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单词 stupid
释义 Word family  noun stupidity stupid adjective stupid adverb stupidly  stu·pid1 /ˈstjuːpɪd $ ˈstuː-/ ●●● S1 W3 adjective  1  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEshowing a lack of good sense or good judgment 愚蠢的,傻的 SYN silly stupid mistakes 愚蠢的错误 That was a stupid thing to say. 那样说可真傻。 I can’t believe Kate was stupid enough to get involved in this. 我简直不能相信凯特这么傻,会介入这件事情。stupid idea/question Whose stupid idea was this? 这是谁的蠢主意? It was stupid of me to lose my temper. 我大发脾气,真是太愚蠢了。n RegisterStupid is very frequent in spoken English, but in written English people usually prefer to use more a formal alternative, such as foolish or unwise, which sounds more polite.2  STUPID/NOT INTELLIGENThaving a low level of intelligence, so that you have difficulty learning or understanding things 笨的,头脑迟钝的 He understands – he’s not stupid. 他明白——他又不笨。 I couldn’t do it, and it made me feel stupid. 这件事我做不来,这让我感到自己很愚蠢。3  spokenANNOY used when you are talking about something or someone that makes you annoyed or impatient 恼人的,讨厌的〔用以表示气恼或不耐烦〕 I can’t get this stupid radio to work. 我没办法弄响这台讨厌的收音机。 What is that stupid idiot doing? 那个蠢蛋在做什么?4. stupid with cold/sleep/shock etc CONFUSEDunable to think clearly because you are extremely cold, tired etc 冷得迷糊/睡得迷糊/震惊得发傻等 —stupidly adverb I stupidly agreed to organize the party. 我愚蠢地应下了组织派对的任务。 THESAURUSstupid showing a total lack of good sense or good judgment. Stupid sounds very strong and is often used when you are annoyed or strongly criticizing someone’s behaviour 愚蠢的,傻的〔stupid语气强烈,常用于表达愤怒或强烈指责某人的行为〕I wish you’d stop asking stupid questions. 我希望你别再问愚蠢的问题了。It was stupid of me to leave the door unlocked. 我没把门锁好,真是太蠢了。nWell, if you’re stupid enough to skate on the lake, you deserve to fall in.silly doing or saying things that are not sensible or serious, and that may make you feel embarrassed later. Silly sounds much gentler than stupid 没头脑的,傻的〔silly的语气比stupid温和许多〕a silly mistake 愚蠢的错误Don’t be so silly! There’s nothing wrong with you. 别傻了!你什么问题都没有。nI think you’re silly to worry so much about your hair.daft informal not sensible, often in a way that is also amusing 傻的〔常指好笑的〕Is this another of your daft ideas? 这又是你的一个傻主意?Don’t be daft! Of course you’re not too old to go clubbing. 别傻了!你当然没有老到不可以去夜总会了。dumb informal especially American English stupid 愚蠢的a dumb question 愚蠢的问题He was dumb enough to believe her. 他够蠢的,居然相信她。nOh, I just did the dumbest thing back there, I forgot my purse.foolish stupid. Foolish sounds rather formal and is used mainly in written English. The usual words to use in everyday English are silly or stupid 愚蠢的〔foolish 相当正式,主要用于书面英语,日常英语中通常用silly或stupid〕It was a foolish thing to say. 说这话真蠢。They did not want to look foolish. 他们不想显得傻乎乎的。nIt was all a foolish dream.nI think the board of directors made a foolish choice that it will later regret.unwise formal done without thinking carefully enough about the possible disadvantages that may result 不明智的,轻率的She knew the marriage was unwise. 她知道这桩婚事很草率。an unwise choice of words 不明智的措辞nIt would be very unwise to speculate. nbrave British English often humorous used when you think that what someone is planning or suggesting is certain to fail, but you do not want to say directly that they are behaving in a stupid wayThe leader of the opposition described it as ‘a brave decision.’I think he’s being very brave.very stupid 非常愚蠢crazy not at all sensible or reasonable – used when you are very surprised by someone’s behaviour or what they have said 失去理智的,发疯的〔尤用于对某人的行为或言语感到非常惊讶〕Ian’s got some crazy plan to drive across Africa. 伊恩疯了,打算驾车穿越非洲大陆。She looked at me as if I was crazy! 她看我的样子就像我疯了似的!nYou’re crazy to think of hitch-hiking on your own.ridiculous extremely stupid 极愚蠢的,荒唐的You look ridiculous in that hat. 你戴那顶帽子很可笑。Some people spend a ridiculous amount of money on cars. 有些人花好多钱买车,太荒唐了。nIt’s absolutely ridiculous to suggest that he would do something like that.absurd/ludicrous extremely stupid – used especially when an idea or situation seems strange or illogical 荒谬的,不合情理的How can a return ticket cost less than a single? It’s totally absurd! 怎么往返票比单程票还便宜?这太荒谬了!It was a ludicrous idea. 这主意很荒唐。nSome of the objections to the theory are simply absurd.laughable so stupid that you cannot believe someone is telling the truth or being serious 可笑的,荒唐的The accusations were almost laughable. 这些指控简直是可笑。a laughable suggestion 可笑的建议nIt would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.Examples from the Corpusstupid• She is sometimes naive, but she's not stupid.• She talks to us as if we're completely stupid.• Maybe he thinks Wayne is big and ugly and greasy and stupid.• She could tell, instantly, that he was stupid.• This has got to be one of the most embarrassing film moments of the year -- sophomoric, self-congratulatory and stupid.• I was very drunk last night -- I hope I didn't do anything stupid.• The easy answer is, they were stupid, and it may be the real answer, too.• It was also extremely stupid, because it means she knows about it and so you can't blackmail me.• You stupid boy! I've told you not to play with matches!• Perhaps he had been stupid, but had he actually done any damage?• Well, if you're stupid enough to skate on the lake, you deserve to fall in.• The stupid gate won't open properly.• This is stupid - I don't want to play this game anymore.• I didn't say you were stupid, I said it was a stupid thing to do.• Withdraw the police from the area? I've never heard such a stupid idea!• Don't you call me a stupid idiot!• You'd have to be stupid not to take advantage of a great offer like this!• It was stupid of me to believe her of course, but I did.• But without the cricket intelligence, straight-talking is a stupid pastime.• It's only stupid people who believe in all that astrology mumbo-jumbo.• a stupid question• I have to stay late and finish this stupid report.• He's so stupid that he couldn't even find New York on the map.• We did a lot of stupid things in high school.• It was a stupid thought and she was not amused.• Poor Larry's too stupid to realize when you're making fun of him.stupid idea/question• And how many more times was he going to ask himself that stupid question?• I don't come barging in and upsetting my daughter with stupid questions.• It was, in one sense, a stupid question.• Sorry - I mean - I mean that it was a stupid question!• As the women talked and asked stupid questions about his novels he imagined putting them in the next one.• What on earth had made her ask a stupid question like that?• Sometimes she exasperated herself with the stupid ideas she had.• It just seemed such a stupid question that's all.stupid2 noun spoken not polite  an insulting way of talking to someone who you think is being stupid 笨蛋,蠢货No, stupid, don’t do it like that! 不,笨蛋,不要那样做!Origin stupid1 (1500-1600) French stupide, from Latin stupidus, from stupere “to surprise extremely, stun”stu·pid1 adjective →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1stupid2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  judgment or lack good a Corpus good showing sense of




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