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单词 augur
释义  au·gur /ˈɔːɡə $ ˈɒːɡər/ verb  augur well/badly/ill SUCCESSFUL formal to be a sign that something will be successful or unsuccessful 主吉/主凶 SYN bode Today’s announcement of 300 redundancies does not augur well for the local economy. 今天宣布裁员300人对当地经济来说不是个好兆头。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaugur• Metz augured in right behind him, breaking an ankle.• He pledged that his administration would defend the principle of states' rights, which augured poorly for civil rights enforcement.• It hardly augurs well - especially as none of them have won an international in Paris.• This augurs well for the future and should be reflected in some good team gala results this coming season.• This augurs well for the future and underlines the truth that music as a universal language is an important resource for ecumenism.• That, at least, augured well.Origin augur (1500-1600) augur “person who tells the future” ((14-21 centuries)), from Latinau·gur verbChineseSyllable  sign will that a be successful to be something Corpus




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