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单词 Tutor
1 His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.
2 She entrusted her son's education to a private tutor.
3 Her tutor teaches her at home.
4 There is a tutor to teach the children while they're in hospital.
5 Yes, I'm a tutor. I work 3 times a week.
6 He is course tutor in archaeology at the University of Southampton.
7 She's in my tutor group at school.
8 She's course tutor in anthropology.
9 They engaged a resident tutor.
10 Most parents have no time to tutor their children.
11 He studies under a tutor.
12 For details,[] contact your course tutor .
13 He was my personal tutor at university.
14 She was my tutor at Durham.
15 His father employed a tutor for him.
16 The tasks will be clearly defined by the tutor.
17 Her tutor says she is making good progress.
18 Her father engaged a tutor to improve her maths.
19 The tutor hopes that he will pull up his bad habits in his study.
20 Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.
21 John hasn't done well in his studies,but his tutor did his best to pull him through.
22 I haven't seen my tutor for the better part of a month!
23 She gave her college tutor as her referee to the interviewer.
24 Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.
25 Cases of illness and other extenuating circumstances that may have affected a student's performance will be dealt with by a personal tutor.
26 You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.
27 I'd love to stay, but I must go now - I've got to write an assignment for my tutor this evening.
28 It would be inappropriate for me to comment on what your tutor said.
29 Thirty dollars an hour is the going rate for a math tutor.
30 She fell under his spell when he was her tutor at university.
1 His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.
2 She entrusted her son's education to a private tutor.
3 Her tutor teaches her at home.
4 Yes, I'm a tutor. I work 3 times a week.
5 He is course tutor in archaeology at the University of Southampton.
6 They engaged a resident tutor.
7 He studies under a tutor.
8 His father employed a tutor for him.
31 He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history.
32 She eked out her small income by working as a music tutor.
33 The android tutor had a special location unit.
34 Martha was the recently appointed tutor in creative writing.
35 Talk to your course tutor about it.
36 Killed by a stranger: Student admits stabbing tutor.
37 Susan King is a journalist and adult education tutor.
38 A great responsibility, therefore, rests upon the tutor.
38 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
39 Many wards have specially designed teaching plans or objectives for students or your tutor may suggest objectives.
40 Initially, therefore, the tutor forms the link between the student and the course.
41 To establish firm links, tutors are allocated to groups of schools so that staff come to know their tutor well.
42 Most of them are school-based and can be used by small groups of teachers working under the supervision of a trained tutor.
43 When she was ill she studied at home with a private tutor.
44 The trainee, together with the in-bureau tutor, should work out and carry through a tailor-made course of study.
45 He attended dame school and Erasmus Smith's School in Galway and at sixteen he was earning his living as a tutor.
46 Your tutor may be generous to a fault but can not reward irrelevance or peripheral knowledge display. 3.
47 After receiving his early education from a tutor, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, as a fellow commoner in 1725.
48 Arrangements were made for a voluntary tutor to visit his home to supplement his studies.
49 Personal problems-Your personal tutor is there to talk to should you want help with personal problems.
50 Tutor and pupil may, however, have spoken Latin to each other.
51 Write a report for your Course Tutor on the last industrial visit which your group made.
52 I really enjoyed having a tutor and I learned more than if I'd been at school.
53 After all, what strategic importance could an ordinary tutor hide in his ordinary office?
54 In September 1938, A. E. Douglas-Smith took up his duties as university resident tutor in the county.
55 In such company Minton stood out as the tutor with a more Continental outlook.
56 The tutor asked the brass section to play their piece again.
57 Medical certificates should be forwarded directly to the course director or senior course tutor.
58 Older work-inhibited stu-dents often welcome the opportunity to tutor younger children.
59 She wanted her own machine, fast, and a mechanic willing to tutor her.
60 Furthermore, the tutor may be allocated to a particular ward or unit to help to co-ordinate the learning programme.
61 Women who have attended the Dow-Stoker Returner courses can always give the course tutor as a referee.
62 In addition, the tutor can advise on alternative equipment or software which will perform the required functions more quickly or more effectively.
63 Typing Tutor then begins to provide test sentences which include those problem characters.
64 He was educated privately and at Rossall, and went on to study architecture under a tutor at Cambridge.
65 The personal tutor offers academic advice on the student's choice of programmes as well as other more general advice as required.
66 She sat at the front during seminars and posed questions to our tutor that were more like statements.
67 Where possible a subject specialist who has worked with an ESL tutor or team is also involved.
68 She had the right academic approach to nursing to make a first-class tutor[], but not ward sister.
69 How he went on to become a tutor to the poor and homeless.
70 I was the one who had to take it to my tutor, not them.
71 Care tutor Miss Corkhill, of Darlington, was suspended and resigned earlier this week.
72 A fancy thought popped into his mind then, handed to him by the tutor of his evening class.
73 Anybody who has not yet been enrolled on the English course should contact the tutor.
74 In addition to the Rentokil name these products are marketed under the brand names Tutor and Albi.
75 Further, whatever subjects were chosen, it was the tutor who was the critically important factor in success or failure.
76 For the Modular Course one response has been the centralization of liaison and decision-making in a single senior tutor.
77 The model that we have developed is to attach students in pairs to a general practice tutor in a teaching practice.
78 As the Kirkwood tutor, young David seemed as anxious as his employer-friends that the estate should survive.
79 The pupil also takes to the prospective employer or the university admissions tutor the raw scores of exam results.
80 He was employed as literary tutor to the McLeods of Dunvegan[], who claimed ownership of St Kilda.
81 Colt, bottom of the class before he was expelled, now Colt the tutor.
82 Each group is aided by a tutor or consultant, whose task it is to help the group with the feedback aspects.
83 After observing several interviews, these aspects should be discussed with the in-bureau tutor.
84 The tutor will provide instruction in methodologies involved in an investigation and in the interpersonal skills which may be required.
85 These tutorials involve the class teacher with whom the student worked in the previous two terms, as well as the course tutor.
86 Stephen Conroy and I had the same tutor, Geoff Squires, and maybe he's a model for our life drawing.
87 The polytechnic handbook which I used was not much help and my tutor has told me to ask the librarian for help.
88 The tutor finally broke in on Sam's monologue, much to the relief of the rest of the class.
89 Students awarded more than one resit must choose, in consultation with their personal tutor, which one is more important to take.
90 Make more use of your tutors - compile a list of queries and then arrange to see a tutor for help.
91 However, the most significant impact of the resident tutor model was seen in Essex and, especially, in Norfolk.
92 The role which the tutor should adopt is that of a sounding board for students' ideas and suggestions.
93 The tutor is the facilitator of learning, and the learner is active.
94 She was now fearful about returning to school, but agreed to discuss this with her tutor.
95 He was made assistant tutor, proceeding MA in 1812, when he became sole tutor and vice-principal.
96 Her most urgent task was to arrange interviews with all the students to whom she was tutor.
97 The presentation contains guidance for the tutor to enable maximum learning and skill development.
98 The tutor discussed her own religious beliefs openly with the students.
98 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99 One tutor or clinical teacher would find it impossible to work in isolation.
100 The tutor was, who embalmed 2,500 cases per year and also ran a hairdressing business.
101 This learning experience must be recorded via a Learning Diary and confirmed by the signature of employer and/or course tutor.
102 The daughter of a distinguished Cambridge mathematics tutor, she began work as a Sunday school teacher in the 1850s.
103 Medical certificates should be forwarded directly to the course director or senior course tutor. Self-certification will not be accepted.
104 It was me, her personal tutor at that time, who persuaded her to stay.
105 Each tutor is responsible for a broadly related group of fields and automatically receives all applications for any double fields among them.
106 I had the tutor for a year right until I took my exams.
107 If the student is studying under a tutor or supervisor an adequate number of problems will be supplied to him.
108 Assertiveness, stress management and time management are topics covered annually by a professional tutor on national training days.
109 The person you should talk to about this is your tutor at college and to a counsellor.
110 He was led to believe that he would receive better than a university education with Mr. Wickstead as his personal tutor.
111 George attempted a nearly honest living as a part-time thespian, and also as a tutor to the children of wealthy clients.
112 Professor Brown, who was 47, leaves a wife Evelyn, also an Open University tutor and 3 children.
113 PTM Co. has adopted a neighborhood school, and employees often tutor students.
114 Evidently he did not expect to give riotous or alcoholic parties at times when the tutor might be in.
115 Many beginners have difficulty in bending the knee, and I don't mean to their art tutor!
116 Her former tutor at St Hugh's is shocked by the news that she's now on hunger strike.
117 Her old tutor is horrified, but her husband says he supports the hunger strike -- even if it claims her life.
118 Joyce became a part-time tutor at a creamer's, while still participating in the social life of his peers.
119 The tutor extols the virtues of this approach and you, of course, agree.
120 The virtual extinction of the dragon sister tutor should also help to allay your fears.
121 Harry Lucas was to all of us who knew him a mentor, a tutor and avuncular friend.
122 His tutor is from the Pumi ethnic group.
123 The tutor flayed the idle students.
124 His parents employed a tutor to teach him mathematics.
125 So, boys should be tutor oneself.
126 A private tutor instructed the prince and princess.
127 Denis Mellon : Tutor for Doctor at Victoria University.
128 I'm going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.
129 Will your preschooler need a tutor?
130 Professor, doctorial tutor of Nanjing University.
131 At this time of beauty, I speak to our careful tutor that to see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, to show infinity in the glim of your eyes and eternity in an hour.
132 After National Day, the school shall organize the teachers to tutor the students' English opportunely .
133 The faithless tutor entertained him with sentimental conversations in place of lectures on algebra and Greek.
134 He became a captivating tutor in international politics, and his students worshipped him.
135 The tutor, appalled by the indiscretion, reported him to GCHQ, and he was sacked.
136 My tutor holds her master's degree in educations and is very helpful.
137 He had flung a leg of lamb at some indelicate disturbing tutor.
138 Joined filmdom since 1993, artist, dub artist, singer, Singing tutor.
139 Moreover, Tutor still will be adept in to foster being favour of the non- intelligence element of student's creativity thinking development.
140 Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher, PhD Tutor, national expert with outstanding contribution soil engineering expert.
141 This paper observed Qian Xuesen s contribution to system science, system engineering, control theory and systematology in China, and showed his position as the tutor of Chinese system science.
142 My mother only wanted the best. Hence a Taiwanese tutor, no less.
143 "That young tutor is an interesting fellow: we had some awfully good talk after dinner about books and things, " he threw out tentatively in the hansom.
144 Housework Service Canter provides service of tutor, family doctor, private lawyer, and other service.
145 A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
146 It is there as a guide to tutor souls who have not yet fully established their personal reconnection to the Godhead.
147 He dismissed both Ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and Silvinus the rhetorician, whom he had appointed tutor to Alexander.
148 When Philip, King of Macedon , wanted a tutor for his son Alexander, he sent for Aristotle.
149 If whom have any questions, please go to the Registry Office or ask your tutor.
150 According to the analysis of the data in student model, the computer tutor could comprehend the mental factor influencing the learning more clearly.
151 My daddy is a tutor , or my mother is a stayer .
152 A New and Complete Tutor for the Violoncello (Various). cello, 2 cellos. Classical.
153 There were three talks in the series, with Mr Hardy S C Tsoi, veteran theatre director, media cultural programme host and College Tutor, as the speaker.
154 If you're a TV camera operator, tutor middle schoolers in video podcasting.
155 Yin Xianghua: Associate Physician , Associate chief physician, MD , Master Tutor.
156 Mr. Shi Jian Nong , tutor of the doctors from Institute of psychology Research Chinese Academy of Sciences let his student Mr. Liu Zhen Kui take in charge of this study.
157 In rewriting papers, students are encouraged to consult a writing tutor.
158 When the future apologist had reached the age of twenty-three his father cast about for a Christian tutor capable of giving his sons the best education the age afforded.
159 Blackboard architecture is a new mechanism of controling Intelligence Tutor System (ITS).
160 At Oxford and Cambridge each student has two tutors,[http:///tutor.html] an academic tutor and a morals tutor.
161 In a transmissive , tutor-led learning design, there are only sixteen potential learning paths, each two-way between the tutor and each single student.
162 By keeping some part of himself outside the hurly-burly — viewing the conversation from above, as his former Harvard tutor put it — he avoids drowning in the immediate, the day to day.
163 Fulbert, the canon of Notre Dame, hired Abelard to tutor his niece, Heloise.
164 Prof. Luo is not only the tutor of my paper, but also the hierophant of my spirit.
165 According to the academic fruit of my tutor and his graduated students on tyre pattern noise simulation analysis, the previous algorithms are perfected and testified.
166 Benjamin Harris's Protestant Tutor, a primer popular for decades and the source the New England Primer.
167 The Maths Tutor is a wry and incisive new play exposing how our desire for normal family life and our fears about adults, young people and sex can sometimes outride the truth.
168 My ideal is to become a well-beloved tutor just like you all, and a respectable doctor as well.
169 Handsome and intelligent, he was his father's favourite. His private tutor also spoke highly of him.
170 We are based on English Twiddler Tutor to modify, making it suit for Chinese input experiment.
171 So, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor Anne Sullivan.
172 My major task is to take care of her personal advisor ( tutor ).
173 Yuan Chenglin : Chief Physician, Associate Professor and Master Tutor.
174 The UC Rhodes Scholar, Mr William M F Wong, Barrister-at-Law and Professor Jeremiah K H Wong, Senior College Tutor, shared their experiences with the students.
175 Zhang Tian Zhu Professor and Doctoral Tutor of Environmental Science and Engineering School of Tsinghua University.
176 The group will study homosexuality and oppose sexual discrimination, according to Ai Xiaoming, the group tutor.
177 Braja Babu was one of the most enthusiastic of these blood-thirstless shikaris. He was the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Institution and had also been our private tutor for a time.
178 After getting permission from his father, Darwin made plans to explore Tenerife Island in the Canaries, and even convinced his friend, Marmaduke Ramsey, a tutor at Jesus College, to go with him.
179 Hobbes was the tutor to a royal household who followed the King into exile during the English Civil War.
180 The boy was taken in the charge of his tutor.
181 Direct Loan Repayment Plans: i have 800CNY from my family and 250CNY as an English tutor each month. i can save 400 from my living fees, so i can return 650CNY by adding the 250CNY salary every month.
182 A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters toot.
183 Further , tutor is the prime factor among many impact factors on the graduate students creativity.
184 It was to the scandal of Mr. Buck the tutor that Pen's extravagances became known.
185 He was elected a fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge and assistant tutor.
186 Kuo Cheng - Hui : Senior training Tutor of Singapore Government Product Center and Public Business College.
187 Finally the woman enrolled in the accounting program and did so well she was asked to tutor students.
188 Professor Yumeiniu, chief physician, Postgraduate Tutor,[http:///tutor.html] doctoral student in School of Stomatology of Wuhan University.
189 As a tutorship to tutor the student's English in junior high school about one month in summer vacation.
190 Grot was married to Iakov Karlovich, a tutor to the future Tsar Nicholas II.
191 He Xuntian distinguished composer, professor, doctorial tutor and dean of the department of composing and conducting of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
192 Professor Li Shaoqian, now professor and doctorial tutor of University of Electronic Science and Technology, director of communication anti-jamming technology state key lab.
193 Bishop Fenelon, a contemporary of Louis XIV, was an eminent and great philosopher, a critic of government, and tutor to the Duke of Burgoyne, heir to the French throne.
194 A tutor who tooted a flute. Tried to tutor two tutors to toot.
195 Before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor - Anne Sullivan.
196 Supervisor and Tutor - marker, Distance Education Center, Simon Fraser University.
197 After completing my access course (thanks to a wonderful tutor, I got distinctions in all the units), I did a degree with the Open University, and that meant completely changing my way of life.
198 This process is described in A Hortatory Address to the Greeks, The Tutor, and Miscellanies , Clement's major works.




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