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单词 Optical
(1) A mirage is an optical illusion.
(2) He has an optical defect.
(3) Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.
(4) They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.
(5) The data is captured by an optical scanner.
(6) Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.
(7) The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.
(8) An optical disk is just another kind of electronic storage medium.
(9) He has optical trouble.
(10) These optical fibres may be used for new sorts of telephony.
(11) A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.
(12) Indeed, their optical properties reflect a non-biological origin.
(13) Again there are various optical systems.
(14) Optical bar-code scanners have revolutionized the postal system.
(15) They sell optical equipment such as cameras and telescopes.
(16) One projected use is for optical recognition experiments.
(17) You will also need a length of optical fibre.
(18) Today, portable optical disc players are also emerging.
(19) See also Optical disks, Rewritable disks.
(20) These are Optical Disks which contain digital data.
(21) The latter show promise in optical system implementations.
(22) The firm designs and sells magnetic and optical sensors for use on factory production lines.
(23) The recent enthusiasm for optical fibres is the result of dramatic advances in optical purity.
(24) The large memory requirements suggest the use of optical disc storage.
(25) Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
(26) I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion.
(27) In his own private laboratory, he worked with ultraviolet radiation at the ultimate resolution of the optical microscope.
(28) These chapters are however well written and clearly show the scope of optical sensor technology in industrial processes.
(29) Despite the cost, Telecom is now irrevocably committed to optical fibres in all its new telephone speech and data trunk lines.
(30) He did not look like a businessman about to discuss optical lenses in the board room at the Zeiss works.
(1) He has an optical defect.
(2) Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
(3) Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.
(4) They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.
(5) He has optical trouble.
(31) He uses an optical scanner and a computer with synthetic voices.
(32) The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.
(33) Others use optical detectors, which seem to respond more quickly to smoke from smouldering fires such as those involving upholstered furniture.
(34) Therefore, I recommend either giving the instrument a thorough test, or else asking for an opinion by an optical expert.
(35) Sometimes the light is carried to and from the point of observation by optical fibres.
(36) The infrared picture is at 10 times the scale of the optical photograph, showing only the very centre of the galaxy.
(37) There is, however, one classical restriction which we must take into account, namely the resolving power of optical instruments.
(38) Most argued that the canals were optical illusions, and that Mars was a cold, waterless, radiation-baked world.
(39) An optical fibre uses total internal reflection to carry a light beam over long distance and around corners.
(40) It is proposed that this collection should be sifted, and the contents scanned and stored electronically on optical media.
(41) The optical paths are evacuated and the suspension systems are insulated against mechanical vibration by shock absorbers.
(42) Even fraction of a second, the optical density of the nucleus is measured and stored in the computer's memory.
(43) Many rocks are composed of a high proportion of echinoderm debris, which is easily recognized because of this optical property.
(44) This could include word processing, a database, case management and optical character recognition.
(45) One example is the method of recognition using template matching which is applied in both speech recognition and optical character recognition.
(46) Polished surfaces give the best optical resolution, and the double polished thin sections described in Chapter 4 are ideal.
(47) Another scientist might have proposed a modification in the optical theory governing the operation of the telescopes used in the investigation.
(48) Contact lenses, now sometimes used with very young children as well as older pupils,[http:///optical.html] provide optical correction in another form.
(49) Shiseido's Wrinkle Smoothing Concentrate works on the principle of an optical illusion.
(50) Another growing use for scanners is as optical character readers.
(51) The fiber-to-the-curb architecture provides high-capacity switched digital network services to optical network units serving multiple residences.
(52) One development of the optical encoder employs two photosensitive devices with a small relative displacement.
(53) It is interesting to examine the optical fibre before using it in the communications system.
(54) The characteristics of optical fibre change with temperature, sufficiently to change the required magnetic field period.
(55) The company has been adept at moving into high-margin businesses such as laboratory services, optical fibres and speciality materials.
(56) The crystal acts as an analyser which ascertains whether or not the photon has polarisation perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal.
(57) Another snag with optical fibre is spurious reflection inside the fibre.
(58) Even optical instruments, such as perspective machines, the cameraobscura and the camera lucida, were used sparingly.
(59) For once, the optical illusion experienced by sailors leaving port seemed apt.
(60) The Offset represents the weird and wonderful, and at first glance has the same unsettling effect as an optical illusion.
(61) Optical approaches also generate less heat and may eventually operate at speeds up to 1, 000 times faster than electronic approaches.
(62) This is an optical illusion in which the diagram of a skeleton cube appears to the observer in either of two orientations.
(63) Massive database management may be one area that could be dominated by optical technology.
(64) Holographic edge filters for Raman spectroscopy are now available from Optilas, the laser and optical specialist.
(65) In the optical system two slotted discs fitted to the end of the rollers.
(66) Optical aids prescribed by a low vision specialist will be described later in this section of the book.
(67) Even better, the full Coliseum will not be an optical illusion.
(68) The first questions Wien asked were related to the resolving power of optical instruments.
(69) The final chapter where the current commercial applications of optical fiber technology are reviewed is very informative.
(70) But lasers have snags: even with optical fibres, lasers can not reach every part of the body.
(71) I found the authors' expert discussion of the role of the electroweak force in promoting optical activity in biopolymers quite fascinating.
(72) Nikon use an optical zoom lens that has a 2.5x range.
(73) First, insects have compound eyes consisting of up to several thousand optical units called ommatidia, each with a single lens.
(74) Both have optical equipment that allows pilots to carry out nighttime bombing missions.
(75) To be seen clearly under an optical microscope, cell tissues often have to be stained to increase contrast.
(76) In their report, the prime minister's advisers did not come out against optical fibres altogether.
(77) This is called an optical illusion, which means that your eyes trick you into seeing something that is not really there.
(78) We have seen that it turns a state of arbitrary polarisation into one polarised perpendicular to the crystal's optical axis.
(79) Wilkinson's fourth case was that of an optical company,[] making spectacle lenses.
(80) It was probably an optical illusion, but the place seemed to be flying more eagles and swastikas than stars and stripes.
(81) For this reason the phase control signals to these upper base drives are often transmitted via a stage of optical isolation.
(82) Even knowing what he did, Kirov found it difficult to see how the optical illusion had been managed.
(83) Quantum, optical, chemical, analogue and evolutionary computers all offer opportunities to rethink completely the way we do computing.
(84) It is distinguished by an X-Windows/Motif interface, and its ability to integrate with optical character readers and document processors.
(85) One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer.
(86) Business machines accounted for 81.3 percent of net sales as demand for cameras and other optical products slipped, it said.
(87) However, the dimensions of the smallest circuit-parts will soon have shrunk beyond the limit that optical microscopes can resolve.
(88) Another mass-storage option gaining in popularity is the optical drive.
(89) IskraTEL specialists are currently laying optical fibre cables to connect the city's exchanges.
(90) The comparable figure, it said, for optical fibres was nearly £2000.
(91) This absorption band comes from the spherical geometry of the particles and the particular optical properties of the gold.
(92) It is not the purpose here to explain exactly how an optical fibre works in terms of total internal reflection.
(93) Intense searches have revealed no optical or other signal from the partner, nor does it eclipse the quasar.
(94) To save space and money, Canon omitted the standard optical viewfinder.
(95) The inset picture shows a slotted bus-bar for use with the optical sensor.
(96) Once documents have been scanned and indexed, they have to be saved to optical disk.
(97) Next we get the usual nonsense: wordless dialogue, optical semaphoring, gauche laughter, ear-splitting silence.
(98) Radiation in the optical range and at radio frequencies can be detected either locally or at Earth stations.
(99) It also explains why it is virtually certain that Britain's main trunk lines will rely on optical fibre.
(100) Sending such digital signals lends itself well to using light along optical fibres rather than electrical signals along copper wires.
(101) This, thought Robert[], was something of an optical achievement on her part.
(102) The chapter on applications gives a good overview on optical, mechanical and chemical microsystems and components.
(103) But the dozens of optical and radio observatories on the ground are complemented by very few astronomy satellites.
(104) The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures.
(105) Using this method, the input device is an optical scanner, which captures the image as a pixel representation.
(106) Any image, black-and-white or colour, was always worsted in this optical smorgasbord.
(107) This has generated some confusing comparisons between the capability of optical fibre and coaxial cables.
(108) The obstacle to optical fibre communication is lift loss due to impurities in the glass.
(109) Mrs Thatcher's panel of advisers recommend against linking homes with optical fibres on the grounds of cost.
(110) For example,[http:///optical.html] distinction between calcite and dolomite is difficult because they have similar optical properties.
(111) She remained there for four years, during which time she conducted researches on the optical properties of organic compounds.
(112) One of the projects close to commercial realisation uses optical fibre to sense a current flowing in a conductor.
(113) A spectrograph uses optical elements called gratings or prisms to separate the light gathered by a telescope into its component colors.
(114) This can be on-line or off-line recognition of hand-printed characters, or of machine-printed characters using optical character recognition.
(115) A schematic diagram of an optical waveguide with a surface-immobilised antibody, designed for the competitive immunoassay of an antigen.
(116) In telecommunications, optical fibres made of glass will gradually replace the traditional copper cables in new equipment.
(117) Many companies use optical scanners to input information from paper resumes.
(118) At the time of writing, there was little to suggest that viable palmtop optical media were about to appear.
(119) Moreover, these market figures only take account of multi-media delivered on a stand-alone optical disc platform.
(120) The two main ways of converting the rotation of the internal rollers to electrical signals are partially conductive wheels and optical discs.
(121) The benefits are free prescriptions, optical and dental charges and help with fares to hospitals.
(122) This level of magnification shows the eye as an optical instrument.
(123) Indeed, the acoustic microscope complements well the capabilities of optical and electron microscopes, offering important advantages in certain areas.
(124) We are not immediately concerned whether they are based on off-line, optical discs or on online technology by way of broadband networks.
(125) Although the encoder illustrated is optical the position pulses could equally well be obtained using the waveform detection systems described later.
(126) No optical counterpart has been observed.
(127) Visual tri - stimulus colorimeters are optical devices.
(128) Information rate measurement for an optical system is discussed.
(129) This paper studied a four-layer Kerr-type nonlinear slab-guided optical mode(TE mode) and obtained the analytical solution.
(130) Each optical amplifier can also include a discrete optical amplifier.
(131) The status of optical inter(?)onnection application in WSI today is given in this paper for the first time[], and both the problems and the solution are according to pra(?)tical processing steps.
(132) With the balanced TE and TM modes, the measured results show that the TE-TM phase-difference modulator of the CPM can be used to realize good optical circular-polarization modulation.
(133) The market of optical transmission equipment of different type rises a circumstance to be as follows.
(134) This is a control optical switch procedure for the adoption of Serial control.
(135) The optical system consists of glass reflector and divergent lens.
(136) A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.
(137) It is shown that under the action of misaligned asymmetric first-order optical systems AGSM beams do not preserve the closed property.
(138) An achromatic conformal optical system working within infrared waveband was designed by him.
(139) The six channel instantaneous optical pyrometer is used to measure the thermal radiation of the light source at six bands from visible to near infrared spectrum.
(140) Spontaneous emission and resonance fluorescence of an adatom adsorbed near a smail metallic particle are studied by means of the surface-dressed optical Bloch equations and the modified image theory.
(141) A scheme of transmitter is proposed,[http:///optical.html] which consists of a semiconductor laser master oscillator and an EDFA optical power amplifier (MOPA).
(142) The failure mechanism of lead bronze shaft sleeves with many pits on their internal surface is analyzed by optical metallograph and EPMA.
(143) A method of H-D two-line analysis is given and isochromate equation of pseudo-color code of optical image is obtained.
(144) In this paper, the optical bistability in two-photon resonance media is discussed theoretically.
(145) With the compensator in place any optical path difference arises from the actual path difference.
(146) Clock component extraction of non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal based on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) loop mirror was numerically simulated and experimentally studied.
(147) We fabricated tilted buried stripe semiconductor optical amplifier by tensile strained InGaAs bulk active region.
(148) Once in place on authorized Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET), users will experience significantly less network delay, or latency, common to securing large information files.
(149) It is a key problem to detect the ultrashort pulse in optical communication system.
(150) The application of MPPM(Multi-Pulse Position Modulation)in optical wireless communication was studied in this paper, and a new modulation technique described as Improved MPPM(IMPPM)was presented.
(151) The wireless data transmission of the data acquisition for the rotary joint are studied, including the radio data transmission and optical data transmission.
(152) Quantum dots (QDs) have great electrical, optical properties and wide potential applications on nano-electronics, opto-electronics and quantum calculation in future.
(153) This paper compares GMPLS and MPLS and explains how to improve MPLS. It also discusses the application of GMPLS in the optical control plane.
(154) The S-typed optical isomer is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, wherein the curative effect is twice of that of the racemate, and the adverse reaction is lower.
(155) The principle and structure of optical instrument transformer are introduced, the remain issues in the research are also discussed.
(156) The model of voice coil motor and optical pickup unit are analyzed, the model parameters are tested, the model of DVD focus servo system is built and the simulation is carried out.
(157) In this paper, the several problems of optical design for a dynamic measure apparatus are discussed from the point of view of laser and optical engineering.
(158) The invention relates to an erasable two-photon polarized multivariate, multistage and multilayer optical storage technology based on a bisazo benzene polymer.
(159) An OLM also provides the connection between electrical and optical networks with a mixed design.
(160) The property of the optical spectrum and imaging systems is analyzed based on the Wigner transformation and its property.
(161) MEMS is one of the hot topics in the optical communication.
(162) Humic acid extracted from peat was classified into seven fractions by alcohol precipitation technique for the analysis of thermolysis(), flocculation limit and some optical properties.
(163) An evaluating method of fabrication error of a optical element with arbitrary profile was introduced.
(164) The recording laser shift from red laser to blue laser in next generation optical storage.
(165) The New 3 D Optical Desktop Scanner affordable for all!
(166) The principle of the optical shutter system is presented, and a system is designed according to the wavelength and repetition frequency of light pulse, and the dimension and length of bunches in HLS.
(167) The Thiokol has been used in space-borne infrared optical systems and electron-electrical systems.
(168) Optical transition effect is a fundamental physical process in the narrow gap semiconductor infrared detectors.
(169) When high-resolution optical multispectral image is used for SAR image fusion,[/optical.html] its spatial component should be extracted first.
(170) All optical packet switching networks are still in their experimental stage because we lack optical random access memory and mature all optical processing technologies nowadays.
(171) In a bulk-glass optical current sensing system, when the fluctuations of the driving current or the ambient temperature of the optical source happens, the peak wavelength of the source will change.
(172) In order to achieve output laser of TEM_(00) mode and high conversion efficiency, its necessary to have a favorable optical coupling system between pump laser and resonator.
(173) For medium and large optical concave lens into a set or single piece of fine grinding process.
(174) A new holography optical scanning holography has been proposed, which is a hybrid optoelectrical processing technology.
(175) This paper developed a method of optical network management by using the existed IP network as signaling channel.
(176) The influences of optical phonon modes on polaron self-trapping energies as functions of well width are given respectively.
(177) Insertion Loss, Polarization Dependence Loss, Return Loss and Wavelength Dependence Loss are primary parameters of MEMS optical switch.
(178) A power-factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2 is designed, which uses optical coupler and specific LED drive chip.
(179) Objective To investigate the effect of decompression of optical canal via pterion approach for traumatic optic nerve injury.
(180) Selections of acquisition scan methods decide the acquisition performance of a terminal in intersatellite optical communications under the same external conditions and system parameters.
(181) The output power and optical efficiency of different resonator parameters and pump power have been analyzed with numerical calculation.
(182) Nonlinear optical phase conjugation technology can be used in adaptive optics and optical information processing.
(183) In the high rate of optical communications system, the selection of optical source is very important.
(184) Green shows optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and blue at the galaxy's core represents radio data from the Very Large Array in New Mexico.
(185) Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) is a new technology cross sectional images of objects.
(186) The obtained results offer a possibility of developing new methods for determination of optical constants of crystals.
(187) The optical fiber cladding serves as an important part of the fiber connector, an optical passive component of the greatest demand in optical communications field.
(188) Auto focusing technology is widely used in all kinds of optical apparatus.
(189) The device could shape the future of high-speed signal processing, integrated circuits, optical communications, supercomputing and other applications.
(190) The autonomous optical navigation algorithm based on Earth-Moon information during the cislunar transfer orbit phase is presented.
(191) Flange - type variable optical attenuator: attenuation with high accuracy, small size, convenient, good stability and so on.
(192) An achromatic conformal optical system working within infrared waveband was designed.
(193) Based on the nonreciprocal property of Faraday effect, we investigate the light output from optical reflection cavity filled with Faraday optical rotation medium.
(194) Digital holography is a mix of optical holography, computer technology and electronic imaging technology.
(195) This paper introduces a method by means of microwave up shift circuit to increase the performances of optical analog CATV system, the principle and concerned problems are briefly described.
(196) To solve this problem, the optical fiber sensing technique is applied to slope model test.
(197) Its accuracy and optical resolution may be influenced by atmospheric absorption bands.
(198) According to structural property of linear optical amplifier (LOA),[http:///optical.html] a model was built using rate equations.
(199) For their wide potential application in many fields such as integrating optics, optical signal processing and optical communications, they have attracted more and more attention of scientists.
(200) Electro - optical effect of liquid crystal cells is investigated with Jones matrix method.
(201) Scintillation optical fiber is applied to ray imaging more and more widely.
(202) Objective To investigate the application of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) in traumatic macular disease.
(203) The model - based reconstruction algorithm is adopted in order to conquer the ill-posedness in optical tomography.
(204) This paper presents the experimental method to measure the high reflectivity of optical mirror by cavity ring-down spectroscopy.
(205) Unlike optical systems, acoustic check systems can bother the passengers of a vehicle a lot.
(206) The FVT11M is a mini fiber-optic video transmitter for use over multimode optical fiber.
(207) This paper focuses on the application and the new trend of Optical Engineering in the optical measurement and optical fiber communication.
(208) After centrifugation , broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope.
(209) This paper presents briefly the importance of an optical power meter in optical fiber measurement technology, and discusses the principle of operation and design methods.
(210) Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.
(211) As with all interferometric methods, optical path length changes of the light waves are observed through interferometric fringe pattern analysis.
(212) The results show that the optical constants decreased with the decrease of metal volume fraction.
(213) The Thunderbolt series combination of the optical and traditional, for the puppet out of a different direction.
(214) An optical fiber is a dielectric ( nonconductor of electricity ) waveguide made of glass or plastic.
(215) According to the Daily Mail of October 23, photographer Reyaz Limalia spotted an optical phenomenon known as "ice rainbow" near Birdlip, UK and stopped his car to register the moment.
(216) To deal with the problem of how to improve communication quality in optical wireless communication, a method integrating spreading spectrum and convolutional encoding is been put forward.
(217) The hardware includes optical receiving equipment, signal amplification equipment, information processing equipment, communications equipment and LCD devices and so on.
(218) The front-end amplifier for optical receiver is made up of two important circuits: preamplifier and main amplifier.
(219) A new optical image encryption method using dissymmetrical fractional Fourier transform and double random phase encoding was presented.
(220) After that, this paper briefly introduced the Optical splitter's characteristics of amplication by calculate a uniformly widen three energy level ratio equation and transmission equation.
(221) The surface scattering loss (SSL) in the optical loss of laser reflectors is the main(), sometimes fatal influence on the performance and test of high-grade precision and advance instruments.
(222) A patient suffering from Creutzfeld - Jakob disease ( CJD ) complained of optical hallucinations, followed by feelings of persecution.
(223) This paper describes the measurement of coherent harmonic emission, the synchronization of seed laser with electron beam, and the gap control of the optical klystron.
(224) The DNA chip detection system a CCD camera, fluorescence imaging optical system, and image collecting board.
(225) The performance of optical telescope and TA(telescope array)as optical terminal in laser inter-satellites communication is researched.
(226) It's well known that both thermal self-defocusing effect and reverse saturated absorption can lead to optical limiting.
(227) The outputs of this kind of optical fiber reflective sensor are independent of the characteristics of the light source, of the losses in the ambient medium and the target reflectivity.
(228) A general calculation method to obtain the transmission spectrum of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) is presented.
(228) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(229) An optical stabilizer for semiconductor laser controlled by monolithic microcomputer is studied in this paper.
(230) In order to overcome the overlapped absorption structures in differential optical absorption spectroscopy(DOAS), a method of spectrum correction based on Kalman filtering is developed.
(231) It has been shown that the cooperative behavior in lower branch and the one-atom behavior in higher branch are of universal significance to the optical bistability.
(232) The rule of adaxial image formation is studied, of the transmission light and reflected light through the two optical surfaces L_1 and L_2 of the biconvex lens.
(233) Quadruplex system has greatly saved the resource of optical fiber and induced the cost per video channel.
(234) A novel submarine optical fiber cable monitoring system based on BOTDR and sonar is proposed, and the method of measurement is also discussed.
(235) This article introduces local optical fiber cable making up of network, that the fiber network resources configure principle, that fiber network optimize principle.
(236) These are modern materials having greater uniformity and higher optical sensitivity.
(237) Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is an optical fiber passive device and develops quickly in the last decade.
(238) Interferometric optical testing using computer-generated hologram (CGH) can give highly accurate measurement of aspheric surfaces has been proved.
(239) In order to satisfy the request of superhigh-speed, superhigh-capacity optical communication system, lots of optical communication models appear.
(240) Photonic RF phase shifters based on OTTD(optical true time delay), heterodyne mixing technique and vector sum technique were introduced. The principles and features were proposed and analyzed.
(241) Computer-generated hologram (CGH) was used to design filters for optical filtering experiment.
(242) The calculation of a complex-multinomial is discussed and a new optical method performing truth-table look-up processing is proposed.
(243) Simulates nonlinear effect in optical fiber called Cross Phase Modulation for symmetric regime has been tested.
(244) The data channel scheduling algorithm of traditional algorithm in optical burst switch is analyzed.
(245) The Optical Engineering Master's Degree trains senior engineers and technicians for research, design, fabrication, operation management and control of optical engineering processes.
(246) An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.
(247) Data reliability and work efficiency can be improved in this way. DDE technique between Zemax and Matlab is very helpful in the field of optical system design and optimization.
(248) The ground-based radar at various band and optical system have been used extensively to measure and investigate the meteor event.
(249) The method the paper is applicable for the analysis of more complicated optical waveguide devices.
(250) The calculation shows that an oxygen-iodine amplifier using multiple optical path may get high amplification ratio and high chemical efficiency.
(251) A simple means is to pick up pulses in optical blind region from profile of lidar ceilometer witch is multiple scattering from falling precipitation.
(252) It refers to artificial material with the basically the same physical, optical and chemical performances as natural boule .
(253) The quality , optical transmissivity and homogeneity of the sapphire boule have remarkably improved.
(254) An application of the computer digital image processing in the microscope morphological analysis of optical fiber is introduced on this paper.
(255) The developments and present situation of magneto - optical materials rare earth ( RE ) iron garnets, were reviewed.
(256) Anatomical structure of Yucca gloriosa was observed with the optical microscope by paraffin method.
(257) The far-field optical characteristics of concave microlens array in quartz substrate are given.
(258) To isolate the retroreflections from the - oscillation in multipass amplifier system, the large - aperture electro - optical switch is required.
(258) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(259) Stable optical trapping of human red blood cells (RBCs), Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow cells and Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous cells was achieved using this system.
(260) Interesting in phthalocyanines modified by different substituents is growing in many fields such as organic nonlinear optical material, photoconducting device, and photodynamic therapy.
(261) Product of monitor, optical storage, advocate board begin large - scale fight.
(262) Finally given are our detailed work results. We get the FWHM and EE of the Yunnan Observatory 1m optical telescope.
(263) The transmission properties of the one-dimensional photonic crystals with defects were studied using the eigen matrix method, and a new kind of tunable optical filter is proposed in this paper.
(264) In resent years, significant progress have been made in Free - Space Optical communication.
(265) The principle and methods of small vibration measurement by mean of optical interference method are also probed in this paper. We fulfilled the computer simulation.
(266) The second, we summarize the optical heterodyning modulation technology, and calculate the spectrum of optical mm-wave signal generated by this modulation technology.
(267) In the test of shooting range , it is called optics measure image which we have gotten images through using optical equipment as film altazimuth -, high speed film equipment -. trajectory camera.
(268) Such hard X-rays can pass through interstellar gas or dust which otherwise blocks ultraviolet, optical and soft-X-ray light.
(269) Beam contributor means an indivisible optical assembly including a lens.
(270) In this paper, optical encoder measuring principle described in detail, and precision optical encoder impact factors are analyzed in detail.
(271) D. degrees in optical engineering from Tianjin University, P. R. China, in 1999, 2002 and 2004, respectively.
(272) No. 2 running board lights red lights, speed optical switch that state.
(273) In this paper, the optical characteristic of rainbow titania - mica composites is discussed.
(274) In addition, the ray effect in the spherical harmonics approximation mitigates with increasing optical thickness within gray medium.
(275) In the end we use tunable fiber Fabry-Perot filter do realize SSB and carrier suppression in optical communication system in order to illustrate the performance of the filter.
(276) The optical system of a refracting telescope is essentially the as that of a compound microscope.
(277) Scrub each optical surface with a gauze pad soaked in acetone.
(278) To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.
(279) The light beam surfacing system was developed which consisted of light beam generator, optical focusing system, powder-feed apparatus and work table.
(280) Electroless nickel plating is introduced to metallize the optical fiber probe.
(281) This application has gained a satisfactory result for effectively managing communication optical cable resources, shortening the repair time,[] and diminishing the loss caused by faults.
(282) An analytical description of the low-pass optical filtering performed by defocused imaging is established.
(283) Application : For surface protection of optical film such as polarizer.
(284) When the input optic field is constant, the existence of optical bistability and the phenomenon of critical slowing down are analyzed through a new way.
(285) Moreover, the stabilization of the complexes, especially the influence of the optical activity of dipeptide on the stabilization has been discussed.
(286) Meanwhile, accuracy tests performed with the optical localizer show that the accuracy of system is suited for ENT and other surgeries.
(287) Introduces the issues on application of CCTV system based on the MPEG-4 compression, SDH optical transmission and large capacity hard disc storage technologies in urban rail transportation.
(288) Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable.
(289) A near - infrared spectrometer based on an integrated optical acoustooptic tunable filter ( IAOTF ) is constructed.
(290) The system used signal amplification processing technology based on a pair of optical paths to improve the system's detection sensitivity.
(291) The paper mainly introduces the design project of HFC forward transmission network in Antu County, including scheme, technique index and system index testing of optical cable transmission network.
(292) G-APD array detector has two outstanding characters: single photon sensitivity and pico-second resolving power, which makes the detector very suitable for the weak optical signal 3-D imaging.
(293) Two special optical devices LCLC - lens are introduced, and their design philosophy and structures are descibed.
(294) OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) is an important branch of pattern recognition.




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