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单词 Illustration
(1) The illustration had too much redundant detail.
(2) Illustration by example is better than explanation in words.
(3) The marginal illustration is very interesting.
(4) The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
(5) The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.
(6) He dummied in an illustration.
(7) This illustration shows a section through the timber.
(8) Let us take a very simple illustration.
(9) He used photographs as illustration for his talk.
(10) This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust.
(11) The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration.
(12) He quoted several famous writers by way of illustration.
(13) The illustration shows Mr.John as prince in Hamlet.
(14) She looked like a princess in a nineteenth-century illustration.
(15) The ring is shown actual size in the illustration.
(16) I will use one recent example as an illustration.
(17) Each illustration is displayed as a complete screen image.
(18) The illustration shows a section through a leaf.
(19) This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings.
(20) By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
(21) As an illustration of this point[http://], I'm going to tell you a true story.
(22) The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.
(23) This delay is a perfect illustration of why we need a new computer system.
(24) Illustration is often more useful than definition for showing what words mean.
(25) These events are a graphic illustration of the fact that their promises cannot be trusted.
(26) Illustration may come between the text and the reader's own mental imagery.
(27) Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.
(28) Let me, by way of illustration, quote from one of her poems.
(29) Chicago serves as an illustration of the problems faced by such cities.
(30) I've been working on the illustration for over a month.
(1) Illustration by example is better than explanation in words.
(2) The marginal illustration is very interesting.
(3) The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
(4) The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.
(5) He used photographs as illustration for his talk.
(6) This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust.
(7) This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings.
(8) By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
(31) For the purposes of illustration, some of the more important symptoms are listed below.
(32) Giddens uses another illustration drawn from the car industry.
(33) I've only seen an illustration.
(34) Public housing again provides a useful illustration.
(35) In this illustration your notepad is an obstacle.
(36) The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration.
(37) Mr Hellyer could see the illustration now.
(38) Consider, by way of illustration, the example of topless.
(39) The best illustration for this was our cat Sam.
(40) He used the illustration of the wedding.
(41) It may include packaging, illustration and computer graphics.
(42) Let me give you a personal illustration.
(43) Fig. 20. Random access memory illustration.
(44) An Illustration: NETtalk NETtaik4 is a program that teaches itself to read out loud.
(45) A stop end is normally used, constructed as follows and as shown in the illustration.
(46) The best illustration of what the relationship involved is found in the careers of two esquires, Nicholas Molyneux and John Winter.
(46) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(47) Attention is also devoted to his work in the fields of architecture and book illustration.
(48) It demonstrates that more can be achieved by bringing together a mass of illustration than many a pedantic thesis.
(49) Maybe they provided Wulfstan, who used as his pseudonym the name Lupus, the Wolf, with ready sources of illustration.
(50) There is still scope therefore for the artist, but no longer for the run-of-the-mill artist, in scientific illustration.
(51) In the illustration, the pullover is shown with the motif in allover repeat, using the central row of diamonds version.
(52) So an illustration may offer far wider possibilities for the art director to achieve special effects and a distinctive style.
(53) Let us take, as an illustration, the boundaries of bureaucracy.
(54) Instruction is in various media and covers landscapes, portraiture, still life, book illustration and more.
(55) An illustration of the problems and possible solutions is provided by the following example.
(56) If there were ever an illustration of an effete ruling elite, it is this.
(57) The key word then features in a large illustration for the child to colour in.
(58) All other assets and liabilities are ignored in this simplistic illustration on the creation of claims.
(59) A third illustration is asbestos manufacture, which is implicated in fatal illness amongst employees and others.
(60) The wrecked car was a graphic illustration of the dangers of being hit from the side.
(61) The illustration of the horizontal organization presents the richest contrast to that of the vertical.
(62) The debate over prayer was perhaps the best illustration of what was at issue.
(63) The video box illustration carries various official body contact addresses on the back for further information on the river.
(64) Students interested in a career in illustration are also welcome to attend their annual student seminar.
(65) A further illustration of the application of these principles is afforded by the interesting case of Giles v. Walker.
(66) To take a simple illustration, they should be enabled to read a serious daily newspaper and understand what they read.
(67) In Fig. 8-3 we show for purposes of illustration the Cobb Douglas case.
(68) His relative electoral strength is not an end in itself, but an illustration of his influence outside the mainstream.
(69) A vignette is an illustration without border or frame, the picture shading off into the surrounding paper.
(70) He asserts that he is: bringing to bear the precision of photography in the illustration of our subject.
(71) As the illustration above shows, even if you just use the Family Rail Card once, it will earn its keep.
(72) Our earlier illustration indicated that Nebraska grows wheat to which its resources are suited and similarly Florida grows oranges.
(73) Take the direct marketing of financial products as an illustration.
(74) It was therefore left to Lear to realise the full potential of lithography, and to revolutionise bird illustration in the process.
(75) The following case provides a very good illustration of the legal problems arising from allegations of fraud.
(76) Many other notable botanical illustrators, including Lillian Snelling,[] are represented in the collections of botanical art and illustration.
(77) The brilliant colours make even the glossiest illustration seem dull by comparison.
(78) Every page of the book has at least one stunning, full colour illustration - a rich and inspiring treat.
(79) If nothing else, the Hart provided a forceful illustration of the homing instinct.
(80) But there is another vivid illustration of the discrimination practised by the Labour Party against people who live in the province.
(81) Holden is terribly protective towards children, and the title of the book is an illustration of this.
(82) This sometimes emerges when we find a book illustration, or a film or television interpretation, unconvincing.
(83) An ex-scientific illustration student from the Blackpool College will help to produce the illustrations and design for the pack in September 1991.
(84) He looked, with his long, Norman face, like an illustration in a book on heraldry.
(85) That would certainly be the case for vectors drawn on the page, which I used as my opening illustration.
(86) Consider the following simple illustration of a one bank economy where a 10 percent liquid assets ratio must be maintained.
(87) The most useful form of illustration would have been sets of drawings on papyri or thin wood tablets, loosely bound together.
(88) The illustration shows the devastating effect on the marble produced by structural movement and the ingress of acid rain.
(89) You will see from the illustration that the vocal tract has several resonant cavities.
(90) The sites shared administrative costs, selectors and a catalogue which included an illustration and biographical details for each artist.
(91) Below is a simple illustration of this, given on two staves to save space.
(92) Arthur Rackham: A life with illustration, puts the spotlight right back where it should be.
(93) This is so evident that it does not require illustration.
(94) A further illustration of this is to be found in the conventions governing spelling.
(95) I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force.
(96) The obvious example is agriculture, usually employed as an illustration in chapters on perfect competition in introductory texts.
(97) After all, in 1,189 densely-printed pages, space has not been found for a single illustration.
(98) As an illustration of stitch pattern sizes, look at Figure 1.
(99) An illustration of this can be found in the funerals of very famous people conducted with great pomp and circumstance.
(100) With this cautionary illustration behind us we can now proceed to a more complex and interesting example.
(101) As another illustration there is the interesting case of a lady of seventy.
(102) Words come in only as convenient for purposes of illustration.
(103) This approach also provides a direct illustration of one major application of microprocessors in process control.
(104) He has put before the House an illustration of how the Labour party wants to increase the cost of national insurance.
(105) Lafaille's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found, even in the world's most crowded massif.
(106) The usual illustration is a car dealer stating that one car is a better runner than another.
(107) Doubtless the carver mistook a lighted candle for a flower on the illustration he was copying.
(108) This is nowhere better illustrated than in the case we used for our basic illustration of good design itself - echolocation.
(109) They are in danger of seeing each illustration as a separate creation, in a picture-frame rather than in a story.
(110) Note the typical crude woodcut illustration, probably resurrected from an earlier publication.
(111) He had shown her how the frontispiece illustration was the key to it.
(112) Differential association is a good illustration of these two contradictory tendencies.
(113) Northern Ireland provides a particularly clear illustration of the sometimes hidden problems involved in majoritarian thinking about democracy.
(114) The rise of the Carron de Saint-Thomas clan offers a generalized illustration of how the Savoyard administrative elite developed at this time.
(115) The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
(116) He looked like a prince from an uncensored story, a Beardsley illustration of male perfection.
(117) A good illustration is a piece I received in the mail yesterday.
(118) But in order to give a preliminary illustration, we can take the example of these lectures.
(119) Knyvet provides an interesting illustration of the problems faced by the Crown in raising revenue.
(120) As an illustration, imagine a child walking down a country road with his father.
(121) At the resolution available, a single illustration accounts for 6.25 kilobytes of data.
(122) As always, the behaviour of light is a useful source of illustration.
(123) The concentration of ethnic minority women workforce in the garment industry owned by minority businessmen is a good illustration.
(124) Here is a simple illustration of what is at issue.
(125) In the latter illustration consideration has also to be taken of social costs and benefits.
(126) But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration.
(127) To give definiteness to our ideas let us take an illustration from the woollen trade.
(128) So there was often an element of delusion about zoological illustration.
(129) Walton, using audio clips for illustration, describes some popular methods of representing bird song.
(130) Try to find a vivid illustration of your theme to start off your talk.
(131) Paul Zahl in his book Deliver us from Evil gives a graphic illustration of a bush fire sweeping towards two duck hunters.
(132) It indicates the gentlest form of detachment. See for an illustration ex.6 from Donna Anna's first accompanied recitative.
(133) Chemistry in Britain thanks Tripos for the use of the illustration on the cover of this Supplement.
(134) They are beyond and outside what was obligatory book illustration.
(135) Aspects of the revolt gave further illustration of the unreliable loyalty of sections of the armed forces.
(136) The complex and intensive developments in this general field in the 1970s can be seen by taking this panel as an illustration.
(137) The aquatint, as a book illustration,[http:///illustration.html] was predominant in the period 1790-1830.
(138) These can be used in countless ways, several of which are shown in the illustration.
(139) It is a useful illustration as long as we remember that no illustration is exact.
(140) Book illustration is a field marked by sharp increases in price over the last two decades.
(141) The first illustration shows a request without an authorized password that is rejected by the server.
(142) Here is a simple illustration from the law of tort.
(143) Exhibit 5. 3 provides a simplified illustration of the difference between the two methods.
(144) An illustration of a flow chart is given in Fig. 1.21.
(145) The classic traveling-salesman problem is a good illustration of nodes and connections issues.
(146) The following might be suggested as possibilities for the purpose of illustration.
(147) A few examples of projects which have taken place are described below as an illustration of what can be achieved.
(148) The present cases will, I think, go down in history as the most dramatic illustration of that principle.
(149) It was faultless, like an illustration from a book on heraldry, or an enormous butterfly pinned by a heartless collector.
(150) The appliances made the room look like an illustration from an old issue of Lies' Home Journal.
(151) Hands and arms are used for illustration, for replacing speech, for indicating emotional states, and for grooming oneself.
(152) He pleaded for sources to be used for more than just illustration or comprehension.
(153) Scientific illustration meant not only pictures of animals, plants and rocks, but also of bridges, gas-works and railways.
(154) Lynn's relationship with Stuart is a good illustration of this.
(155) This represents a fitting illustration of what has been achieved under the fine example and leadership of Graham Gooch.
(156) Product particulars relating to Midland Pensions including details of charges will be provided with your illustration.
(157) In illustration of this last point, a couple of examples can be taken from recent and current events.
(158) Schematic illustration of the dynamic mechanical impedance protocol.
(159) the art of book illustration.
(160) Citicorp offers a second provocative illustration.
(161) An illustration of using the direct solution is given.
(162) Profile perspectives are important in fashion illustration croquis.
(163) The following illustration shows the resulting dashed line.
(164) Perhaps the accompanying illustration will explain it.
(165) So that's one illustration of a package deal.
(166) Work Shop - Illustration and design workshop.
(167) He just cited a farfetched illustration.
(168) Illustration of the managing and improving of stage equipments, lights,[Sentence dictionary] sound system and relevant facilities were shown with improved examples involved in humanistic concept of stagehand.
(169) Medical Mycology lends itself to illustration and as such there are over 40 additional images in this edition.
(170) The given formulae in this paper are suitable for electronic digital computer. Finally, a numerical example is given for illustration.
(171) Please review to Page 1 for shoe illustration and description, Page 2 for final inspection report, Page 3 for B/L copy.
(172) While not always a part of the conceptual data model, a few major attributes may be defined for illustration purposes.
(173) Never one to miss a homiletical opportunity, Peter turned this fiasco into a fine sermon illustration, quoting C.
(174) Draw croquis with princess seams in this free fashion illustration video series with a fashion designer.
(175) The program illustration about Web three - tier structure programming base on DDL middleware in the mean.
(176) His works won the excellence prize of Japanese NOMA CONCOURS International Book Illustration Award, gold prize and silver prize of the 4th and 5th National Book Binding Art Exhibition.
(177) The illustration is for a straddle spread and a single explosive source.
(178) The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors.
(179) By means of illustration, from the view of parts distortion theory analysis, distortion prevention, researches the numeric processing technic of thin-wall rectangular deep recessed parts.
(180) With the rapid development of economy, fashion illustration due to its diversified forms and profound connotation of culture has taken on a board prospect for developing in rag trade.
(181) The following illustration shows the original apple and the scaled, cropped apple.
(182) The illustration above is a concept image showing what it would look like with the lens displaying a digital overlay of the letter E.
(183) A graphic illustration of the temple also appears in the UNESCO logo, representing culture and education.
(184) The following illustration shows a conceptual view of two sets and the elements within those sets that are included in either an inner join or a left outer join.
(185) We present a simplified illustration to show the flow of product costs.
(186) A detailed illustration is given to the interface design and circuit design of the three-dimensional image viewing device"TW863-96C Stereovideo Best".
(187) In this paper, with the illustration of different classificatory projects, how to achieve innovation of architecture design is discussed.
(188) Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration.
(189) William Blake mocked the British monarchy with his illustration of Nebuchadnezzar eating grass from a story in the Book of Daniel.
(190) Mises's illustration of the failure of socialism provides a fantastic means to discover what is right about markets and wrong about all forms of collectivized economic planning.
(191) But Emerson always keeps us up—not less by his memorable terseness than by his startling habit of illustration.
(192) With a promo for " Worst Case Scenario " for the Discovery Network she melds live action and graphic illustration, nicely using typography to annotate the footage.
(193) Vernation The arrangement of leaves in relation to each other in the bud, or the arrangement of perianth segments in a flower bud. See illustration overleaf. See also ptyxis.
(194) Area occupied by text and illustration on a page, including running head and folio.
(195) Sometimes I would say visual communication. It is not exactly graphic design and not exactly illustration.
(196) Sir. J . Lubbock has recently remarked ,[http:///illustration.html] that several minute crustaceans offer excellent illustration of this law.
(197) In our illustration the business has operated profitably with revenue in excess of expenses.
(198) The illustration shows that the broker is running on the same machine as the client application since the local loopback address is used.
(199) The shape of the team of ships in the illustration could be regarded as a proof that Zheng He′s treasure ship is of the F u type.
(200) Cross-section illustration of the chip for one typical integrated pressure sensor element is given according to the above discussed resu...
(201) Software Description: About Ibfshn, This is a fishing theme with a nice background illustration of a walleye .
(202) Since no images of Makemake's surface yet exist, an artist's illustration originally meant to depict Sedna has been boldly co-opted above to now illustrate Makemake.
(203) This spreadsheet will quickly convert the reading into tension and also produce a graphic illustration showing the spoke tension balance.
(204) In printing, the explanatory comment accompanying an illustration or diagram separated from the text.
(205) As an illustration of what I mean about the relative power of programming languages, consider the following problem.
(206) Early tests of China'sskills at rendezvous and docking, shown in this artist's illustration, are setto begin in 2011.
(207) She is, in fact, a perfect illustration of the French idiom "to be comfortable in one's own skin.".
(208) That supported the conclusion that the waggle dance was an illustration of altruism in the insect world.
(209) For illustration purposes, our example program throughout this article is a hypothetical computer game called Kill Bad Aliens. In it, you will control a spaceship.
(210) To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.
(211) With the algorithm analysis of the convex programming model, an optimization solution was achieved by way of illustration and sensitivity analysis of the result was given.
(212) Among the many specialized degree programs in this field are digital media production, illustration, commercial art, typographic design, and 3D animation.
(213) While the vigilantism has been praised by some as evidence of neighborhood unity, others see it as an illustration of a nation that continues to spiral out of control.
(214) Illustration: it contains rich protein, carbohydrates, various vitamins as well as aminophenol, and it is also called " maigre abalone".
(215) Evidence indicates that all the victims were ritually killed to consecrate successive stages of the pyramid's construction (illustration below).
(216) Yet "sensus communis" became pre-requisite base of aesthetics in supposition and illustration of Kant.
(217) Technical project and concrete realization of 3D software simulation design were introduced and graphic illustration was given in the paper.
(218) Frontispiece: Illustration on the page facing the title page of a book.
(219) Shown in a NASA illustration, the full annular eclipse of January 15, 2010, cast a dark lunar shadow along a 190-mile-wide (300-kilometer-wide) path that traveled across nearly half Earth's surface.
(220) By having used computer calculation and illustration of automatic graph plotter to test plenty of space angles, the scheme prov...
(221) The crime of disclosing state secrets is a near - perfect illustration of this attitude.
(222) It is used as an illustration of the interchangeability of mass and energy.
(223) Once again, historiography provides the best illustration for all this.
(224) Go straight to the experts for an introductory course in book illustration.
(225) The illustration I use with my students to emphasize the essence of "professional accounting" is the perennial parade of tuxedoed CPAs before the audience at the Academy Awards.
(226) They settled in New York, where he did magazine illustration and she worked as an assistant designer for Brooks Costumes,[http:///illustration.html] the theatrical costumer.
(227) That section's rough illustration presents a well-dressed agent carrying a suspicious briefcase, as well as an online address where readers can download a copy of the PASIV Device Technical Manual.
(228) Objective To illustration the effect of Podophyllic acid piperidyl hydrazone nidroxide radical (GP1 )on tumor cell cycle phase and its antitumor mechanism.
(229) The wind - cowl ventilation system is an illustration of the application of energy - grading.
(230) The derivative at the cost smallest, the profit biggest, and the application of the whole sale quantity lowest in the production output is the illustration in this aspect.
(231) The determination of single well economic limit applies the incremental analysis with the illustration of the calculation on initial daily production and economic recoverable reserve for single well.
(232) Cross-section illustration of the chip for one typical integrated pressure sensor element is given a...
(233) The dream is stylised, like a scene in a play or an old illustration.
(234) For the illustration, the initial ingredients are vegetables and a carrier fluid containing starch.
(235) The microprocessor itself , labeled MPU , appears on the left of the illustration.
(236) And as an illustration, the risk levels of flood control capacity for some reaches are computed.
(237) As a special art of painting, air brush illustration and airbrush art can play an important role in our art teaching.
(238) The illustration above shows the basic setup for a supercharged airplane.
(239) With A Large Print Illustration On The Back Of The Suits, Accompanying Sparkling Diamante .
(240) What a noble illustration of the tender laws of England!
(241) A rock falling to the ground is an illustration of gravity.
(242) The following illustration shows a similar transformation applied to a metafile.
(243) This code is a great illustration of exactly what onreadystatechange means -- every time the request's ready state changes, updatePage() is called and you see an alert.
(244) The idea that the function of the pleasure principle is to satisfy itself by hallucination is thereto illustrate this—it is only an illustration.
(245) I will use single ended examples, followed by an illustration of how this is also applied to push-pull amplifier stages.
(246) To prepare quotation, proposal illustration , display board and relevant sales materials.
(247) To explain what we mean by the neglect of the negative factor in thought, we may refer by way of illustration to the charges of Pantheism and Atheism brought against the doctrines of Spinoza.
(248) At last, this paper will describe the procedure of acl control with an illustration of open system call.
(249) It serves to reduce the accounts receivable to their net realizable value in the balance sheet, as shown by the following illustration...
(250) Based on the above illustration, the writer further conducts the brief introduction of philosophical basis, whichoriginates from British empiricism philosophy.
(251) It may still be useful to press the point home by working out a particular illustration.
(252) Jack is known for combining several items into a single form and the Custom Lounge Chair is great illustration of his proclivity for this.
(253) A centuries-old illustration shows Etna's deadliest known eruption, which sent rivers of lava streaming into the Ionian Sea in 1669.
(254) Lastly, the circumstance which the system average reliability of three topologies is affected by the node number is analyzed by an illustration.
(255) This paper points out the relationship between the coefficient of Laurent series and that of the sum of partial fractions for rational functions. Some typical examples are presented in illustration.
(256) With the renewed interest in the research of the works of Matthew Arnold, some characteristics of Arnold's poetry are studied with the illustration of the poem The Forsaken Merman.




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