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单词 Monopoly
(1) The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.
(2) Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.
(3) The company has a virtual monopoly in world markets.
(4) In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly.
(5) In the past central government had a monopoly on television broadcasting.
(6) His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established.
(7) The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.
(8) Managers do not have a monopoly on stress.
(9) During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
(10) In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly.
(11) One company holds a monopoly of the raw materials.
(12) The company will become a state-owned monopoly.
(13) The company was able to exploit its monopoly position.
(14) Teachers do not have a monopoly on educational debate.
(15) Women do not have a monopoly on feelings of betrayal.
(16) A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich.
(17) Is Microsoft a monopoly?
(18) You can't have a complete monopoly of the car I need to use it occasionally.
(19) This Act of Parliament guaranteed solicitors a monopoly on particular legal services.
(20) The company lost its monopoly on exporting beer to India.
(21) A good education should not be the monopoly of the rich.
(22) "Monopoly" is one of the best-selling games of all time.
(23) For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US.
(24) This monopoly position is therefore totally beyond criticism.
(25) Costs can be rising in a natural monopoly industry.
(26) Mr O'Neill ran Alcoa, a virtual aluminium monopoly.
(27) How would you calculate the social cost of monopoly?
(28) The growth of monopoly drastically alters this situation.
(29) They are demanding an end to the Communist Party's monopoly of power .
(30) Over the years, he's picked off his competitors so that he now has a virtual monopoly.
(1) The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.
(2) Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.
(3) The company has a virtual monopoly in world markets.
(4) In the past central government had a monopoly on television broadcasting.
(5) They are demanding an end to the Communist Party's monopoly of power .
(6) His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established.
(7) The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.
(8) In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly.
(9) Over the years, he's picked off his competitors so that he now has a virtual monopoly.
(31) The system of publicly owned monopoly is flawed.
(32) Plants do not have a monopoly on photosynthesis.
(33) It did both under its previous government-granted monopoly.
(34) What happened in the water industry, for example, was that a public monopoly was turned into a private monopoly.
(35) Simple monopoly replaced liberal capitalism in the period between 1873 and 1918 as a result of a severe slump and depression.
(36) James met with similar intransigence when he attempted to use his dispensing power to break the Anglican monopoly over education.
(37) Another influential book of the seventies, Braverman's Labour and Monopoly Capital, proved gender-blind.
(38) It is also noteworthy that Hill was vehemently opposed to the statutory monopoly.
(39) On 23 June the state monopoly of radio and television was re-established.
(40) When this measure is larger than one, which happens in the presence of monopoly power, average revenue declines with output.
(41) Although technical monopoly may be a rarity, as already noted markets are commonly dominated by a small number of large producers.
(42) At the same time it amended the republic's constitution to abolish the guaranteed Communist Party monopoly of power.
(43) They fought tooth and nail to protect the solicitors' monopoly of conveyancing but eventually compromised by not objecting to licensed conveyancers.
(44) In this regard, the privatization strategy was criticized as merely transferring monopoly power from the public to the private sector.
(45) Working-class political parties also came to serve a useful integrative function for monopoly capital.
(46) The purpose of these calculations has been to demonstrate that rising average cost is consistent with natural monopoly.
(47) The West can surely produce a universal culture if it renounces its monopoly on scientific knowledge and the electronic agenda.
(48) These crafts are not necessarily the monopoly of any one group of animals.
(49) Until this time, Episcopalians enjoyed a near monopoly south of Maryland.
(50) In the United States the government has attempted to control monopoly primarily in two ways.
(51) He thought they could be beaten-that their virtual monopoly of the running shoe market could be overthrown.
(52) Telmex loses its monopoly over long-distance telephone service on Jan. 1.
(53) There they have operated,[http://] partly under genuine competition and partly as a monopoly controlled by a regulator.
(54) This did indeed run counter to the original principle of a benign public monopoly.
(55) A public corporation managing a monopoly might do so in a sectional interest.
(56) Class politics do not, in any case, enjoy a monopoly of political radicalism.
(57) His monopoly of printed and written news was breached by the exclusion crisis but then restored.
(58) Second, the welfare cost of monopoly is greater than the deadweight burden triangle itself.
(59) Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.
(60) However, the state monopoly of foreign trade was to become of critical importance later on.
(61) We will shortly examine the policies which have been adopted to restrict the degree of monopoly power exercised by large firms.
(62) Lewie and his monopoly were gone, a loss of at least a few hundred million dollars more.
(63) I had always assumed that this sort of civilized dismay at barbarism was the monopoly of our cause.
(64) No country has a monopoly on bravery; great deeds of heroism are liable to break out in the most unexpected places.
(65) Herein lies the crucial difference between open shop and closed shop monopoly union models.
(66) There has been an enormous and very genuine outcry over the vast sums it has made from a virtual monopoly position.
(67) Two problems recur in attempts to adopt any of the above solutions to the problem of natural monopoly.
(68) But rather than extract monopoly profits, firms can enjoy their market power by operating with higher costs so being x -inefficient.
(69) These monopoly power functions are constants when preferences are of the S-D-S type.
(70) The family fortune had been established by Evelyn's grandfather, who had acquired the monopoly of making gunpowder under the Tudors.
(71) Elsewhere, people of mixed race lost their monopoly of the middling-rank jobs, as they found themselves jostled from below.
(72) An important proposal was that the government should have an antitrust policy to curb monopoly power in business.
(73) Violence is not the monopoly of the exploiters and as such the exploited can use it too and, moreover, ought to use it when the moment arrives. Che Guevara 
(74) Other Western countries face the same problem of natural monopoly in these industries.
(75) But it does not necessarily hold these monopoly rights for all time.
(76) The state's former virtual monopoly of enterprises was reduced with the expansion of the private sector.
(77) Aspects of the Westland case also showed the dangers of a government monopoly over the dissemination of information and its resultant debate.
(78) In 1987 the para-profession of licensed conveyancer was created removing the legal professors' effective monopoly in this area.
(79) Popular culture instead reproduced essentially passive individuals as labour power for monopoly capitalism.
(80) As a result private entrepreneurs were driven to combine into monopoly cartels and to reinvest surplus capital abroad.
(81) Unfortunately, the Ego has made a monopoly of guilt, seeing it as a splendid excuse for misery and martyrdom.
(82) By bestowing gifts of monopoly and protection,[http:///monopoly.html] mercantilist policies paralyzed the body politic.
(83) Privatizing to a monopoly is not only senseless but extremely expensive.
(84) The investment bank is unlikely to be able to squeeze monopoly rent from a relationship.
(85) When a firm displays these economies of scale, we call it a natural monopoly.
(86) The first is that it maintain a monopoly of economic power.
(87) It was found guilty of using its monopoly in the personal computer industry to break into the internet browser market.
(88) Marketing traditionally has been an Achilles' heel for phone companies because of their monopoly mind-set.
(89) In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail.
(90) This chapter examines these questions from a theoretical standpoint within the framework of natural monopoly industries.
(91) Nevertheless, to introduce the idea of the social cost of monopoly power it is convenient to ignore economies of scale altogether.
(92) Thus in Britain, a series of laws have guaranteed solicitors a monopoly on particular services.
(93) Now encryption will cause the erosion of the current corporate monopoly on expertise and proprietary knowledge.
(94) The excellence of this machine eventually gave him a monopoly in refrigerated shipping.
(95) The problems of choosing an appropriate framework for any privatised natural monopoly have already been considered.
(96) The experiment a success, evolution suddenly lost its monopoly over the power to produce new species.
(97) They exercised an effective monopoly over Temple activities and Temple appointments.
(98) Perhaps such arguments are beside the main point, which is to cover the natural monopoly case.
(99) Greenpeace is deeply concerned that this development will lead to monopoly control over genetic resources and an even greater dependence on herbicides.
(100) Those suppliers of heavy materials and goods will easily survive, because they have a monopoly position.
(101) Solicitors will lose their monopoly on applying for grants of probate to deal with wills.
(102) This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm's monopoly power.
(103) Our concern essentially is with the first of these possibilities, the case of natural monopoly - no competition is possible.
(104) It is not the payment of interest at exorbitant rates and so we are not dealing necessarily with a monopoly situation.
(105) Certainly one to add to the collection of board games available on shareware such as monopoly and chess.
(106) The world is now parcelled up in independent States which claim a monopoly in the employment of nationalism.
(107) But this was not taken to mean any loosening of the monopoly of political power by the Bolsheviks.
(108) The whole net of relationships between community and subculture, class and centralizing monopoly capitalism thus took on a different shape.
(109) These small producers do not have a monopoly on quality and value, however.
(110) After all, sociologists have no monopoly over observing people and asking them questions.
(111) Therefore the possibility of there being a natural monopoly is intimately related to the assumptions regarding potential entrant behaviour.
(112) Playing on the defense are telephone companies and cable television companies,[] providers that have enjoyed monopoly positions for decades.
(113) The small firms provide goods and services to a large firm, which is in effect a monopoly buyer.
(114) The privatised boards have given themselves an inbuilt incentive to exploit their monopoly position.
(115) None the less, there remains a definite place for monopoly within the framework of analysis we have developed.
(116) In broadcasting - not a priority issue for the General - the state monopoly of both transmissions and programming was reaffirmed.
(117) When the Progressives embraced service delivery by administrative bureaucracies, they embraced monopoly.
(118) The second venture was a new London evening paper to challenge the Standard's monopoly.
(119) Second, public bureaus come to be organized in a monopolistic and centralized fashion to match the organization of monopoly capital.
(120) Within a few years, the company had a virtual monopoly over all trade with India.
(121) Hundreds of state-owned companies, from the telephone monopoly to steel foundries, have been sold in the past decade.
(122) The specter that has haunted the economist has been the monopoly seeking extortionate gains at the public expense.
(123) It became his program, and it established something akin to a monopoly over his mind.
(124) A visit to a stately home and certainly a game of Monopoly could not be pure fun, divorced from politics.
(125) We begin with a more general discussion of all forms of imperfect competition and monopoly power.
(126) But this will entail major political concessions by the government, including the surrender of the state monopoly over electronic media.
(127) Of course, with the development of international monopoly capital and multinational companies, additional sources of power have been brought into play.
(128) The reason for this is probably that it implies oligopolies that behave in a way intermediate between perfect competition and monopoly.
(129) He fears this would merely create a private-sector monopoly and would not improve the service.
(130) However, monopoly corporations and unions tend to resist the appropriation of surplus created by social capital but appropriated privately.
(131) For these reasons, the precise extent of the social cost of monopoly remains a subject of continuing controversy.
(132) Self also believes it is wrong to assume that bureau chiefs generally control a monopoly.
(133) Bureaucracies need to have a near monopoly of political and administrative information. 6.
(134) Also, when profits are driven down to zero, the degree of monopoly power equals the degree of economies of scale.
(135) It seems Mr Zaitsev may be about to lose his monopoly on fame.
(136) It has for years fought hard to preserve the monopoly in giant airliners that it has through the 747.
(137) He made us some fine sets of playing cards and a neat Monopoly board.
(138) Nobody now supposes that political processes begin and end with elections, or that elected governments have a monopoly of political power.
(139) It is a monopoly with a little managed competition on the fringes.
(140) Within modern capitalist societies the monopoly corporations constitute the dominant class fraction.
(141) No particular religion can ever embody the perfection of Religion or lay claim to a monopoly of Truth.
(142) This can result in higher outputs, lower prices and the reduction of monopoly profits.
(142) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(143) There is no monopoly on good ideas, nor any fixed blueprints to which community and individual development must conform.
(144) How should we measure the social cost of monopoly power and inefficient resource allocation?
(145) Its administrative monopoly gave it special privileges and preferential economic treatment.
(146) With the simple constant mark-up pricing supposed, the tax on monopoly profit makes no difference.
(147) The large dividends paid by the more successful companies incorporated a substantial element of monopoly profit.
(148) If they did work and were transferred to anyone, that person would have a private monopoly.
(149) It is my view that the Duty Solicitor scheme was set up by certain parties to break this monopoly.
(150) The most important was the monopoly on the re-sale of valuable Western goods, especially cars, within the country.
(151) For a few years it has a monopoly in world markets and a good order book.
(152) In such cases, governments can grant a private monopoly and regulate its prices, or they can create a public monopoly.
(153) The main concern of their administration was to profit from the monopoly over cinnamon, the principal export commodity.
(154) Microsoft, which has had a virtual monopoly, has managed 53 % a year.
(155) Broadcast station licenses and monopoly cable franchises cost their original owners nothing except legal fees.
(156) BThis monopoly protection will end once the doors of the electric power business fully open to competition over the next few years.
(157) It would have suited the economic interests of monopoly capital if the plan had proposed a high rate of growth.
(158) The Energy Act abolished the public sector's monopoly and allowed private companies to generate electricity as a main business.
(159) This is an anti- inflationary attempt to regulate the economy in conditions of monopoly and where there is an absence of competition.
(160) To a Marxist-Leninist, control of resources is power; the monopoly of political power follows from this rather than precedes it.
(161) This fusion is cemented by the dominant role of monopoly capital in financing and influencing non-communist political parties and the mass media.
(162) Bureaucracies are often credited with a monopoly of expertise which place them in a superior position to lay politicians.
(163) It was not easy to persuade the monarchy to let go of its monopoly of power.
(164) The removal of tariffs can reduce monopoly power within the home country by increasing the possible sources of supply.
(165) Real world monopoly is a much less precise concept than that of theory.
(166) In calculating the size of deadweight burden triangles under monopoly[], different economists have used different estimates of the elasticity of demand.
(167) But the main use of this act in relation to present concerns is regarding exploitation of monopoly situations.
(168) Tax concessions for new companies and the end of the state monopoly on import-export trade were also announced.
(169) When Telmex was privatized in 1989, it agreed to give up its monopoly over long-distance service in January 1997.
(170) The new Act removes the monopoly on starting and conducting litigation.
(171) Children of welfare-dependent single-parent families have neither a monopoly on juvenile crime nor a disdain for conventional values.
(172) The toy companies are always trying to find another money-spinner like Monopoly or the Barbie doll.
(172) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(173) We had grown up with a monopoly situation and there was no semblance of looking outside.
(174) Neither is it acceptable to see the state as entirely dependent on monopoly capital as some Marxists still suggest.
(175) These of course are the mergers most relevant to the formation of even larger companies with potential monopoly power.
(176) They therefore had a monopoly on technological advances and the dynamics of capitalist production.
(177) It acquired and developed the original photocopier technology and in its heyday it had a virtual monopoly and made huge profits.
(178) We enjoyed a monopoly in this trade, but unfortunately for those successful in the boom, it couldn't last for ever.
(179) Notice, finally, that this approach suggests that monopoly policy should not be independent of other aspects of government policy.
(180) The most we can say is that if there are still economies of scale unexploited, the industry is a natural monopoly.
(181) Within the state sector, the statutory public monopoly of electricity supply and express delivery service has been ended.
(182) Monopoly or the full control of supply, and hence of price, by a single firm was the ultimate security.
(183) It is not good for consumers if one company has a monopoly in any area of trade.
(184) But they will still be independent of a powerful state monopoly and monolith.
(185) Northern is taking steps to protect its supplies when the Milk Marketing Board's monopoly on milk ends.
(186) Everybody stops playing cards and Monopoly, turns toward the day-room door.
(187) Since the boycott of eastern goods was not totally effective, it enabled Gentile merchants to establish a virtual monopoly in commerce.
(188) Shares could plummet under plans by the government regulator to split the huge monopoly into two.
(189) First, they are related to subadditivity - the question of whether or not the industry is a natural monopoly.
(190) In principle, in some natural monopoly industries outside controls are superfluous.
(191) In many cases a virtual monopoly service has been involved and the direct target has been the public.
(192) One smaller Catalan industry, cork, was more consistent in its growth because it held a monopoly of raw material.
(193) It is poor families who are usually stuck with the worst consequences of school monopoly and bureaucratization.
(194) We will lower the limit on the Post office monopoly much closer to the level of the first class stamp.
(195) For a time at least the Bank as monopoly supplier can charge any rate it chooses.
(196) It allows them the monopoly to exploit their invention for a period without unauthorised limitation or competition.
(197) Catherine spoke with unusual authority at a time when men held a near monopoly on religious power in the church.
(198) Every Sunday we play Monopoly or some other board game.
(199) It has competition(), but such a mammoth market share as to be a monopoly.
(200) Above all, the United States had a monopoly on the atomic bomb.
(201) The buyer would want the price to be well below the value of his monopoly, to maximise his profits.
(202) As the medical establishment tightened its monopoly on diagnosis and prescription, it also expanded the area under its control.
(203) When an industry is imperfectly competitive we say that each firm in the industry enjoys a degree of monopoly power.
(204) The approach also assumes. without showing what it is, that monopoly capital has a single and unitary purpose and goal.
(205) The rising concentration of industry and the possible adverse effects on monopoly power are viewed as the factors of paramount importance.
(206) This has important consequences for a key factor in the model - the bureaucrat's monopoly of information.
(207) All the artificial constraints of maintaining a regulated monopoly mean that it is not in the best interests of the consumer.
(208) Because the state tried to enforce a monopoly on ideas, intellectuals were both at great risk and terrifically influential.
(209) If it falls also on monopoly profits, the total yield of the tax is.
(210) In passing, it is worth remarking that the ultimate recipients of monopoly profits are the monopolist's shareholders.
(211) If committee chairmen have a monopoly over such resources their colleagues will be badly disadvantaged.
(212) The political legitimacy of military regimes is frequently suspect and originates in their exclusiveness and monopoly of force.
(213) Aethelbald's accession broke the monopoly of royal power in Mercia by Penda and his descendants which had lasted over seventy years.
(214) The railroads were regulated to prevent the owners from using their monopoly power to reduce the incomes of their middle-class customers.
(215) Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.
(216) Scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.
(217) A careful distinction was drawn between bigness and monopoly.
(218) In the case of monopoly, decreasing costs across the entire foreseen range of output is necessary.
(219) Monopoly industries should carry out reforms to introduce competition mechanisms.
(220) The most serious deviation from the perfect competition comes from monopoly elements.
(221) The monopoly process is clear when one paper pulls ahead decisively.
(222) Inflation was so high that the notes were like Monopoly money.
(223) It is difficult for a monopoly daily to avoid complacency and establishmentarianism.
(224) Mass advertising steadily destroyed competitive dailies; monopoly became the norm.
(225) In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum,[] and imported foods has been eliminated.
(226) The anti - monopoly laws is the main tactic to restrict the Administrative monopoly.




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