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单词 Beak
1 The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
2 The sparrow has a worm in its beak.
3 The bird had a worm in its beak.
4 The male is distinguished by its red beak.
5 The male is generally larger with a shorter beak.
6 The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.
7 I could just see the bird's open beak and small beady eyes.
8 And how did she eat spaghetti through a beak?
9 The water spewed brokenly from its beak.
10 The woodpecker's long beak is specially designed for pecking.
11 He stabbed at it with his talons and beak.
12 Various other spots were tried on the yellow beak,[] the red spot causing the greatest response.
13 They had tasted Cassowary's sharp dagger of a beak before.
14 A fine south doorway has some strange looking beak heads in the richly moulded arch.
15 It would knock on the door with its beak when it required feeding.
16 A Hillman Imp, a roof rack, the beak of an upturned canoe overshooting its windscreen.
17 These actions cause the eye, beak and face to vanish beneath the shaggy white ruff.
18 Their long slender beak also assists in capturing their prey.
19 The male bird has a red spot on its beak.
20 The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.
21 The bird ripped at its rival's throat with its beak.
22 The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.
23 He pulled the black bit of thread attached to the beak, and the bird slid out of its tube headfirst.
24 The male now carefully monitors the temperature of the mound by prodding his beak into it.
25 It followed the attack up with a vicious peck just above the other bird's beak.
26 Typical of young shearwaters, it was just a ball of grey down with a beak sticking out.
27 A gray gull carries some sea creature high up over the beach, drops it from its beak.
28 Mr Corcoran had stared stonily at him through the pince-nez fastened on to his thin beak of a nose.
29 He was so pointy that I feared he would leave his wooden perch and anoint my head with his beak.
30 Prey is immediately carried to the mouth and killed with a bite from the bird-like beak, tucked away among the tentacles.
1 The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
2 The sparrow has a worm in its beak.
3 The male bird has a red spot on its beak.
4 The bird had a worm in its beak.
31 The other clawed into it, mercilessly pecking while its prey squawked with weakening jabs of its beak.
32 The vulture is manipulating the stone and using it as an extension of its beak to crack the egg.
33 A brown and white female appeared with a crane fly in her beak.
34 It's a spectacular sight, as the wildfowl jockey for position to grab the biggest beak or bill full of food.
35 Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts, yellow beak in a grimace - take me with you?
36 A nestling's gape, or wide open beak, provides a stimulus to the parents to feed it.
37 The Union filed a grievances and then, after the first step, let it drop, indifferently, from its beak.
38 There is a vulture that breaks ostrich eggs by hurling stones with its beak.
39 In the middle at the top was the Pease family crest: A dove rising with a pea stalk in its beak.
40 I find myself pantomiming a bird with large wings, diving into the water, catching a fish in its beak.
41 A spotted flicker with his knife beak and red moustaches perches on the coyote fence, studies me, then flies.
42 I started moving the lure when it was already in her beak, but before she could tear it.
43 A sizable saithe dangling from its beak indicates another meal for its young up on the hill loch beyond the village.
44 The linnet lifted its beak and uttered a few melancholy notes as she opened the cage door.
45 His bony skull and his sharp beak jutted out of the robe at such a low angle he looked like a buzzard.
46 The bird uses its long beak to extract nectar from the flowers.
47 The yard-long hawksbill turtle, with its hooked beak and scaly neck, is a living vestige of the dinosaur age.
48 One surfaces nearby with several small fishes dangling from its beak.
49 The pelican has a very useful beak.
50 The gull held the fish in its beak.
51 A triceratops had three horns and a beak.
52 The snipe has a very long thin beak.
53 Parrot's beak lotus is a stunning red color.
54 This bird employs its beak as a weapon.
55 It had massive legs, taloned claws and a long, powerful neck. Its body was covered in bristling, hair-like feathers, like those of the emu, and its beak resembled a broad-headed spear.
56 During dinner on the gallery’s veranda, Campeche is often seen (or heard) drinking a cup of red wine held in his beak from his perch.
57 The Toucan has a large yellow and black beak and blue striped wings.
58 The male is distinguished ( from the female ) by its red beak.
59 Of the pterosaur —a flying reptile—the researchers found a large fragment of beak.
60 Saw a silver tail, black beak, looking really beautiful, the pigeons, said the main wings out of black jade, and I still think, how could a black jade white tail fin that is really interesting.
61 Blu: Yes. I can't fly, I pick my beak, and once in a while I pee in the birdbath!
62 Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is considered fatal and often birds die shortly after showing signs of it.
63 From two thousand feet he tried again, rolling into his dive, beak straight down, wings full out and stable from the moment he passed fifty miles per hour.
64 Capsules subglobose, 3 - 4 mm in diam, with a 4 - 5 mm long beak.
65 Now he and Matthew Symonds, at the University of Melbourne, Australia, have compared beak length in 214 bird species with the annual minimum temperature of their native habitats.
66 the bird's horny beak.
67 Just under its beak, the pelican has a bag of flesh that is called a pouch.
68 It was sound asleep ,[] its beak still working. Was it dreaming?
69 Going beak to beak, an adult king penguin challenges a skua attempting to make off with a freshly killed chick.
70 Gigantoraptor had long arms, bird - like legs a toothless jaw, and probably a beak.
71 Many of us saw our first puffin and were smitten: that beak, and a strong look, I've always thought, of Johnny Morris.
72 I think of it as a kind of reply to that famous question in "Leda and the Swan"; that is, "did she put on his knowledge with his power before the indifferent beak could let her drop?"
73 Any of various birds of the family Alcedinidae, characteristically having a crested head, a long stout beak, a short tail, and brilliant coloration.
74 The beak is strong and is used to break open nut pods.
75 And quiet a long wait for a new beak out.
76 The gunk on the beak of this satin bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus minor) is plant matter, which he mashed up to paint his bower's inner sanctum in a rain forest in Queensland, Australia.
77 BUT SEE THE DOC IF... your nails have all developed a strange downward curve like a parrot's beak.This is "clubbing" – it's rare but can be a sign of lung or gut problems.
78 The dodo, a three-foot-tall flightless bird with a great big beak, has become a symbol of extinction.
79 But I have to go down among the rocks the glacier left and squat at the edge of the water where a stinking pile of them lies, where one crow balances and sinks its beak into a gelid eye.
80 Use orange colored paper to make legs and a beak.
81 Donald perches on a nearby tree and aims his beak in the same direction. Rat-a-tat-tat, he calls into the air.
82 Extrapolating the relationship between the length of the beak and body size from another smaller specimen being examined suggests the species could grow much bigger, Paulin said.
83 One day, a man brought in an African Grey Parrot to have its beak and wings trimmed.
84 These scientists found dinosaur fossils, parrot's beak - 12 ( A Long Kok ) varieties.
85 You can add a mushroom bird and glue a bit of raffia to its beak so it looks as if it's using it for nesting material.
86 A boto's jaw muscles can snap its elongated beak down on prey with crocodilian ferocity.
87 Old daddy is a beak in praenomen high school, educating the motherland's blossom.
88 As with BMP 4, the more that calmodulin was expressed, the longer the beak became.
89 This bird, sharp of eye and deft of beak, can accurately peck the flying insects in the air.
90 This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak.
91 During the flood season , this mythical "bird" raises columns of waves with its prolonged beak . The spray flying metres high glistens under the sunshine like so many flowing multi-coloured ribbons .
92 Their jaws and face form a sharp-toothed Beak, and their Body is encased in an armour of diamond-shaped , thick scales.
93 Gigantoraptor had long arms, bird-like legs, a toothless jaw, and probably a beak. There are no clear signs as to whether it was feathered.
94 Any of several large, web-footed birds constituting the family Diomedeidae, chiefly of the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere, and having a hooked beak and long, narrow wings.
95 Its feathers were as white as milk, and its beak and legs were a lovely greenish blue.
96 Later, the beak, claws and keel become very soft and pliable.
97 Last year Glenn Tattersall of Brock University in Ontario, Canada, found the toco toucan loses up to 60 per cent of its body heat through its beak.
98 Any of various brightly colored tropical marine fishes, especially of the family Scaridae, having fused teeth resembling a parrot's beak.
99 A crane is a bird with long legs, neck and beak.
100 A yellow-billed hornbill rests its beak on the camera hood at the Johannesburg Zoological Gardens, South Africa.
101 Its head drops tow, its small beak pointing to the floor.
102 It possessed the body of a fish and the head of an owl, complete with massive eyes and a wedge-shaped beak.
103 Most fly life, wearing a feathered forelimbs grow wings, a hard beak.
104 Juveniles fledge looking like females, but with a black beak.
105 Fingernails are made from the same substance as a bird's beak.
106 This kind of beak has become specialized in certain galapagos finches.
107 But it turned out thecrane couldn't drink any because of his long beak(), and the fox hogged it all.
108 Take out of microwave and add a chocolate chip on the yellow candy melt and the candy corn beak while the marshmallows and candy are still warm.
109 With its green back, pale grey chest, pale orange beak and blue wing feathers, the monk parakeet, which grows to around 30cm in length, is a distinctive addition to the UK's wildlife.
110 He left the rocky mountain with the magic fruit tightly in his beak.
111 An eagle is holding my box in its beak, I thought.
112 A pigeon probably has his Huff Duff in that incrustation above his beak.
113 The bird picked a hole in ice with its beak.




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