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单词 Expanding
1. The ranks of the teachers are constantly expanding.
2. Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
3. Our automobile industry is expanding.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Can the human race carry on expanding and growing the same way that it is now?
5. The city is expanding.
6. The business is expanding fast.
7. Organic farming is expanding everywhere.
8. The shipbuilding industry is rapidly expanding.
9. The universe is expanding rather than contracting.
10. The two companies forged ahead, innovating and expanding.
11. They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce.
12. The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
13. The tourist industry is still expanding rapidly.
14. The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising.
15. Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber.
16. The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.
17. The House of Mattli is expanding from couture into ready-to-wear.
18. High interest rates can be a disincentive to expanding a business.
19. We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.
20. The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.
21. The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
22. Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.
23. The council is now set on expanding the sports centre.
24. The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.
25. The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
26. to stop doing sth:The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company.
27. Ian has floated the idea that we should think about expanding into Europe next year.
28. This project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
29. The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
30. The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company.
1. The ranks of the teachers are constantly expanding.
2. Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
3. Our automobile industry is expanding.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Can the human race carry on expanding and growing the same way that it is now?
5. The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.
6. The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
7. The city is expanding.
8. Organic farming is expanding everywhere.
9. The shipbuilding industry is rapidly expanding.
10. They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce.
11. Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber.
12. The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.
31. During his senior year, Jeff is expanding his activities.
32. The gender gap is neither expanding nor shrinking.
33. With engineering expanding in parallel with car making.
33. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
34. The semantic net of remedial was expanding and expanding.
35. Peterborough is expanding rapidly as a New Town.
36. She added to his rapidly expanding jewelry collection.
37. The art of expanding limited recall by asking leading, open-ended questions is a subtle one.
38. Its economy is rapidly expanding, partly thanks to its many natural resources and its enormous reserves of hydro-electric energy.
39. Expanding haulage firms, however, seem largely to have neglected the possibilities offered by a franchising arrangement.
40. It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers.
41. But nothing would be viewed with more suspicion than this method of expanding output.
42. The same can be said of the postmodern discovery that the universe is expanding.
43. The Rucksack Club was founded in 1902, originally Manchester based but expanding into branches throughout the country.
44. But why did they choose to build on their own valuable market places instead of expanding outwards into suburbs?
45. In 1981,() he became an administrator at the publishing company Hachette before expanding his interest to the Filipacchi group in 1984.
46. Babies deprive women of the opportunity to earn money through the expanding opportunities for full- and part-time work now available.
47. He was elected a director of the rapidly expanding Company in 1767, and was appointed deputy chairman the following year.
48. The pressure of the expanding beans forced the western outer wall to collapse.
49. As budgets contract, appetites are expanding for old favourites such as oxtail soup and casseroles.
50. Not only is production expanding rapidly as foreign mining outfits plunge in, world coal prices have been rising.
51. By 1996 the strategy had succeeded in significantly expanding the scope of school-to-work in Tulsa.
52. The best social principle to follow may be to build the enterprise upon existing and expanding social networks.
53. Now the approach is expanding to include world class quality service.
54. Locally and nationally, the expanding software and computer applications industrial sector offers challenging and rewarding employment prospects.
55. Profits and expanding industries A few hypothetical examples will explain more concretely how the market system determines what is to be produced.
56. President Bush talked about expanding health care for children nearly a decade ago.
57. The expanding region will attract capital for investment and workers will migrate from the less advantaged areas.
58. When the industry is expanding and labour is scarce, management will obviously have less control over productivity.
59. The cash will be used to fund a major investment programme, including buying new housing land and expanding its quarrying business.
60. The more extreme Euro-pessimists would view any attempt at expanding demand to reduce unemployment as being necessarily inflationary.
61. The leisure industry, however, is one of the world's largest and most rapidly expanding businesses.
62. The white population around the borders of the reservation was growing and expanding.
63. The county is expanding its list of stores and outlets where the public can buy sandbags and sand,(http:///expanding.html) if needed.
64. Bridge the expanding number of technologies used in aircraft maintenance 6.
65. It helps children to explore their gradually expanding world through topics that are relevant and interesting.
66. The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics.
67. All this is perhaps inevitable in a subject which is expanding at the rate of around 1000 research publications a year.
68. The result was a triumph for Keynesian economics: a vigorous and expanding universe, filled with material objects.
69. But Brandt's were a much bigger concern than Benn's and were aggressively expanding their share of the world market.
70. At that rate the flow of bank lending is, and the money supply is expanding at a corresponding rate.
71. Nylon does have an exasperating trait of expanding in the wet and cold, causing the fly to sag.
72. Not surprisingly, these expanding missions have been accompanied by increases in manpower and budget.
73. In the warm sunlight, I feel with certainty that my world is expanding and my mind with it.
74. Development costs could be reduced by expanding these existing nuclear sites which are currently used primarily to produce fuel for military purposes.
75. The rapidly expanding capabilities of information technology would facilitate the process.
76. The possibility of expanding into other areas outside canoeing is also being considered.
77. The benefit has been expanding rapidly since a 1989 lawsuit forced the government to ease requirements for coverage.
78. While ploughs are clearing land, expanding livestock populations are denuding the land of vegetation.
79. According to the company, the market is expanding fast: three-quarters of its sales were made in the past 18 months.
80. The staff relaxed, until the building started expanding and contracting - an effect they described as akin to heavy breathing.
81. Take your deep, quiet, slow breath and feel your ribs expanding sideways as the air fills your lungs.
82. I hope, therefore, that it will look at the opportunities for expanding the scheme.
83. Thus a shrinking industrial sector had to produce enough to finance an expanding non-industrial sector.
84. As a result, corporate cash flows have been expanding apace, and profit margins have improved.
85. His career neatly illustrates the expanding commercial possibilities for famous sportsmen outside the field of play.
86. The expanding copper and tin mines of west Cornwall depended on mule trains until the second quarter of the nineteenth century.
87. Republicans were suspicious about what they saw as an expanding role for the government.
88. In fact, though, various developments are expanding the range of public engagement.
89. As a result it enters 1993 with the twin objectives of expanding its home sales and divesting some of its landholdings.
90. Local radio Here is your golden media opportunity for local radio is an expanding market place for public relations.
91. The Youth Club has increased in popularity this session and has a thriving expanding membership.
92. That motivation disappeared when it was discovered that the universe is expanding.
93. Internet connections expanding by 15 percent a month. Fiber optics transmitting 40 billion bits of data per second.
94. Has he signed up one of the most formidable Arabs to ride for his expanding pro team?
95. From Melbourne to Seoul, intraregional trade and investments were rapidly expanding.
96. Both have endorsed expanding the IRA because it is a proven winner in increasing personal and national savings.
97. Basically that argument was simply that the country could not afford to go on expanding non-productive sectors such as social services.
98. The Clinton administration has proposed expanding Operation Restore Trust nationwide by allocating it $ 597 million under the fiscal 1997 budget proposal.
99. They are expanding their knowledge of brain circuitry and learning-related physiological changes in the brains of higher mammals.
100. Try to find a copy if you are considering expanding your horizons.
101. The money will be invested on upgrading sorting offices and expanding the Post Office vehicle fleet.
102. The Expanding Discourse maps the progress and diversity of feminist art history debates through 29 essays written in the 1980s.
103. So, more marginally, has the competitive prestige that goes with expanding national product.
104. This can help provide more domain-specific definitions, and reduce the combinatorial explosion produced by expanding definitions beyond the first level.
105. Industrial capitalism was indeed expanding productive power and creating a sharp division between employers and employees.
106. The size and the number of actuarial firms is expanding rapidly in response to the demand for their services.
107. A national economy that is expanding without creating inflationary pressures that would force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates.
108. In the present epoch the systematic red shift of galactic spectra indicates that the Universe is expanding.
109. This, however, had the effect of dramatically expanding the market for polythene.
110. Mr Courroye's expanding investigation now includes the former interior minister, Charles Pasqua.
111. A pool of light, expanding circles, merging, dragging me down.
112. There was for example the capacity of an expanding middle class to afford their own homes.
113. These programmes were founded on a comprehensive Welfare State system complemented by the demand management of an expanding mixed economy.
114. It is investing heavily in research and development, and is expanding its marketing operation this year.
115. Docherty declined to say how much the companies are investing together in expanding the network.
116. These adjustments carry through to the resource market as expanding industries demand more resources and contracting industries demand fewer.
117. Since about 1840 they had been expanding the scope of their products to include the whole range of cotton-processing machinery.
118. The first phase of the plan involves expanding its existing solar station beside the closed Rancho Seco nuclear plant this year.
119. The company also is expanding into the cellular phone business.
120. It was an absurd capper to the ongoing trend of expanding weather coverage.
121. But what would happen if and when the universe stopped expanding and began to contract?
122. For avoiding trouble instead of expanding it to force-feed the bottom line?
123. It is not a lack of money that keeps parishioners from expanding the historic house of worship.
124. The most difficult part of the Boards' programme of expanding the distribution system was in rural areas.
125. Isabella gallops around, winning battles, expelling Moors from strongholds, her appetites expanding by the week.
126. The company said it is expanding the description of certain technical aspects of the shareholderrights plan it adopted Jan. 4.
127. Sharp, in particular, are rapidly expanding the range of memory cards which can be slotted into their IQ organisers.
128. Expanding the model will, however, progressively reveal activities that may be observable in practice.
129. Why are the 1990s likely to be years of expanding use of interactive multimedia?
130. It was rather a huge success in sociopolitical terms, in vastly expanding the range of the shareholding classes.
131. We set about expanding output along all the relevant dimensions.
132. Movie theater chains are expanding rapidly, and even small local theaters are getting in on the act.
133. They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again, back into the original primal seed.
134. The company sells its batteries mainly through electronics stores but is expanding to grocery shops and kiosks.
135. Since then, the death cap has been steadily expanding its range, helped along recently by a string of rainy winters.
136. Dillons is expanding its market and is opening new bookshops every year.
137. Since an expanding post-war economy stimulated immigration into Britain, governments have imposed more and more severe restrictions on entry.
138. In February, federal government negotiators signed an accord with the Zapatista rebels that calls for expanding indigenous rights.
139. In western countries, in modern times, economic growth and expanding public activity have, with rare exceptions, gone together.
140. This principle needs expanding to cover impacts on communities, and on language and cultural identity.
141. Have physicians' fees fallen relative to other prices in response to the growing competition among the rapidly expanding numbers of physicians?
142. Giddy from their wartime success, the Communists launched an ambitious plan aimed at expanding the economy by 14 percent a year.
143. Both were expanding their departments as well, though not so fast as Ranieri.
144. These flats are home to huge numbers of ghost shrimps, a popular bait item which supports a small but expanding fishery.
145. If the lung is expanding, the radiation bouncing off it is pushed closer together, slightly raising its frequency.
146. The existence of expanding and contracting directions is an essential prerequisite for chaotic behaviour in dissipative systems of this sort.
147. She had already begun to gyrate and deepen, before expanding like some mammoth top.
148. We're expanding the range, so there's bags of variation there.
149. Here you would have seen a great attraction and opportunities to do well in expanding industries.
150. All this changes drastically in industrial societies, where the economy is perpetually expanding.
151. The new simulations, it is claimed, show that instead the universe will go on expanding for ever.
152. The move fulfils Barclays' objective of expanding in long-term savings.
153. The liquid is turned into a vapour and the pressure of the expanding vapour turns a turbine to produce the electricity.
154. And the rapidly expanding public school system itself created a huge demand for teachers.
155. In an expanding economy, growth tends to concentrate on industrial goods and services.
156. The expanding exhibition programme at Portland Place has received improved coverage.
157. It is important that the people are involved, because the industry itself is expanding at an extraordinary rate.
158. Certainly workwear has its limitations, but there remains a lot of potential to promote its many strengths to an expanding audience.
159. Expanding output would add more to social benefit than to social cost.
160. The wiretap provision drew opposition this year from liberals and conservatives concerned about expanding government power.
161. An expanding body of data suggests that this modest investment can pay big dividends.
162. Telephone experience, especially in the expanding call centre area, is valued.
163. This is the direction of time in which the universe is expanding rather than contracting.
164. His lower abdomen was expanding and contracting in a deep, regular pattern.
165. Since marginal cost is less than marginal consumer benefit, society would gain by expanding the output of such industries.
166. Private enterprise now accounts for half the economy and is expanding by 25% a year.
167. These are not encouraging recommendations for expanding the role of public opinion in major decision making about affairs of state.
168. A nuee consists of an incandescent mass of solid fragments, buoyed up by the rush of expanding, heated gases.
169. A particular coup for the firm was the contract to supply the rapidly expanding Marks and Spencer chain.
170. London is expanding outwards at an alarming rate, swallowing up large areas of beautiful countryside.
171. The coastal towns are expanding in their hinterlands rather than along the waterfront, and disused industrial areas are favoured for development.
172. Breathe in and out - not too deeply, expanding both the top and bottom of the rib cage Muscle-tensing.
173. Clinton could challenge his allies to face that difficult reality and begin formulating alternative means for expanding opportunity.
174. The expanding non-agricultural sector itself provided farmers with new opportunities and incentives.
175. Future plans include expanding their service area to include South Dakota, Wisconsin and Montana.
176. In the nursery class, a semi-structured interview schedule was used, with ample opportunity for expanding answers.
177. For Dai, John James and others involved, the problem was one of the most frustrating of the expanding years.
178. Will the universe eventually stop expanding and start contracting, or will it expand for ever?
179. The country's railway network was expanding rapidly and the manufacture of steel rails was a lucrative business for Sheffield firms.
180. She will be working on a wide range of projects for our expanding activities in savoury food ingredients.
181. He launched into bus production and truck transport, before expanding to aeronautics.
182. On this second front he goes beyond Parsons by expanding the opportunities of scholars with variant theoretical perspectives.
183. Throughout it all, an expanding group of change leaders at McKinsey continued to improvise.
184. This led to an increase in urban employment opportunities and the expanding workforce gave rise to a greater demand for food.
185. These reservoirs behave as imperfectly elastic containers, expanding and contracting to accommodate fluxes of melt.
186. Must rising wages and expanding production hit a brick wall, leading to layoffs and falling output?
187. We're expanding rapidly, and it's imperative that we function with more efficiency.
188. Servers are one of the key physical ingredients in expanding the Internet.
189. Jez San finds that games consoles are shrinking in size but expanding in range and addictiveness potential..
190. Convention center plans call for expanding upon an outdoor parking lot adjacent to, and south of, the existing center.
191. The sports and leisure market is expanding more quickly than ever before.
192. The story starts in the middle of the last century when Darlington was expanding rapidly.
193. He turned the beef holding into a dairy farm and soon began expanding by leasing other dairy farms all over Ireland.
194. Agriculture has also been the beneficiary of rapid industrial growth and urban development, which have created expanding market opportunities.
195. However, for the twelfth century we are much better informed about the rapidly expanding wine trade.
196. Whether by some form of contract or by increasing local capital, firms can continue expanding their economic involvement.
197. Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life. Ayn Rand 
198. In addition, an expanding Kingston required increasing amounts of fruit and market garden produce which are currently the main products.
199. In the 1880s, the expanding population of Liverpool led to an increased demand for water.
200. The finding moves the heart into the rapidly expanding club of organs that appear to have a capacity for self-repair.
201. The material flies away from the sun into interplanetary space in an expanding, dome-shaped cloud front.
202. In pre-modern Berlin the claims on land of this expanding state machinery had already driven land values famously high.
203. The impetus for these practices came from the need to remunerate the rapidly expanding number of clerks in royal service.
204. Netwise thought direct sales would increase by expanding into potential geographical markets.
205. Observations of distant galaxies indicate that they are moving away from us: The universe is expanding.
206. Many Low Countrymen of more modest means emigrated for much of the year to work in expanding sectors of the economy.
207. As the partial equilibrium analysis suggested, a procompetitive effect, with monopolistic industries expanding, is expected from trade.
208. The government is only cautiously expanding the limited free-market alterations of its socialist economy begun four years ago.
209. Eleven years ago I wrote to the then President of our Institute making the case for expanding the role of the Institute.
210. With growing demand, Mike could exercise exchange leverage over an expanding number of people ready to change.
211. Einstein's equations showed the Universe to be expanding.
212. The heart pumps by expanding and contracting of muscle.
213. The economy is expanding, notching up high growth rates.
214. At present, China's nuclear power industry is expanding, prompting substantial import of technologies and equipment.
215. Then , slowly, the surviving Hellenistic kingdoms were swallowed by the expanding Roman empire.
216. Expanding with heat and contracting with cold is a natural phenomenon.
217. The formula of tube expanding force is deduced using the slab method.




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