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单词 Vulgar
1. Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar
2. And his soul, a vulgar a numb find redemption.
3. The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. I think that is the most vulgar and tasteless remark I ever heard in my life.
5. His vulgar manners shocked everyone.
6. The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes.
7. The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.
8. It was an extremely vulgar joke.
9. His language is a bit vulgar at times.
10. I hate you to use such vulgar words.
11. A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls.
12. ? and 5/8 are vulgar fractions.
13. His vulgar remarks disgusted us.
14. He's got to pander to the vulgar and stupid audiences.
15. Isn't it rather vulgar to talk about how much money you earn?
16. Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society.
17. He was loud, vulgar and arrogant-quite simply the rudest man I've ever met!
18. He was a vulgar old man, but he never swore in front of a woman.
19. The jokes are expected to be vulgar.
20. She was vindictive, vulgar; she wanted to hurt him.
21. Max Weinreich describes the level of usage as vulgar.
22. Its vulgar images seduce many people.
23. Can teachers assign articles with vulgar words?
24. This professor constantly uses vulgar expressions.
25. Norman was a vulgar, ignorant man.
26. I've no idea how much the clothes cost because there was nothing so vulgar as a price tag in evidence.
27. She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar.
28. Beneath his tissue-thin veneer of good manners,he was a very vulgar man.
29. I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar.
30. Trust you to lower the tone of the evening by telling vulgar jokes, Martin!
1. The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
2. I think that is the most vulgar and tasteless remark I ever heard in my life.
3. I've no idea how much the clothes cost because there was nothing so vulgar as a price tag in evidence.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. His vulgar manners shocked everyone.
5. His language is a bit vulgar at times.
6. I hate you to use such vulgar words.
7. A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls.
31. It was an especially vulgar affair.
32. Vulgar fashions filled the store windows.
33. This more sophisticated view of literary production is clearly at odds with the vulgar Marxist criticism of Zhdanov( ), Radek and Stetsky.
34. The degradation of the Ideal was guaranteed by coupling it with the real: with vulgar photographic naturalism.
35. We are well rid of an ugly, vulgar and confusing publication.
36. Hank made a vulgar sound of distaste, shoved his hands in his pockets and continued on his way.
37. Crowe then had the vulgar audacity to offer me a pitiful ten quid if I revealed the manager's name.
38. I don't want to sound a snob but I thought it vulgar.
39. The lyrics were vulgar.
40. I think she was crying, but adjudged it vulgar to peer.
41. The article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich.
42. I don't want to sound like a snob,() but I found the decor vulgar.
43. Mr van der Luyden looked about the room with what would have been self-satisfaction on features less purged of the vulgar passions.
44. In the presence of a large crowd in a public square the messengers shouted vulgar abuse at Vuk.
45. All that vulgar social-climbing!
46. The statements quoted above were for the most part not coarse or vulgar, but just loaded with bigotry.
47. An ugly church, monstrous and vulgar as the cloth merchants who had built it.
48. Johnson defends his activities in the vulgar idiom characteristic of him.
49. What these qualities were Furse was never so vulgar or incautious as to define.
50. The band's vulgar lyrics appeal to the lowest common denominator.
51. He ruined the evening with his vulgar talk about women and about how much he could drink.
52. She felt that extremes of grief or pleasure were vulgar, and placed control high on her list of priorities.
53. This is pure, vulgar class warfare without a howling proletariat.
54. Or is it, pardon me for being so vulgar but others will ask the same, her family?
55. Carew's immediate response was that it was garish and vulgar, like Durkin himself.
56. Otherwise nothing useful will be achieved and, instead of debate, we shall descend to the level of vulgar slanging matches.
57. Next, the things ordinary people like are dismissed as vulgar.
58. This is a precious text, its publishers and authors are saying, that gloriously defies vulgar commercial logic.
59. He is outspoken, witty, occasionally vulgar, and when he smiles his whole face lights up.
60. I do not want this turned into a vulgar commercial icon.
61. Vulgar, but not as vulgar as Louis Vuitton, thought Sherman.
62. Muttering some vulgar exorcism to avert the jinx, Juron tore the panel open.
63. There was nothing vulgar about these hands, not like his wife's plebeian paws with their chilblains and chipped red enamel.
64. Spitting in public is considered vulgar.
65. Sexiness was not allowed. It was considered vulgar.
66. I think it's a very vulgar house.
67. His humour Bordered on the edge of being vulgar.
68. He found himself married a vulgar shrew.
69. He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue.
70. His campaign has been unrestrained and often vulgar.
71. "Don't be vulgar," she reprimanded.
72. He found himself married to a vulgar shrew.
73. They seemed to her rather vulgar and ill-bred.
74. We should get rid ourselves of the vulgar ways of logrolling.
75. We've grown vulgar and venal, wedded to the almighty dollar and the lowest common denominator.
76. However, with sensation as a foundation of his philosophy and the method being perceptional intuition, eventually his erceptional philosophy swayed between vulgar materialism and idealism.
77. It is the difference of the elect and the vulgar.
78. No matter you are knowledgeable, or self-glorification, you boss is possibly more vulgar and injudicious than you think. But you have to listen to him everyday.
79. Decadent, vulgar, pornography, depravity, estheticism, traditional descendant, these words usually are the labels of his works.
80. In the Western Jin Dynasty, the Shi stratum had a large amount of economic wealth, and formed the vulgar outlook of wealth.
81. A commenter on the popular Sina website said Chinese people did not treat sex as boldly as foreigners, adding: "These vulgar sex installations will only make people sick."
82. The agar foods for sale at this food shop are of striking But not vulgar colors.
83. Every day, he through the street, dressed in cheap and vulgar finery.
84. The doctor thought it very vulgar to be precipitate in accusing people of mercenary motives.
85. Frankly speaking, I always consider myself as a vulgar and corse person. I think I have seen through this society.
86. This is known as "the first Eastern evil spirit imaginary knight-errant large - scale work" the movie while obtains not the vulgar box office result, but also has captured audience's heart.
87. What did he think of her -- that she was base, vulgar, ignoble?
88. Holland's classical happy performance level is very high, populace's music percipient is not vulgar, therefore here concert admission ticket is sold out nearly, in other countries is also rare.
89. They have used all kinds of ways to distribute content that is low-class, crude and even vulgar, gravely damaging mores on the internet.
90. He desired not the purple and the fasces, the insignia of vulgar command.
91. The theory of knowledge of vulgar sociology roots in the classical outlook on science with Newton's Celestial Mechanics and Dualism of Descartes as the core.
92. Similarly, the "humanitarian care" paraded by artists has also been trapped into the springe of some critics' interpretation of Vulgar Sociologism .
93. Alleged " the net is black " point to to vulgar taste and insalubrious thing are made on the network namely,(/vulgar.html) "Network hatchet man " it is among them typical more.
94. The house was full of costly, but very vulgar furniture.
95. That pigmy kneaded out of common earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low. Will that become an Ionian or a Boeotian?
96. Beaufort was vulgar, he was uneducated, he was purse - proud.
97. Although it is often vulgar and unrefined, its implied meaning can be both deep and eloquent.
98. I always consider that the vulgar aims people pursuit vehemently - property, vainglory and extravagance - are despicable.
99. One luckless evening it occurred to me to test my wife's fidelity in a vulgar, commonplace way familiar to everyone who has acquaintance with the literature of fact and fiction.
100. Though some may call his work an objectification of women, ultimately there is no intention on a vulgar representation of his subjects in his work.
101. Those bull-puncher people like to use the male spirit that says vulgar language will show his, the man in alive common life also is.
102. Mrs. Jennings, Lady Middleton's mother, was a good-humoured , merry, fat, elderly woman, who talked a great deal, seemed very happy, and rather vulgar .
103. I know my junior fellow apprentice well. He looks like a rascal, very vulgar, but actually he is high-hearted than anyone. He stresses much on personal loyalty and principle.
104. The real Chinaman may be vulgar, but there is no aggressiveness , no blatancy in his vulgarity.
105. It is a vulgar, but still a useful help towards contempt of death, to pass in review those who have tenaciously stuck to life.
106. Her great white hat with its vulgar. showy flowers was an affront.
107. All of which is to say that "Spider-Man", with its broken aerial stunts and epic sense of doom, is an unforgettably vulgar show, and—really!—one worth seeing for that reason.
108. Sleepwalker: A Sleeper who is not Awake but who does not suffer from Quiescence and Disbelief, and who does not increase the chance of a Paradox should he witness vulgar or improbable magic.
109. " Hemosiderosis net" Guide to the "beauty image" section of the existence of a large number of vulgar picture.
110. They have used all kinds of ways to distribute content that is low-class , crude and even vulgar, gravely damaging mores on the Internet.
111. Some of the popular rap music is considered as vulgar and violent.
112. The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes.
113. The phenomenon of vulgar style and flubdub existing in the TV entertainment programs is reconsidered in this paper, with the key to this phenomenon being analysed.
114. The fear is that overstretched borrowers will now dump their nouveau-classical villas and vulgar condominiums, upending the property market and inflicting wider damage on the economy.
115. Black cloth cap worn during the yin after extremely vulgar, to show following elegant wind.
116. He depicts the sordid and vulgar sides of life exclusively.
117. We should rid ourselves of the vulgar ways of logrolling.
118. I have never been called"vulgar"or" low-class "by anyone else that I know of.
119. The media has joined the debate with disapproving noises about "yob culture, " though Dr. Gill argues that they may be part of the problem, given the tabloid tendency to champion the vulgar.
120. The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in a house of prostitution and sometimes it says some pretty vulgar stuff."
121. Guys like a girl who can be as vulgar as their guy friends, but don't trot out your award-winning burps or four-letter fiestas until at least the second or third date.
122. In his early twenties he took Ada, a vulgar shop girl, for his mistress.
123. No one knows were it originated before it was picked up by those vulgar Latin speaking pre-Frenchmen.
124. The Australian singer-songwriter wrote a bitingly hilarious, if vulgar, ditty about a loathed ex's unwanted friend request.
125. He describes her as “excitable, malicious, malignant, vengeful, unforgiving, selfish, stingy, avaricious, coarse, vulgar, profane, obscene, a furious blusterer on the outside and at heart a coward.”
126. Churlish: like, or befitting a churl ; boorish or vulgar.
127. To practice it in criminal and vulgar ways is to exploit its scandalous materiality and ignore the immaterial frisson which constitutes its excellence.
128. The naughty boy defaced the wall with some vulgar words with coloured chalk.
129. Euphemisms may be needed to omit the means to save certain words, so that semantic ambiguity or fade harsh or rude vulgar part.
129. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
130. Though never canonized himself, old Jolyon's natural fastidiousness and balance had saved him from the errors of the vulgar.
131. At last we have arrived at the forms of appearance which serve as the starting point in the vulgar conception: ground rent coming from the earth, profit (interest) from capital, wages from labor.
132. From the...testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd" ( Life )"
133. Students will be easy to change into vulgar, oversensitive, if prematurely into the community.
134. From the beginning, I hated the way he talked, his whining voice and his vulgar accent.
135. In the current design practices, there is a danger that the skin game would make the Tectonic Concept shallow and vulgar.
136. But when it was imported into China and combined with Chinese vulgar culture of Confucianism, Tanism and social life, it gradually got Chino- nationalization.
137. He thinks it is vulgar and unworthy to spend one's life pursuing money, power, fame, and --- "Sometimes you act like you're not worth the powder and shot it would take to blow you up with."
138. Messages to be posted on the Forum must not be unlawful, threatening, libellous, abusive, vulgar, obscene, personal attack , invasive of privacy, discriminatory, or otherwise.
139. Horse-racing was once considered vulgar and lower class in Japan.
140. His innovation lies that he understands the culture as a social and material production process, which he criticizes the vulgar materialism and economic determinism.
141. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
142. The use of vulgar, obscene, lewd, or suggestive language is prohibited.
143. When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify.
144. Euphemism shall need to take omit means, save some words, make its semantic ambiguity or concealed to vulgar harsh or impolite part.
145. He is extremely insinuating , but it's a vulgar nature.
146. In England & quot ; fanny & quot ; is vulgar slang for female genitals.




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