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单词 Health care
1. I watched a program about health care.
2. Refugees are dying for want of proper health care.
3. Good health care is of primary importance.
4. Information is also available on women's health care.
5. The organization dispenses free health care to the poor.
6. He's already solicited their support on health care reform.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Health care reform is long overdue.
8. A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.
9. Health care in the capital compares poorly with that in the rest of the country.
10. Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.
11. The local authority's approach to health care seems totally haphazard.
12. The government is responsible for the provision of health care.
13. Government funding of alternative health care is virtually non-existent.
14. Health care in the village is still quite rudimentary.
15. Something is radically amiss in our health care system.
16. Health care is a politically sensitive issue.
17. Demand for health care appears virtually unlimited.
18. Half measures will not fix the health care system.
19. She spoke on the issue of private health care.
20. Health care should not become a political football.
21. How is primary health care best delivered?
22. The government must commit itself to improving health care.
23. The President is committed to reforming health care.
24. The State provides free education and health care.
25. In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care.
26. The government has promised wide-ranging health care for all.
27. The quality of health care varies greatly .
28. The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.
29. The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care.
30. Inequalities of income would lead to even greater inequalities in access to health care.
1. I watched a program about health care.
2. Refugees are dying for want of proper health care.
3. Good health care is of primary importance.
4. Information is also available on women's health care.
5. The organization dispenses free health care to the poor.
6. He's already solicited their support on health care reform.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Health care reform is long overdue.
8. A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.
9. The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.
10. Health care in the capital compares poorly with that in the rest of the country.
11. Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.
12. The local authority's approach to health care seems totally haphazard.
13. The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care.
14. The government is responsible for the provision of health care.
15. Inequalities of income would lead to even greater inequalities in access to health care.
16. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
31. The adequacy of public health care has been brought into question.
32. Good health care for the mother before birth gives babies a healthy start .
33. In his opening salvo the speaker fiercely attacked the Government's record on health care.
34. The fact that this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a sobering thought .
35. She cited cases in which women had received inferior health care.
36. The decision to make cuts in health care provision has been widely criticized.
37. Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.
38. New technology has pushed the cost of health care even higher.
39. Health care must be at the service of all who need it. If you need anything, I am at your service.
40. Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
41. The government has set up a special task force on health care reform.
42. It was small businesses that led the charge against health care changes.
43. The cost of health care is rising faster than ever.
44. The council has produced a set of recommendations on ethics in health care.
45. Sixty percent of voters said they would willingly pay higher taxes for better health care.
46. Primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the service.
47. Campbell has made health care a central theme in his campaign.
48. The most important purpose of our Health Care is to support you when making a claim for medical treatment. For that reason the claims procedure is as simple and helpful as possible.
49. Do you agree with the principle that everyone should pay something towards the cost of health care?
50. Never mind the extra day's holiday, the free health care, and all the other window dressing in the company's offer - the point is(), how much more money are we getting?
51. They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities, better transport and health care.
52. The discussion turned on the need for better public health care.
53. The report draws a distinction between various forms of health care.
54. The future of health care cannot be considered in isolation from economic factors.
55. This job crosses the traditional boundary between social work and health care.
56. Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys.
57. primary health care providers.
58. In Holland, the government sets a yearly budget for health care.
59. They will phase the new health care system in over a period of five years.
60. In today's America, health care is one of the very biggest businesses.
61. The government 's policy on mental health care is getting an increasingly bad press.
62. This section of the population makes a high demand on health care resources.
63. The quality of public health care depends on the amount of money allocated to it.
64. The current health care system is inequitable and unjust, with huge disparities between rich and poor.
65. It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.
66. The government must pay for health care for war veterans - it is an obligation we owe to them.
67. Government spending on health care totals about $60 billion a year.
68. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
69. Mental health care has been the Cinderella service for too long.
70. How much is spent on health care services?
71. There are no health care facilities. 7.
72. Conclusion Primary health care is at a crossroads.
73. To deal with illness,[http:///health care.html] they fund health care services.
74. Take, for example, the vexed subject of health care.
75. Millions of people have no formal health care coverage.
76. Her health care plan drew fire.
77. Our health care system is out of control.
78. She knew nothing about health care.
79. Health care delivery and earlier recognition of emerging infectious diseases are enhanced when susceptible populations are targeted for surveillance.
80. One other authority has a joint budget with the health authority, funding a crossroads care attendant scheme and health care assistants.
81. Government expenditure, through provision of better living conditions and health care for the elderly, has itself contributed towards this.
82. They understand all too well the potential impact of huge cuts in health care programs.
83. How would they react to a deficient health care system?
84. No employer would have to pay more than 7. 9 percent of payroll on health care.
85. The survey attempted to answer critics who have dismissed international comparisons as invalid because of differences in cultural expectations about health care.
86. Whatever Congress does to fix it is likely to put severe pressures on the rest of the health care system.
87. The system is intended to emphasize preventive health care and reduce costs.
88. Extend needle and syringe exchange facilities and local health care services and set up a specialist drug clinic.
89. The case touches upon decades of tradition in Dubuque, and dramatic changes affecting health care nationwide.
90. The other is preventive health care for all, including prenatal care.
91. Independent health care experts said such a program could cost $ 5 billion to $ 10 billion a year.
92. An important feature will be the investigation of the relationship between women workers and women users of primary health care services.
93. This is because health and the quality and availability of health care often become the focus of community struggle.
94. The new health care proposals have been criticized by the British Medical Association.
95. With this merger, there are concerns about what happens to the workers in these health care facilities.
96. Process is defined as the sequence of established activities or procedures used by providers in the delivery of health care.Sentence dictionary
97. In Britain for the foreseeable future the ultimate purchaser of 80% or more of health care will continue to be the Treasury.
98. The Oregon experiment was introduced to ensure a basic level of health care for poor and elderly people.
99. The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
100. In the autumn of 1991 the Bush administration showed no interest in health care reform.
101. President Bush talked about expanding health care for children nearly a decade ago.
102. Yet the theory and practice of community development can offer some hope in the matter of the control of health care.
103. All males with cystitis should seek the advice of their health care practitioner, particularly if it is recurrent.
104. Businesses would lose a whole raft of deductions, including those for employee benefits such as health care.
105. The goals and activities in this plan are consistent with the goals set forth in recently proposed plans for health care reform.
106. The threat of lawsuits by itself is a major factor in driving up health care costs. Significant changes are definitely needed.
107. Further moves could also be made towards increasing the two-way interaction between public and private health care sectors.
108. She spends $ 300 or less on health care a year and pays $ 1, 625 in Medicare and Medigap premiums.
109. Governments around the world must spend more on the systems needed to actually deliver health care.
110. Professional development and postgraduate training in primary health care could be a useful adjunct in improving quality.
111. Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
112. That is what we seek to do, rather than adopting a defeatist attitude to the delivery of health care.
113. The party believes strongly that health care should be provided for everyone.
114. A far-reaching and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with broader plans for health care reform, is required.
115. Salutary, because I am made more aware of the advances made in developing the nursing role in health care.
116. If this is so then increasing the counselling skills of general practitioners may be preferable to widening the primary health care team.
117. Delta is negotiating commercial agreements with big health care companies around the world who are seeking to bind haemoglobin into formulations.
118. Reproductive health care, crucial to women, was, as it had ever been, slighted.
119. Even the most affluent - who can afford private health care and private education - can not buy a clean environment.
120. The government had argued that the original military recruiters didn't have the authority to offer lifetime health care.
121. Health care was seldom a major political issue, and inequalities in its provision were considered as inevitable as inequalities in wealth.
122. The trend is likely to place unprecedented demands on the health care system, principally for nursing and custodial care.
123. Doble pointed to one prime example of poor communication between elected officials and constituents: the health care reform debate.
124. The Health Education Council project on providing effective health care in a multi-racial society provides a useful checklist for assessing local services.
125. This year, health care costs will consume one-eighth of the average family's income.
126. He says that we should harness the expertise of the various agencies involved in health care.
126. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
127. Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
128. Most of the countries concerned will need a radically reorganized system for delivering primary health care.
129. It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts.
130. So far, advocates for seniors are expressing concern about the home health care proposal, but holding their fire.
131. During the quarter, investors continued to snap up selected stocks in two hot industries: technology and health care.
132. Then there is the still unworkable sum which overhangs all this budgeting: how much health care reform will cost.
133. Health care is switching from a cottage industry of small hospitals to major affiliations in a huge health-care system.
134. He says that managed care firms integrate physical and mental health care.
135. Thus, with Type I systems, authorities have considerable potential for health care planning to meet the needs of their populations.
136. Decision makers need to assess the relative value for money of competing health care interventions.
137. In order to do this health authorities must have comprehensive information about the existing use of health care.
138. They ignore the minor expense of health care for pregnant women, but pay the massive expenses of premature babies.
139. That was the conclusion of a General Accounting Office report in 1992 on fraud in the health care system.
140. One big difference is that there are no missionary organisations involved in health care.
141. General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care.
142. We are entering a period of deterioration in health care services.
143. The concerns of older people about their future health care probably reflect beliefs about modern medicine and priorities within the medical profession.
144. We want better education, better roads, and better health care, for the same tax dollar.
145. This apparent equanimity, however, is belied by evidence that health and health care are major concerns of older people.
146. Also, there is a need on the part of decision makers to assess the relative value for money from competing health care interventions.
147. Among the projects to benefit are a creche and health care bursaries.
148. The high cost of health care in the US is causing a great deal of concern.
149. Quezada and Zara said they were concerned about health care for their elderly grandparents.
150. Lastly, as part of general health care, it is extremely important to discourage cigarette smoking.
151. Administration. Quality assurance must be integrated into local health care management functions. 3.
152. The final document laid out a mandate for comprehensive health care for all women-the first ever.
153. We can not see how the continued use of inappropriate information can enhance equity of health care.
154. Much tighter controls are needed over the use of technologies and procedures if health care costs are to be controlled.
155. Economically, the care of AIDS patients will put a tremendous strain on our already overburdened and costly health care delivery system.
156. This issue of the Community Development Journal draws together articles about health and health care around the central theme of control.
157. Both individual health care coverage and core public health functions are needed to maintain health at the community level.
158. This paper underlines the importance of maintaining a functional health care system even during times of political change and unrest.
159. Contracting arrangements Editor,[http:///health care.html] - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting.
160. The debate over health care reform in 1993-94 offers a vivid example.
161. It will also include retail and leisure units, community facilities and a health care centre.
162. However, in health care the concept is more difficult to explain.
163. The Senate added a $ 16 billion tobacco tax to provide extra health care funding for uninsured children.
164. The result should be health care that is more predictable and efficient.
165. The government will discuss what they say are the core issues of education and health care.
166. Health care workers should have a tuberculin skin test at least every two years.
167. The principal motivation for this comparison is to help decisions about the allocation of health care resources.
168. It was also a strong year for health care investing.
169. Secondly, general practitioners and primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the health service.
170. The demand for health care, it is argued, is similar to the demand for any other commodity.
171. Health care is probably the chief concern on the road.
172. Schroer will take control of the four Invesco health care funds Feb. 1, the company said.
173. The intention was that managers should provide a positive and supportive climate for professionals to deliver health care.
174. They argue for ways to enhance health care that the Government can barely touch.
175. Physicians and other health care workers are trying to design a health care system.
176. A new cycle of chain reactions could destabilize the system of people who use, provide and pay for health care.
177. The abilities of staff and availability of facilities to care for critically ill patients vary in all areas of health care.
178. the costs of health care for the elderly.
179. a blueprint for the privatization of health care.
180. What is alternative health care? What can it do for you?
181. The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.
182. The aloe has functions and so on refrigeration bowel movement, disintoxicating, health care, cosmetology, clean blood.
183. Over 2000 practitioners of health care massage have been certificated.
184. Health care for children is the centerpiece of our program.
185. It devotes to research products in biological medicine, health care, and beautification.
186. Biotechnology in Health Care another 11 approvals were granted for expanded uses of existing biotech medicines.
187. The catena manufacture of YusanLi health care wine red - carpet attract businessman.
188. Promoting quality service for family planning and reproductive health care in a comprehensive way.
189. Falls are linked to increased morbidity and higher health care costs.




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