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单词 Chiefly
1. The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart. 
2. Tea is raised chiefly in China, Japan and India.
3. The work consists chiefly of interviewing the public.
4. Bread is chiefly made of flour.
5. This group is chiefly made up of elderly people.
6. Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands.
7. Icecream is chiefly made of milk and sugar.
8. He kept animals , chiefly cattle, with some pigs.
9. We're packed out and again chiefly to young people.
10. He's travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia.
11. The accident happened chiefly because you were careless.
12. I wax my boots chiefly to waterproof them.
13. Air consists chiefly of nitrogen.
14. The films were bought chiefly for their entertainment value.
15. The Government is chiefly concerned with controlling inflation.
16. Cattle feed chiefly on grass.
17. I lived abroad for years, chiefly in Italy.
18. The island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists.
19. We are chiefly concerned with improving educational standards.
20. My interest in him chiefly centres in his quick mind.
21. He joined the consular service, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.
22. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.
23. Chiefly, I ask you to remember to write to your elderly mother.
24. The team lost the game chiefly bacause the team leader had a dispute with the coach.
25. The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood.
26. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
27. She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.
28. Male speaker Chiefly there's a feeling of immense relief.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Chiefly, by his total dedication.
30. Aeroliths, or stony meteorites, are composed chiefly of silicates.
1. Tea is raised chiefly in China, Japan and India.
2. The work consists chiefly of interviewing the public.
3. Bread is chiefly made of flour.
4. This group is chiefly made up of elderly people.
5. The accident happened chiefly because you were careless.
6. I wax my boots chiefly to waterproof them.
7. Cattle feed chiefly on grass.
8. My interest in him chiefly centres in his quick mind.
9. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.
10. The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood.
31. They knew differences chiefly among Protestant sects.
32. Before 1849, travel was done chiefly on horseback.
33. Aphrodite using her power chiefly to ensnare and betray.
34. Lombard influence shows chiefly in the bell towers.
35. Syd's health was the subject which chiefly occupied the thoughts of the majority.
36. The station also supplied the nearby brickworks with its coal, 23,000 tons in 1898, chiefly from Yorkshire.
37. This results chiefly from age-selective migration from London, but also bears witness to the North-South movement of labour.
38. Observers believe that Vassiliev and Kokonin were sacked chiefly for financial reasons.
39. The task of providing liberal education belongs chiefly to the humanities.
40. In 1240 Edward succeeded his father as keeper of the king's works at Westminster, which then chiefly concerned the palace.
41. Emmie felt very odd: a little frightened but chiefly bored and irritated.
42. Here the building was chiefly of wood, retaining the national craft styles already established.
43. To this day his marriage remains lodged in local memory chiefly because of the arrival of his London Bohemian friends.
44. Trafalgar was chiefly a property group, with hotel and travel interests and civil engineers such as Trollope and Colls.
45. Chiefly he lacked the flair, or the confidence, for tackling out-of-the-way problems, especially among the men.
46. Indeed, infra-red light is chiefly responsible for the general warming effect of solar radiation.
47. During that period I was chiefly concerned with the question of how to structure the narrative.
48. The contemplatives, however, with whom Scale 2 is chiefly concerned, go further into reformation in feeling.
49. The interest was again chiefly rhythmic and required the most meticulous playing by all sections in the orchestra.
50. If the government is to restore its credibility, it must seek chiefly to inform, not to reassure by whatever means.
51. By contrast defence expenditure was cut, chiefly by reducing national service from 14 months to 12.
52. As a result its leading members seem chiefly interested in backstabbing their closest rivals.
53. A chest radiograph showed non-systematic disseminated infiltrates, chiefly in the two lower lobes.
54. Organic materials Most of the materials chiefly esteemed today for their symbolic value are of mineral origin.
55. Cutting income tax will increase the supply of labour input, chiefly by attracting new workers into the labour force.
56. Among the sinecures were chiefly the remaining canonries in cathedrals and colleges.
57. As regards yeomen the statistics serve chiefly to emphasise the difficulty of pinning them down to a precise definition.
58. Many conjunctions functions as other parts of speech, chiefly as prepositions, such as before, till, since.
58. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
59. He found no society in which authority was associated chiefly with women in male-female relations.
60. The proposal for a Severn barrage has also led to some public debate, chiefly on environment issues.
61. About 40 % of the foodequipment business is international, but it consists chiefly of exporting products to distributors and licensees abroad.
62. These principles chiefly concerned broadcasting organization, and the organization, of course, was designed to achieve complementary public service goals.
63. It would, however, be absurd to complain that Blunden and Mellor chiefly admire skill in a poet.
64. While so many documentary-makers seem chiefly eager to exhibit their punditry, he appeared as a genuine seeker after knowledge.
65. Mr Heath's Government was chiefly preoccupied with his attempt to restore the economy after Labour mismanagement.
66. Some teachers were chiefly concerned to chart the acquisition of underlying skills, but many were satisfied with checklists of tasks completed.
67. The men against the wall drank little or nothing, and the most serious devotees danced chiefly with one another.
68. Over this period I visited the school more than 30 times, chiefly to conduct interviews and attend meetings.
69. They are chiefly associated with his distinctive emphases on historical revelation and on the ethical rather than mystical nature of religion.
70. Members of this group are chiefly external parasites of turtles, fishes, and amphibians.
71. The obstinate refusal of many males to support gun control is not chiefly a product of conditioning by the weapons industry.
72. Their mechanism of action has been worked out chiefly by experiments on animals.
73. Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. Socrates 
74. Chiefly for tactical reasons, a clause was inserted in the women's suffrage bills of 1874 expressly excluding married women.
75. Yet, significant as many of these developments were, the majority seem chiefly remarkable for the wealth they did not generate.
76. The latter is chiefly intended to protect a healthy knee against injury and to give confidence to those with inherently weak joints.
77. It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay. Eric Hoffer 
78. Marlin's record collection was chiefly seduction songs of his sixties adolescence, which suited her fine.
79. It was chiefly in articles for the Spectator between 1711 and 1714 that his criticism appeared.
80. That was why he relied chiefly on Simenon, an author for whom he preserved a high opinion all his life.
81. Bethesda disposed of Beaumaris by five wickets with 10 overs left thanks chiefly to a fighting 60 by Bryn Butler.
82. Foxton still remains a popular attraction, though obviously chiefly on account of the Locks.
83. It is a very beautiful instrument, chiefly used for solo work where a melancholy and expressive tone-quality is appropriate.
84. Real estate prices have been falling, chiefly because of the lack of jobs in the area.
85. Darwin's theory is an example of a scientific theory which is chiefly explanatory.
86. Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel.
87. Did Britain direct the spearhead chiefly at Egypt?
88. Chiefly British A swindle ; a cheat.
89. A man's success depends chiefly on himself.
90. A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.
91. They are chiefly of Jewish parentage.
92. Patrick White's literary fame chiefly rests with his novels.
93. He then went on a buying spree abroad, chiefly in Eastern Europe.
94. A North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
95. A highly contagious tropical disease that chiefly affects children, caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue and characterized by raspberrylike sores, especially on the hands, feet, and face.
96. Chiefly residential with a textile industry, it was the official capital of the Philippines from 1948 to 1976. Population, 1,165,865.
97. Any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style.
98. any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes.
99. The techniques commonly used in forecasting crude oil recoverable reserves chiefly consist of static empirical formula, water-flooding empirical formula.
100. In nature antimony occurs chiefly as the gray sulfide mineral stibnite, Sb2S3.
101. Chiefly, the Cupid's bow was reconstructed with full-thickness skin excision, and the vermilion deficiency repaired with the mucosal flap from the lower lip.
102. At that time some hundreds of bombs were dropped on industrial centres, chiefly in European Russia, Western Europe , and North America.
103. There are but two things that chiefly excite us to love woman, an attractive beauty and unspotted fame.
104. North Adelaide, which is chiefly residential , is bordered by more parklands, and contains two open squares.
105. Farcy:a chronic form of glanDers that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels.
106. The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by accuracy and quick computation.
107. Shoshonean people who formerly lived between Wyoming and the Mexican border but are now chiefly in Oklahoma.
108. First of all, an adjacency list should be established and its composition chiefly includes orientation, capacity, flux and so on.
109. He slurred over her faults and spoke chiefly of her merits.
110. Any of numerous tailless amphibians chiefly of the family Bufonidae, related to and resembling the frogs but characteristically more terrestrial and having a broader body and rougher, drier skin.
111. Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
112. In the intersts of renown the forwardness should lie chiefly in the capacity to handle things.
113. Sociologically unlike the philosopher is a person of some inherited wealth chiefly landed property but whose way of life will be urban.
114. In a very fast tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegro but slower than prestissimo. Used chiefly as a direction.
115. A hardy wheat ( Triticum turgidum , formerly T. durum ) used chiefly in making pasta.
116. Any of various large stinging wasps of the family Vespidae, chiefly of the genera Vespa and Vespula, that characteristically build large papery nests.
117. This paper is chiefly inquired into how to solve the bubble problem in solvent woodenware coating.
118. The ground fracture in Xi'an is a sort of unique city geologic hazard, its area of coverage pole expand, destructibility very strong,[http:///chiefly.html] afterwards becoming a chiefly nature calamity of Xi'an.
119. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books polemic divinity, most of which I read.
120. Aphrodite was worshiped chiefly as the goddess of human love.
121. The text describes chiefly among other things the technology of composite casting, the property of the material and experiences of initial operations.
122. But in some logic teaching materials they are equated. This article chiefly discusses their differences.
123. The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.
124. Catholic interest in Attila centers chiefly in his relations with those bishops of France and Italy who restrained the Hunnish leader in his devastating fury.
125. The city's challenge, chiefly, is to dispose of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 30 years.
126. A large, detachable plowshare with a single blade, used chiefly for breaking or clearing heavy soil.
127. In this paper, Multi - ship Collision Avoidance Simulation System is chiefly researched.
128. This paper deals with the remedy of 78 neck muscle spasm cases chiefly by massage.
129. In those harsh postwar years, ideals of infant beauty resided chiefly in fat, in Churchillian multiple chins, in dreams of an end to rationing and of the reign of plenty to come.
130. It chiefly consisted of household linen, plate, china, and books, with a handsome pianoforte of Marianne's. Mrs.
131. Prior to that time, regulation of securities was chiefly governed by state laws (commonly referred to as blue sky laws).
132. Yet I am of opinion, this defect arises chiefly from a perverse, restive disposition.
133. A chiefly amphibole rock with minor plagioclase and little quartz.
134. The paper chiefly introduces the concrete's quality, axes fix and vertical control, plastering control, high grade decoration, product protection, etc.
135. The variegation of petals originates chiefly from gene mutation and viral infection.
136. The paper chiefly introduces a cryptographic solution about key recovery and key recovery capability by adding key recovery information to an IP datagram.
137. The results show that the size and direction of the gas-phase velocity in the standpipe are chiefly affected by the mass flux of solid and negative pressure gradient.
138. Her good health is chiefly due to proper diet and regular exercise.
139. After graduating I worked as assistant editor in Middle East International, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and short item.
140. An electrostatic generator having oppositely rotating mica or glass disks with metal carriers on which charges are produced by induction, used chiefly as a demonstration apparatus.
141. What once seemed a canny convergence play now looks like a barmy risk, for both the borrowers and the banks, chiefly Italian and Austrian, that lent to them.
142. It chiefly consisted of household linen, plate, china, and books, with a handsome pianoforte of Marianne's.
143. Any of various chiefly tropical trees of the genus Diospyros, having hard wood and orange-red fruit that is edible only when completely ripe.
144. It attracted a wide following, chiefly in the East, but won its most distinguished adherent in Tertullian.
145. Introduced The systems software and the main interface of it chiefly.
146. The content of thb resolution is chiefly to recognize the right of each contracted party to f0rmulation of laws and regulations without any excuse of hindering the global free trade.
147. The modifications were aimed chiefly at reducing labour costs and increasing yields.
148. Any of several chiefly tropical American bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum grown as ornamentals for their large, showy, funnel-shaped,[http:///chiefly.html] variously colored flowers that are grouped in umbels.
149. Lithic associations composed chiefly of quartzose sandstones were developed in delta plains and delta distributary channels with good physical properties to provide available reservoir space.
150. Which part of the petty bourgeoisie do they chiefly represent?
151. Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers; widely cultivated.
152. This has led to a consumption boom chiefly in the coastal areas.
153. Medio-Iaterally, the cervical projecting cells were located chiefly at the junctional area between the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei and at the ventromedial part of the latter.
154. Dru - gs used were chiefly carbazone and metronidazole , the efficacy of latter was ashigh as 92.68 %.
155. The Civil War was chiefly fought between "the whites", supported by Imperial Germany, and "the reds", supported by Bolshevist Russia.
156. When the cam is chiefly transferred movement, the choice of radius of base circle firstly is considered the roller's continuous rolling.
157. It occurs chiefly as stannic oxide , SnO 2 in cassiterite.
158. Conclusion Gentiopicrin are chiefly concentrated on the parts of the heart-wooded.
159. It conducts online business data interchange activities, chiefly based on digital information technology.
160. The colour of these objects was chiefly pale or sombre.
161. The mentioned above dating results imply that Mesozoic magmatism in the NCB chiefly happened in early Cretaceous.
162. By analyzing 15 Xin Zhengs, this thesis chiefly deals with the exegetic style, exegetic content, exegetic methods, meanwhile, judges the achievements and deficiencies in Chinese exegetics .
163. M · Dufrenne think that the temporality of aesthetic being chiefly means the temporality of human history.
164. The preparation and purification process of silicon tetrachloride were chiefly introduced.
165. They chiefly deal in the wholesales and retails of the FUJI series products and CASIO digital cameras. On-line after-service system is available.
166. The software design and hardware implementation of the total system are also proposed, the embedded platform of monitor unit and implementation of GPRS function is discussed chiefly.
167. The photochemical reaction and mechanism of chlorofluorocarbons and aromatic compounds in solid ice was introduced chiefly.
168. Stachys in the mint family, especially S. officinalis, native chiefly to Europe and having spikes of usually reddish-purple flowers. It was once popular in herbal medicine.
169. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh the lust of uncleanness, and despise government.
170. I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul.
171. In Marxism, human nature is chiefly related with volition, defined as practice, thus to take form of practical philosophy, defined as to change the world.
172. The present article describe chiefly production and application of trichloroisocyanuric acid, and make a forecast for its futural market and development trend.
173. The core of judicial activism lies in the discretion power of the judge , and the system of the discretion power is chiefly reflected through legal proof system.
174. However, one type of horse manure from the horse, who feed chiefly on the distiller's grains (Type 2 horse manure) proved a good material for A. bisporus cultivation.
175. Music In a very fast tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegro but slower than prestissimo. Used chiefly as a direction.
176. A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent, occurring chiefly in Arabia, Africa, and India.
177. Languages are endowed with the aesthetics of rhymes, which can be chiefly divided into alliteration, assonance, rhyme and echoism.
178. Secondly the enterprise cross-domain communicates information by way of INTERNENT, this is proscenium of enterprise MIS system,[ ] this part realizes chiefly thee-commerce of enterprise.
179. The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation, the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite. 39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore.
180. A flammable gaseous fraction of petroleum, consisting chiefly of butane.
181. Any of several widely distributed, chiefly marine fishes that are primarily of the families Blenniidae and Clinidae and have small, elongated, often scaleless bodies.
182. Any of several compounds containing potassium, especially soluble compounds such as potassium oxide, potassium chloride, and various potassium sulfates, used chiefly in fertilizers.
183. A usually coarse - grained igneous rock composed chiefly of calcic plagioclase and pyroxene.
184. Optical switch is chiefly used in OXC(Optical Cross Connection) system in optical network. It can fulfill many functions such as routing, selecting optical wavelength and OXC etc.
185. The parenchyma, in which trabecula want found , was chiefly composed of lymphoid tissue and blood sinuses.
186. An electronic device that restricts current flow chiefly to one direction.
187. A lustrous gray strong metallic element resembling titanium; it is used in nuclear reactors as a neutron absorber; it occurs in baddeleyite but is obtained chiefly from zircon.
188. Research on ERF chiefly concentrates at ERF damper in vibration domain at present. But still not go deep into to ERF shock isolator.
189. A chronic form of glanders that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels.
190. While the casebook is chiefly a teaching tool for student use, it should not be ignored as a research work as well.
191. Any of various herbs of the genus Campanula, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy, bell-shaped, violet or blue flowers.
192. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.
193. Attacks along the border with Jordan, chiefly the work of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), continued until Black September 1979, when King Hussein forced the PLO out of Jordan.
194. In the cement composite, a hardened cement product is coated with a substance block agent composed chiefly of an aqueous dispersion of synthetic resin, a swelling clay mineral and a pigment.
195. The median installment debt, chiefly auto loans, was $13, 000.
196. The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargment of the heat!
197. Results The lactation breasts of abundant and middling milk amount were chiefly mesenchyma types (70.8%), which had excessive and mid blood stream(100%).
198. Prairie dogs chiefly live in the Great Plains of North America.
199. Shaped by hammering with tools. Used chiefly of metals or metalwork.
200. The oxidation of boronized knives during heat treatment depends chiefly upon the oxidizing power of the quenching medium, this problem has been solved by using the water quenching oil cooling process.
201. We also analyze and compare several kinds of frequency doubling crystals used in generating blue laser. Then the intracavity frequency doubling characteristic of LBO is analyzed chiefly.
202. Chiefly Northern California Chiefly Canada A large, overstuffed sofa with upright armrests.
203. Any of several chiefly Mediterranean plants of the genera Asphodeline and Asphodelus in the lily family, having linear leaves and elongate clusters of white, pink, or yellow flowers.
204. RESULTS: The material basis of the Wuzhuyu decoction was found to be produced chiefly by the chemical constituents contained in No. X4, X9 (rutaecarpine), X10 and X12 chromatographic peaks.
205. Corydalis:any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred, often yellow or pinkish flowers.
206. In a moderately slow tempo, usually considered to be slower than allegretto but faster than adagio. Used chiefly as a direction.
207. A small tree(Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia) commercially grown chiefly in southern Italy for its sour citrus fruits, the rinds of which yield an aromatic oil.
208. The greater amount of information stored on a DVD is chiefly due to the smaller pit size and tighter track spacing, but another factor comes into play, namely compression.
209. RESULTS:Antibacterial eye gutta was mainly used before cataract extraction while compound eye gutta containing antiseptic drugs and glucocorticosteroid were chiefly used after cataract operation.
210. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government.
211. Containing or relating to a group of dark-colored minerals, composed chiefly of magnesium and iron, that occur in igneous rocks.
212. Boomerang: Curved throwing stick used chiefly by the aborigines of Australia for hunting and warfare.
213. Chiefly a review concerning the reason why Chinese governments have renounced war compensation against Japanese aggression after the W.
214. The most common complaint is shortness of breath, chiefly exertional dyspnea at first and then progressing to orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and rest dyspnea.
215. In some countries, Germany especially, people make the sign of the cross at the first part of the doxology , considering it as chiefly a profession of faith.
216. Any of various chiefly tropical Old World birds of the family Meropidae that have brightly colored plumage and feed on bees and wasps.
217. Chiefly the mold of a nan's fortune is in his own hands.
218. MRSA, for methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus, was once spread chiefly in hospitals.
219. Italics are chiefly used to indicate emphasis, a foreign word, etc.
220. OBJECTIVE : To observe the clinical efficacy of treating adiposis hepatica chiefly with silybinin.
221. He slurred over the dead man's faults and spoke chiefly of his virtues.
222. The AFP cases chiefly were Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute myelitis, non-polio enteroviruses and vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis.
223. The stereo projector by polarized light include chiefly. the three parts: the objective lens system of the projection, the condensing system and a source of light.
224. The exploitation and utilization of mineral springs were chiefly manifested in agricultural and handicraft production, medical treatment and health care, tourism and religion.
225. One self-effacing Cobbe, the writer Frances, famously said of her family that it was "chiefly remarkable for never having done anything remarkable''.
226. In the message transferring model, parallel program design chiefly consider the decomposition of computing problem.
227. This evolution has occurred chiefly as a response to increasing labor cost.
228. The government's revenue is made up chiefly of the money we pay in taxes.
229. This paper made chiefly an introduction on turning process of the thin wall copper sleeve and design of fixture structure.
230. A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.
231. A portable charcoal - burning brazier with a grill, used chiefly for cooking.
232. Any of several vines or shrubs of the genus Jasminum, native chiefly to Asia and having usually compound leaves and white or yellow flowers. Some of the fragrant species are used in making perfume.
233. Any of several trumpet-shaped, ciliate protozoans of the genus Stentor, living in dark freshwater pools and feeding chiefly on smaller microorganisms.
234. Chiefly British A hawk of the genus Buteo, having broad wings and a broad tail.
235. His response to attacks on his work was chiefly bewilderment.
236. Results NGF chiefly located in endochylema and cell nucleus of neuron in cerebral cortex , hippocampus and reticular formation of brain stem.
237. When the war broke out in 1914 between England and Germany I raised a volunteer ambulance corps in London consisting of the then resident Indians in London, chiefly students.
238. Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genus Solidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall.
239. However, one type of horse manure from the horse, who feed chiefly on the distillers grains (Type 2 horse manure) proved a good material for A.
240. This paper is chiefly inquired into how to solve the bubble problem in solvent woodenware coa...
241. In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto. Used chiefly as a direction.
242. We purchase your technology chiefly in order to renovate our old equipment.
243. Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.
244. Color of the space is chiefly white. Grayness of the floor and the ceiling accentuates the main shade of white and the special rhythm.
245. Any of various small sharks chiefly of the family Squalidae, of Atlantic and Pacific coastal waters.
246. Any of numerous chiefly tropical, often brightly colored marine fishes of the family Labridae, having spiny fins, thick lips, and powerful jaws, and often valued for food.
247. The author chiefly expounds the relation between sustainable development and human environment relation system control.
248. The early equipment management, which is chiefly the breakdown maintenance, is a passive equipment management style.
249. During multi-factor analysis about age, smoking, drinking, diabetes, hypertension, CHD CVO, and hypercholesterolemia, the factors chiefly selected were age, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension.
250. This paper chiefly discusses the method of elastoplastic motive power response analysis of shear-bending structure and analyzes the dynamic equation of structure.
251. The effectiveness of money policy of one country chiefly onthe transmission mechanism in the financial fields.
252. Any of various ducks, chiefly of the genus Anas, including the mallards, teals, and shovelers ,[] that feed by dabbling in shallow water and are favored as game birds.
253. Diatoms biological functions on subaerial Karst sedimentation are studied chiefly in this paper, including assimilation, tapping and felting effects, encrustation, cementation.
254. The thesis chiefly analyzes technological innovation project choice decision-making model, time selection model and project stop model based on the real options approaches.
255. A word, phrase, or manner of expression used chiefly by uneducated people.
256. The hardware design of GPIB's controller chip is chiefly divided into the realizing of state machine , data channel and the design of microprocessing interface .
257. A yellowish, oily, aromatic substance, C7H 8O 2, derived from guaiacum or wood creosote and used chiefly as an expectorant, a local anesthetic, and an antiseptic.
258. North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
259. Although known chiefly for his violin miniatures, he also wrote an operetta, Apple Blossoms, a string quartet, and cadenzas to the Beethoven and Brahms concertos .
260. The job of the Treasury Secretary is chiefly that of a horse whisperer, to tame skittish financial markets by talking sweetly, if sometimes obliquely, into their ears.
261. The results showed that the first-feeding occurred on 2 DAH, and preyed mainly on copepod nauplius , larval copepod and cladocera, the recipe was chiefly composed of copepod, and large zooplanktons.
262. "In two volumes, " they write, "Hall has given us an epoch-making study, chiefly from the psychological point of view, of the greatest moral genius of all time."
263. Any of several terrestrial, saprophytic, chiefly New World orchids of the genus Corallorhiza having yellowish-green to purplish-brown leafless stems and small flowers.
264. Any of various small, principally nocturnal mammals of the order Insectivora, characteristically feeding chiefly on insects and including the shrews, moles, and hedgehogs.
265. They drew the material of their plays chiefly from myths and legends.
266. With a bow. Used chiefly as a direction to indicate the resumption of bowing after a pizzicato passage.




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