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单词 Pact
1 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.
2 He made a pact with the devil.
3 The two countries signed a non-aggression pact.
4 The two parties agreed an electoral pact.
5 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
6 The couple died together in a suicide pact.
7 She died with her lover in a suicide pact.
8 They made a pact not to tell anyone.
9 Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.
10 The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.
11 They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.
12 The Nazi-Soviet pact carved up the Baltic states in 1939.
13 A non-aggression pact will be signed between the two countries.
14 The peace pact seems to be in its death throes .
15 Status: Soviet bloc economic co-operation pact.
16 S.-brokered peace pact went into effect.
17 Mikoyan signs a trade pact with Che Guevara.
18 We reach out our hands and seal our pact.
19 Desperate and afraid,[] they formed a suicide pact.
20 I was badly shaken by that pact.
21 In 1954 Britain had fostered the Baghdad Pact to create a band of friendly pro-Western states against the Soviet threat.
22 From the start, therefore, the Pact did fulfil a limited military purpose.
23 The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
24 Police refused to say if the couple died in a suicide pact.
25 He says this contract should not be patterned after the Deere pact.
26 We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact.
27 The United States and Canada have signed a free-trade pact.
28 The leader of the religious sect and thirty of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.
29 Gerald Ford getting into a muddle about what was and wasn't a Warsaw Pact country.
30 Colin later took his own life in a bizarre suicide pact with his mother.
1 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.
2 The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
3 Police refused to say if the couple died in a suicide pact.
4 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
5 We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact.
31 On Feb. 19, Aoun and Geaga agreed a six-point pact to end the fighting.
32 Over the past several weeks, I have broken the unspoken pact, without explanation.
33 Detectives are investigating whether it was an accident, a murder or a suicide pact.
34 The pact details how the $ 81 million facility will be managed and operated.
35 On May 21 Haqqani announced that Masud and Hekmatyar had agreed upon, but not signed, a five-point peace pact.
36 It's unclear how or when the mediator would react if a new pact isn't reached today.
37 Within a few months, and certainly in the perspective of historic events, the terms of the Pact lost their significance.
38 He said this summer that the Warsaw Pact had to become a political rather than a military alliance.
39 That would be much more likely if Mr Gorbachev could reduce his conventional forces and weaponry in the Warsaw Pact.
40 Following Bartlett's victory at Bridgewater, he launched a grass roots campaign for an electoral pact with Liberals and Communists.
41 One problem remained to be settled, which was the working out of the electoral pact.
42 The waste-management company also entered into a pact to acquire other Wastemasters assets for about $ 15. 8 million.
43 The crucial factor is likely to be how much Moscow continues to value the Warsaw Pact as a military buffer.
44 Wednesday, the pact hit a snag Thursday morning over several smaller issues.
45 It would change the military strategies of the former Warsaw Pact countries and lead to troop reductions.
46 But two months ago their pact broke down, and fresh elections are to be held on October 21.
47 The city could take back the 110 additional diplomat parking spots it created under the pact, Mastro said.
48 The commission also ordered a media campaign to raise awareness of the peace pact.
49 The former Shah's advocacy of a collective security pact was a further black mark against the Gulf scheme.
50 The prisoners can each be sure of benefiting if they have a previously agreed pact never to confess, whatever the circumstances.
51 A dramatic example of this is the publicity given to the secret annexes to the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
52 Officials at IBM and Apple declined to comment on a possible pact between the two personal computer makers.
53 The pact was ostensibly motivated by a desire to eradicate political dynasties and corruption in favour of political renovation and democratic change.
54 The pact they had silently concluded after Maurice's death stood exposed as a sham.
55 At that time, all Andean Pact countries are expected to adopt zero customs duties on all imports from other members.
56 In the summer, the two sides took the unprecedented step in the Warsaw Pact of recalling their two ambassadors.
57 But, he said, it could not be a two-way pact.
58 C., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, charged that the pact had major shortcomings in just those areas.
59 Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases.
60 Lowestoft is a town twinned with nowhere, although it is considering a suicide pact with Basildon.
61 The pact, which was negotiated during the Bush presidency, has been stalled since 1993.
62 At the moment they don't know whether this was an accident, a murder or a suicide pact.
63 The Pact would provide for the withdrawal of Soviet forces following the formation of a coalition government in Kabul.
64 The pact is to last three years and includes an option to extend.
65 So they joined in a suicide pact which would rid them for ever of parental domination.
66 And most of the former Warsaw Pact nations have trouble deciding if they want either free elections or free markets.
67 With the stability pact in place, the number of shock absorbers is diminishing.
68 The auto maker said the pact will permit better matching of output and demand.
69 The agreement is the first between the nations since a 1970s pact on polar bear hunting.
70 The Pact did not provide any machinery for enforcement: it merely pledged the nations to outlaw war.
71 The pact is widely seen as one of the environmental fruits of glasnost in the Soviet Union.
72 But before they gave up their freedom they made a solemn pact to see them through possible months in jail.
73 Whichever way, the devil will seal the pact for the usual price of his new agent's soul.
74 In making a pact with this devil, Lancaster County made a Faustian bargain.
75 The rights advocates claim the pact proves the market people were wrong all along.
76 The pact calls for the continued employment of economic sanctions.
77 The most recent and comprehensive of these relationships was the Lib-Lab Pact of 1977-79.
78 The pact calls for the destruction of all stockpiles within four years of ratification and the clearance of minefields within 10 years.
79 Eventually 62 states adhered to the pact.
80 They signed a nonaggression pact.
81 The pact was unintelligent for another reason.
82 The two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact.
83 This is a pact between us.
84 It was a pact made in fun long ago.
85 The DPP portrays the pact as a Trojan horse.
86 You could have,for example(),some sort of suicide pact.
87 Nevertheless, Beijing is acting with extreme caution even as North Korea threatens to 'totally freeze' relations with South Korea and pull out of a nonaggression pact.
88 But strong political opposition to the pact has reduced Mr. Singh's government to a minority, prompting him to seek a confidence vote in a two-day session of parliament, starting Monday.
89 But the plans for that system also include advanced land-based versions, some of which would be based in former Warsaw Pact countries, including Poland and Romania.
90 In 1968, the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia.
91 Thomas Mann in his novel Doktor Faustus tells the story of a composer based mainly on Arnold Schoenberg, whom resentment drives to make a pact with the Devil.
92 The first phase of Kyoto ends in 2012 and final negotiations on a new global climate change pact are set to be completed in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December.
93 Deceiving others into making a suicide pact doesn't conduct crimes.
94 But the proposed pact is expected to include a commitment to rapidly replenish the retooling program, a priority of the speaker.
95 PENN.O) said on Thursday its $6.1 billion takeover pact had been terminated, marking the latest leveraged buyout to crumble amid tight credit markets and a weak U.S. economy.
96 When Obama traveled to Copenhagen in 2009 to seal a climate pact, Chinese leaders abjectly humiliated him before sinking the deal.
97 Under an international pact, the preference for leap seconds is December 31 or June 30.
98 The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel[http://], PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.
99 The trade pact between those two countries came to an end.
100 The papers show that the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ignored dozens of Soviet intelligence reports warning him about an imminent invasion despite a non-aggression pact between Berlin and Moscow.
101 While the US and newer Nato members, from the former Warsaw Pact, are keen to draw Georgia and Ukraine closer, others like Germany and France are wary of antagonising Russia, a key energy supplier.
102 Just over a month after resigning, Mr Tronchetti Provera and other investors in Telecom Italia registered a shareholders' pact with Consob, Italy's stockmarket watchdog.
103 Mearsheimer, John. Conventional Deterrence. All but the Chapter on the Nato - Pact competition.
104 Germany had to ask, humiliatingly, for lenient implementation of the Stability Pact it had insisted upon, and the European Union agreed.
105 The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc.
106 Hitler's attack on Russia , shortly after his pact with Stalin, was a stunning demarche.
107 For his allies under the Warsaw pact, Gorbachev believed that the reforms he had tried at home would work to modernize each nation's ruling Communist Party.
108 A Indonesian confrontation over a Singapore trading pact with Malaya.
109 It has incorporated former East and Central European members of the Warsaw Pact and expanded – controversially – up to the Russian border.
110 "In Lebanon, Christians and Muslims made a conviviality, a 'National Pact, '" Rai said.
111 The parents of a boy who killed himself in a suicide pact arranged over China's most popular instant messaging service, QQ, are suing its owner, Shenzhen-based Tencent Holdings Ltd.
112 The common divisor pact is the most important self - government regulation.
113 The international "Tokyo Round" trade pact signed in 1979 calls for more open international competition in bidding for government contracts.
114 The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.
115 The Iraqi Cabinet voted overwhelmingly to approve a new military pact with the United States, after weeks of bitter debate and fiery opposition from several influential shi'ite leaders.
116 The Red Army adopted the AK-47 as its standard infantry weapon in 1949, and it was standard issue for the major Warsaw Pact armies as well.
117 We have an unspoken collected pact to pretend climate change wasn't happening.
118 The agreement is the largest such pact for the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994.
119 The Iraqi government's council of ministers has voted to approve a three-year military pact with the United States, despite the bitter opposition of several hardline Shi'ite leaders.
120 Although Communist, his new government and its successors (he died in 1980) managed to steer their own path between the Warsaw Pact nations and the West for the next four and a half decades.
121 We made a solemn pact to go to sea together.
122 This is what makes the suicide pact similar to a demonic sexual seduction.
123 A free - trade pact with China should be a top priority.
124 Moscow has threatened to target its missiles at former Warsaw Pact countries that host western military facilities, saying the U.S. missile shield plans threaten Russian security.
125 It cannot compete with the 7.62 mm fired by Warsaw Pact weapons.
126 Fatah flags which briefly flew in Gaza after the reconciliation pact are again being furled.
127 Romania was the only Warsaw Pact country to come to L . A.
128 "Yes, that is a possible concern," said Nefeterius Mcpherson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative's office, which is hosting the 10th round of talks this week on the proposed pact.
129 This led to a non - aggression pact between the two countries.
130 They ratify the pact because they think it will bring peace.
131 The 1990 treaty mandated equal ceilings on key equipment such as tanks and aircraft for the now-defunct Warsaw Pact and NATO.
132 Achilles makes a secret pact and I have to honor it?
133 When Osmani first heard they were coming, he had feared a bunch of Warsaw Pact headbangers, who would use their artillery and Soviet-model Hind gunships on everything that moved.
134 Had not both countries signed a Nordic mutual - defence pact against financial destabilisation?
135 The pact was expected to be signed by the two countries during Secretary Rice's visit to the Indian capital, but that did not happen.
136 They construed the social contract as a pact of complete subjection to an absolute sovereign.
137 Two strangers who met online killed themselves in what is thought to be Britain's first internet suicide pact.
138 What Bean didn't point out, because everyone knew it, was that Greece was part of the New Warsaw Pact, and it was quite possible that Greek military craft might be acting under Russian command.
139 The voters may be ready to punish the politicians who devised a faint-hearted solidarity pact.
140 Syria appealed to Nasser, who had signed a defence pact with it.
141 In 1968, an invasion by Warsaw Pact troops ended the efforts of the country"s leaders to liberalise party rule and create "socialism with a human face" during the Prague Spring.
142 In August 1939 , Stalin and Hitler signed a non - aggression treaty known as the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact.
143 But what really scared him was the stability pact, which he likened to a medieval torture chamber.
144 In 1961 it was chosen as the main training aircraft for the participating countries of the Warsaw Pact.
145 The tool holder is small, com pact, noiseless, expecially its transmission is ...
146 General Bernard Rogers says West Germany's latest military budget will not help the North Atlantic Treaty organisation close its arms gap with the communist Warsaw Pact.
147 The international anti - corruption pact prescribes that the scope of bribe is the malfeasance good.
148 Two brilliant university students were found dead in a hotel room after apparently rigging up a laptop to deliver lethal injections in what is thought to have been a suicide pact.
149 The unpopularity of the Hoare-Laval pact in Britain forced Hoare to resign.
150 After World War II, Czechoslovakia came under the influence of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact from 1945 onward.
151 But Iran's judiciary chief , Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, said the Iraqi actedwell in approving the pact.
152 Those links were cemented by a broad trade pact that took effect this month.
153 The Kellogg - Briand Peace Pact was signed in Paris.
154 In the corner was his famous rucksack with cleaned-up pots and pans all fitting into one another in a com pact unit and all tied and put away inside a knotted-up blue bandana.
155 Chapter 4 studies the real estate management regulation, especially contract, owners self - government mechanism common divisor pact.
156 The first known Internet suicide pact surfaced in Japan in 2000, and a new epidemic has been raging there since last April.
157 This pact slowly erodes as members defect and outside demand gets more elastic.
158 U.S. and Indian officials met over the weekend to try and formalize a follow-on pact,[/pact.html] which is designed to ensure that New Delhi won't reprocess American-sold nuclear fuel into weapons-grade material.
159 In Punjab, where the group was founded and where leaders like Ishaq continue to openly preach hatred, the provincial government has entered a nonaggression pact with LeJ, says analyst Rana.
160 I pointed out that a declaration that NATO would stop its expansion with the Warsaw Pact nations would be tantamount to announcing a new dividing line in Europe, with a smaller Russian empire.
161 A principal hang-up on the U.S.-South Korea trade pact — one of the three deals negotiated by the Bush administration but not yet approved by Congress — is Seoul's restrictions on auto imports.
162 The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.
163 Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.
164 The trade pact will be a test of whether that hope can be fulfilled.
165 A more overtly nuclear-armed North Korea would also bolster Japan's already increasingly close security pact with America.
166 You and I mush make a pact. We must bring salvation back.
167 I often expect that you can ask me"how's your work" or "how's your dwell", and you always satisfied me when I'm expecting, shall I refer it as an unvoiced pact?
168 Civil society organizations united in a common front, forcing the regime to accept the true results under a pact reached in May 2006.
169 The world work has responded proactively fitting that ILO adopted Global Jobs Pact.
170 But Taiwan's pro - independence opposition Democratic Progressive Party has opposed a comprehensive economic pact.
171 How did you really foresee he'd make a pact with Stalin?
172 It is the largest pact of its kind for the United States since the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
173 The whole high school was shocked at the gogo who killed themselves in a suicide pact.
174 It seems too late, though, for the Abkhaz to reconsider their pact with their powerful northern neighbor.
175 He cited the cases of a girl committing suicide after continued cyber-bullying and harassments and an online suicide pact among youth thwarted by South Korean police.
176 High - Level Negotiations on WTO Global Trade Pact to Resume.




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