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单词 Spirited
1, She was spirited away to a harbour storage.
2, I spirited him with a cup of coffee.
3, This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.
4, He was by nature a spirited little boy.
5, Her little son was spirited away.
6, His umbrella has been spirited away.
7, Arsenal staged a spirited fightback in the second half.
8, His mother spirited him away.
9, He was spirited up against his boss.
10, His parents had spirited him away to the country.
11, England mounted a spirited fightback in the second half.
12, They need to be spirited up.
13, Our journey was beguiled with spirited talk.
14, Vincent is a spirited fellow.
15, He was spirited away and probably murdered.
16, After his speech,(http:///spirited.html) Jackson was spirited away through a back door.
17, The fact is that Paul kidnapped him and spirited him back to Russia.
18, After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.
19, The spirited mood on Friday was in sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere last week.
20, It is possible that he has been spirited out of the country.
21, Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female.
22, As a young and spirited politician, he seems a worthy vessel for the nation's hopes.
23, The pop-star was spirited away at the end of the concert before her fans could get near her.
24, The home team's spirited playing ensured them a comfortable victory.
25, She put up a spirited defence in the final game.
26, Instead, a Cretan pirate must have spirited her away.
27, A few fly bites cannot stop a spirited horse. Mark Twain 
28, She had been spirited away by the Poison Dwarf.
29, I thought you'd spirited Pete off somewhere.
30, She's so spunky and spirited.
1, She was spirited away to a harbour storage.
2, I spirited him with a cup of coffee.
3, This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.
4, Vincent is a spirited fellow.
31, There is no hard evidence of files spirited away and even if they were, nobody knows whether they contain anything sinister.
32, Almost immediately afterward, Rapunzel was spirited away by the witch.
33, But this bogus community, spirited up to serve administrative convenience, does not exist.
34, But the anguished upstate New York social worker now finds himself waging a spirited campaign to keep his sibling from death row.
35, Perhaps only expert eyes could have spotted the correlation between this spirited image and the refined clothing which passed in front.
36, But the case illustrates the fine line between acting in a public spirited manner, and breaking the law.
37, With those five words, Lili managed simultaneously to convey exhaustion, indomitable, spirited arrogance, and shocked, virginal modesty.
38, But this was a far more spirited performance than of late by Oxford.
39, Decades later, its winning vocal harmonies and spirited musical style still has a palpable impact.
40, This stark view of what really matters has touched off a spirited debate and will occupy us in Chapter 5.
41, A broken spinnaker halyard put paid to Law's spirited last-minute effort,(http:///spirited.html) while Peters failed to consolidate his position.
42, If ever there was a time for a spirited pep talk, this is it.
43, They just disappeared, as if they'd popped into trap doors and been spirited away.
44, She knew they were a light-saddle horse with a good disposition in spite of the spirited, fiery temperament.
45, The spirited debate that follows is cut off by the bell for the first bus.
46, Unlike the Koran, however, the Bible has long been fair game for spirited literary re-readings.
47, Usually the animals were spirited away some distance to prevent detection; many ended up at the Colombo slaughterhouse.
48, In the spirited contest with Barnett, few holds were barred.
49, It's depressing to see an intelligent, spirited young woman like her turning into a meek and compliant wife.
50, And then word began to spread of this dashing, spirited young Yorkshirewoman who was hunting her way home.
51, The proposal has produced a spirited debate, with papers for and against circulating in senior common rooms.
52, Parrella held off a spirited fightback from 23-year-old McMahon to win 21-19.
53, Norbrook offers such a spirited apologia for his methodology that you will forgive him most things.
54, In conference sessions throughout the late 1980s, a civilized but spirited feud played out between these two camps.
55, Much to their credit in launching a spirited assault on the Neath lead, Bridgend did attempt to spread the ball wide.
56, She clung to Jacob's arm, saw him spirited away on a tide of compliments.
57, In 1911 Law was known - in so far as he was known at all in the parliamentary party - as a spirited debater.
58, Vlasov's spirited handling of his army in the Moscow counter-offensive did not go unnoticed.
59, This is a dazzlingly entertaining novel, spirited in all ways, and really, really mean.
60, She felt sometimes that he didn't know how spirited she could be, and this would certainly have shown him!
61, But spirited Patsy flashed a look of encouragement at him.
62, Laskowski looked away when they ate chips or spirited them out to Nathan.
63, The music is just not as gutsy or spirited or tuned into the needs of its core audience as it once was.
64, A proposed resolution to oppose voucher plans and charter schools provoked a spirited debate on the convention floor.
65, A managing director won points when he spirited away a popular trainee from other managing directors.
66, Anne is a spirited girl who wants to become a writer.
67, Even so city analysts believe their spirited defence has probably worked ... for now at least Male speaker I think they will survive.
68, That may be why Jesse Sapolu launched into such a spirited defense of Grbac afterward.
69, The most spirited came from the raised voices of the Gentlemen.
70, Anyone would do as long as he was able to explain how that much money could be spirited away in under three months.
71, The spirited young woman who had been as eager for life as he was?
71, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
72, She might find herself not being carried down to London but spirited away to distant unknown suburbs such as Hendon and Colindale.
73, Full of mettle; spirited and plucky.
74, These were spirited men, men of character and mettle.
75, I have not become downhearted or low - spirited.
76, She puts in a creditably spirited performance.
77, Again, each of them seems to represent, in a superior way, the key components of the human soul, the appetitive, the war-like or spirited, and the rational.
78, The song is spirited, you looked that the old lady, the girl, the small tabby cat, the small yellow dog they help the child to pull out the radish, one all full of energy.
79, The rest of the conversation, it appeared from Mr. Wickert's spirited sketch, had consisted mainly in eager queries from himself, and good-humored replies by the other.
80, I was young and spirited and like most lads that have been country-bred , I had a great opinion of my shrewdness.
81, There's spirited swamp rock on "When I'm Right (I'm Wrong)", an offer of hope on "A Place in the Sun", and his mystical depiction of the all-knowing medicine man on "Feel Good Music".
82, Good team spirited, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind .
83, The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.
84, Their spirited quarrel spoiled the fun and we all felt spiritless.
85, The whole accident turned a previously good spirited banquet into a heavy-hearted affair, and everyone felt quite helpless.
86, BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Alert, intelligent toy terrier. Spirited with even disposition.
87, His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio.
88, But the British people hated to see their spirited queen lagging figuratively, if not literally, behind priggish Prince Albert.
89, When he was twelve years old, Alexander had his first glimpse of a horse named Bucephalus. Spirited and lightning quick, the horse is considered untamable.
90, Fartlek running is less stressful than other type of workouts because of its free spirited form of running.
91, The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister.
92, With some kind of spirited sense he seemed to envisage a bleak, horrible void.
93, Sometimes they can be cantankerous, mean - spirited, unkind, and sometimes downright cruel.
94, Team spirited with demonstrated leadership skills to animate the team.
95, It is noted that older people are more spontaneous and free spirited.
96, To walk or move about in a spirited manner ; strut.
97, Your are always giving , kind spirited, good - hearted, generous to a fault and warm.
98, A spirited court dance, popular in France and England in the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling a minuet but faster.
99, The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a slightly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers .
100, They all joined in a very spirited critique upon the party.
101, Free thinking, free spirited, free moving Isadora Duncan brought her bohemian feminist consciousness to the dance stage and changed the art of dance forever.
102, It was like a spirited bronco (semi-wild horse) but it was great.
103, If knows and the implementation teaching like this, the entire process will be spirited, vital, will thus be far away from monotonous, sad and the stylization.
104, In fact, he was considered a terrible grouch, a very mean - spirited and temperamental person.
105, Zhao: Japanese animated film Spirited Away won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film for 2003.
106, Having or showing a contemptible , mean - spirited(), or selfish lack of human decency.
107, Her father, an equaBle and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stuBBornness.
108, Patricia is a free - spirited girl who embarks on an erotic odyssey.
109, But unveiling Chien - Ming Wang for the closing act of this crosstown rivalry was downright mean - spirited.
110, Can I interest you in an afternoon of spirited questing followed by a flagon of ale at Yon Virtual Tavern?Yeah, sure, why not?
111, Team spirited , healthy, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind .
112, Liana, spirited and valorous, fought for her possession until she was found at her last gasp, an antelope leg tightly held in mouth.
113, ARIES & TAURUS : The Bull has trouble with your free spirited attitude.
114, The Scottish Terrier should be alert and spirited but also stable and steady - going.
115, Spirited Away is the best of the lot, lightly referencing the work of Lewis Carroll with its tale of a little girl's adventures in an enchanted bathhouse.
116, So we should assimilate the elite and eliminate the draff and serve the construction of our spirited civilization.




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