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单词 In essence
1, In essence, all computers are the same.
2, In essence , your situation isn't so different from mine.
3, In essence his message was very simple.
4, In essence, both sides agree on the issue.
5, His theory was not new in essence.
6, Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.
7, His thesis was not new in essence.
8, In essence, fire is networked to a clock.
9, The forces of democracy are in essence kindred spirits.
10, It's all chemicals and electrics, in essence.
11, Is that in essence a central datum of Catholicity?
12, In essence, he had accomplished his original mission.
13, That is, in essence, what I was told.
14, Indeed, listing is in essence a collective preservation order.
15, In essence,(http:///in essence.html) the domestic economy is growing too rapidly.
16, In essence, the power structure at Mega transforms itself.
17, In essence, if she criticizes your work, she is criticizing herself.
18, Data in essence were a free and renewable resource contributed by members of the cooperative and cooperatives like them around the world.
19, His speech was, in essence, a plea for understanding and conciliation.
20, In essence, you are rewarding the behavior, so he is even more likely to repeat it.
21, In essence the surrealist quandary minors the avant-garde's precarious existence.
22, That in essence is what started Pons and Fleischmann on their quest for test-tube fusion.
23, In essence, these programs fostered the emergence of local government professionals who were more capable of making public-private partnerships work.
24, In essence, this requires assessment of whether the extra benefits exceed the higher costs.
25, In essence, investors buy shares in companies, which in turn invest this cash and accumulate the interest generated.
26, The religions are similar in essence, though they differ widely in externals.
27, Prescriptivism is, in essence, the view that it is possible to lay down rules for the correct use of language.
28, In essence, this makes the mouse pointer disappear disconcertingly when the pointer is moved on the pad.
29, The rules of common law and equity are both, in essence, systems of private law.
30, The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.
1, In essence, all computers are the same.
2, In essence , your situation isn't so different from mine.
31, This is in essence a chapter on basic statistical methods with some basic definitions in the beginning.
32, In essence, the effect is a little like repairing the bridges on the Rhine River after the war.
33, These planets are big enough to be regarded as, in essence, stars that didn't quite make it.
34, In essence, formal systems and procedures depend on local knowledge.
35, These, in essence, are the two alternative ways in which the biochemistry of memory might work.
36, In essence, hedgers as a group buy insurance from speculators who take calculated gambles.
37, The idea has become both powerful and productive, but is in essence simple.
38, It was, in essence, a system of power-sharing in which offices were distributed according to the notional strength of the communities.
39, The defence case, which opened last week, will in essence plead incompetence.
40, In essence this is the same issue as that outlined earlier concerning the creativity of the school.
41, In essence he insists that he has a right to attend a college in his home community.
42, Still, the lawsuit has the potential to cause difficulty for Clinton because it is in essence a simple story.
43, Those who initially questioned whether or not the online catalogues were in fact catalogues may have recognized the difference in essence.
44, In essence the principles of pastoral care for children have not been extended to adults.
45, In essence(Sentence dictionary), internal relations previously based on hierarchies and bureaucratic authority are being gradually transformed into actual or surrogate market transactions.
46, Louis, have sprung into being. In essence, they act as keepers of the long-term agenda.
47, In essence, this was his first fight since Garcia, which was almost a year ago.
48, In essence, the rationale for local economic development links economic development to community well-being.
49, The challenges facing schools are considered in detail throughout this book but in essence they require a management response.
50, In essence, the founding giants of the computer industry were diametrically opposed in both platform and product.
51, The encroachment of the Eastern political economy into Utah in essence relegated the Mormon theocracy to the status of an internal colony.
52, In essence these are sash cramps without the longitudinal bar.
53, In essence problem solving presents a new and challenging angle on a site or feature.
54, In essence their class position often forces them into using the environment destructively and inhibits any adaptive response to its inevitable deterioration.
55, Eleven years ago, highway officials voted, in essence, to take Route 66 off the map.
56, In essence we aim to provide a personal service of the highest standard by combining advanced techniques and specialist knowledge.
57, How can we conceptualize this process? In essence, it is quite simple.
58, In essence, it ensures an extra set of eyes will be watching when a single probation officer can not be.
59, In essence, then, credit unions are owned and controlled by their members through elected officials.
60, In essence the model is balanced on a bubble of air and keeps trying to slide off it.
61, It held what was in essence a master plan for murder, said Mr Stuart-Moore.
62, A living being is therefore in essence a potentially self-healing system.
63, Rousseau introduced a new moral system, which was in essence a reiteration of ideas already set forth by Shaftesbury and Pope.
64, Participation is in essence really only a refinement on the methods used to reflexively understand and interpret in everyday life.
65, In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people.
66, In essence, the whole of Fellini can be found in this sequence from La strada.
67, There can be little doubt that this was in essence for Mrs Whitehouse a symbolic or political victory.
68, In essence I proposed that rather than having public investment we should substitute private investment without any Government guarantee.
69, For it is in essence a political crisis without an economic crisis.
70, In essence, therefore, he attempts to reveal the trade-offs between various competing goals.
71, In essence, your method in correspondence with mine.
72, And that is, in essence, what bycatch is.
73, The Falkland Islands, in essence, is a company town.
74, In essence, this is a hostile takeover.
75, Affiance is a contract in essence.
76, The regional development disharmony is disharmony of urban - rural development in essence.
77, So, what I'm trying to impress upon you, in essence, is this: You and I in America are faced not with a segregationist conspiracy(/in essence.html), we're faced with a government conspiracy.
78, In essence, these goals are captured in the words Rotary Shares.
79, The environmental damage of tourism is in essence an external diseconomy of tourism.
80, In essence it is a game of bouncing email/chain mail.
81, What this means in essence is that emotional trauma facilitates the accessing of dissociative states.
82, In essence, officers must give up the depredation conception remained and accept the exchange conception.
83, The committee's recommendations are, in essence, to note calories on the front of packs, and to provide a scale to indicate the relative quantity of added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.
84, In essence, learning in artificial neural networks is an optimization process, that is, an artificial network adjusts the weights of the network on its concrete error information.
85, The decipherment of the language was in essence completed in 1851 and the language was first called Assyrian.
86, In essence, a set of classification rules can be regarded as logical disjunction of rules, so that each rule can be regarded as a disjunct.
87, In essence, the Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) becomes the network operating system.
88, In essence, 3D ventilation network graph is a 'figurative' ventilation network graph, and it surpasses the technical level of the conventional planar network graph.
89, A military committed doctrinally and in terms of capabilities to providing stability throughout the world in essence creates its own demands.
90, The reform of China's marketization is in essence a process of system transition, which is characteristic of gradual advance, experiment and dissemination and non-radical.
91, The block is a band-pass filter or a high-pass filter in essence, thereby the block causes severe noise amplification, and the accuracy of measurement system is infected.
92, In essence, the research seeks to miniaturize the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle drones used in Iraq and Afghanistan for surveillance and reconnaissance.
93, Demand paging, in essence, avoids the condition where this disk space is allocated for no purpose.
94, In the tax price theory, tax is the price that taxpayers pay for consuming public goods, so the exchange relationship of the two sides of tax administration is equal in essence.
95, The Free Press guarantee is, in essence, a structural provision of Constitution.
96, In essence, the cruise missile is a small plane without a pilot.
97, In essence, an R-Value is an expression that cannot appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.
98, Arpeggio is in essence the alternation between fingers plucking the strings in succession.
99, But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.
100, In essence, analysing reliability of semicontinuous convey system in surface miners in the past is only to analyse reliability of continuous link as a past of the whole semicontinuous convey system.
101, The distorted administration values and void institution settings are the dominant difficulties in administration reforms, which hold back the reforms' process in essence.
102, In reality , though, China remains, in essence, a civilisation state.
103, Praising Comedy is, in essence, a false proposition, which is against artistic discipline and comic spirit.
104, In essence, the goal here is to create a small language that allows users to type in relatively simple algebraic expressions that this code will evaluate and produce a result.
105, In essence,(http:///in essence.html) golden seal is also assisting with the reconstruction of holographic knowledge and truth that shall one day be shared amongst all humans.
106, In essence it was a global agar plate waiting to be inoculated.
107, Bonds are not , in essence, long-term notes payable issued to a huge bulk of lenders.
108, The bearing-only location is a nonlinear state estimation in essence; the single observer passive tracking may form a unobservable system, makes the tracking filter instable and divergent.
109, At the same time, the question of learning about multi-classes is solved in essence by using the incremental generating decision function.
110, In essence, anger is a warning bell that tells you something is wrong in a situation. It's a natural response to perceived threats.
111, In essence, curveballs take a batter's peripheral vision for a spin, says a new study on the topic in the journal PloS One.
112, They could, in essence, bypass the use of the menu entirely.
113, At the same time my point out that the writer is in essence a elegiac poet.
114, In essence, you are creating a daisy chain of exceptions.
115, From this point of view, terror and empire are suppositional sub - topics and both of them are loser in essence.
116, A structured object is, in essence, an object that holds references to other objects.
117, Although life is, in essence, a complicated form of carbon chemistry, living creatures cannot process carbon in its elemental form.
118, Fair value is an objective value. Fair value accounting emphasizes the evaluation of objective asset value. In essence, fair value accounting is objective asset evaluation.
119, After "breaking off the way to heaven", the view of communication between god and man tranferred to the one of "unanimity of heaven and man"to deify the king's right in essence.
120, crypto-metering , in essence, disengages the process payment from the process of duplication.
121, However, at lower discount rate and heavy traffic flow the initial cost of construction is in essence irrelevant.
122, In late 19th century and beginning of 20th century, Japan Buddhism did their missions towards China in essence, to aggress against China.
123, As an antitheist in essence, Shu Ting makes independent thinking and demonstrate different being in some Christian issues such as condonation etc.
124, The compression process of herbage material is a rheological process of herbage material processing in essence.
125, In essence, deferreds are a generalization of scheduled callbacks, but allow techniques such as chaining dependent callbacks and handling error conditions in these chains.
126, In essence, this categorical imperative is an expression of the oft-heard moral remonstration: ‘what if everybody did that?
127, Cost is the efficiency of resource allocation in essence, according to the author's opinion, the foundational elements of cost comprise the utility of resource and the factor of time.
128, It is a management service activity in essence; its function can promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful and value appreciation, not going on for detection of fraud specially.
129, Statistical control, in essence, consists of adjusting the dependent variable scores to remove the effect of the control variable.
130, The absolutely void contract is a kind of expression behavior in essence, and its direct consequence is just that it does not have legal force, which can't offer help to the parties in law.
131, In essence, it is a Faraday cage with an entire side connected to earth via multiple ground rods.
132, In essence, the early warning system is a financial analysis technique, and it identifies the achievement analysis of enterprise due to its industry with the help of financial ratios.
133, This essay is an attempt to explore the theoretical bases of the bilingual dictionary criticism according to its philosophical principles since it in essence is a genre of human evaluation.
134, In essence, social security right have five legal characteristics of the citizens' basic rights: indispensable, non-fungible, non-assignable, stable, and maternal for human beings.
135, The purpose of a build pipeline is to execute longer-running processes, in essence, asynchronously, so that once someone has checked in code, they're not delayed in receiving feedback.
135, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
136, As an organic form of state power, parliamentarism differs greatly from people's congress system in essence, principles and position in state organization.
137, Bonds are, in essence, long-term notes payable issued to a large number of lenders.
138, The crisscross-inheritance and atavism are two different concepts in essence. The crisscross-inheritance is a dynamic variation that pathogenic genes of X-chromosome vary with the X-chromosome.
139, In essence, it allows you to carve up multiple workload environments inside of one host and OS kernel.
140, In essence what was involved was proletarian leadership in the united front.
141, Load shedding is , in essence, the load redistribution in cracked components.
142, It provided Asia with a new backstop financing facility -- in essence, a self-insurance fund that came in very handy in successfully cushioning the blows of an unprecedented global shock.
143, In essence, if you washed your dirty dishes with orange soda, they wouldn't come clean.
144, In essence this is a crackdown on undocumented migrants and criminalizes them.
145, In essence, every creative act is no more or less than the reenactment of the Creation.
146, The unfreezing of Sino American relations was in essence a para - ally.
147, Mineris wool in essence refers to two different mingestedriiss: slag wool anyd rock wool.
148, In essence, it was a microscopic etalon in which the parallel reflecting surfaces were thin-film layers created using MEMS techniques.
149, In essence, these types of mainly for-profit schools will be shut down if graduates don't have "gainful employment" to pay back their student loans.
150, The U.S. in essence, but the United States Federal Reserve Board to issue foreign bonds.
151, In essence it is the howl of the die - hards for bourgeois despotism.




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