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单词 Orderly
1. The girl students' rooms are all in orderly condition.
2. The tools were arranged in orderly rows.
3. Please form an orderly queue.
4. The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.
5. The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows.
6. She put the letters in three orderly piles.
7. The elections were conducted in an orderly fashion .
8. Please leave the building in an orderly fashion.
9. Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows.
10. In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.
11. He has a part-time job as a hospital orderly.
12. The troops embarked in orderly fashion.
13. Form an orderly queue.
14. The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room.
15. They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.
16. The elections were conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.
17. It's an orderly room.
18. All very neat and orderly(), it seems.
19. My orderly had to roll me on the floor.
20. To live in a stable and orderly community.
21. The trees were very neat and orderly.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. The crowd were orderly and in good spirits.
23. Laws are key to maintaining an orderly society.
24. When there is a fire, it is important that people file out of the building in an orderly way.
25. During the bomb scare, the customers were asked to proceed in an orderly fashion out of the shop.
26. Don't you think Adrian's a bit anally retentive? Look how obsessively orderly everything is in his garage.
27. Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.
28. She needs to organize her ideas in a more orderly way.
29. We want to bring about this change in an orderly fashion.
30. Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.
1. The girl students' rooms are all in orderly condition.
2. The tools were arranged in orderly rows.
3. Please form an orderly queue.
4. The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.
5. The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows.
6. It's an orderly room.
31. Where I had my orderly room.
32. At eight sharp the duty orderly rang a bell.
33. The rehearsals continued, subdued but in an orderly way.
34. Everything tidy and shipshape and orderly.
35. Proceed in an orderly fashion and disregard curbstone advice.
36. The headstones were all erect and orderly.
37. My orderly put more coal on for me.
38. The Gaijin were piling arms in an orderly fashion.
39. But Gary liked an orderly life and believed that chil-dren should obey their parents.
40. So said the hospital orderly in his stark white smock.
41. None the less you set store by a certain orderly look to things.
42. The idea is to ensure an orderly market by giving market participants a cooling-off period with a chance to reassess their positions.
43. Hazel squatted on his haunches and stared at the orderly forest of small,() glaucous trees with their columns of black-and-white bloom.
44. But in fact, on the disc itself, the arrangement of the text is anything but neat and orderly.
45. The cities with their canals and punctual trams are among the most pleasant and orderly in the world.
46. Once, multiplying or dividing by zero had terrifying results, reducing orderly arithmetic to instant nonsense.
47. Conventional economic and accounting theory tends to assume that the process involved is highly rational and orderly.
48. It is also important to plant in an orderly manner to fit the width of your mower cut.
49. Engrams are not filed in the orderly fashion man-aged by a cleared standard bank.
50. When she first arrived, she had thought the place as orderly as a military post.
51. Even in their desperate situation, they spent their time reading books or magazines, and remained orderly.
51. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
52. Its structure should be orderly, communications unambiguous, and strategies firmly implemented to prevent splitting.
53. They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the Children's Panel offices.
54. It purports to be the end of some orderly progression of thought and effort, yet it constitutes a complete non sequitur.
55. They stand in a straight row, neat and orderly, facing south.
56. When it is made the object of ritual sacrifice, its extraordinary power is made part of an orderly ritual.
57. They were dressed like royalty and were as orderly as a drill team in final competition.
58. My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
59. He set off for the orderly room and could not find it.
60. Orderly ranks of waves broke one after the other up on to all the rocky beaches.
61. Sections and documents on a file must be maintained in an orderly manner.
62. Prisons might very well be more orderly if conditions were improved.
63. In the wake of the Wall Street Crash Congress enacted a plethora of legislation aimed at ensuring fair and orderly markets.
64. My house feels solid and safe and orderly; hyacinths and narcissus bloom indoors here even in the dead of winter.
65. Nor is there any question in this case that their behavior is peaceable and orderly.
66. The return from basic-basic may be an apparent orderly progress into late life.
67. Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk, over the orderly piles of papers and files arranged there.
68. He made pupils stand in orderly queues to receive nothing.
69. According to their particular view of life, individuals always act in an orderly and predictable way.
70. The closest thing we will ever come to an orderly universe is a good library. Ashleigh Brilliant 
71. In other words, a random jumble can not spontaneously assemble itself into some orderly structure without tapping some outside energy source.
72. We should not pursue better conditions for prisoners in the mistaken belief that improved conditions will alone produce more orderly prisons.
73. Journalism is supposed to present facts in an accurate and orderly fashion.
74. I tried to imagine the progress of his life: had it been chaotic or orderly?
75. We examine these in an orderly way and assign each system a success or failure branch in respect of its operation.
76. Ships steamed, highways snaked, houses clustered, all, from this height, orderly, and in their smallness touching.
77. The voting seems in fact to have been orderly, though claims made about the plan were plainly false.
78. At nearby Camberwick Green, life ticked by on the same orderly lines.
79. But those regulations do ensure that we, the populace, go about disposing of dead people in an orderly way.
80. Kerns is Sara Rayner, whose orderly little life comes apart when she is attacked and raped by a homicidal maniac.
81. Yussuf's unhappiness had spread a cloud over the whole orderly room.
82. The format of the church funeral service allows this to be done in a recognized, public, orderly and time-limited way.
83. With the premature end of apprenticeship came abolitionist anticipation of a new era of orderly progress in liberty.
84. A peaceable and orderly crowd staged a protest outside city hall.
85. But the outcome is neither random, nor completely orderly: probability has entered into the fray.
86. That aim is not one which implies an orderly progression from what one is to what one is destined to be.
87. Police said it was an orderly demonstration and there were no arrests.
88. No one else could have done this as well as Lanfranc with his orderly mind and power of decisive action.
89. I arrange my papers in an orderly fashion on my driftwood desk and sharpen my pencils, as I always do.
90. The view swept down to a small valley with church spires, orderly farms, and freshly planted fields.
91. The tables were covered with the velvet Dave had found and the exhibits laid out in an orderly fashion.
92. For some time, astronomers have been seeing hints of an orderly design in the universe.
93. The improvements were put into effect in an orderly manner.
94. Now, that was a much more orderly occasion with people waiting patiently to enter the tent instead of creating a crush.
95. We don't need it for the expansion of our race; indeed, it's inimical to orderly civilization.
96. With the coming of a child-centred approach to discipline, the old obsessive concern with orderly habits and unfailing obedience was discarded.
97. Apart from the undisciplined piles in front of Nigel, the books were in orderly rows arranged according to subject.
98. Will my right hon. Friend undertake to ensure that any changes in the milk marketing regulations are introduced in an orderly manner?
99. A crystal is just a large orderly array of atoms or molecules in the solid state.
100. She recognized his intricate paperweight on the desk, his books, the old chess set, the orderly arrangement of things.
101. Other investors, who follow a more orderly calendar, may find their portfolio performance lagging.
102. An orderly queue was formed, stretching throughout the corridors of Hardside and out on to the rugby pitches.
103. A sinking fund establishes a procedure for the orderly retirement of a bond over the life of the issue.
104. So, in this science fiction view of human evolution, primitive promiscuity was soon replaced by more orderly patterns of existence.
105. These people are too happy, too success-ful, too clean, too orderly.
106. Thirdly, the existence of a global data structure allowed the interfaces between components to be specified in an orderly manner.
107. He hadn't seen Goebbels give any signal, but when he looked up the orderly was waiting to escort him away.
108. When I took it over from Matt I realised that a wilderness was something different from the average person's orderly life.
109. An orderly was sluicing down the metal table and the floor.
110. I thought, in my anxious state, that the orderly gave me a funny look as he left me there.
111. Their own spontaneously appointed stewards kept the demonstration orderly and on arrival at their destination they won a partial victory.
112. There was some-thing peaceful about it,() something firm and orderly; it gave him some small authority over his own life.
113. But how could the sovereignty principle provide the basis for an international society and be conducive to orderly relations?
114. At Canon Grindal's, life was proceeding in an orderly manner in its usual direction.
115. An orderly life on either side of the dual carriageway, the illusion of an orderly life.
116. Dickens describes it merely as' a genteel old-fashioned house, very quiet and orderly.
117. And, between the shops, the colorful patches of flower beds made it all appear orderly and safe.
118. Astana is clean, orderly and seemingly sedated.
119. It's a beautiful, clean and orderly city.
120. a calm and orderly life.
121. The books are in orderly rows on shelves.
122. His conversation unhurriedly and clearly , orderly, very charming.
123. No extraordinary disorder happens on the orderly border.
124. No wandering on the platform. Follow the instructions of the attendant and take the swinger in orderly manager.
125. So it should be done to establish agricultural price market and orderly system increase the financial support of agriculture and effectively reduce the burden on peasants.
126. So, in the spring , we plunge shovels into the garden plot , turn under the dark compost , rake fine the crumbling clods , and press the inert seeds into orderly rows .
127. The pattern of the dielectric layer and the control grid can be formed on the floating grid orderly.
128. Kelp silk coils fold orderly insert peach end to make a tape.
129. When you come to the village, of greet is to arrange orderly aa citizen, capacious street.
130. The orderly withdrawing of state-owned enterprises must abide by the scientific withdraw timing sequence and sele...
131. Built close to waters as a whole, the settlements of the villagers are arranged in an orderly manner between the foot of Pushan Mountain and Dalingyong, forming a half-moon layout.
132. Teaching children to understand the orderly unfolding of a plot or a logical argument is a crucial part of education.
133. Results An orderly, systematic approach can simplify the pre - hospital care and emergency management.
134. Yvonne had reorganized the kitchen, which was now orderly and gleaming.
135. The two oppose each other, unite dialectically , worm upward and move forward in an orderly way.
136. Practice has proved that the octree index can take full advantage of storage space, and the orderly structure of the hidden objects to deal with effectively.
137. Mouse out the ways of pushing up modern labor market by constructing the unified, open, competitive and orderly modern labor market system.
138. Hematopoiesis is one of the most important highly regulated multistage process, which includes orderly turn-on and turn-off of many genes; any wrong modulation may result in blood diseases.
139. In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous , contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui.
140. While training the students in the method of observing facts and their orderly arrangement, Professor Agassiz urged them not to be content with just facts.
141. The renter shall keep the house in a neat orderly state.
142. Chapter 5 pieces of plastic injection mold assembly,() UG application modules will be assembled in the above work in the design of the components by matching the type and orderly assembly together.
143. Scheduling consists of planning and prioritizing activities that need to be performed in an orderly sequence of operation.
144. Of whole program make appear orderly and compact, see final plan when the client so when very open-eyed, because of stylist not only joint oneself idea, and did more perfecting.
145. Slovo said it was a great occasion which he hoped would come off in an orderly and peaceful way.
146. The 3rd pace: In chromatically while can comb orderly brow.
147. All is orderly and beautiful; everything is charming to the eye.
148. Keep, review and report the account books according to the national accounting rules in a timely, accurate and clear manner ; keep all the accounting documents completely and orderly.
149. Instead, an orderly restructuring of Greece's public debt is needed now.
150. In order to overcome market congenital defect and ensure that the market orderly operate , the reasonable market regulation is necessary.
151. The Company's operations and management science in an orderly manner, with particular emphasis on product quality.
152. The buildings in this area are laid out in an orderly fashion.
153. In 1870, the young Nietzsche served as a medical orderly in the Franco-Prussian War, where he contracted dysentery, diphtheria, and perhaps syphilis.
154. The standardization of forms and ethical about marriage was developed by Church, it also endues marriage with dignity, so that the marital status towards chaos to orderly at the time.
155. Bearing covers (5) and gaskets (7) are orderly fixed on end surfaces of bumps that are formed on outer ends of upper and lower holes of the differential mechanism shell by bolts.
156. Responsible to tracking incoming and out going faxes and make the work center orderly and assorted.
157. The cultural development planning long - term orderly, seek common ground while reserving differences of tolerance.
158. Popularize WTO related professional knowledge , accelerate WTO talent training , raise orderly quality and ability, and establishing new administrative operation mechanism.
159. Only in this way the market economy could worked orderly dynamically inexpensively and harmoniously.
160. In swift and orderly succession, one stood up as another sat down.
161. He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough.
162. Orderly flower or not orderly flower, bisexual or unisexual, platoon rank in all sorts of inflorescence , it is raceme or spike normally.
163. He ushered in the study of the water cycle as an orderly and understandable phenomenon.
164. Unless it's a frat house keg fest, don't shout across the table — concentrate on those closest to you. This will keep the proceedings calm and orderly.
165. Nature is rational, simple and orderly, and it acts in accordance with immutable laws.
166. Medical order is a proper status where the medical elements are properly arranged and the subjects in the medical relation share orderly interactions in accordance with rules.
167. This type of machine is semi-automatic board laminator, which can ensure corrugated paper not to move frontad at laminating, ensure paperboard to be more orderly.
168. At age 45, my life that in an orderly way had greatly changed, uncertainly.
169. National competitive policies will play an increasingly important role both in promoting the healthy and orderly development of domestic economies and in coordinating international economic relations.
170. Apothecary: The availability of medicines makes the isle more orderly.
171. The robot orderly, for example, can deliver meals and prescriptions; It'still can't make the bed.
171. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
172. But there were to be orderly ways to unpeg parities that represented clear undervaluation or overvaluation.
173. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures of highway intersections and sections are put forward in order to educe traffic conflicts and guarantee mixed traffic to flow orderly.
174. Works with minimal supervision , and maintains an orderly work area.
175. Access and sign out spare parts. Maintain clean and orderly conditions . Minimum inventory supervisor.
176. The model organizes key data located on Internet of things from the point of view of object-oriented technique, construct patterns, then searches sematic and shows results orderly.
177. Always in a professional dressing, take some mint candy and comb by yourself, sustain a clean, orderly assignment workplace.
178. I waked the orderly and he poured mineral water on the dressings.
179. A typical Swiss is hardworking, frugal and neat. Swiss society is stable and orderly, the people are law-abiding and self-disciplined .
180. Security cooperation for the Astana Summit and the Shenzhen Universiade this year is moving ahead in an orderly manner.
181. Its are orderly: The head - cervical - two upper limbs - pectoral abdomen - back - two ham - two crus.
182. Harmonious Society is a democratic, lawful, fair, justicial, veracious, companionate, lifeful, balanced, orderly society, in which all people are harmonious with the nature.
183. Special design with a view to keeping the punching hold at the suitable place. lt can make the the bottom of the bag well-arranged and orderly in block.
184. Grapes ripen in orderly rows at a vineyard in Champagne-Ardenne.
185. How to keep the stabile and orderly state of traffic flow is an engineering problem.
186. Simple testing shows that the system works orderly and achieves anticipative aim.
187. The rescue work is moving in a capable , orderly, and effective way.
188. The numerous sacrificial pits are arranged in an orderly fashion.
189. Turn streaming tape device to achieve transfer items to different locations, different lines orderly romantic.
190. When leaving every time, should clear away clean orderly, by orderly begin by orderly end, be beneficial to machine of swift move cerebra and thinking agile clarity.
191. Land auction in orderly, idle land disposal is intensifying settlement.
192. I gave up the shelter of an orderly, purposeful, lawful existence.
193. Cards can be orderly collected in some quantity by electronic card collator , and stably transported onto conveyor belt .
194. He followed her into the compact, orderly kitchen which Walter Talbot had designed himself.
195. Its orderly and law-abiding people know they live on one of the most geologically violent archipelagoes on the planet.
196. In chaos orderly, see the hair that is like fleeciness chaos to coil, different roll degree complex and alternant, build strong visual result, it is the curl modelling that arranges extremely easily.
197. An orderly comes in and tells Haywire it's time for group therapy.
198. You can do a bracing if orderly walk here, on a wooden walkway over boggy acid grassland rich in lady's smock, celandine, violets and carnivorous sundew.
199. To outsiders, the process of choosing party successors remains as opaquely Byzantine as ever. But it is undoubtedly more orderly—and less brutal—than it used to be.
200. Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .
201. Robert Audley looked at the rigid primness of the orderly grounds, wondering how George could have grown up in such a place to be the frank, generous,(http:///orderly.html) careless friend whom he had known.
202. To arrange windows in an orderly manner , use the Arrange command on the Window menu.
203. It is assumed that nature involves an orderly regulated system.
204. The paper claims belief in God and government serve overlapping functions as providers of structured, nonrandom, orderly worlds.
205. Step1: Comb the hair with toothcomb orderly, arranging slippery hair is the foundation with long straight beautiful hair.
206. In recent years, the international monetary system failed to promote timely and orderly economic adjustments.
207. Results The molars of all patients were moved orderly, and didn t take place mesiolingual rotation and medal tilt.
208. Its overelaborate to calculate the elastic ground framework using the method of proceeding in an orderly way and step by step.
209. NAPOLEON'S GENERALS, Davoust, Ney, and Murat, who were close to that region of fire, and sometimes even rode into it, several times led immense masses of orderly troops into that region.
210. Liquidation value may be either the result of a forced liquidation or an orderly liquidation.
211. Yanqing County forms an orderly urban layout combining rarefaction and density and the garden city scene with both mountain and water and distinctive characteristics.
212. The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion.
213. And orderly sits Michael down inside the psych ward's TV room. Michael, still displaying the same vacant stare, now wears a white jumpsuit.
214. In many nations, everyday activities are done in a planned, orderly manner.
215. The method uses fluorescence microscopy to image individual DNA molecules that have been divided into orderly fragments by so-called restriction enzymes.
216. They set up orderly systems, like the Dewey decimal system or a school curriculum.
217. In our circuit designation, C8051-F020 microprocessor control the whole system, communicates with customers(), and send orderly signal to the each pin of 6 SCR.
218. At present relief work is running in a smooth and orderly manner.
219. He stalked over to the pup tent of the recreation tent orderly and bawled him out.
220. Carbon Nanotubols were found to be aligned orderly and uniformly through self-assembling in mesoscope revealed by SEM and TEM, which proves an easy way to get aligned carbon nanotubes.
221. So the bank career should entirely open internal capital, and then orderly open external capital.
222. ENTP ( Extroverted intuiting with thinking ): These are lively people, not humdrum or orderly.
223. To promote exchange stability, to maintain orderly exchange arrangements among members, and to avoid competitive exchange depreciation.
224. Brick of 3) , glass should be arranged even and orderly, exterior level off, embed seamed putty or sealed cream should full and close-grained .
225. Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way lugubriously down the length of train with a rattle.
226. In the internet communication, blog users should obey the fundamental rules such as connecting users, meeting demands, innovation, orderly interaction and being self-disciplined.
227. So it is necessitous to transfer the rural labor reasonably and orderly in order to ensure the full employment of the farmer by every possible means.
228. At age 60, my life that in an orderly way had greatly changed,(http:///orderly.html) uncertainly.
229. Dr Matibiri said to ensure orderly marketing, growers producing for auction would sell their entire production through auction sales.
230. This paper holds the view that a high_quality stock market should be one wherein both providers and users of capital, who can have sufficient access to information, are orderly organized.
231. A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and flow of air traffic.
232. In the tomb, the bells is to follow this form (refer to Figure) sub-group of three 8 orderly arranged with the carpenter's square-shaped hanging a large bell-shaped rack.
233. Previous criteria for counterparties assumed bond issuers would have time for remedies to be pursued, for example an orderly replacement of a weakening counterparty.
234. Keeps work area and Director of Rooms'area clean and orderly at all times.




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