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单词 Cynicism
1. He spoke in a tone of weary cynicism.
2. I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times.
3. There was not a trace of cynicism in his voice.
4. There is now widespread cynicism about the political system.
5. She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. This cynicism makes today's young people hard to predict.
7. His words were tinged with cynicism.
8. The touch of cynicism struck a slightly sour note.
9. Bill spoke with a cynicism born of bitter experience.
10. This talk betrays a certain cynicism about free trade.
11. He was dismayed at the cynicism of the youngsters.
12. He's often been accused of cynicism in his attitude towards politics.
13. In a world full of cynicism she was the one person I felt I could trust.
14. How to move between pretentiousness and cynicism?
15. Many politicians and media critics confuse cynicism with skepticism.
16. A profound cynicism lies behind the work.
17. Cynicism has reached crisis levels, Rifkin said.
18. Beneath the cynicism, beneath the irony, however, turmoil.
19. In these early days Temperance was greeted with cynicism.
20. A wry and comical early cynicism rapidly transforms into an overwhelming sense of sourness.
21. But beneath the careful cynicism she was aware of another, less comfortable, emotion stirring inside her.
22. But for all his jaundiced egoism and florid cynicism, Rice is not a bad man.
23. It is enough to make you smell a rat and be damned for your cynicism.
24. The trouble with psychic phenomena is that they're very hard to prove-leaving plenty of room for cynicism.
25. Their inability to work together for the good of the republic would only increase the peoples' cynicism about government.
26. The greatest help in setting a strategy is a hefty slice of cynicism and the openness of mind to re-examine cherished beliefs.
27. This was the most interesting thing she had ever heard Elizabeth say, because it had undertones of cynicism, of self-mockery.
28. People are taking the elections with a fair amount of cynicism.
29. The reflex action at this point is to descend into cynicism.
30. Glancing back through what I have written so far, I detect more than a note of cynicism.
1. He spoke in a tone of weary cynicism.
2. I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times.
3. There was not a trace of cynicism in his voice.
4. She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism.
5. This cynicism makes today's young people hard to predict.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
31. What you should know is that the politicians have now become just as cynical about the press, because cynicism breeds cynicism.
32. The degradation of public discourse, the spread of cynicism, makes our collective life less civilised.
33. She struggled to analyze whether this was a naive point of view; or worthless cynicism.
34. The cynicism and materialism already so prevalent in our culture are given the imprimatur of policy.
35. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
35. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
36. On surveying the organizational ranks, they see only low morale, divisiveness, cynicism, and dulled thinking.
37. In our haste to condemn cynicism we must take care not to stifle skepticism.
38. But his eyes still held the old mockery and the remembered cynicism.
39. The man was no fool and his very cynicism afforded him some protection.
40. He's like a latter-day Bogart with a battered and world-weary mix of cynicism and hope.
41. A dash of wry cynicism might have helped another woman, but that was not Franca's way.
42. The origins of Nizan's celebrated cynicism are to be located here.
43. That she believes in it, and has seldom succumbed to cynicism about it, is perhaps more unusual.
44. Nevertheless, there was a particularly sharp increase in cynicism about political institutions in general between 1972 and 1974.
45. That they remain so wonderingly wide-eyed in a business sold on cynicism is nothing less than miraculous.
46. This led to great public cynicism now being manifested as pressure for democratic accountability in the state-run television station.
47. Yet some things that look like cynicism may be mere ineptness.
48. Clinton on the other hand lacks the courage of his cynicism.
49. Wilsonian excess can lead the U.S. into crusades that ultimately result in failure and cynicism.
50. The film strives for a surface kind of cynicism, only to invoke the Love Conquers All escape clause in the end.
51. He was an enigma, his feelings hidden deep behind a sophisticated defence-work of cynicism and distrust.
52. He did this with calculated cynicism, for he had but a low opinion of most of mankind.
53. He marked this trespass into the private clubhouse of cynicism and reproached himself for it.
54. Mid-forties and creaking with crime-fatigue and cynicism, his backside hits the bed hard.
55. It breeds cynicism and fatalism, which some blamed for the failure of a referendum last month to reform the electoral system.
56. But the electorate showed signs of increasing distress, even cynicism, about the corrosive effect of money in politics.
57. The trouble is that one of the defining characteristics of twentysomethings is their cynicism towards advertising.
58. He saw that honesty and within it somehow, a total lack of the cynicism that had marred his own life.
59. His report was permeated with cynicism.
60. Mild old ladies had a look of aggressive cynicism.
61. Your cynicism is simply a pose.
62. These are words tinged with cynicism.
63. Fitzgerald's cynicism seems like a shallow pose.
64. His remark has a fine edge of cynicism.
65. has both terseness and cynicism.
66. But the hope of Camelot was ultimately trumped by the despair and political cynicism of Vietnam and Watergate.
67. This problem involves determining, for a group of gift-giving friends, how much more each person gives than they receive (and vice versa for those that view gift-giving with cynicism).
68. I distaste the way he talks. Because his sound contains a tune-pattern of lifting up one's horn and cynicism which worships selfish talks.
69. Cynicism concentrated expression in the anti-intellectual , anti-order, and anti-tradition areas.
70. People called him The Dog and called his philosophy Cynicism.
71. Especially analysis and discuss deeply on the motivation of artists' aesthetic pursuit in the special history time as cynicism, Popi, gaudiness and so on.
72. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people.
73. Whether one judges Cronkite right or wrong in that respect, he brought dignity to news delivery and helped guide a period without cynicism or smugness.
74. This cynicism makes today's Chinese young people hard to predict.
75. He loved Mrs. Leives, with her unworldliness and her quaint cynicism.
76. And where we are met with cynicism andand those who tell us that we can't.
77. Nixon was incensed by what he saw as the cynicism of prominent Democrats.
78. For men, hate is most often used with cynicism, scum, and racism.
79. We must not allow our necessary scepticism to degenerate into cynicism.
80. Sex is everywhere in 18 th - century art, from Fragonard's hedonism to Hogarth's cynicism.
81. He is cynicism incarnate.
82. In a society drenched with cynicism, young people can look at it and say, 'Why shouldn't we?
83. The discussions of several problems: the true meaning between sex and body-writing, dialectical consumerism against cynicism, and culture media's canonization.
84. While your colleagues may laugh at your endless cynicism and misanthropic tendencies, your boss will see you as someone who hates their job and who will never support the aims of the company.
85. Citizens' political participation with cynicism is characterized by lack of group participation. Its major character is individual political actions.
86. Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism.
87. We breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism , and doubt, and those.
88. Continuing negative criticism plunged him ever deeper into cynicism until he finally a recluse.
89. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
90. Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.
91. The Stone's shame complex shows that the Confucian ideal of combining inner sagehood and outer kingship results in an ethical cynicism and feeblemindedness in China's cultural psychology.
92. The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense.
93. Or will it simply be dissolved in the general conformism and cynicism which has been nurtured to such harmful effect over the past decade?
94. Even if you pride yourself on your cynicism, biting humor, or general edginess, these qualities can be conveyed with warmth.
95. The results show that communication satisfaction has a negative correlation with exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy.
96. For Egypt, the scale of the climate crisis is overwhelming, infecting all discussion with cynicism and fatalism.
97. He has a pet-dog, who shows up with cynicism, just as him.
98. The delineation of typical characters in the novel has, above all, revealed the impact of official departmentalism culture on the spirit of contemporary people and the spread of cynicism in China.
99. The subject generates great cynicism, with critics suggesting investors are in thrall to political correctness and guilty of creating a "box-ticking" culture that stifles entrepreneurship.
100. Born as the Cold War ended, they grew up in a decade that saw massive economic growth, the dawning of the World Wide Web and a culture riddled with cynicism.
101. Some of you who have read this far will by now be sniggering with cynicism, and when this article is published online many of the comments will exhibit a similar scorn.
102. This was a note of cynicism that Madame Merle didn't often allow herself to sound.
103. Thus, crime is common, apathy is de rigueur, and cynicism is rampant.
104. Given this history, cynicism about the idea of eradication is understandable.
105. I understand that it's no good away from it, or resisting it with bitterness and cynicism.
106. We usually have another six weeks of winter, anyway, a fact along with many others that does not escape Phil as he signals his cynicism about this transcendentally silly event.
107. His non-appearance afforded Shelton another proof of the delicacy that went hand in hand with the young vagrant's cynicism.




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