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单词 Lethal
1 All these knives are absolutely lethal.
2 These chemicals are lethal to fish.
3 He was executed by lethal injection earlier today.
4 Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist.
5 The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans.
6 The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town.
7 It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs.
8 You and that car-it's a lethal combination!
9 A hammer can be a lethal weapon.
10 In some US states execution is by lethal injection.
11 Frost and wet are the lethal combination for plants.
12 They were close to weaponizing ricin—a lethal plant toxin.
13 They were all drinking lethal amounts of tequila!
14 The pesticide is lethal to all insect life.
15 Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th.
16 Cars produce a lethal cocktail of gasses.
17 This wine's pretty lethal!
18 Higher taxes and higher inflation were a lethal combination .
19 A man awaiting death by lethal injection has been saved by a last minute reprieve.
20 The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.
21 Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.
22 The bite itself is painful,[] but never lethal.
23 He thereby substantially improved the lethal effect of attack.
24 You know, lethal injection, the needle.
25 That cocktail looks pretty lethal.
26 The concrete mixers with lethal faults.
27 The river still carries a lethal dose of poisons.
28 Together however, these factors can prove a lethal combination.
29 Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.
30 Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes.
1 All these knives are absolutely lethal.
2 These chemicals are lethal to fish.
3 He was executed by lethal injection earlier today.
4 The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans.
5 The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town.
6 It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs.
7 A hammer can be a lethal weapon.
31 Anencephalus is, of course, a lethal congenital abnormality.
32 Nine other sites in Oakland use similar lethal chemicals.
33 A lethal charge that lurked around the next junction?
34 Lethal and severe defects together constitute major congenital abnormalities.
35 He was now an invisible man, a lethal specter.
36 The heat also produced up to a kilogram of lethal dioxin, some of which still contaminates the surrounding area.
37 He died after taking a lethal cocktail of alcohol and tranquilizers.
38 The Very Model of a Man is at is best when Cain justifies his fratricide with this lethal logic.
39 Roughly half of child killers used a gun[http://], while 16 percent used their own hands and feet as lethal weapons.
40 Bad luck is as lethal for a politician as halitosis.
41 Being in charge of a lethal weapon, so to speak.
42 Some one else will inject lethal drugs into his bloodstream.
43 The prison staff member will then begin to administer lethal doses of three chemicals.
44 And it promised to be the most weird - was definitely the most lethal.
45 Most pesticides are lethal to earthworms on or near the surface.
46 When measured against the suffering of people infected with a lethal disease, this point sounds abstract, even callous.
47 Sentencing Harris, Lord Sutherland, told him that attempted murders involving such lethal weapons were becoming far too prevalent.
48 The lines manned by the infantry also served to protect the gunners and their lethal devices.
49 Almost any sharp or pointed object can potentially be a lethal weapon.
50 Another factor that needs to be considered when policy is formulated is that lethal malformation will not always be diagnosed before delivery.
51 His four-minute execution by lethal injection in Indianain the United States was perhaps the most minutely scrutinised death in history.
52 The tissue contains soluble proteins that cause intense pain and swelling, but which are rarely lethal to man.
53 The effect could be lethal. In spite of remarkable advantages, our culture may prove to have a fatal flaw.
54 Death will come by lethal injection, rather than cyanide gas, since gassing has been challenged in California as unduly cruel.
55 In May 1986 the Supreme Court rejected his final appeals and Pinkerton was executed by lethal injection.
56 They say they come across thousands of examples of potentially lethal appliances.
57 Potential lethal cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions are recognised complications of both iatrogenic and self inflicted overdoses.
58 None saw his executioners spend several minutes hunting for a vein to administer the lethal drugs.
59 This produces energy and also unwanted lethal products whose disposal is the source of much political concern.
60 If his execution proceeds as scheduled, he would become the first to die by lethal injection in California.
61 Do not buy foam-filled furniture if you can avoid it, as it can give oft lethal fumes when it ignites.
62 They had no idea that the woman they escorted was far more lethal than ever they could hope to be.
63 Its almost miraculous effectiveness in controlling and reversing an otherwise lethal bacterial infection in mice was demonstrated in Oxford in the 1940s.
64 Male speaker Whether you're poor or rich, the car is still as lethal driving at big speeds.
65 A lethal cocktail of pollutants is being poured into Scotland's coastal waters, according to Greenpeace.
66 Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most lethal malignancies in the world.
67 There are no gracefully lethal curves on this fighter plane.
68 In a flourish of biochemical altruism,[http:///lethal.html] they manufacture deadly molecules and then turn this lethal cocktail upon themselves.
69 Substances that are lethal if inhaled, imbibed or touched may do no harm at all when safely confined to a well-run tip.
70 In New York, Karpov has taken the art of defence to new heights, introducing stinging and lethal counterattacks.
71 Infidelity had become freshly dangerous, potentially much more lethal to a marriage than adultery had been previously.
72 Shipman was convicted last year of murdering 15 female patients with lethal doses of diamorphine.
73 The front companies were liquidated or privatized, and most of the lethal or incapacitating chemical and biological agents were destroyed.
74 The snake has enemies more lethal than Laverne's memorable mild teasing.
75 The technical officer could not fail to be conscious of the lethal potential of an electrical discharge from the platform.
76 He would be the first California death row inmate to be executed by lethal injection.
77 If this shows a lethal mutation it is classified as a presumed mammalian mutagen.
78 Bearing in mind that the knife is a lethal weapon, what happens if you get it wrong?
79 A sudden change in water temperature can also be lethal.
80 For statistics alone are unlikely to stop a 17-year-old putting his foot down in a lethal weapon.
81 Also unclear is whether execution by lethal injection will have any effect on the death penalty as a crime deterrent.
82 They give off thick black toxic fumes, which often prove to be more lethal than the flames themselves.
83 In the case of AIDS sufferers, it develops rapidly and is more lethal.
84 Today local people are still exposed to increasingly lethal quantities of pollution.
85 Some workers received lethal doses because the rest of the site was not evacuated.
86 Operators received lethal doses of radiation while needlessly reconnecting the water supply to the devastated reactor.
87 And I've always liked to be ready for surprises, especially the lethal sort.
88 Lethal injection is a means of execution in 32 states, some of which use alternate methods as well.
89 This is a potentially lethal combination, but modern techniques help to safeguard us from those risks.
90 A tiny amount laced in a letter can be lethal.
91 Most men sported an absurd amount of lethal weaponry, which they were fully prepared to use.
92 What effect on pain might, say, three-quarters of the lethal dose have had?
93 McVeigh is scheduled to die by lethal injection May 16 at a federal prison in Terre Haute.
94 They caused lethal accidents, made noises at the wrong time, and froze when action was required.
95 If one jams on it is less likely to heat the tank to lethal levels, too.
96 If he is convicted, he could face death by lethal injection.
97 Charlie was the cruellest and most lethal type of seducer.
98 These lethal tinned cocktails are treated as soft drinks,[/lethal.html] as is beer.
99 Probably most of the lethal events that have occurred have killed their only eyewitnesses.
100 This is partly because single status at younger ages appears to have been consistently even more lethal for men than for women.
101 Merlin, who was quieter, but just as lethal, had pulled a different groupie every night of the Championships.
102 N New tank syndrome: A lethal combination of all the problems mentioned in this article.
103 The Astropath must suddenly appear to be possessed - with lethal consequences.
104 He'd had more than enough of her reckless approach to potentially lethal situations.
105 Gooch's car was described as a lethal instrument which claimed the lives of five innocent young people.
106 Atkinson has a lethal weapon in Dean Saunders - recruited from Liverpool - who is aiming to wreck United's dream.
107 A Green Party spokesman said that spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and potentially lethal.
108 It had a lethal edge now which cut her to the bone.
109 When mobbing occurs, the situation is far too unpredictable from second to second to suit even the most lethal predator.
110 The poison produced by the frog's skin is so lethal that it can paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately.
111 As I couldn't take Lisabeth with me, it was the nearest thing I had to a lethal weapon.
112 The stuff that furs up coronary arteries must be one of the most lethal substances known to man.
113 They're lovely to look at, but remember that old Christmas tree lights are potentially lethal.
114 Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
115 Weapons of all types were everywhere, and no soldier went anywhere without a lethal instrument within close reach.
116 Glucose metabolism and insulin secretion are disturbed; hypoglycemia is common and potentially lethal but usually responds promptly to dietary correction.
117 The little church has suffered from the rigours of time and town planning, normally a lethal combination, and survived.
118 An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
119 Kaczynski sought to build increasingly lethal bombs by improving his bomb design and his bomb-making techniques.
120 Inside the plant, levels of radiation in the abandoned reactor building rose to many times the lethal level.
121 Mr Birchall also knew that acid waters, which contain higher levels of aluminium, are lethal to fish.
122 It is extremely lethal, killing more than half the women in whom it is diagnosed within five years.
123 More than 40,000 of these lethal machines were sold between 1986 and 1988.
124 It was these, not so much the explosions perse that made the Krakatoa eruption the most lethal on record.
125 Usually one of Robert's business prospects would be invited for a lethal dose of glamour.
126 Swiftly the skaters circled and arced and sashayed, firing their sprays of lethal stars.
127 Gastric cancer and especially oesophageal cancer ate two of the most lethal gastrointestinal cancers in terms of cure rate and survival.
128 It probably illustrates it's a lethal cocktail of lorries and cars.
128 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
129 Not to mention that lethal combination of hands and strength.
130 The controversy over lethal-versus non lethal methods of predator control is clouded by uncertain science and by politics.
131 For me, that's where the cold, intolerant reductionism of Richard Dawkins and Lewis Wolpert becomes politically lethal.
132 He synthesises new chemical poisons of the most lethal kind and sprays the countryside wholesale.
133 Police in Gloucestershire have made their first seizure of the potentially lethal drug.
134 Ponds or garden pools with steep sides are lethal traps.
135 Experts believe the absence of water in the toilet allowed a lethal build-up of methane gas.
136 Invitro ras and p53 mutants cooperate to transform primary rat cells into cells capable of lethal tumourigenesis.
137 It is so lethal that I cringe in terror every time I have to face it.
138 They produce oxygen as a waste product, a normally lethal poison to the plant cell.
139 After all, each state comprised an often lethal cocktail of peoples.
140 Whatever it was they were after, it was an unknown quantity, unknown, that is, except for a lethal ferocity.
141 The mixture's high carbon monoxide content makes it extremely lethal.
142 Heart disease is raging(), as are arteriosclerosis and various lethal cerebrovascular conditions.
143 California has executed four San Quentin inmates since the death penalty was reinstated in 1978, the last two by lethal injection.
144 Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.
145 Nothing is more lethal for certain kinds of meme than a tendency to look for evidence.
146 Salesmen warning DOOR-TO-DOOR salesmen are posing as Fire Brigade representatives to sell potentially lethal fire extinguishers, it has been disclosed.
147 Although mines and booby traps are often lumped together and share a lethal simplicity, they are actually very different weapons.
148 Chemicals called chemokines, secreted by immune system cells, are thought to combat the lethal virus, say scientists.
149 But in the wrong hands they are as lethal a weapon as a gun.
150 If ever there were a sign that money and power politics can be a lethal mix, this was it.
151 A tiny bit inhaled by some one would be lethal.
152 Pot holes can is lethal for the unwary cyclist.
153 a lethal dose of poison.
154 The overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion.
155 Subject_Topical_Eng: Phytochemistry; Ethnobotany ; Databases; Chemicals; Toxicity; Lethal Dose.
156 Why do they sterilize a needle before lethal injection?
157 Temperature below 5℃ was lethal for Coffea arabica leaves.
158 malignant hypertension is the most lethal form of hypertension.
158 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
159 The most lethal complication is fulminating colitis.
160 Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.
161 Someone had fed him a lethal dose of cyanide.
162 Confidential and the Die Hard and Lethal Weapon series.
163 Mel Gibson played opposite Danny Glover In Lethal Weapon.
164 Lethal mix: financial and trade liberalization.
165 The Lethal Dose 50 test ( LD 50 ) may also be replaced.
166 Its most devastating form ( Puccinia graminis ) attacks the plant's stem, forming lethal, scaly red pustules.
167 The cull of up to 500 animals using tranquillizer darts followed by lethal injection would begin within two weeks, military spokesman Brigadier Andrew Nikolic said.
168 Spot method was used to test medium lethal quantity of Musca domestica.
169 Secondly, as a example, it predicts the diffusion scope of liquid ammonia in the atmosphere stability of D and E, and the scope of semi-lethal concentration, immediately lethal concentration.
170 Kawa Ljen has erupted twice in the last 30 years, claiming lives with its lethal gases.
171 And Warren E. Buffett presciently observed five years ago that derivatives were "financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal."
172 In a speech a year after the lethal explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia, Bush promised a rededication to bold voyaging.
173 Pretreatment of low temperature could induce resistance to lethal concentration of H2O2. It indicated that LYCD could have resistance to oxidative condition.
174 He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal ShiaH militias, now as much a scourge as the Sunni insurgents.
175 The molecular basis of chemoresistance is poorly understood, precluding advances in glioma treatment and leaving gliomas among the most lethal tumors.
176 The finding of hepatoportal venous gas (HPVG) is often associated with potentially lethal conditions requiring immediate surgery.
177 The dosage of interest is typically the lethal concentration, known as LC50, that will kill 50% of the population of organisms in a given period of time.
178 The last thing we want to do is impose a gatekeeper that is an inherent delay for patients who have a potentially lethal problem.
179 LETHAL pipe bomb device, discovered under a woman's car in crumlin, may be connected to an on-going feud in the area.
180 A particular lubricant can be used in anti - runway of aerodrome a new kind of non - lethal weapon.
181 Researchers have propounded the main target of rice apomixis . It is dominant and simplicity, specificity and spontaneity, facultative and lethal, polyploidy and hybridity.
182 But fear of lethal consequences gave me he courage to insist he re-examine me, at which point he reluctantly acknowledged that, yes, it did seem to be the original lump.
183 The lethal dose of a barbiturate is far less if alcohol is also ingested.
184 Multiparasitism (superparasitism), hyperparasitism, ovicide, host-feeding, physical attack and physiological suppression are known as several mechanisms of lethal interference competition.
185 DNA double-strand break is probably the most lethal attack, with as little as one unrepaired DSB being capable of triggering programmed cell death.
186 North Korea may have nuclear deterrence, these missiles are highly lethal.
187 The Battle Of Plataea was counted among history's most lethal battles, and one of the most important in early Western Civilization.
188 I also signed several Memoranda of Notification (MONs) authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden.
189 Without prompt treatment,[http:///lethal.html] the oxygen depriation resulting from ARDS can be lethal.
190 The main character is often unknowingly lured into this potentially lethal predicament by a seductive femme fatale, as in Original Sin.
191 This response results in pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular hypertrophy, a lethal disease.
192 Apart from being lethal, Bond is best known for his seduction.
193 Malignant tumors indicate often lethal brain conditions, but even nonmalignant growths can preempt normal brain activity.
194 However, the effect of Berberine to prolong lethal time induced by Ouabain is less effective than Sodium Phenytoin, Quinidine and Propranolol.
195 Jackson is currently pursuing a wrongful death suit against his son's doctor, Conrad Murray(), who is accused of administering the lethal dose of Propofol responsible for the King of Pop's death.
196 After a lethal plant virus swept through this field trial in Tha Pra, Thailand, the GM papaya trees on the right stood hearty, while the conventional trees on the left fell sickly and fruitless.
197 While it enhances organismal survival and longevity under most circumstances, HSF1 has the opposite effect in supporting the lethal phenomenon of cancer.
198 Reacts with soft metals such as aluminum and zinc. 5.2 This product reacts with reducing sugars in food products to form lethal carbon monoxide gas.
199 Sarvas discusses the nature of the " lethal load " in conifers.
200 Some executions in the US are being delayed because of a nationwide shortage of sodium thiopental, one of the drugs used in lethal injections.
201 The THAAD radar played a critical role in acquiring, tracking and discriminating the lethal object in support of the low endo-atmospheric (inside the earth's atmosphere) intercept.
202 Studies suggest that Spanish flu was so lethal because it somehow crossed into people as an animal virus, without the genes from human strains that our immune systems were expecting.
203 This damage will be lethal if Caldera Hellion hasn't devoured any creatures and its toughness hasn't been increased by any other means.
204 For the rebels, air superiority will be the key in massing enough ground forces to take the capital of Tripoli. For Qaddafi, it is the most lethal asset at his disposal to retain power.
205 After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry.
206 Objective:To explore relevant factors of misdiagnosis and malpractice of lethal catatonic syndrome(LC).
207 Somnus , so beautiful and so lethal. Once you're addicted to it, you are happy at the beginning, and then you'll pay for the joy.
208 Background— Abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium (Ca) cycling is increasingly recognized as an important mechanism for increased entricular automaticity that leads to lethal entricular arrhythmias.
209 H 2 SO 4 is at least 100 times as lethal as SO 2 in guinea pigs.
210 It is suggested that the mechanism of ADZ making encysted larva lethal is inhibiting metabolism of glycogen, RNA, and DNA, and ATP production.
211 However, some researchers have suggested that the invention of weapons such as spears and bows and arrows made intertribal warfare among early humans so lethal that group selection did take over.
212 More lethal, though, is Lima's sorry bus fleet, the chief culprit for air pollution that exceeds World Health Organization limits ninefold.
213 A worker at a Russian nuclear facility gets exposed to a lethal dose of radiation.
214 The new study used a small percentage of the lethal oral dose for TCDD to avoid any acutely toxic effects from the exposure.
215 Mucormycosis is a kind of lethal infection caused by any fungus in the order Mucorales. It often involves the central nervous system, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, skin, orbit and paranasal sinuses.
216 The results indicated that bentazone sensitive lethal gene was controlled by a single recessive gene . The Norin 8 m seedling can be killed by bentazone (above 0.05%), but its FI seedlings are safe.
217 Myxedema coma is rare but potentially lethal, the symptoms and signs are many and are often insidious .
218 Summer low tides occur at the hottest point of the day,[http:///lethal.html] exposing reefs in Ofu Island's shallow lagoons to temperatures normally lethal to corals -- but these reefs survive.
219 Dr Arkin has started to survey policy makers, the public, researchers and military personnel to gauge their views on the use of lethal force by autonomous robots.
220 AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection, is defined the appearance of potentially lethal opportunistic infections.
221 In extreme cases this could create a lethal dosis of lead.
222 Warfare and associated military operations involving the employment of lethal and incapacitating munitions and agents, typically poisons, contaminants, and irritants.
223 Meat , improperly handled , is a lethal carrier of bacteria.
224 The incipient lethal temperature are shifted upward by acclimation to warmer temperature.
225 The median lethal concentration data is reliable for future biological observation.
226 Some activities, such as taking lethal risks for peace in Burundi, are almost universally admired.
227 Take care not to overfeed, as the uneaten food will foul the water and can quickly prove lethal to the fry.
228 A mutation conferring lethal bentazon susceptibility has good potential prospects in hybrid rice breeding.
229 By determining the extract to the chicken embryo's maximum lethal concentration and hemagglutination.
230 Lethal voltage may be present on cable connector jacks or test fixtures.
231 Yes(), the same Joyce Carol Oates who packs one of the most lethal punches in American literature also happens to be an astute observer of the sweet science.
232 To observe the effects of the fume of edible cooking oil (FEO) and the cooked edible oil (CEO) to induce mutation using a Sex-Linked Recessive Lethal Test (SLRL test) in Drosophila melanogaster.
233 Two brilliant university students were found dead in a hotel room after apparently rigging up a laptop to deliver lethal injections in what is thought to have been a suicide pact.
234 For a while Dr. Thrax was using the Smirch MLRS, though armed with lethal destructive power, Dr. Thrax was not satisfied with its clumsiness, as it did not fit in with his guerilla tactics.
235 Lethal dwarfism syndromes are associated with brachycephaly or clover - leaf skull deformity rather than dolichocephaly.
236 But in daily conversation, it is often used to refer to top prohibitions, rules that one should never break, because it will prove to be as lethal as touching the high-tension wire.
237 Lethal concentration ( LC ): concentration represents an acute poisoning.
238 Ask us about oxbow lakes, Pythagoras's theorem or which Lethal Weapon starred Patsy Kensit's breasts and we can tell you in a flash.
239 In physician-assisted suicide, a doctor gives a patient the means to a quick death; the patient administers the lethal medication when the doctor is away.
240 It'screens out lethal ultraviolet and X - rays from the sun.
241 Hit indocyanine green dye with a laser and it becomes lethal to the critters that cause staph infections, scarlet fever, and other nasty diseases.
242 Nerve Gas - the world's first three types of "Nerve Gas" chemical weapons were developed in Germany: Tabun (1936), Sarin (1938), Soman (1944), all many times more lethal than earlier chemical weapons.
243 Whether you are diving into rocky waters or driving ona narrow, two-lane road with cars whizzing by in the oppositedirection, small mistakes can be lethal.
244 The grades were designed by equal space between logarithm, and the median lethal concentration was computed by Linear Regression.
245 It gives off the gas hydrogen sulfide, which even in small concentrations is lethal. People generally call the gas "sewer gas."
246 Such bursts occasionally deliver in excess of a couple of hundred rem over an hour or so—a lethal dose to an unshielded astronaut. The great flare of February 23, 1956, is a notorious example.
247 In its natural form, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a potent cancer-killer in a number of tumor cell types, including brain tumors called gliomas, but it can be lethal.
248 It is the less- lethal equivalent of a claymore mine.
248 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
249 High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.
250 Neutronbombs are meant to kill tank crews by lethal irradition.
251 In 1995, a Scottish anaesthetist was convicted in Zimbabwe of the deaths of two infant whom he had injected with lethal doses of morphine.
252 A third copy of any other chromosome is lethal, as a person gets 1.5 times the dose of the genes on it, knocking the chemical balance out of kilter.
253 On June 19, the group retaliated with a lethal attack on a government security compound in Aden that left 11 people dead and said the "brigade of the martyr Jamil al-Anbari" carried it out.
254 Tasmanian devils have for some years been plagued with a mysterious and lethal cancer. Now, the dog-sized mammals are fighting back: They are breeding at younger ages.
255 Obviously there would be exceptions. Filleting knives, which turned out to be the most lethal of all, certainly need their tips.
256 A combination of the Mushrooms and the Varham's Aqua Vitae, this lethal liquid will leave their bodies completely disabled while you choose their fate.
257 M. why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
258 Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is much rarer than ADPKD and is often lethal. The signs and symptoms of the condition are usually apparent at birth or in early infancy.
259 Containment of highly lethal Ehola virus a serious public health challenge.
260 Cameron, an ex-president of the World Psychiatric Association, chose Montreal's Allen Memorial Institute to conduct potentially lethal experiments on non-US citizens.
261 Conclusions The primary cause for acute lethal myocarditis fulminate area in Yunnan is probablely enterovirus infection.
262 Steven Soderbergh's thriller about a lethal virus that sweeps across the globe killing millions in its path held its star-studded premiere at the Venice International Film Festival on Saturday.
263 Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a potentially lethal complication but early clinical diagnosis and careful clinical management by experienced physicians and nurses often save lives.
264 Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the Sun's lethal radiation.
265 In a real gunfight, you are only going to be about half as good as you are on your best day on the training range, simply from the stress of a lethal encounter.
266 Potentially lethal complications include hemorrhage, infection, and air embolism, therefore surgical resection is usually performed.
267 His command of irony and invective was said to be very classic and lethal.
268 HARPY is a lethal UAV designed to detect, attack and destroy radar emitters.
269 Similar pig farms exist in the United States, and have been blamed for the rise of lethal, drug-resistant staph infections.
270 Another university student had used his barbed cilice belt more often than the recommended two hours a day and had given himself a near lethal infection.
271 Results The half lethal dose(LD50) and the half knock-down time(KT50) of compound of Chlorpyrifos and Fendona were close to or less than on using separately.
272 It is time for the vet to give my 13-year-old Springer Spaniel a lethal injection.
273 At such times his command of invective was said to be classic and lethal.
274 Each god provides unique aspects to their followers, from the lethal poisons of the snake god Set to the elemental powers of nature itself harnessed by the Stormcaller.
275 It is transmitted to humans from female Anopheline mosquitoes and can be lethal unless treated.
276 ... an auto - recovery output short - circuit protection ( OCP ) prevents from any lethal thermal ...
277 Neuroblastoma is a malignant condition of the developing sympathetic nervous system that most commonly affects young children and is often lethal. Its cause is not known.
278 AIM: 1. To establish a lidocaine subarachnoid anesthesia death model with dogs, observe the vital sign and pathology of dogs after a lethal dose of lidocaine being injected into subarachnoid space.
279 Device that sends out lethal infrasonic sound wares to cause the internal organs of the human body to vibrate, displacing , distorting and rupturing them, and even resulting in death.
280 Lethal generosity is more than a bill board or promotional campaign To achieve tangible business results, it requires interacting and building relationships with an engaged community.
281 Arquilla calls his plan "a nonlethal way to deter lethal conflict.
282 The petroleum ether fraction of the soft coral Sinularia sp. exhibited high lethal rate to brine shrimp and strong cytotoxin to KB and KBV200 cells.
283 In vertebrates, polyploidy tends to be lethal, but plants can do just fine with all this extra genetic material.
284 But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained.
285 They are cobalt-blue on top and silvery-white below, with a pronounced dorsal fin and a long, lethal, spear-shaped upper jaw.
286 Herpes simplex virus 1 ( HSV - 1 ) multiplies and spreads in mammalian nervous system to cause lethal encephalitis.
287 Explain why rotenone ingestion is lethal to some insect and fish species.
288 Fortunately, chefs train for years to master the art of filleting this fish while avoiding the ovaries, liver, and intestines, which contain a toxin so lethal that a tiny drop can kill.




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