is one of the newest and smallest countries receiving Peace Corps assistance.
(86) We checked into it and Sun has two engineers assigned to the case.
(87) Although assigned as teachers, only a minority of them had been professionally trained as teachers.
(88) After Mass they would begin their assigned housework duties, cooking, washing or administration.
(89) Those with moderate risk are randomly assigned to either an oral insulin or a placebo.
(90) Basically, it consists of: Traditional caste systems in which roles are assigned at birth and enforced by social sanctions.
(91) In the second phase, evaluation tasks will be assigned to laboratories throughout the 12 member states.
(92) The third segment might look very like a and be assigned a high score on the basis of its acoustic-phonetic features.
(93) They will be divided into teams and assigned civic roles.
(94) Patients are randomly assigned to treatments even if the doctor suspects that one form of treatment might be better.
(95) But a day after the blow-up, the committee assigned to seek a compromise won a three-month reprieve.
(96) Priorities need to be assigned to information needs, and these priorities have to be assigned by management.
(97) I was struck by his great attention to detail and how systematically he assigned roles.
(98) The ultimate aim of interviewers is to produce a well-completed schedule for every interview assigned to them.
(99) Whatever the different roles assigned, Palin invariably personified a sweatily ingratiating Milquetoast; and so forth.
(100) Every copy of the Issue which is sent out has a unique Issue identifier assigned by the user.
(101) Cases were assigned to areas according to their residence address at diagnosis as defined for the national cancer registration scheme.
(102) Under managed care, patients are assigned to a primary care physician who determines what health services they will receive.
(103) Even variant pronunciations of the same word may on occasion be assigned contrasting meanings.
(104) He was assigned to me as armourer and tail gunner.
(105) This was an important right, because business agents assigned the jobs.
(106) After her promotion took effect, she was assigned a research job.
(107) The private company was assigned the task of monitoring its own operations, which we find unacceptable.
(108) Time passed and we played musical chairs,[/assigned.html] rotating as the numbers called out got closer to the ones we were assigned.
(109) He would be accompanied by the police officer assigned to liaison duties with the coroner's office.
(110) Whatever the tasks assigned various ministers, they are intended for the well-being of the church, not its destruction.
(111) The EMs in it were not getting assigned to change management projects as easily as planned.
(112) Reform of the law which makes businesses still liable for their successors' defaults even after they have assigned the lease.
(113) Win knew that the name Mackey was a pseudonym assigned by the Records Branch.
(114) Subjects were randomly assigned to receive a placebo or the cholesterol-lowering drug pravastatin.
(115) Sanitation: A special task force shall be assigned to clean up all vacant lots and trashed areas throughout the deprived areas.
(116) However, the rules by which such indices are assigned to words are not totally reliable.
(117) It also assigned staff people to work with individual companies that wanted to launch a program.
(118) Uneven as the crowd was, my path had taken me close to an outer edge near the earliest assigned parking area.
(119) He and his wife, Gail, were assigned to the Baptist church there earlier this year.
(120) So is Joe Mantegna, as the homicide detective assigned to the case, telling her to let the law handle it.
(121) She got back in the car and drove around to the back where the room was assigned.
(122) Troopers moved around in small groups, looking for their assigned ships.
(123) The importance of reason in rationalism needs no further elaboration; our concern here is the equally important role assigned to doubt.
(124) The score assigned to the word by the syntax analyser is shown beneath the word.
(125) You can set up menus which are assigned to specific users and passwords.
(126) Women are either absent, or present fulfilling for the most part the roles which were assigned to women in that society.
(127) Their regular work on this day is handled by the novices who are assigned to assist them during the week.
(128) But the roles are assigned and Andrew knows his role so well now.
(129) These measures include being assigned to clients in groups of three or more.
(130) In effect, White House aides were assigned to tell reporters the innermost secrets of the Administration.
(131) That role was assigned to older children, not always with their approval.
(132) Our car was half full, and we were assigned to a row by ourselves.
(133) Assigned to command the assault, Cogney had also changed his mind.
(134) You have been assigned the task of keeping the records up to date.
(135) Cleaning the house and preparing meals were assigned a value.
(136) This appears from the role assigned to the Bundestag, elections and political parties in the constitutional system.
(137) Other individual fluctuations can be assigned to specific causes with reasonable certainty.
(138) Still, they met us with fire trucks; we were politely assigned an armed guard and warned not to take pictures.
(138) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(139) A citizen assigned to jury duty is jailed for throwing a temper tantrum before a judge.
(140) Although conservation matters are generally assigned on an area basis, many councils now have their own conservation officers.
(141) He was always accompanied by at least one of the trainers, who seemed to be specially assigned to him.
(142) Each member was assigned a task which would draw on their skills.
(143) Ward learning resources During her training, a student is assigned to various clinical areas for periods of six to twelve weeks.
(144) After graduating, she was assigned a job at a local company.
(145) The pupils' details were entered on to disk, each pupil was assigned a unique number and bar-codes were produced.
(146) Adjoudji Hamadjoda, Minister of Livestock, was assigned temporary responsibility for the ministry.
(147) The modification is a summation of the probabilities assigned to a word in each window position in which the word exists.
(148) For example, the project left open whether coaches would be assigned responsibility for specific teams.
(149) If a class is assigned a name or other designation, that too must be given in the statement.
(150) After they filed their report, a detective was assigned to the case to investigate.
(151) Each of the children will be assigned to the appropriate classes.
(152) Hence each person was assigned to a liability class based on age.
(153) The male students were randomly assigned to one of four groups.
(154) Richard finds himself being assigned by Sal for a murderous control mission to maintain order.
(155) All disciplinary problems are brought before the Committee and the two prison wardens previously assigned these duties no longer perform them.
(156) In a fast-moving organization like Intel, a person is likely to be hired and assigned to a project.
(157) The 30 time slots still available at both sites will be assigned on a first-come basis.
(158) A personal bodyguard was assigned to her and has been with her day and night ever since.
(159) However, we believe there are limitations in the extent to which such impacts can be assigned strict quantitative values.
(160) A teacher had assigned the class to make a composition by taping personal objects into a notebook.
(161) Capable accountants and auditors should advance rapidly; those having inadequate academic preparation may be assigned routine jobs and find promotion difficult.
(162) For each of these problems a problem report will be entered into the computer system and assigned to the Computer Group Manager.
(163) All grades are wholesome but U. S. Grade A is assigned to products which are of uniform size and free of blemishes.
(164) Academic freedom does not protect materials, discussions, or comments that are not relevant to the assigned subject.
(165) The categories to which an item could be assigned by the use of this digit are detailed in Table 10, below.
(166) They were suspect in the eyes of Communist officials, and assigned jobs they didn't like.
(167) Ross previously was assigned as executive officer of the amphibious assault ship Essex.
(168) In 1918 his stock was confiscated, but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned.
(168) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(169) It proved quite impossible to carry out the task assigned without involvement in the still fluid political situation.
(170) A probability was assigned to any word string that could be formed from the spoken input.
(171) What was she assigned to do that day if you know?
(172) The staff is assigned to the project on a full-time or part-time basis.
(173) The other captain, assigned to aviation-liaison duty with Grunt Six, sat forward on the floor with his back to us.
(174) He was supposed to advise the grunts on how to use the aircraft and the crews assigned to them.
(175) Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants, then to those of the statistical clerks.
(176) Five young workers have been assigned to our workshop.
(177) Participants are assigned a mentor from the Tesco board.
(178) Could the new apprentice be assigned to our shop?
(179) Train plant technician to assure successful start up of assigned projects.
(180) Specific planning was assigned to the departments which would have to execute the plans.
(181) When necessary, the expert will be assigned to determine the causation.
(182) In the simulation, predator and prey follow randomly assigned life - cycle durations.
(183) For security purposes this new monster was assigned the code name Mouse.
(184) Other jobs assigned by the corner sales manager or the sales coordinator.
(185) The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group.




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