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单词 Saturated
1. Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.
2. The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.
3. The sittingroom was saturated with perfume.
4. Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.
5. It's pouring down outside - I'm absolutely saturated!
6. The water saturated with electrolyte.
7. Cashews rich in saturated fat, should be avoided.
8. I went out in the rain and got saturated.
9. Butter and cream contain a lot of saturated fats.
10. The market has been saturated with paintings like that.
11. We lay on the beach, saturated in sunshine.
12. As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.
13. Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
14. Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.
15. The films manufactured by Hollywood are saturated in the cinemas all over the world.
16. The company claimed to have saturated the market for personal organizers .
17. If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced.
18. B1: carbon-free, no foliation, saturated with electrolyte.
19. The pillow was saturated with blood.
20. The bathtub overflowed, and water saturated the carpeting.
21. Foods containing saturated fats should be avoided.
22. Saturated fats are more potent in raising cholesterol levels.
23. Deep space, however, is saturated with cosmic rays.
24. B1 and B2: carbon-free, no foliation, saturated with electrolyte and distilled water respectively.
25. He felt heavy, saturated, crammed with more or less repulsive odds and ends he neither wanted nor needed to know.
26. During submersion, the paper fibres become thoroughly saturated with sizing.
27. It also must be low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
28. We were caught in the rain and came home saturated.
29. He had cut his leg badly, and his trousers were saturated with/in blood.
30. We've always been told that cholesterol, in foods like eggs, was a major cause of heart disease but, actually, saturated fat is the worst villain.
1. Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.
2. The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.
3. The sittingroom was saturated with perfume.
4. Cashews rich in saturated fat, should be avoided.
5. The market has been saturated with paintings like that.
31. He declared that the boiler was a straight forward Stephenson saturated design which couldn't really be improved.
32. The soil should be kept moist, but never saturated, by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time.
33. At points on the tie-line between X and Y the saturated solutions coexist in equilibrium.
33. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
34. We had reduced our consumption of saturated fats, sugar, salt and alcohol.
35. Fats - Saturated and Unsaturated All major dietary guidelines advocate a need to reduce our average national fat consumption.
36. The phase winding is excited whenever its switching transistor is saturated by a sufficiently high base current.
37. I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I was completely and utterly saturated.
38. Competition: Is the market saturated or is there potential for growth?
39. Saturated fat, the kind of fat that hardens at room temperature, raises the levels of bad cholesterol.
40. They vary, of course, in the proportion of saturated fat.
41. The bandage around his knee was already saturated with blood.
42. But the floors feel spongy with moisture(), and the air is saturated with the smell of mildew and fried fish.
43. These foods will make up the calories they are losing when cutting down on their saturated fat intake.
44. Many adults are fat because of the amount of saturated fat in the diet combined with a lack of exercise.
45. Government incentives should be used to discourage the purchase of products which are high in saturated fats.
46. Retained soil can become saturated with water and then exert tremendous pressure.
47. Meat-free diets based on these plant oils can still be high in saturated fats.
48. Clean glass cookware with the wipe of a sponge that is saturated with vinegar.
49. And yet inside, despite the saturated carpet and water still dripping from the ceiling, business was proceeding.
50. If anything, increase plant protein and cut back on animal sources of protein, which are high in saturated fat.
51. The welfare program is completely saturated with fraud and corruption.
52. As a result of this, the amount of calories, fat and saturated fat is very much reduced.
53. The lake water is saturated with gypsum, the material used for plaster of Paris.
54. Nutritional factors that affect your cholesterol: Saturated fat is the single most important factor affecting blood cholesterol levels.
55. Brush liberally on to the exposed wood until the soft wood fibres are saturated.
56. Reservoirs overflowed, and saturated levees continued to break in the San Joaquin Valley.
57. In the mid nineties the rate of new infections began to level off in some heavily saturated nations.
58. If you are the right weight already you could very probably still be healthier if you reduced your intake of saturated fats.
59. Consequently the saturated zone must be constantly flushed by undersaturated water if dissolution is to be an effective mechanism.
60. If the local market is saturated, it may be wise to move elsewhere to develop a new market.
61. His fur leggings became saturated as he paced around the edge.
62. The seventy eight saturated books were put through it, after trials.
63. Sirloin Stockade has a great dessert item -- hot fudge cake -- which is an undercooked brownie-like substance saturated with fudge sauce.sentencedict .com
64. Fats are made up of units called fatty acids - saturated, mono-unsaturated along with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
65. Some days she took a hot bath and let hot water fall out of a saturated washcloth.
66. Per serving: 344 calories, 7 g saturated fat, 2 g polyunsaturated fat, 30 g complex carbohydrates.
67. There has been so much talk of saturated and unsaturated fats that most people have heard of them.
68. Heavy rains had saturated the ground, turning the streets into rivers.
69. The popular belief is that saturated fat is animal fat, but this is a misleading generalization.
70. A mountain of research has shown that lowering fat, especially saturated fat, can lower cholesterol and risk of heart disease.
71. It is true though, that where waters are absolutely saturated with maggots, even bread comes a poor second.
72. A foam mattress was still saturated and a bottle of Johnson's Baby Sun Block was unreadable because of the blood.
73. But the market saturated, the bubble burst, and everyone thought the console business was finished.
74. Saturated hydrocarbons can burn to aldehydes, alcohols to organic acids, and aromatics to unsaturated compounds which are pungent and irritating.
75. The building blocks of these polymers are often exactly the same as those used to make saturated fats.
76. I squatted down and hastily rinsed the bits I could get at, ending up with saturated clothes but mostly dry skin.
77. It's also much lower in saturated fats than their own, or other brands, of block margarine.
78. The method was designed to estimate the intakes of total and saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein.
79. Limit saturated fat to 7 percent-10 percent of total calories daily.
80. The incidence curve rose dramatically, and within just a few years this initial core quickly became saturated.
81. It rained only enough to keep the air saturated, not cool.
82. Walls a saturated sky blue, broken by gray the color of storm clouds.
83. Per serving: 416 calories, 3 grams saturated fat, 9 grams polyunsaturated fat, 24 grams complex carbohydrates.
84. Now, the emphasis is on saturated fat and total dietary fat.
85. Further, butter consumption has declined because of the implication of its saturated fatty acids in cardiovascular disease.
86. A saturated solution is in dynamic equilibrium with undissolved solute.
87. Planks and logs are being saturated, not with water but with aqueous solutions of heat-setting resins.
88. Saturated fatty acids were more abundant in the vesicular phase and unsaturated ones were more abundant in the micellar phase.
89. When the summer rains begin, the soil quickly becomes saturated.
90. Hair and clothing saturated, she fought desperately to keep control.
91. The CO2 filter rapidly became saturated and there was a danger of the crew suffocating on their own breath.
92. Maybe it is due to my always having eaten a diet rich in red meat and saturated animal fats?
93. The most harmful type are saturated animal fats, found in meat and dairy products.
94. Children whose entire existence has been saturated with these accoutrements reached college age during the 1990s.
95. The pervading citrus smell of aftershave, the same smell that had saturated Brady's apartment and Feldman's studio.
96. Because, said Williams, both elms and oysters have saturated their living space already.
97. The continuous rain had saturated the soil.
98. The market for the used car is saturated.
99. a saturated solution of sodium chloride.
100. He is saturated with knowledge.
101. The consumer market would be saturated with goods.
102. A saturated isoprenoid containing 20 carbon atoms.
103. The room was saturated with the aroma of coffee.
104. Image quality is great with saturated and beautiful colors.
105. The clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated.
106. We have the saturated calomel electrode.
107. The refinement of saturated brine was reviewed in detail.
108. His boyhood had been saturated with Ruskin.
109. The saturated magnetization and stability of the ferrofluids were measured by Gouy magnetic balance to study the influences of reaction conditions.
110. The relative content of saturated fatty acids was 8.70%(), and the main components were palmitic acid and stearic acid.
111. As the domestic market becomes saturated, firms begin to export the product.
112. The general corresponding-states equation of specific enthalpy of saturated liquid wasobtained.
113. Movie theater popcorn, however, is popped in oil - often coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat.
114. Clothing saturated with oxygen is readily ignitable and will burn vigorously.
115. Drench daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated just right.
116. Deadline monotonic ordered saturated assignment is proved to have the least priority levels, which is much quicker than those tradional priority assignment algorithms.
117. Don't Eat Too Much Saturated Fat High amounts of saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, milk, cheese, lunch meat, butter and bacon.
118. By measuring the pressure, saturated solution of potassium bromide bromine absorption method, the smell test and other methods, the mixture can be identified more quickly.
119. The amplification factor of the valley between two mountains is related to the distance of the two mountains The saturated soil make the topography effect more noticeable than that of one-phase soil.
120. The vertical saturated warm moist air column, southerly low layer jet and westerly middle level jet ahead of the front show highly organized features at the intense front segment.
121. This study investigates the effect of various dietary saturated fatty acid (SFA) profiles on plasma lipid parameters and tissue fatty acid composition in rats.
122. Octacosanol, as an active anti-fatigue functional substance, is a concentrated form of the saturated unique long-chain fatty alcohol exist in the nature.
123. Some methods for the preparation of porous oil bearing material, such as saturated Water Cooking, mechanical pressing, pelleting with evaporating and extruding etc. are also reviewed.
124. Take butadiene, styrene, and methyl methacrylate as main materials, assist with one or more of itaconic acid, maleic acid, fumarate, and not saturated carboxylates to modify.
125. The parameters contain impulse noise, memory effect, scan correlated shift, coherent noise, random noise, dropped lines, inoperable detectors, saturated detectors, MTF, system resolution.
126. The size of the magnetic shunt are given, when maximal loss density in the clamp can be reduced and magnetic flux densities in the magnetic shunt can't be reached the saturated value.
127. Two kinds of failure theories are used to explain the failure types of sandstone with large porosity based on the experimental results under different saturated liquid conditions.
128. One involves complete flow failure due to reduction in soil strength of saturated sand.
129. But they shouldn't increase their overall fat intake -- just swap saturated fat for monounsaturated fat.
130. At any rate, two oxygen atoms form, saturated and happy, a molecule.
131. In this paper the seepage pattern of saturated marine ooze is presented through the explosion experiments.
132. The committee's recommendations are, in essence, to note calories on the front of packs, and to provide a scale to indicate the relative quantity of added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.
133. We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products.
134. Should pay attention to the skin to add moisture to the stratum corneum drank saturated.
135. It is compositive still transistor of two in - house low saturated PNP double raceway groove charges function.
136. Saturated vapor pressure was calculated from the nucleation experimental data using the thermodynamically consistent nucleation theory in which the effect of real gas is considered.
137. Stearic acid (octadecanoic acid) A saturated carboxylic acid, which is widely distributed in nature as the glyceride ester.
138. Add low-fat milk or soy milk (which has 1/3 the saturated fat of 1% milk), perhaps some berries if you like.
139. A generalized equivalent - continuum method is presented for calculating variably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media.
140. The saturated absorption quantity of 7 different carriers for E4 and for the active substance was tested too and the C3, a material of celite , was the best.
141. A type of hydrocarbon molecule that is saturated with single bonds and is formed by a straight chain similar to a paraffin but with a side chain.
142. Some fast food restaurants fry foods in highly saturated oils or beef tallow. The result is that chicken and fish get drenched in more fat than the choicest cuts of beef contain.
143. The optimal two-factor saturated D design was conducted to investigate effects of the active organic fertilizer made of grain stillage and other additives on rice yield.
144. Prepreg: Shipped to you saturated in resin. You'll need an autoclave to use this. Forget it.
145. His work clothes, having become saturated with oil, had to be cleaned.
146. Items meant to stand out are best rendered in saturated colors.
147. The content of saturated and monoene fatty acids were significantly increased, but the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids were decreased significantly in feed.
148. Flatten slope to 46? ? to give a factor of safety of 1 . 3 under saturated conditions.
149. has a mild flavor, but it's high in mononsaturated fat and low in saturated fat. It has a very high smoke point, so it's an excellent choice for sauteing stir-fries.
150. Full bodied with dense layers of tight, saturated Cabernet fruit. A formidable concentration of berried fruits, blackcurrant and anise combine to create a rich and expansive mid-palate.
151. A solidification matrix includes a straight chain saturated carboxylic acid salt, sodium carbonate, and water.
152. The fragmentation reactions of the saturated urushiol biscrown ether sized paper.
153. A nation without men, with only pleasure - saturated,(http:///saturated.html) spineless screen - watchers is a truly frightening prospect.
154. Fortunately, you can usually dry up a cold sore in short order by dabbing it with a cotton ball saturated in white vinegar three times a day. The vinegar will quickly soothe the pain and swelling.
155. Another issue we saw in Linux is that under load, one core would get saturated, doing network soft interrupt handing, throttling network IO.
156. Alumium powder is placed in a saturated solution of ammonium perchlorate in water.
157. At present, the liquation mechanics and evaluation of the saturated fine grained soil caused by the non-seismic force is a great concern of scholars and engineers.
158. All parts of the load should be in contact with water or saturated steam at the required temperature for the required time.
159. Both his clothes and the hay were saturated with rain.
160. Removing skin from chicken can reduce the intake of saturated fat, and maintain heartiness of the heart.
161. The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
162. You gain all the heart-healthy minerals, fiber, and polyunsaturated fats of soy — and you avoid a load of artery-clogging saturated fat.
163. Pork of Yunan black pigs have more saturated fatty acid, it maybe a cause of good meat flavor.
164. The low-temperature fluidity of the bio-diesel fuel depended on the content and distribution of the Saturated fatty acid methyl esters in the fuel.
165. The anodization behaviour of ECR alloy and 18 8 stainless steel in the saturated salt solution is analysed and both properties of local and total corrosion resistance are also compared.
166. The measurements on the saturated liquid were carried with the temperature range from 243 to 383K, and 215 data were obtained.
167. By conducting stress controlled cyclic triaxial test, in this paper, the behavior of saturated soft clay under the action of undrained cyclic load being studied.
168. The humidity generator with saturated aqueous salt solutions has been developed for the first time in China. The generator contains a continuous moist air cycle system and a thermostatic system.
169. When handling saturated vapor-gas mixtures the liquid ring acts as a condenser, greatly increasing the effective capacity of the pump.
170. Forget-me-not and duck blue, fresh pale blues, sand tones and a saturated yellow are fresh like a Scandinavian morning.
171. Objective To compare the effect of collagen fiber staining between Sirius Red F 3B(SR) in saturated carbazotic acid staining and MASSON trichrome staining on rat kidney specimen.
172. The assumption of equal signal and pump attenuation coefficients is no longer required, while the iteration step-size can be significantly enlarged even under saturated amplification.
173. Saturated fat, usually in the form of coconut oil, lurks in most commercially baked breads and cakes, in nondairy creamers, on the oiled surface of frozen French fries, and even in wholesome granola.
174. It is found that, with the increasing in the packed saturator's working pressure, the outlet air can be easier saturated, but the absolute humidity of the outlet air decreases.
175. When multiple saturated colors are used together , chromostereopsis and other perceptual artifacts often occur.
176. In fact, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12 are best absorbed by the body in the form of saturated fats.
177. Pesquera Janus Gran Reserva 1986 " Moderately saturated red, with some brick at the rim. ".
178. Some land-locked waters such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake contain waters that are nearly saturated with dissolved solids.
179. However, the mean vertical wavenumber spectra reveal a significant seasonal variation: the mean spectrum in summer has saturated features, whereas the mean spectrum in winter has unsaturated features.
180. In order to enhance the saturated optical power, the transimpedance of receiver module is replaced by the one with DC cancellation circuits, and then it is up to –1dBm.
181. The relation between clay - bearing carbonate rock acoustical and lithological characters was investigated under the air - saturated condition.
182. By using the Laplace transform technique, the one-dimensional analytical solution of dynamic response for biphasic saturated porous media.
183. In this paper, a approximation formula of SF6 saturated steam pressure curve is proposed, and the accuracy of the formula is verified by comparing with the standard curve.
183. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
184. Feel free to consume saturated fats in the form of whole, unpasteurized dairy and you will lose weight.
185. Sodium acetate, the chemical found in many hand warmers, will suddenly crystallize if you prepare a saturated solution and pour it onto a seed crystal.
186. While scrubbing process the flue gas is saturated with water and cooled down to its adiabatic saturation temperature.
187. Though limited, these studies have supported the benefits of replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, but not with carbohydrates.
188. The low-temperature fluidity of biodiesel depends mainly on the branching degree, content and composition of the saturated fatty acid methyl esters thereof.
189. Film-forming resin FGA, a saturated carbon-chain non-ionic polymer, can be used as anti-sloughing a-gent in drilling fluid.
190. The queue length prediction model of saturated signalized intersection established by predicting the real time traffic flow of single lane, which on the basis of deterministic queuing theory.
191. The results show the less of the water-binder ratio and mixing water amount of High Performance Concrete (HPC) will make better mechanical properties in saturated limewater solution.
192. The molecular parameters of 12 halogenated ethanes were fit to experimental data for vapor pressure and saturated liquid density.
193. The truth seemed farfetched: Scientists believe the Method has saturated our world since time immemorial.
194. Saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the better reductant.
195. Just above the water table, the pores are practically saturated.
196. A side dish with more than 75 % of your saturated fat for the day.
197. Common sense tells you that any dark or saturated colour will show dirt, dust and ordinary wear and tear more readily than lights colours and textures.
198. The sign function of the switching surface function is replaced by a suitable saturated function to reduce the system chattering.
199. The result showed that after fermentation by Neurospora. crassa, saturated fatty acids content of soybean residue increased, and polyunsaturated fatty acids content decreased.
200. When the soil moisture is saturated, Bromus riparius can accelerate the loss of soil moisture .
201. It's well known that both thermal self-defocusing effect and reverse saturated absorption can lead to optical limiting.
202. Objective:To establish one method for determining fibrinogen in plasma by saturated salt solution turbidimetry.
203. The maximum valve outlet velocity should be limited to mach 0.3 for saturated steam, due to the thermodynamic properties of the fluid.
204. Our tentative conclusions are as follows: Intake of protein, fat, energy, saturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid and cholesterol among the colon-cancer patients was higher than control groups.
205. The paper reports the analysis of C14-C32 monobasic saturated fatty acid methyl esters in marine sediments using SCOT SE-30 glass capillary gas chromatography.
206. Saturated Fats: Strengthen the immune system. Needed for proper use of the essential fatty acids.
207. The frequency characteristic of rate limiting element which was from unsaturated state to saturated state was analyzed.
208. The NN slow subsystem keeps the control signal from being saturated.
209. Oleic acid is found in various animal and vegetable fats, and palmitic acid is one of the most common saturated fats found in plants and animals.
210. A relation between the saturated vapor pressure and the heat of vaporization for pure liquids has been derived by statistical thermodynamic method.
211. Introduced 2001 - 2002 year industry of resinous of not saturated polyester produces abroad circumstance and research progress.
212. The saturation thresholds are given after the experimental investigation. We can learn by experiment that CW laser makes CCD saturated easily, but damaged difficultly.
213. Leaf thickness, leaf saturated water content and vein thickness increased with decreasing temperateness .
213. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
214. There will be no saturated brine available, resulting in hard water.
215. Then—alkanes with a complete range of carbon number are observed in the saturated hydrocarbons of the bitumen and no evidences of severe biodegradation occur.
216. Good food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, and also be low in saturated fat, salt and fast-releasing sugars and high in fiber.
217. When the composites were exposed to saturated vapor, maximal responsivity of the composites decreased with increasing dielectric constant of solvent.
218. Control of their saturated fat and trans fatty acid intake, because trans fatty acids increase cholesterol.
219. It was composed of stringy filaments saturated with water, like the berries , and devoid of nourishment.
220. Groundwater----Subsurface water that occurs beneath a water table in soils, rocks, or in fully saturated geological formation.
221. "How else is the shopper to know that something as innocent as a soda cracker contains 4 gm of saturated fat?
222. Adsorbent-coated substrates with high adhesion and large adsorption capacity are developed, which helps to solve the cracking-off problem of said substrates after saturated with water.
223. Small concentration variances of phosphatidylcholine (PC) would destroy the balance of cholesterol dissolved because cholesterol is almost saturated in human bile.
224. While for the bentonite-sand mixtures saturated under free condition, the water-holding capacity is found to be constant with different dry densities.
225. It is shown that ionic liquid can reduce the saturated vapor pressure of water.
226. This paper is devoted to the qualitative analysis of a differential system for three molecular saturated reaction. The conditions for the existence and nonexistence of limit cycles are obtained.
227. A very pleasing natural filmic look with very good green rendition and saturated blues that help in sky coloration.
228. Liquefaction of saturated sands remains an important topic in geotechnical earthquake engineering.
229. Rocking vibration of rigid disk resting on saturated medium with an elastic superstratum are studied by analytical methods.
230. Once the aquifer disconnect from the stream, the inverted saturated zone of the rectangular streambed show a hemicycle, and that of rectangular streambed show a vertical rhombus.
231. When saturated or partially saturated with iron the lactoferrin cannot do its' job of removing the iron , efficiently ENOUGH.
232. For example, fats in some foods like fish and nuts are considered good for human health. Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.
233. We can learn by experiment that CW laser makes CCD saturated easily, but damaged difficultly.
234. The long exposure photodiode ( PDL ) has higher sensitivity, but is saturated at a lower light intensity level.
235. Firstly, the empirical equation of cyclic resistance ratio of saturated sands with different probability levels was utilized to evaluate the earthquake-induced site liquefaction potential.
236. Pathogenicity test at saturated humidity showed that the third instar was very susceptible to fungal infection.
237. To make fondant sugar, which is used in icings and confections, very fine sucrose crystals are surrounded with a saturated solution of invert sugar corn syrup, or maltodextrin .
238. The saturated chlorine water was not sent to dechlorination treatment but(directly) applied to the synthesis of dichloropropanol in the epichlorohydrin facility. The aim of saving(energy, )decrea...
239. And the saturated fat in red meat contributes to insulin resistance.
240. Many doctors believe that the labels on processed food should spell out the amounts of cholesterol, saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat the food contains.
241. The law of the variation of the dynamic compliance coefficients for the nearly saturated soils and the amplitude of vibration of footing is presented.
242. It is important to state whether the liquid is air - free or air - saturated.
243. Avoid oily creams in acne treatment, especially those with Saturated Fatty Acids like shea butter,(http:///saturated.html) cocoa butter and macadamia nut oil.
244. The results explain the experimental observed phenomenon and demonstrate that the current contributed by electrons is saturated earlier than the hole current.
245. Amantadine is a tricyclic decane saturated amino derivatives, is the United States approved the first antiviral drug, primarily for the prevention and treatment of influenza.
246. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of supplemental saturated fatty acid on milk yield, components and fatty acid profile of midlactating cows during hot weather.
247. It is well known that Rapeseed oil is one of the most healthful edible vegetable oil because of its high oleic acid content and low saturated fatty acid content.
248. Acrylic rubber ( ACM ) is a kind of special synthesizing elastomer with saturated main - bond structure.
249. Purging a fog, the air is a saturated with moisture.
250. This paper analyses the vehicles operation regularing in crossway, perfecting the obtain capability model under the condition of mixture transportation with saturated flow method.
251. The gas amplification characteristic curves were given in proportional, saturated avalanche and SQS regions.
252. Using the grey system theory to analysis the effect of the meteorological factors on the saturated fatty acid content of dev eloping soybean seed.
253. They have established a precise measuring-calculating system to determine the variation of concentration for all species in the super saturated solution of calcium sulfate dihydrate(CSD).
254. Any of the mechanical and thermal models may be used with the fluid-flow models. In coupled problems, the compressibility and thermal expansion of the saturated material are allowed.
255. From laboratory evidences, the high oil saturation bank was formed in front of burning zone, and mainly producing pressure drop concentrated on the high saturated oil region during fire flooding.
256. Two - revolution printing: This function makes a perfect full page in one saturated color.
257. A water-resistant saturated felt underlayment is typically rolled out over the sheathing before the shingles are applied.
258. Grinding with pressure saturated saltwater jet is a kind of comminution technique developed in recent years.
259. A new method to calculate the volume and fugacity of saturated vapor is obtained.
260. Meanwhile, it is considered that the long carbon chain weakened the influence of different positive ions on the salts of saturated fatty acids.
261. The relative content of 14 kinds of fatty acids was determined, analysed walnut fruit of the site its unsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acid takes up proportion and their food value.
262. As a result, M. ruber could produce a lot of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which would reduce cholesterol and improve blood circulation, besides offering flavor in liquor.
263. It has teeth, especially in its call to use fiscal policies and marketing control to full effect to influence the demand for tobacco, alcohol, and foods high in saturated fats, trans fats and sugar.
264. Although having very high saturated and adipose content, research makes clear cocoa butter, but won't adipose like other saturation cholesterol of elevatory in that way blood.
265. There is a different value of saturated vapour pressure between the plane liquid surface and the curved one, namely an additional value (positive or negative).
266. Macromolecule monomer with active groups is polycondensated with polyacid and polyols through esterification reaction to give saturated polyester that is well compatible with acrylic resin.
267. Eminently walkable and compact, saturated in culture, art and history; pleasure, passion and panache are never far away.
268. If evaporation and concentration continues a saturated solution will eventually be produced.
269. The estimation scope was extended to environment field. 22 organic pesticides 353 experimental saturated vapor pressure data were estimated; the total average error is just 0.833%.
270. Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.
271. The saturated water values inn-hexadecane and decalin under different temperatures have been determined by coulometric titration in this paper.
272. The amount of water that remains after the excess has drained away from the saturated soil is known as the field capacity.
273. Rapid melting of the snow saturated debris in a large landslide.
274. It was found that compared with the control group, the serum TC, LDL-C, VLDL -C and TG were increased significantly in cholesterol and saturated fats group, while HDL-C/TC was decreased significantly.
275. The viscosity of saturated liquid methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) was presented over the temperature range from 268.123 to 373.131 K with a calibrated Ubbelohde-type capillary viscometer.
276. Focusing on the possibility of exploring the saturated unitary fatty alcohol as a thermal energy storage phase change material(PCM), 1 octadecanol was investigated by the calorimetry.




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