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单词 Ignored
1. She said her husband ignored her.
2. She ignored his feeble attempt at humour.
3. The government has simply ignored the problem altogether.
4. I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.
5. Their complaints have been largely ignored.
6. She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject.
7. His letters were ignored.
8. He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.
9. They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered.
10. The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.
11. This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.
12. I just ignored her last remark.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. She ignored the admonitions of her mother.
14. Some basic safety rules were wilfully ignored.
15. She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead.
16. The baby felt ignored by her parents.
17. Sam rudely ignored the question.
18. Morris ignored the question and continued his monologue.
19. He pointedly ignored her after the show.
20. I tried to tell her but she ignored me.
21. She ignored his protests and walked away.
22. Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.
23. She sat at her desk and studiously ignored me.
24. The issue was virtually ignored by the popular press.
25. The university administrators ignored criticism from outside.
26. Throughout history the achievements of women have been largely ignored.
27. It is clearly undesirable for the issue to be ignored.
28. While the other children interacted and played together, Ted ignored them.
29. Our greatest tacit understanding is I do not care, you ignored me.
30. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.
1. She said her husband ignored her.
2. She ignored his feeble attempt at humour.
3. The government has simply ignored the problem altogether.
4. I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.
5. Their complaints have been largely ignored.
6. She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject.
7. His letters were ignored.
8. He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.
9. Throughout history the achievements of women have been largely ignored.
10. It is clearly undesirable for the issue to be ignored.
11. While the other children interacted and played together, Ted ignored them.
12. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered.
14. The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.
15. Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.
16. Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.
31. If our paths crossed I usually ignored her.
32. Public feeling is being ignored by the government.
33. They studiously avoided/ignored each other.
34. Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.
35. Our complaints were thrust aside and ignored.
36. They have persistently ignored our advice.
37. He ignored my glance of disapproval.
38. The problem has been ignored by successive administrations.
39. This success should be built on, not ignored.
40. Safety standards are widely ignored in the industry.
41. These recommendations can safely be ignored.
42. The phone rang,[http:///ignored.html] but she ignored it.
43. She ignored the scoffs of her workmates.
44. These problems cannot be ignored or wished away.
45. The managers have conveniently ignored these statistics.
46. She ignored me and carried on writing.
47. She ignored him and carried on with her work.
48. They ignored the official party line.
49. The report is highly speculative and should be ignored.
50. She ignored his lustful glances.
51. The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.
52. When I next saw her she completely ignored me.
53. He ignored her interruption and carried on talking.
54. Work in the home is often ignored and devalued.
55. She ignored all my attempts at conversation.
56. They ignored the baby's screams.
57. They've been rejected, disappointed, ignored, passed over.
58. She ignored the warning signals.
59. I smiled at her but she just ignored me.
60. Management ignored our complaints that washing facilities were inadequate.
61. She merely ignored any strictures on the way she dressed.
62. He ignored her interruptions.
63. He had completely ignored her remark, preferring his own theory.
64. He totally ignored us.
65. The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored.
66. In its push for economic growth it has ignored projects that would improve living standards.
67. She tentatively ventured the opinion that the project would be too expensive to complete, but the boss ignored her.
68. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely!
69. The vast majority of our people feel ignored and voiceless.
70. The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history, savings and marital status were ignored altogether.
71. In their zeal to catch drug dealers, police have ignored citizens' basic civil rights.
72. The diesel fumes from Oxford's buses are not easily ignored.
72. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
73. The real costs of the war have been ignored in the flag-waving of recent months.
74. These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.
75. I'm sure he ignored you by accident and not by design.
76. The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored.
77. Most of the workers have ignored their union's call for strike action.
78. I told her I didn't think she should get mixed up with that group(), but as usual she ignored my advice.
79. She ignored his taunt.
80. He denied the accusation that he had ignored the problems.
81. Management have so far ignored the union's calls for stricter safety regulations.
82. Her mother's opinions on how babies should be cared for were freely given and duly ignored.
83. The needs of the many have been ignored -- instead, the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few.
84. In his testimony, he denied that the company had ignored safety procedures.
85. The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them.
86. Her warnings were ignored.
87. Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.
88. Her work has been too much ignored for too long.
89. Cases of child abuse often go unreported or ignored by uninformed citizens.
90. He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking as if all were agreed between them.
91. Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits.
92. I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street yesterday, and it's been on my conscience ever since.
93. The lunatic fringe is / are ignored by most members of the party.
94. He simply ignored Sid's pleading.
95. They were amazed to find the story almost ignored.
96. Such grand designs are usually ignored.
97. Safety procedures had been ignored, with disastrous consequences.
98. Even their most basic needs are sometimes ignored.
99. He ignored his mounting debts.
100. George ignored his partner's infidelities.
101. The assistant director called Brando who ignored him.
102. Bodie ignored the sounds of dissent./ignored.html
103. The convention ignored Morris and accepted the compromise formula.
104. Every blessing ignored becomes a curse. Paulo Coelho 
105. If ignored, these feelings turn to tears or anger.
106. Accordingly, they can be ignored by monetary authorities seeking to control the overall price level.
107. Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
108. It seemed that our genuine concerns and grievances were largely ignored and we were dismissed as being out of date and out of touch.
109. But they ignored the unthinking acceptance that Jeffries enjoyed among a far wider circle of students.
110. The local people's claims for compensation from the chemical factory have so far been ignored.
111. Now, any kitten with tufts or streaks of white hair on an otherwise jet black coat will be ignored.
112. The Reds dropped a few small bombs, killed far fewer people than calculation suggests and ignored militarily-attractive targets.
113. Like many old people he ignored advice not to keep cash in his home.
114. These two central problems associated with nuclear power can be ignored only at our peril.
115. Less apparent on Mercedes' stand - and consequently ignored by most show visitors - was a prototype 190 electric car.
116. It ignored the option of allowing the recounts to continue while it heard Mr Bush's appeal.
117. The circular gave formal acknowledgement to a practice already employed by some authorities and which continued thereafter to be ignored by others.
118. It draws us towards other ignored aspects of existence usually called the psychic,() esoteric or occult and suggests a possible connection.
119. This obvious feature of the parliamentary arithmetic is ignored by many writers on the 1931 crisis.
120. He ignored complaints from alarmed consumer groups in order to maintain popular momentum for a measure he regards as essential.
121. The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity, though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate.
122. Her complaints to other supervisors were also ignored, he said.
123. He ignored me, jerked up and down and wailed bitterly as he clung to her.
124. However, the priorities of government manifested on a day-to-day basis frequently ignored the longer-term priorities nominally established in the plans.
125. Until recently, such wavelengths have been ignored because neutral hydrogen absorbs it in the same way fog absorbs visible light.
126. Cauthen could have a major chance on Spritsail if that horse's poor run at Ascot last week could be ignored.
127. He then ignored both of them, walking to the stairs that curved down into the room and taking the luggage up.
128. Science simply ignored the fact that livestock are creatures with a capacity to suffer.
129. Its circular of 12 January drawing attention to the decisions against united action taken at Southport, had been ignored.
130. Nevertheless, the book contains some useful and interesting material and is certainly not a book to be ignored.
131. After 75 days of being brutalized and sexually assaulted by other inmates and ignored by the prison guards, Rodney hanged himself.
132. Only a minority of pupils take part in high quality experimental science-which is often completely ignored until they are 14.
133. Their remains were so abundant that they could not be ignored.
134. Always ignored by such politicians is employment. Violent crime, for instance,[Sentencedict] is on the decline in most major cities.
135. Ulcerative colitis may present with anaemia when bowel symptoms are mild or ignored.
136. Many social workers fail to visit on a regular preventive basis and requests for assistance or cries for help are often ignored.
137. And for months they have ignored repeated U.S. warnings about the dangers of this new(), aggressive policy.
138. A nonverbal political communication might have enormous impact or might be completely ignored.
139. God is nurtured by the theistic mind. God is ignored by the agnostic mind. God is killed by the atheistic mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
140. The redevelopment of Docklands ignored the local culture and destroyed the local pubs.
141. Some of the man-apes it ignored completely, as if it was concentrating on the most promising subjects.
142. They would frequently receive strange glances from those in other booths but she just ignored it.
143. They multiply rapidly if ignored, however, and form an unattractive brown film wherever they congregate.
144. But for most, in a community that is studiously disinterested in celebrity, Simpson is simply ignored.
145. The great scholars also are largely ignored for their craft skills and precise goals in scholarship.
146. These negative effects of direct taxation can not any longer be ignored.
147. But the tide of voter approval for her stand could scarcely be ignored by a party haemorrhaging support.
148. Much later issues of race and class began to be addressed more seriously, after years of being ignored or side-stepped.
149. The classical writers completely ignored the existence of such factors.
150. To write and receive a reply would take so long - her letter might be ignored completely.
151. Unfortunately, just as the emotional needs of mentally disordered people are often ignored, so too are their spiritual needs.
152. He ignored both the display cases and the safe which was concealed behind a framed eighteenth-century engraving of the City of London.
153. Ignored was the consideration that interrogators of prisoners do not come forward as witnesses against themselves before police boards or civil courts.
154. Women detainees are particularly vulnerable to having their needs ignored.
155. This week one old dear ignored her relatives and left £25,000 to her tortoise.
156. Their temerity was hardly less than that of painters who ignored the taboos imposed by convention, their dexterity even greater.
157. Hobbs had blatantly ignored the legal profession's code of conduct.
158. Psycho and Peeping Tom, both of which are more than 30 years-old and remain deeply shocking, are also ignored.
159. He ignored Sir Ralph's corpse but lifted back the insignia over the hospitaller's and the canvas sheet which lay underneath.
160. Unproductive meetings, domestic rows and uncomfortable social chit-chat can all be caused by status needs being ignored and camouflaged.
161. Her requests to inspect several detention centres where troops were alleged to have tortured prisoners were also ignored.
162. We were ignored and despised by everyone - fans, venues, bands and journalists.
162. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
163. In regard to the use of field interviewers, the social and psychological aspects of studies are all too often ignored.
164. If their paths crossed Bryony usually ignored her, but with contempt, as if she was behaving stupidly.
165. After that, he ignored the hand and massaged Bobby's arm until he felt the sensation of burning coals.
166. The software company has done well in areas ignored by big guns such as Microsoft and Lotus.
167. This ignored the fact that many had been created out of poor arable land or even poorer scrub.
168. As I couldn't work out where they were coming from I ignored them.
169. A crucial aspect of a child's interests is thus ignored.
170. He shouted directions to the boarders, and, when they were ignored, he shouted contrary orders.
171. Repeated scientific warnings about the imminent collapse of cod stocks were ignored and the vast shoals vanished.
172. As children, our cries for attention are acknowledged and responded to, ignored or dealt with by aggression.
173. Representing a distinct, highly opinionated voting bloc, his was a political voice that could not be ignored.
174. The fee was 25,000 - and Collins ignored the advice of a friend when he signed.
175. Safety legislation requires the disclosure of hazardous contents but this seems to be ignored as well.
176. One of the most disturbing features of the case was how patients' protestations of abuse were ignored.
177. Those who just write a letter have found their informal requests ignored completely or at least not dealt with for some time.
178. While most mistakes should be ignored or given scant acknowledgement, there are times when parental intervention may be useful.
179. The Democratic Party machine did not return his calls, the media ignored him, but he kept driving.
180. Any handicaps or special characteristics which obviously affect health and development can not be ignored.
181. His brother Gawain ignored him, gazing at the salt cellar or the window for minutes at a time and stolidly chewing.
182. An Teallach reappears at close range and dominates the scene, refusing to be ignored.
183. The taut dialogue raises a squirming smorgasbord of questions about the potential for bedlam when our profound individual differences are ignored.
184. Unfortunately, when Graham left office Governor Martinez ignored the system, and it quickly degenerated into make-work.
185. In some of these, for instance California and Wyoming, the material was apparently ignored by the aboriginal inhabitants.
186. Minimal displays of aggression towards us are usually best ignored.
187. The fish were momentarily startled at my sudden appearance, but after a while they ignored me.
188. So if you make it something you can expect to be ignored or treated accordingly.
189. When Fawcett announced the discovery at a scientific meeting in Cambridge in 1935, it was ignored.
190. His contribution to Salomon financial history had been completely ignored.
191. That is not to say the report has been ignored completely.
192. Tam and Richie got pissed with Billy, and everyone ignored Mr Finlayson[], drinking alone up at the bar.
193. In contrast, non-communicable diseases have been virtually ignored by local health departments.
194. She ignored him, refusing to answer, because what could she say?
195. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Aldous Huxley 
196. But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem. Anne Frank 
197. A firm believer in mysticism and fate, he felt he had ignored the course his intuition was guiding him to follow.
198. Are they like heavy colds - something unpleasant but best ignored as they will soon go away?
199. Clearly, if not the ghost, then the organism in the black box could not be ignored.
200. I ignored his command and took off after him, racing along as fast as my legs could carry me.
201. He ignored the great truth - jokes don't cross frontiers.
202. Woman is either ignored or presented as innately less aggressive than man.
203. The broody hens were taken and the young pheasants ignored.
204. Our problems came about because we ignored the advice of experts.
205. It had been unthinkable that either one of them could be ignored, much less the two acting together.
206. Meanwhile, the cyber gods controlling the random selection virtually ignored some large districts in other areas of the state.
207. Program evaluation is commonly thought of as a dry, fruitless endeavor, extolled in theory but ignored in practice.
208. The role of dopants and contaminants in degradation cannot be ignored.
209. All other colon separated fields are ignored at this time.
210. Substantial numbers of rank and file members ignored their union's advice.
211. For the women fo the upper east side, adultery is pathologically ignored.
212. These requests are ignored. His requests for rent are likewise sometimes ignored.
213. The speedy car ignored the traffic lights and, with its horn blaring, roared down the street.
214. In the delirium of revolutionary success and market dominance, such details were easily ignored.
215. His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.




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